

//> //>

The idea is that you declare a variable of type tTableQuery and tell it what table and what //> filters you want and what output order you want. TQ then calculates the index to use for the. //> scan. If it can not find an index in accordance with the desired output it will collect //> all the sorting information in memory and refind the records in the desired order. //> //> If the code happens to be running against an MSSQL backend it will skip all the figuring //> out and apply embedded SQL to the problem. This gives a potentially huge performance //> increase at no effort on behalf of the programmer. //> //> oTQ is a global object (of class cTableQueryFunctions) that encapsulates a group of //> functions. Using it to scan all orders in the order table goes like this:

//> //> //> Use TableQueryFunctions.pkg // Define oTableQueryFunctions object //> //> Procedure RunQuery //> tTableQuery strQuery // I use the prefix 'str' to signify a struct type variable. //> //> Get NewQuery of oTQ Order.File_Number to strQuery //> //> While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strQuery)) //> Showln Order.Order_Number //> Loop //> End_Procedure //> //> //>

Note that the strQuery parameter is passed "by reference" to the FindRecord //> function. That variable maintains the complete state of the scan and it is //> modified for each iteration. The table query object itself is stateless. //> //> For every loop of the FindRecord function the record buffer of the order //> table will be active with the record found. If you are planning on modifying or //> deleting these rows you should force a "prefetch" of the rows by inserting

//> //> //> Send ForcePrefetch of oTQ (&strQuery) //> //> //> right after the "Get NewQuery..." line. Transparantly to the FindRecord loop this //> will find all the rows in advance and store their rowid's in an array. Only //> then will it start looping through the array finding each record (again) by its rowid. //> //> //> Not having to constantly write 'of oTQ' the code becomes easier to //> read and therefore this form will be used from here on. But in real life, always //> use the oTQ object. //> //> //> Now let us say that we wanted (1) all invoices for a particular customer that was (2) //> payed after a given date. Furthermore this Invoice table has a column called Country //> and (3) we only want invoices for a subset of countries. And the records should be //> ordered by the amount on the order, highest amount first (4). //> //> //> Object oMyQuery is a cTableQueryFunctions //> Procedure RunQuery //> String[] aCountries //> tTableQuery strQuery //> //> Get ListOfCountries to aCountries // Arbitrary list. It's an array of strings. That's what's important. //> //> Get NewQuery Invoice.File_Number to strQuery //> Send AddFilterRelate (&strQuery) Customer.File_Number // 1 //> Send AddFilter (&strQuery) File_Field Invoice.Payed_Date tqGT dSomeDate // 2 //> Send AddFilterOrlist (&strQuery) File_Field Invoice.Country aCountries // 3 (must be a string array no matter the column data type) //> //> // And we also want it to be ordered backwards by the order total: //> Send AddOrderBy (&strQuery) File_Field Invoice.Total True False // 4 (bDescending=True bUppercase=False) //> // (add more ordering segments) //> //> While (FindRecord(Self,&strQuery)) //> Showln Invoice.Invoice_Number " " Invoice.Total //> Loop //> End_Procedure //> End_Object //> //> //> If you look at filter (2) in the example above you can see that the ">"-comperator is represented by //> a tqGT symbol. Other comperators that may be used are: //> //> tqLT, tqLE, tqEQ, tqGE, tqGT //> //> end then there are these special ones intended for string evaluation and which cannot be used //> for search optimization: //> //> tqNE, tqMATCH, tqUCMATCH //> //> Well, tqNE is not just for string evaluation. //> //> //> You can run nested queries like this: //> //> //> Object oMyQuery is a cTableQueryFunctions //> Procedure RunQuery //> tTableQuery strOrderQ strOrderLineQ //> //> Get NewQuery Order.File_Number to strOrderQ //> //> While (FindRecord(Self,&strOrderQ)) // <-- Go through all orders //> Get NewQuery OrderLine.File_Number to strOrderLineQ //> Send AddFilterRelate (&strOrderLineQ) Order.File_Number //> //> While (FindRecord(Self,&strOrderLineQ)) // <-- Go through all lines on active order //> // Something //> Loop //> Loop //> End_Procedure //> End_Object //> //> //> If you have a 2 level scan like above, you can save execution time by creating //> the sub-query only once and then call ReUse to reinitialise it. //> //> With the ReUse method you can skip the repeated compilation (of the inner query): //> //> //> Object oMyQuery is a cTableQueryFunctions //> Procedure RunQuery //> Open Order //> Open OrderLin //> tTableQuery strOrderQ strOrderlineQ //> Get NewQuery Order.file_number to strOrderQ //> Get NewQuery OrderLin.file_number to strOrderlineQ //> Send AddFilterRelate (&strOrderlineQ) Order.file_number //> //> While (FindRecord(Self,&strOrderQ)) //> Send ReUse (&strOrderlineQ) // Only "compile" once //> While (FindRecord(Self,&strOrderlineQ)) //> Loop //> Loop //> End_Procedure //> End_Object //> //> //> You may use the .iLimit member of the tTableQuery value to limit //> the number of rows returned: //> //> //> Send SetLimit (&strQuery) 50 //> //> //> And finally, to quickly find out if a query will return any rows at all //> you can call function HasData: //> //> //> Get HasData strQuery to bContinue // Note that strQuery for once is _not_ byref'ed. //> //> //> Calling HasData could be a lot faster than setting iLimit to 1 since the latter //> strategy may still force the query machine into generating the whole result-set and //> sort it some way in order to find out which record is actually the first. Calling //> HasData does not do that. //> //> If the table that you are table querying is an SQL table and it has been "opened as", TableQuery //> has no way of knowing what table name to use in the select statement. If you prepare the //> query with this line: //> //> //> Send ForceSQLTableName (&strQuery) "Customer" //> //> //> that name will be used in the ESQL select statement and you'll be fine. //> //> A note on the source code in this package: //> //> An "_" character in the beginning of a name indicates that the procedure, property or whatever is //> meant to be used internally by this package only. //> //> Variable names are prefixed by s if string, b if boolean asf. Struct type variables are prefixed //> 'str' which should make one think 'struct' (not 'string'). //> //> In order to test the function of TableQueryFunctions.pkg without actually programming you may //> download VDFXray (a multi-purpose VDF utility) from this address: //> //> ftp.stureaps.dk/software/visualdataflex/vdfxray/ //> //> Use VDFXray to open a workspace, select a table in the tables list. Right click and select //> "TableQuery Engine Inspector". //> //> You'll notice two panels appearing with the "TableQuery test facility" panel on top. If //> your screen is large enough try to position that panel so that you can see the list of //> columns in the panel behind it. If necessary by dragging the second panel partly off //> screen. You'll see the selection of that list changes as you specify columns to filter by. //> pkg.doc.end // DAW packages: Use VdfBase.pkg Use cli.pkg Use sql.pkg // StureApsPublicLib packages Use DateFunctions.pkg // oDateFunctions object Use StringFunctions.pkg // oStringFunctions object Use IndexFunctions.pkg Use StackFunctions.pkg // oStackFunctions object Use FileFunctions.pkg // oFileFunctions object Use TemporaryTables.pkg Use WindowsInfo.pkg Use SQLStatementHandles.pkg Use TableDriverFunctions.pkg Use StructFunctions.pkg Use RecordBufferFunctions.pkg Enum_List // Column value types Define tqSTRING Define tqNUMBER Define tqTEXT Define tqDATE Define tqDATETIME End_Enum_List Enum_List // Filter comparison modes Define tqLT Define tqLE Define tqEQ Define tqGE Define tqGT Define tqNE // These can never be used for index optimization: // Define tqCONTAINS // DO NOT USE // Define tqIN // DO NOT USE (use orlist instead) Define tqMATCH // When evaluated on the embedded database tqMATCH and tqUCMATCH may be Define tqUCMATCH // expensive. On SQL they are converted to 'like' predicates and they fly. Define _tqComparisonMax // Stop-marker End_Enum_List // Struct tTQResultRow // RowID riRowId // String sSortValue // String[] aColumnValues // End_Struct class _cTQResultRow is a cArray item_property_list item_property string psRowID item_property string psSortValue item_property array phColumnValues // Pointer to string array end_item_property_list _cTQResultRow end_class // Struct tTQResultSet // Integer iTable // tTQResultRow[] aRecords // Integer _iCurrentRowPointer // End_Struct class _cTQResultSet is a cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg property integer piTable property integer phRecords // Points to _cTQResultRow type object property integer _piCurrentRowPointer end_procedure end_class // Struct _tTQValueSource // // An actual value is derived like this: // // If iTable<>0 then: get_field_value iTable iColumn // // Else If (hFunction<>0) then: get hFunction of hObject iColumn // Column is passed to hFunction as argument // // Else If aOrList has elements the value of the _iOrListPointer'th element in aOrList is assumed // // Else: sConstant // Integer iTable // Integer iColumn // // Integer hObject // Integer hFunction // // Integer iType // Integer iLen // Integer iDecimals // // String sConstant // // String _sValue // // String[] aOrList // Integer _iOrListPointer // // String sSQLResultSetColumnName // // Integer iSQLResultSetColumnNumber // This is implicitly given by the position of the _tTQValueSource member in the aSelectedColumns array of a tTableQuery type variable. // End_Struct class _cTQValueSource is a cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg end_procedure end_class Struct tTQFilterSegment _tTQValueSource strLeftValue Integer iComp // tqEQ, tqLT, tgLE, tqMATCH etc... tWildCardEvalSequence strMatchEvalSequence // If selection by wild card string matching this member is needed _tTQValueSource strRightValue End_Struct Struct _tTQTableRelationSegment Integer iSourceTable Integer iSourceColumn Integer iInnerJoinComp Integer iTargetColumn End_Struct Struct tTQTableRelation Integer iTargetTable // The table that is being related to String sForceSQLTableName // If represented in a select statement we can force its name by setting this _tTQTableRelationSegment[] aSegments // The columns being used for the relation. Note that these may stem from a number of different // child tables. Note also that if aSegments is empty the record of the iTargetTable table is // constant for the duration of the query execution. But they are all in effect "outer left joins". Integer _iEmbeddedIndex // What embedded index should be used to find a record of this kind (the iTargetTable kind) Boolean bFixed // A table is fixed if the record buffer is constant through the query. Boolean bInnerJoin // If a relation is marked as "inner join" the SQL generated will do something I can't remember. End_Struct Struct tTQFilterExpression // Number nExpense // Expected expense of evaluating this expression. Boolean bNot // Applies to strOperand or aSubExpressions whichever is 'active' tTQFilterSegment strOperand tTQFilterExpression[] aSubExpressions // If this array has members then tTQFilterSegment is disregarded Integer iAndOr // 0=leaf(nothing), 1=and, 2=or, 3=xOr Boolean _bOpen End_Struct // a or b and c xor (d or not(e)) Enum_List // Filter expression 'keys' Define _tqKeyNULL Define tqKeyAND Define tqKeyOR Define tqKeyNOT Define tqKeyPARLEFT Define tqKeyPARRIGHT End_Enum_List Struct tTQOrderBySegment Boolean bDescending Boolean bUppercase _tTQValueSource strValueSource End_Struct Struct _tTQInnerJoinControlBlock Boolean bEnabled // Inner join enabled Boolean bInitialized // Inner join initialised String[] aCurrentParentSortValues // Sort values of current parent record Boolean bSkipNextFetch // First run in inner join Boolean bEndOfResultSet End_Struct Struct tTQPrefetchCacheControl Boolean bUseSettings Integer iPrefetchRecordCount Integer iPrefetchRecordTimeout End_Struct Struct tTSQueryControlBlock Boolean bCompiled Boolean bInitialized // How much do we prefer to limit the number of finds performed against the // database over not having to sort all the selected rows in an array? // // A value of 0.1 (its default value) indicates that we are willing to accept // 10 times more finds to not have to prefetch the whole set. A value of 1 // would mean that we are not willing to perform any unnecessary finds and // thus prefetching would only occur if absolutely necessary. // // (actually it might make sense to set it according to the computing power or the // network speed of the client and the expected size of the result set) // // If you set it higher than 1 it will prefer prefetch indices for no good // reason (so don't do that). Number nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor // Default assigned by NewQuery is 0.1 Integer iFindCount Integer iSelectCount Boolean bFirstRecord Boolean bBreakScan String sLogTag Integer iCursor Boolean[] aRelatedRecords // True if the same index in the aTableRelations array has already been executed Integer iQueryMethod // tqDataFlex, tqSQLPKG or tqMERTECHINC tSQLStatementHandle strSQLStatementHandle Boolean bSQLTableIsAnsi tTQPrefetchCacheControl strSQLCacheControl tTQPrefetchCacheControl _strPreviousSQLCacheControl // Used to push the cache settings and restore previous value upon loop exit _tTQInnerJoinControlBlock strInnerJoinCB Boolean bFilterExpressionActive End_Struct Enum_List // Query methods Define tqDATAFLEX Define tqSQLPKG Define tqMERTECHINC End_Enum_List // Struct tTSQueryCompiled // Integer iIndex // Boolean bBackwards // // Number nENR // Expected number of rows according to iIndex. If nENR is zero the index is fully specified // // Boolean bPrefetch // Boolean bIndexSeedSharpeningEnabled // Integer _iLimit // Integer _iPushLimit // tTQFilterSegment[] aJumpInValues // tTQFilterSegment[] aJumpOutValues // tTQFilterSegment[] aOtherConditions // Non optimized conditions // End_Struct class _cTSQueryCompiled is an cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg property integer piIndex property integer pbBackwards property number pnENR property integer pbPrefetch property integer pbIndexSeedSharpeningEnabled property integer _piLimit property integer _piPushLimit end_procedure end_class class _cTSQueryControlBlock is an cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg end_procedure end_class class _cTQResultSet is an cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg end_procedure end_class class cTableQueryCM is an cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg property integer piTable property integer pbNoESQL //> If true: Do not use ESQL even if SQL table. property integer pbForcePrefetch //> If true: Force finding of all rows before FindRecord loop execution. property integer piForceLimit //> If you don't care what the query analyzer says, you may force the table scan to be performed by this index (-1 means no force) property integer piLImit //> Limits the amount of rows returned by the loop property string psForceSQLTableName //> Use this table name when generating ESQL (over the default value from filelist.cfg) property string psForceSQLStatement //> DANGER! Use this to completely overtake the SQL generated by TQ. It's your responsability then that the columns of the result set are in synch with what TQ expects (qua the result set specification). property integer _pbOutputColumnsFixated property integer pbRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion object _ostrCompiled is an Array NO_IMAGE end_object object _ostrControlBlock is an Array NO_IMAGE end_object object _ostrResultSet is an Array NO_IMAGE end_object end_procedure end_class //> The supreme struct! Struct tTableQuery Integer iTable Boolean bNoESQL //> If true: Do not use ESQL even if SQL table. Boolean bForcePrefetch //> If true: Force finding of all rows before FindRecord loop execution. Integer iForceIndex //> If you don't care what the query analyzer says, you may force the table scan to be performed by this index (-1 means no force) Integer iLimit //> Limits the amount of rows returned by the loop String sForceSQLTableName //> Use this table name when generating ESQL (over the default value from filelist.cfg) String sForceSQLStatement //> DANGER! Use this to completely overtake the SQL generated by TQ. It's your responsability then that the columns of the result set are in synch with what TQ expects (qua the result set specification). // Select: _tTQValueSource[] aColumnSources //> If this array is empty TQ will by default activate the iTable buffer. _tTQValueSource[] aOutputColumns //> This array contains a copy of the items added to aColumnSources that are column specific. The order of the columns will be identical to the order in which they were added Boolean _bOutputColumnsFixated Boolean bRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion // Where: tTQFilterSegment[] aFilters //> Segments are and'ed // Where (for filterexpressions): tTQFilterExpression[] aFilterExpressions //> are of course also and'ed if there are more of them // Order by: tTQOrderBySegment[] aOrdering // House keeping: tTSQueryCompiled _strCompiled tTSQueryControlBlock _strControlBlock tTQResultSet strResultSet tTQTableRelation[] aTableRelations //> Defines relations to parent tables End_Struct Struct _tTQIndexRating Integer iIndex Number nExpectedNumberRows // With the filters supplied, how many rows can we expect to find by this index. Boolean bOutputAgree // Does the index agree with the output order specified? Integer iKeyLevels Integer iKeyLength // A short key length might rate better if everything else was equal. End_Struct Struct _tTQIndexAnalysis Number[] aSegmentReductions End_Struct Struct tTQTableAnalysis Boolean bInitialized DateTime dtAnalysisDateTime Number nNumberOfRecords _tTQIndexAnalysis[] aIndices String sTimeToComplete End_Struct Struct tTQTableMeta Integer _iIsInitialized Integer[] aIndices // Indices to scan End_Struct Global_Variable tTQTableAnalysis[] _gTQaTableAnalysis Global_Variable tTQTableMeta[] _gTQaTableMeta Global_Variable Integer _giTQLogState // 0=No logging, 1=Log when LogTag'ed, 2=Log always Global_Variable Integer[] _gaTQLogTables Procedure Set TableQuery_LogState Global Integer iState Move iState to _giTQLogState End_Procedure Class cTableQuerySQL is a cObject // Generates an SQL statement Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Property String psCollation "Latin1_General_BIN" // Or maybe "SQL_Latin1_CP850_BIN"? Who knows? End_Procedure Function _SQL_ColumnName tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Integer iTable Integer iColumn Returns String String sValue Get ColumnName of hoTQ strQ iTable iColumn True to sValue Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQL_TableName tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Integer iTable Returns String String sValue Get TableName of hoTQ strQ iTable to sValue Move ("["+sValue+"]") to sValue Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQL_SelectColumns tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iMax iItem iTable iColumn String sColumnList sColumnName sTableName Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)-1) to iMax If (iMax>=0) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem<>0) Begin Move (sColumnList+",") to sColumnList End Move strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iTable to iTable Move strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn to iColumn If (iColumn<>0) Begin Get _SQL_ColumnName strQ hoTQ iTable iColumn to sColumnName End Else Begin Get TableName of hoTQ strQ iTable to sTableName Move (sTableName+".*") to sColumnName End Move (sColumnList+sColumnName) to sColumnList Loop End Else Begin Move "*" to sColumnList End Function_Return sColumnList End_Function Procedure _SQL_OuterLeftJoin_AddSegments tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ String ByRef sFromTables Integer iRelateItem Integer iItem iItemMax String sColumnName sComp tTQTableRelation strRelation Move strQ.aTableRelations[iRelateItem] to strRelation Move (SizeOfArray(strRelation.aSegments)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (iItem<>0) Begin Move (sFromTables+" AND") to sFromTables End Get _SQL_ColumnName strQ hoTQ strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iSourceTable strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iSourceColumn to sColumnName Move (sFromTables*sColumnName) to sFromTables Get _SQL_WhereClauseComperator strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iInnerJoinComp False to sComp Move (sFromTables*sComp) to sFromTables Get _SQL_ColumnName strQ hoTQ strRelation.iTargetTable strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iTargetColumn to sColumnName Move (sFromTables*sColumnName) to sFromTables Loop End_Procedure //select f.foo // , b.bar // , q.qux // from footable as f //left outer // join bartable as b // on f.id = b.fid //left outer // join quxtable as q // on b.id = q.bid Function _SQL_OuterLeftJoins tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iItem iItemMax String sFromTables sTableName Get TableName of hoTQ strQ strQ.iTable to sFromTables Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (not(strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].bFixed)) Begin Get _SQL_TableName strQ hoTQ strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].iTargetTable to sTableName Move (sFromTables+" left outer join"*sTableName+" on (") to sFromTables Send _SQL_OuterLeftJoin_AddSegments strQ hoTQ (&sFromTables) iItem Move (sFromTables+")") to sFromTables End Loop Function_Return sFromTables End_Function Function _SQL_InnerJoins tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iItem iItemMax String sFromTables sTableName Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].bInnerJoin) Begin Get _SQL_TableName strQ hoTQ strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].iTargetTable to sTableName Move (sFromTables+" inner join"*sTableName+" on (") to sFromTables Send _SQL_OuterLeftJoin_AddSegments strQ hoTQ (&sFromTables) iItem Move (sFromTables+")") to sFromTables End Loop Function_Return sFromTables End_Function Function _SQL_WhereClauseComperator Integer iComp Boolean bIn Returns String If (bIn) Begin Function_Return " in " End If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return "<" If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return "<=" If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return "=" If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return ">=" If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return ">" If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return "<>" If (iComp=tqMATCH) Function_Return " like " // This can't be guaranteed on SQL. or what? If (iComp=tqUCMATCH) Function_Return " like " // If (iComp=tqCONTAINS) Function_Return "contains" Function_Return "error" End_Function Function EscapeStringConstant String sValue Returns String Function_Return (Replaces("'",sValue,"''")) // cross fingers End_Function Function _SQL_WhereClauseValue tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Integer iComp _tTQValueSource strValue Returns String Boolean bFixed bDoValue Integer iMax iItem String sValue sColumnName sSQLdate If (iComp=tqEQ and SizeOfArray(strValue.aOrList)<>0) Begin // IN Move (SizeOfArray(strValue.aOrList)-1) to iMax Move "(" to sValue For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem>0) Begin Move (sValue+",") to sValue End If (strValue.iType=tqSTRING or strValue.iType=tqTEXT) Begin Move (sValue+"'"+EscapeStringConstant(Self,strValue.aOrList[iItem])+"'") to sValue End Else If (strValue.iType=tqDATE or strValue.iType=tqDATETIME) Begin Get DFDateToSQLDate of strQ._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle (Date(strValue.aOrList[iItem])) to sSQLdate Move (sValue+"'"+sSQLdate+"'") to sValue End Else Begin Move (sValue+strValue.aOrList[iItem]) to sValue End Loop Move (sValue+")") to sValue End Else Begin Move True to bDoValue If (strValue.iTable<>0) Begin Get _IsTableFixed of hoTQ strQ strValue.iTable to bFixed If (not(bFixed)) Begin Get _SQL_ColumnName strQ hoTQ strValue.iTable strValue.iColumn to sColumnName Move sColumnName to sValue Move False to bDoValue End End If (bDoValue) Begin // Either it's a constant or it's a fixed table: Get _ValueSourceValue of hoTQ (&strQ) strValue to sValue If (iComp=tqMATCH or iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Move (Replaces("%",sValue,"\%")) to sValue // Escape all SQL wildcard patterns Move (Replaces("_",sValue,"\_")) to sValue // that happens to be in the string Move (Replaces("[",sValue,"\[")) to sValue // by chance. Move (Replaces("]",sValue,"\]")) to sValue Move (Replaces("*",sValue,"%")) to sValue // Replace our own * and ? wildcards Move (Replaces("?",sValue,"_")) to sValue // with their SQL counterparts. If (iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Move (Uppercase(sValue)) to sValue End End If (strValue.iType=tqSTRING or strValue.iType=tqTEXT) Begin Move ("'"+EscapeStringConstant(Self,sValue)+"'") to sValue End Else If (strValue.iType=tqDATE or strValue.iType=tqDATETIME) Begin Get DFDateToSQLDate of strQ._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle (Date(sValue)) to sValue Move ("'"+sValue+"'") to sValue End If (iComp=tqMATCH or iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Move (sValue*"ESCAPE '\'") to sValue // tell mssql that the pattern has been escaped with the "\" character. End End End Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQL_WhereClauseSegment tTableQuery strQ tTQFilterSegment strSegment Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iTable iColumn Boolean bIn String sValue Move strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable to iTable Move strSegment.strLeftValue.iColumn to iColumn Get _SQL_ColumnName strq hoTQ iTable iColumn to sValue Move (SizeOfArray(strSegment.strRightValue.aOrList)<>0) to bIn Move (sValue+_SQL_WhereClauseComperator(Self,strSegment.iComp,bIn)) to sValue Move (sValue+_SQL_WhereClauseValue(Self,strQ,hoTQ,strSegment.iComp,strSegment.strRightValue)) to sValue Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQL_WhereClauseExpressionSegment tTableQuery strQ tTQFilterExpression[] aSegments Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iItem iItemMax String sValue Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (iItem>0) Begin If (aSegments[iItem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyAND) Begin Move (sValue*"AND") to sValue End Else If (aSegments[iItem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyOR) Begin Move (sValue*"OR") to sValue End Else Begin Send OnError 738 "Illegal operator in where clause expression" End End If (aSegments[iItem].bNot) Begin Move (sValue*"NOT") to sValue End If (SizeOfArray(aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions)>0) Begin Move (sValue*_SQL_WhereClauseExpressionSegment(Self,strQ,aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions,hoTQ)) to sValue End Else Begin Move (sValue*_SQL_WhereClauseSegment(Self,strQ,aSegments[iItem].strOperand,hoTQ)) to sValue End Loop Function_Return ("("+Trim(sValue)+")") End_Function Function _SQL_WhereClause tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iMax iItem Boolean bAddAND String sValue Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilters)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem<>0) Begin Move (sValue*"and") to sValue End Move (sValue*_SQL_WhereClauseSegment(Self,strQ,strQ.aFilters[iItem],hoTQ)) to sValue Loop Move (iMax>=0) to bAddAND Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilterExpressions)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem>0 or bAddAND) Begin Move (sValue*"and") to sValue End Move (sValue*_SQL_WhereClauseExpressionSegment(Self,strQ,strQ.aFilterExpressions[iItem].aSubExpressions,hoTQ)) to sValue Loop Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQL_OrderByClause tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String Integer iItem iMax iTable iColumn String sValue sColumnName Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aOrdering)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem<>0) Begin Move (sValue+", ") to sValue End Move strQ.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iTable to iTable Move strQ.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iColumn to iColumn Get _SQL_ColumnName strQ hoTQ iTable iColumn to sColumnName Move (sValue+sColumnName) to sValue If (strQ.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iType=tqSTRING) Begin Move (sValue+" collate "+psCollation(Self)) to sValue End If (strQ.aOrdering[iItem].bDescending) Begin Move (sValue*"DESC") to sValue End // ToDo: uppercase ordering // If (strQ.aOrdering[iItem].bUppercase) Begin // // Somethings wrong here. And it's not the 'lower' instead of 'upper' // Move (sValue*"lower("+sValue+")") to sValue // End Loop Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _SQLSelectStatement tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String String sStatement Move "select" to sStatement If (strQ.iLimit>0) Begin Move (sStatement*"top "+String(strQ.iLimit)) to sStatement End If (strQ.iLimit<0) Begin Move (sStatement*"bottom "+String(0-strQ.iLimit)) to sStatement End Move (sStatement*_SQL_SelectColumns(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement Move (sStatement*" from") to sStatement Move (sStatement*_SQL_OuterLeftJoins(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement // related records Move (sStatement*_SQL_InnerJoins(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement // find child records for each parent If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilters)<>0 or SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilterExpressions)<>0) Begin Move (sStatement*" where") to sStatement Move (sStatement*_SQL_WhereClause(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement End If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aOrdering)<>0) Begin Move (sStatement*" order by") to sStatement Move (sStatement*_SQL_OrderByClause(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement End Function_Return sStatement End_Function Function _SQLDeleteStatement tTableQuery strQ Integer hoTQ Returns String String sStatement Move "delete" to sStatement // If (strQ.iLimit<>0) Begin // Send OnError 742 "Limit not allowed on delete statement" // Function_Return "" // Error // End // // If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)>0) Begin // Send OnError 743 "Result column not allowed on delete statement" // Function_Return "" // Error // End Move (sStatement*" from") to sStatement Move (sStatement*_SQL_OuterLeftJoins(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement // related records Move (sStatement*_SQL_InnerJoins(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement // find child records for each parent If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilters)<>0 or SizeOfArray(strQ.aFilterExpressions)<>0) Begin Move (sStatement*" where") to sStatement Move (sStatement*_SQL_WhereClause(Self,strQ,hoTQ)) to sStatement End // If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aOrdering)>0) Begin // Send OnError 744 "Ordering not allowed on delete statement" // Function_Return "" // Error // End Function_Return sStatement End_Function End_Class Class cTableQueryFunctions is a cObject Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Property Number _pnPrefetchAvoidanceFactor // Temporary property used by index rating sort algorithm Object oSQLGeneratorMSSQLDRV is a cTableQuerySQL End_Object Property Handle phoSQLGeneratorMSSQLDRC (oSQLGeneratorMSSQLDRV(Self)) End_Procedure Function Version Returns String // Function_Return "0.96" // 9-05-2012 // Fixed error in MSSQLDRV SQL generating when an ordering segment is both ASCII and descending // Removed timing and track of current-record // Function_Return "0.97" // 10-05-2012 // Addded methods ResetResultSetColumns and ResetOrdering // Fixed seeding error on backwards ASCII columns // Bug in ResultColumnValue function fixed // Bug in _FindFirstRecordAux function fixed (related to 'VFind GE') // SQL handling of dates repaired // Parent column filter bugfix. No longer ends up in jump-in/out filters by accident // Fixed _ValidateQuery to correctly complain about over-constrain on parent table columns // Public function SQLStatement renamed to SQLSelectStatement // Function_Return "0.98" // 29-11-2012 // SQL date handling is now also effective if column type is DF_DATETIME (may go wrong if value also has a time part) // Implementation of private function _DeleteConstraint changed (old one still there for 15.1) // Method DeleteRecords added (ignore, not tested) // Function_Return "0.99" // 04-04-2013 // Fixed bug in AddFilterTableColumn method. // Comperators tqCONTAINS and tqIN have been removed. // Filter evaluating for index seeding capacitance has been fixed. Until now filters on parent tables may have wronged the index selection process. // Error handling changed. All errors are now declared as DFERR_PROGRAM. If cTableQueryFunctions is subclassed procedure OnError may be augmented to do otherwise. // Function HasData was designed to check for data before the main finding loop was entered. It may now also meaningfully be called after the main loop to query if the loop had any data at all. // Function FixedTables added. Returns an array of tables that are referenced as "fixed" during the execution of a query. So if I want to repeat the find loop of a particular tTableQuery variable at a later time, the record buffers of these fixed tables must be restored to that of the original query. Does this make sense? // Similarly NotFixedTables has been added. // Function Belongs added. Returns true if the record currently in the buffer of the query main table evaluates true against the filters of query variable passed. // Procedure RestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion added. Use to have TQ restore all affected record buffers on find loop completion. // Function_Return "0.991" // 25-09-2013 Function_Return "0.992" End_Function Function NewQuery Integer iTable Returns tTableQuery Integer iFilterTable iArg tTableQuery strQuery Move iTable to strQuery.iTable Move -1 to strQuery.iForceIndex Move False to strQuery.bForcePrefetch Move False to strQuery.bNoESQL Move False to strQuery.bRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled Move -1 to strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod Move 0.1 to strQuery._strControlBlock.nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEnabled // (CB=Control Block) Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bInitialized Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive Move True to strQuery._strCompiled.bIndexSeedSharpeningEnabled Move False to strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards Move -1 to strQuery._strCompiled.nENR Move False to strQuery._bOutputColumnsFixated Send ReadTableDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable // Make sure that oOverlapColumnFunctions knows about this table If (num_arguments>1) Begin // For a while multiple parameters was allowed. Therefore this. Also for a while. Error 343 "TQ: Illegal call to NewQuery" End Function_Return strQuery End_Function Procedure OnError Integer iErrNo String sErrorText Error DFERR_PROGRAM ("TQ-"+String(iErrNo)+": "+sErrorText) End_Procedure //> If you have a 2 level scan (scanning orders, and order lines for each order) you can save execution time by creating //> the sub-query only once and then call ReUse to reinitialise it. //> //> This is how you might go about it without the ReUse method: //> //> Open Order //> Open OrderLin //> tTableQuery strOrderQuery strOrderlineQuery //> //> Get NewQuery of oTQ Order.file_number to strOrderQuery //> //> While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strOrderQuery)) //> Get NewQuery of oTQ OrderLin.file_number to strOrderlineQuery // New query for each order //> Send AddFilterRelate of oTQ (&strOrderlineQuery) Order.file_number //> While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strOrderlineQuery)) //> Loop //> Loop //> //> With the ReUse method you can skip the repeated "compilation" of the inner query: //> //> Open Order //> Open OrderLin //> tTableQuery strOrderQuery strOrderlineQuery //> Get NewQuery of oTQ Order.file_number to strOrderQuery //> Get NewQuery of oTQ OrderLin.file_number to strOrderlineQuery //> Send AddFilterRelate of oTQ (&strOrderlineQuery) Order.file_number //> //> While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strOrderQuery)) //> Send ReUse of oTQ (&strOrderlineQuery) //> While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strOrderlineQuery)) //> Loop //> Loop //> Procedure ReUse tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized End_Procedure //> The scanning algorithm may transparantly to the FindRecord loop decide //> to find all the rows in advance (if for example the desired output order //> is incompatible with the optimum search order). But if you call ForcePrefind //> you can force the algorithm to pre-find the rows regardless of whether it //> is necessary (or not?). //> This is relevant if editing indexed columns of the rows found during the //> FindRecord loop. // //> ForcePrefetch has no relevance (but does no harm) when run on a SQL table because the //> algorithm in this case generates an SQL statement via the driver. In this //> mode way the rows are "pre-found" anyway. Procedure ForcePrefetch tTableQuery ByRef strQuery // Records will be prefetched. Move True to strQuery.bForcePrefetch End_Procedure //> Even if we are querying an SQL table we may have reasons to force TQ to use //> the record oriented driver interface. This call does that: //> //> Send ForcePrefetch of oTQ (&strQ) //> //> If in addition we also want to specify the cache parameters used by the //> driver we can also specify prefetch count and cache timeout (for the //> duration of the query: //> //> Send ForcePrefetch of oTQ (&strQ) 1000 2000 //> //> This sets the prefetch cache to 1000 records and cache timeout to 2 seconds //> and this will most certaimly give you a boost compared to the default values //> which are 10/records/10ms. Procedure ForceNoESQL tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iPrefetchSize Integer iCacheTimeoutMS // ESQL will not be applied Move True to strQuery.bNoESQL If (num_arguments>1) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.bUseSettings Move iPrefetchSize to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordCount If (num_arguments>2) Begin Move iCacheTimeoutMS to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout End Else Begin Move 0 to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout End End Else Begin Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.bUseSettings End End_Procedure //> Don't evaluate, just use iIndex I tell you. Ignored by ESQL Procedure ForceIndex tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iIndex Move iIndex to strQuery.iForceIndex End_Procedure //> Limit number of rows in the result set. Procedure SetLimit tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iLimit Move iLimit to strQuery.iLimit End_Procedure // Procedure SetExpectedNumberOfRecords tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iResultSetSize // Just a thought // End_Procedure //> Use this table name when generating ESQL rather than the default one. Because I tell you to! Procedure ForceSQLTableName tTableQuery ByRef strQuery String sSqlTableName Move sSqlTableName to strQuery.sForceSQLTableName End_Procedure //> DANGER! Completely overtakes the scene. Make sure to "select" the columns expected by TQ Procedure ForceSQLStatement tTableQuery ByRef strQuery String sSQLStatement Move sSQLStatement to strQuery.sForceSQLStatement End_Procedure Procedure RestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Boolean bState Move bState to strQuery.bRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion End_Procedure //> Use LogTag to distinguish between different FindRecord loops in the log. Or //> between different situations in different runs of the same FindLoop. When this is set, TQ //> will create a record in an un-listed log table by the name of (LogTableName(oTQ,strQuery)) Procedure SetLogTag tTableQuery ByRef strQuery String sTag Move sTag to strQuery._strControlBlock.sLogTag End_Procedure //> Call BreakScan to terminate the FindRecord loop on next iteration. Note that when (explicitly or implicitly) we have set //> the bForcePrefetch attribute, this will not be effective until we enter the actual find-loop. Which in that case will be //> after all the rows have been found. Procedure BreakScan tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan End_Procedure //> After query execution this will return an (english) string: "So many selected rows in so many finds" Function StatisticsString tTableQuery strQuery Returns String Integer iFound iSelect Move strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount to iFound Move strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount to iSelect Function_Return (String(iSelect)+" selected rows (in "+String(iFound)+" finds)") End_Function //> Returns the number of milliseconds it takes to make an "empty" round-trip to the SQL server. It makes at least 4 server calls. Function ZeroSelectTime Integer iTable Returns Number tSystemTimeMS strStart strStop tTableQuery strQuery Boolean bFound Get NewQuery iTable to strQuery Send ForceSQLStatement (&strQuery) "select 1" Repeat Get FindRecord (&strQuery) to bFound Until (not(bFound)) Send ReUse (&strQuery) Get SystemTimeMilliSeconds of oDateFunctions to strStart // We time the second loop (in case the first loop had to set up a connection) Repeat Get FindRecord (&strQuery) to bFound Until (not(bFound)) Get SystemTimeMilliSeconds of oDateFunctions to strStop Function_Return (SystemTimeMilliSecondsElapsed(oDateFunctions,strStart, strStop)) End_Function //> Returns the table name of iTable as used (in SQL staments) in the strQuery context. Function TableName tTableQuery strQuery Integer iTable Returns String Integer iRelateItem String sValue If (iTable=strQuery.iTable) Begin Move strQuery.sForceSQLTableName to sValue End Else Begin Get _FindTableRelation strQuery iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem>=0) Begin Move strQuery.aTableRelations[iRelateItem].sForceSQLTableName to sValue End End If (sValue="") Begin Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME of iTable to sValue End If (sValue="") Begin Send OnError 701 ("Table name could not be found for table "+String(iTable)) End Function_Return sValue End_Function //> Returns column name of iTable.iColumn as used (in SQL staments) in the strQuery context. Function ColumnName tTableQuery strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bIncludeTableName Returns String String sColumnName sTableName Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME of iTable iColumn to sColumnName If (sColumnName<>"") Begin If (bIncludeTableName) Begin Get TableName strQuery iTable iColumn to sTableName Function_Return (sTableName+"."+sColumnName) End Else Begin Function_Return sColumnName End End Function_Return "" End_Function Function ComperatorID2String Integer iComp Returns String If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return "<" If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return "<=" If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return "=" If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return ">=" If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return ">" If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return "<>" // If (iComp=tqIN) Function_Return "in" // If (iComp=tqCONTAINS) Function_Return "contains" If (iComp=tqMATCH) Function_Return "match" If (iComp=tqUCMATCH) Function_Return "ucmatch" Function_Return "error" End_Function Function ComperatorID2ComperatorString Integer iComp Returns String If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return "tqLT" If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return "tqLE" If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return "tqEQ" If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return "tqGE" If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return "tqGT" If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return "tqNE" // If (iComp=tqIN) Function_Return "tqIN" // If (iComp=tqCONTAINS) Function_Return "tqCONTAINS" If (iComp=tqMATCH) Function_Return "tqMATCH" If (iComp=tqUCMATCH) Function_Return "tqUCMATCH" End_Function Function ComperatorString2ID String sComp Returns Integer Integer iMax iItem Move (_tqComparisonMax-1) to iMax Move (Lowercase(sComp)) to sComp For iItem from 0 to iMax If (sComp=Lowercase(ComperatorID2String(Self,iItem))) Begin Function_Return iItem End Loop Function_Return -1 // not found End_Function Procedure AddOrderBy tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bDescending Boolean bUppercase Integer iCount iRelateItem Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aOrdering)) to iCount Move iTable to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].strValueSource.iTable Move iColumn to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].strValueSource.iColumn Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].strValueSource.iType If (num_arguments>=4) Begin Move bDescending to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].bDescending End Else Begin Move False to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].bDescending End If (num_arguments>=5) Begin Move bUppercase to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].bUppercase End Else Begin Move False to strQuery.aOrdering[iCount].bUppercase End If (iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin // We will also check if this parent table is accessible via the known table relations: Get _FindTableRelation strQuery iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem=-1) Begin Send OnError 702 ("Unknown table relation to table "+String(iTable)) End Else Begin // We're ordering by a parent table column which makes us have to prefetch the result: Move True to strQuery.bForcePrefetch End End End_Procedure //> Delete all ordering information from the strQuery variable Procedure ResetOrdering tTableQuery ByRef strQuery // Check that the query is not already executing If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized) Begin Send OnError 740 "ResetOrdering called while query is executing" End Else Begin Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.aOrdering,0)) to strQuery.aOrdering End End_Procedure Function _FindOrderBySegment tTableQuery strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn Returns Integer Integer iItem iItemMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aOrdering)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (iTable=strQuery.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iTable and iColumn=strQuery.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iColumn) Begin Function_Return iItem End Loop Function_Return -1 // Not found End_Function //> Shorthand for sending the AddOrdering a number of times to match the factual search order of a particular index. It's hard to explain why you'd do it, but I have. Procedure SetOrderByToIndex tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iIndex tOCIndex strIndex Integer iSegment iSegments Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions strQuery.iTable iIndex to strIndex Move (SizeOfArray(strIndex.aSegments)-1) to iSegments For iSegment from 0 to iSegments Send AddOrderBy (&strQuery) strQuery.iTable strIndex.aSegments[iSegment].iColumn strIndex.aSegments[iSegment].bDescending strIndex.aSegments[iSegment].bUppercase Loop End_Procedure Function _ColumnType Integer iTable Integer iColumn Returns Integer Integer iVdfType Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of iTable iColumn to iVdfType If (iVdfType=DF_ASCII) Function_Return tqSTRING If (iVdfType=DF_OVERLAP) Function_Return tqSTRING If (iVdfType=DF_BCD) Function_Return tqNUMBER If (iVdfType=DF_DATE) Function_Return tqDATE If (iVdfType=DF_DATETIME) Function_Return tqDATETIME If (iVdfType=DF_TEXT) Function_Return tqTEXT Function_Return -1 End_Function Procedure AddFilter tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn Integer iComp String sConstant Integer iConstraintIndex iRelateItem tTQFilterSegment strSegment Move iTable to strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable Move iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iColumn Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iType Move iComp to strSegment.iComp Move sConstant to strSegment.strRightValue.sConstant Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strSegment.strRightValue.iType If (iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin // Check if this parent table is accessible via the known table relations: Get _FindTableRelation strQuery iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem=-1) Begin Send OnError 703 ("Unknown table relation to table "+String(iTable)) End End If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send FilterExpressionAddOperand (&strQuery) strSegment End Else Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)) to iConstraintIndex Move strSegment to strQuery.aFilters[iConstraintIndex] End End_Procedure Procedure AddFilterOrList tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn String[] aOrList Integer iConstraintIndex iRelateItem tTQFilterSegment strSegment Move iTable to strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable Move iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iColumn Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iType Move tqEQ to strSegment.iComp Move aOrList to strSegment.strRightValue.aOrList Move 0 to strSegment.strRightValue._iOrListPointer Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strSegment.strRightValue.iType If (iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin // Check if this parent table is accessible via the known table relations: Get _FindTableRelation strQuery iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem=-1) Begin Send OnError 704 ("Unknown table relation to table "+String(iTable)) End End If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send FilterExpressionAddOperand (&strQuery) strSegment End Else Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)) to iConstraintIndex Move strSegment to strQuery.aFilters[iConstraintIndex] End End_Procedure Procedure AddFilterTableColumn tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable Integer iColumn Integer iComp Integer iFilterTable Integer iFilterColumn Integer iConstraintIndex iRelateItem tTQFilterSegment strSegment Move iTable to strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable Move iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iColumn Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strSegment.strLeftValue.iType Move iComp to strSegment.iComp Move iFilterTable to strSegment.strRightValue.iTable Move iFilterColumn to strSegment.strRightValue.iColumn Get _ColumnType iFilterTable iFilterColumn to strSegment.strRightValue.iType If (strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin // Check if left hand table is accessible via the known table relations: Get _FindTableRelation strQuery strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem=-1) Begin Send OnError 705 ("Unknown table relation to table "+String(strSegment.strLeftValue.iTable)) End End If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send FilterExpressionAddOperand (&strQuery) strSegment End Else Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)) to iConstraintIndex Move strSegment to strQuery.aFilters[iConstraintIndex] End End_Procedure Procedure _AddConstrainRelateSegments tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable Integer[] aColumns Integer iRelTable Integer[] aRelColumns Integer iColumns iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aColumns)-1) to iColumns If ((iColumns+1)<>SizeOfArray(aRelColumns)) Begin Send OnError 706 "Number of segments do not match in AddFilterRelate method" End For iItem from 0 to iColumns If (iItem<>0 and strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send FilterPressKey (&strQuery) tqKeyAND // Put and between the segments End Send AddFilterTableColumn (&strQuery) iTable aColumns[iItem] tqEQ iRelTable aRelColumns[iItem] Loop End_Procedure Procedure AddFilterRelate tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iParentTable Integer iTable iColumn iColumns iRelTable iRelColumn Boolean bAnyColumnsAtAll Send ReadTableDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iParentTable Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move False to bAnyColumnsAtAll Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of iTable to iColumns For iColumn from 1 to iColumns Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_RELATED_FILE of iTable iColumn to iRelTable If (iRelTable=iParentTable) Begin Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_RELATED_FIELD of iTable iColumn to iRelColumn Send _AddConstrainRelateSegments (&strQuery) strQuery.iTable (TranslateOverlap(oOverlapColumnFunctions,iTable,iColumn)) iRelTable (TranslateOverlap(oOverlapColumnFunctions,iRelTable,iRelColumn)) Move True to bAnyColumnsAtAll End Loop If (bAnyColumnsAtAll) Begin // If there were any segments relating we assume that the relation is good. If not we consider it an error of the table definitions. // Tell the relationship handler that it should not worry about iParentTable. It is automatically and constantly related. Send AddTableRelationFixedRecord (&strQuery) iParentTable End Else Begin Send OnError 707 "Main query table does not relate to the parent table passed" End End_Procedure //> AddFilterRelateFixedRecord is equivalent to AddFilterRelate but it defines the //> filter based on constant filters rather than dynamic "table column filters". Procedure AddFilterRelateFixedRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iParentTable Integer iTable iColumn iColumns iRelTable iRelColumn iIndex iMax Integer[] aColumns aRelColumns String sValue Boolean bAnythingAtAll Send ReadTableDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iParentTable Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move False to bAnythingAtAll Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of iTable to iColumns For iColumn from 1 to iColumns Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_RELATED_FILE of iTable iColumn to iRelTable If (iRelTable=iParentTable) Begin Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_RELATED_FIELD of iTable iColumn to iRelColumn Get TranslateOverlap of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable iColumn to aColumns Get TranslateOverlap of oOverlapColumnFunctions iRelTable iRelColumn to aRelColumns Move (SizeOfArray(aColumns)-1) to iMax If ((iMax+1)=SizeOfArray(aRelColumns)) Begin Get_Field_Value iRelColumn aRelColumns[iIndex] to sValue Send AddFilter (&strQuery) iTable aColumns[iIndex] tqEQ sValue Move True to bAnythingAtAll End Else Begin Send OnError 745 "Number of segments do not match in AddFilterRelateAsConstant method" End End Loop If (not(bAnythingAtAll)) Begin // If there were any segments relating we assume that the relation is good. If not we consider it an error of the table definitions. Send OnError 746 "Main query table does not relate to the parent table passed" End End_Procedure Procedure FilterKeyPadOn tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iItem If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send OnError 708 "Filter expression already active (keypad is already on)" End Else Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilterExpressions)) to iItem Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive Move False to strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iItem]._bOpen End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterExpressionAndOr tTQFilterExpression[] ByRef aSegments Integer iKey Integer iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iItem If (iItem>=0 and aSegments[iItem].iAndOr=_tqKeyNULL) Begin If (aSegments[iItem]._bOpen) Begin Send _FilterExpressionAndOr (&aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions) iKey End Else Begin Move iKey to aSegments[iItem].iAndOr End End Else Begin Send OnError 709 "Logical operator (AND/OR) not allowed" End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterExpressionNot tTQFilterExpression[] ByRef aSegments Integer iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iItem If (iItem>=0) Begin If (aSegments[iItem]._bOpen) Begin Send _FilterExpressionNot (&aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions) End Else Begin If (aSegments[iItem].iAndOr=_tqKeyNULL) Begin Move True to aSegments[iItem].bNot End Else Begin Send OnError 710 "Logical operator (NOT) not allowed" End End End Else Begin Send OnError 711 "Logical operator (NOT) not allowed" End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterExpressionLeftParenthesis tTQFilterExpression[] ByRef aSegments Integer iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iItem If (iItem>=0) Begin If (aSegments[iItem]._bOpen) Begin Send _FilterExpressionLeftParenthesis (&aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions) End Else Begin If (aSegments[iItem].iAndOr=_tqKeyNULL) Begin Move True to aSegments[iItem]._bOpen End Else Begin Move True to aSegments[iItem+1]._bOpen End End End Else Begin Send OnError 713 "'(' not allowed" End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterExpressionRightParenthesis tTQFilterExpression[] ByRef aSegments Integer iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iItem If (iItem>=0) Begin If (aSegments[iItem]._bOpen) Begin If (SizeOfArray(aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions)=0 or not(aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions[SizeOfArray(aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions)-1]._bOpen)) Begin Move False to aSegments[iItem]._bOpen End Else Begin Send _FilterExpressionRightParenthesis (&aSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions) End End Else Begin Send OnError 714 "')' not allowed" End End Else Begin Send OnError 715 "Empty sub-expression, ')' not allowed" End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterPressKey tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iKey Integer iActiveFilterExpression If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilterExpressions)-1) to iActiveFilterExpression If (iKey=tqKeyAND or iKey=tqKeyOR) Begin Send _FilterExpressionAndOr (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iActiveFilterExpression].aSubExpressions) iKey End Else If (iKey=tqKeyNOT) Begin Send _FilterExpressionNot (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iActiveFilterExpression].aSubExpressions) End Else If (iKey=tqKeyPARLEFT or iKey=tqKeyPARRIGHT) Begin If (iKey=tqKeyPARLEFT) Begin Send _FilterExpressionLeftParenthesis (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iActiveFilterExpression].aSubExpressions) End Else If (iKey=tqKeyPARRIGHT) Begin Send _FilterExpressionRightParenthesis (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iActiveFilterExpression].aSubExpressions) End End Else Begin Send OnError 716 "Unknown 'key' passed to FilterPressKey method" End End Else Begin Send OnError 717 "No active filter expression" End End_Procedure Procedure FilterPressKey tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iKey If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Send _FilterPressKey (&strQuery) iKey End Else Begin Send OnError 718 "No active filter expression" End End_Procedure Procedure _FilterExpressionAddOperand tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterExpression[] ByRef aFilterSegments tTQFilterSegment strConstrainSegment Integer iItem // Boolean bHasSubExp Move (SizeOfArray(aFilterSegments)-1) to iItem If (iItem>=0) Begin If (aFilterSegments[iItem]._bOpen) Begin Send _FilterExpressionAddOperand (&strQuery) (&aFilterSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions) strConstrainSegment End Else Begin // Move (SizeOfArray(aFilterSegments[iItem].aSubExpressions)>0) to bHasSubExp If (aFilterSegments[iItem].iAndOr=_tqKeyNULL) Begin // if operator has not been added Move strConstrainSegment to aFilterSegments[iItem].strOperand End Else Begin // Operator has been added, well take the next segment Move strConstrainSegment to aFilterSegments[iItem+1].strOperand End End End Else Begin Move strConstrainSegment to aFilterSegments[0].strOperand End End_Procedure Procedure FilterExpressionAddOperand tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterSegment strFilterSegment Integer iActiveFilterExpression Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilterExpressions)-1) to iActiveFilterExpression If (iActiveFilterExpression>=0) Begin Send _FilterExpressionAddOperand (&strQuery) (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iActiveFilterExpression].aSubExpressions) strFilterSegment End Else Begin Send OnError 719 "No active expression filter" End End_Procedure Procedure FilterEnterOverAndOut tTableQuery ByRef strQuery If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive) Begin Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bFilterExpressionActive End Else Begin Send OnError 720 "No active filter expression to close" End End_Procedure Function _ValidateQuery tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean // Check that no more than 1 constraints is put on each column (allow for interval checking though) Integer iConstrainMax iConstrainIndex iComp Integer iNewLoad iCurrentLoad iColumn Integer iTable Integer[][] aaConstrainLoads Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)-1) to iConstrainMax For iConstrainIndex from 0 to iConstrainMax Move strQuery.aFilters[iConstrainIndex].strLeftValue.iTable to iTable If (iTable>=SizeOfArray(aaConstrainLoads)) Begin Move 0 to aaConstrainLoads[iTable][0] End // Check that no more than 1 constraints is put on each column (allow for interval checking though) Move strQuery.aFilters[iConstrainIndex].iComp to iComp If (iComp=tqGT or iComp=tqGE) Move 1 to iNewLoad // 01 Else If (iComp=tqLT or iComp=tqLE) Move 2 to iNewLoad // 10 Else Move 3 to iNewLoad // 11 Move strQuery.aFilters[iConstrainIndex].strLeftValue.iColumn to iColumn If (iColumn>=SizeOfArray(aaConstrainLoads[iTable])) Begin Move 0 to iCurrentLoad End Else Begin Move aaConstrainLoads[iTable][iColumn] to iCurrentLoad End If (iNewLoad iand iCurrentLoad) Begin Send OnError 739 (Replace("#","Illegal filter. Column # is over-constrained",ColumnName(Self,strQuery,iTable,iColumn,True))) Function_Return False End Move (iCurrentLoad+iNewLoad) to aaConstrainLoads[iTable][iColumn] // ToDo: (maybe) Check that tables used for AddFilterRelate are not used as relate tables also. Loop Function_Return True End_Function Function _IsTableFixed tTableQuery strQ Integer iTable Returns Boolean Integer iRelateItem If (iTable=strQ.iTable) Begin Function_Return False // If it's the main table of the query it is definitely not fixed. End Get _FindTableRelation strQ iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem<>-1) Begin Function_Return strQ.aTableRelations[iRelateItem].bFixed End Send OnError 735 ("Table not related: "+String(iTable)) End_Function Function _ColumnRatings tTableQuery strQuery Returns Number[] // Calculate an array of columns that can be used for jump-in /jump-out. // If a column has a jump-in value or a jump-out value it is rated (apr) 0.5. // If a column has both it is rated 2.0. Integer iColumn Integer iIndex iIndices Integer iSegment iSegments Integer iConstraint iConstraints Integer iTable iComp Number[] aColumnRatings tOCTable strTable Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get TableDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable to strTable Move (SizeOfArray(strTable.aIndices)-1) to iIndices Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)-1) to iConstraints Move (ResizeArray(aColumnRatings,SizeOfArray(strTable.aColumns))) to aColumnRatings For iIndex from 1 to iIndices Move (SizeOfArray(strTable.aIndices[iIndex].aSegments)-1) to iSegments For iSegment from 0 to iSegments Move strTable.aIndices[iIndex].aSegments[iSegment].iColumn to iColumn If (aColumnRatings[iColumn]=0) Begin // To avoid the same column getting added ratings because appearing in multiple indices For iConstraint from 0 to iConstraints // Only evaluate filters that: // 1. (left side) filters on a column in the query main table // 2. (right side) does not filter on a column from a table that changes on each new main table record If ( strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iTable=iTable and ; ( strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].strRightValue.iTable=0 or ; _IsTableFixed(Self,strQuery,strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].strRightValue.iTable) )) Begin Move strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].iComp to iComp If (iColumn=strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iColumn) Begin If (iComp=tqEQ) Begin Move 2 to aColumnRatings[iColumn] End Else If (iComp=tqGE or iComp=tqGT) Begin Move (aColumnRatings[iColumn]+0.49) to aColumnRatings[iColumn] End Else If (iComp=tqLT or iComp=tqLE) Begin Move (aColumnRatings[iColumn]+0.51) to aColumnRatings[iColumn] End // Note: Using the values 0.49 and 0.51 is a trick to allow the consumer // of these data to determine whether the constraining operator // was Lx or Gx (or both). It means nothing to the final ranking // of the indices. They are both weighed by 0.5. End End Loop End Loop Loop Function_Return aColumnRatings End_Function // If this returns true column iColumn is constrained to a fixed value. (If it is, the // column may be discarded if appearing as a most-significant index segment) Function _ColumnFixedByEqConstraint tTableQuery strQuery Integer iColumn Returns Boolean Integer iConstraintIndex iConstraintMax tTQFilterSegment strConstraint Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilters)-1) to iConstraintMax For iConstraintIndex from 0 to iConstraintMax Move strQuery.aFilters[iConstraintIndex] to strConstraint If (strConstraint.iComp=tqEQ and ; strConstraint.strLeftValue.iTable=strQuery.iTable and ; strConstraint.strLeftValue.iColumn=iColumn and ; SizeOfArray(strConstraint.strRightValue.aOrList)<2) Begin Function_Return True End Loop Function_Return False End_Function Function _IndexSegmentAgreement tTQOrderBySegment strOrderSegment Integer iTable tOCIndexSegment[] aIndexSegments Integer iIndexSegment Boolean bBackwards Boolean bEQ Returns Boolean If (iIndexSegment0) Begin Move (CopyArray(aIndexSegments,iSkipSegments,iSegments)) to aRemainingSegments End Function_Return aRemainingSegments End_Function Function _TrimOrderBySegments tTableQuery strQuery tTQOrderBySegment[] aOrderingBySegments Returns tTQOrderBySegment[] Integer iTable Integer iSegments iSkipSegments tTQOrderBySegment[] aRemainingSegments Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move 0 to iSkipSegments Move (SizeOfArray(aOrderingBySegments)-1) to iSegments If (iSegments>=0) Begin While (iSkipSegments<=iSegments and aOrderingBySegments[iSkipSegments].strValueSource.iTable=iTable and _ColumnFixedByEqConstraint(Self,strQuery,aOrderingBySegments[iSkipSegments].strValueSource.iColumn)) Increment iSkipSegments Loop Move (CopyArray(aOrderingBySegments,iSkipSegments,iSegments)) to aRemainingSegments End Function_Return aRemainingSegments End_Function Function _IndexAgreement tTableQuery strQuery Integer iIndex Boolean bFinalDecision Returns Boolean // Is the index in agreement with the specified output order? // // For each segment in the desired output order it must be the case that it is a // table column based segment and that either: // // 1) its value is fixed by a eq-constraint and all segments before it has been // satisfied the same way (if the column happens to be the same as the // "next segment" in the index we're testing, then we must disregard that // segment from then on). // or // 2) it is satisfied by the "next segment" in the index we're testing // tOCIndex strIndex tOCIndexSegment[] aIndexSegments tTQOrderBySegment[] aOrderingSegments _tTQValueSource strValueSource Boolean bOrderSegmentOK bIndexSegmentMatch Boolean bBackwards bEq Integer iIndexSegment iIndexSegments Integer iOrderingSegment iOrderingSegments Integer iConstraint If (strQuery._strCompiled.nENR=0) Begin // If index is fully specified all indices agree Function_Return True End If (bFinalDecision) Begin Move strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards to bBackwards End Else Begin If (iIndex>1000) Begin Move (iIndex-1000) to iIndex Move True to bBackwards End Else Begin Move False to bBackwards End End Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions strQuery.iTable iIndex to strIndex Get _TrimIndexSegments strQuery strIndex.aSegments to aIndexSegments Get _TrimOrderBySegments strQuery strQuery.aOrdering to aOrderingSegments Move (SizeOfArray(aIndexSegments)-1) to iIndexSegments Move (SizeOfArray(aOrderingSegments)-1) to iOrderingSegments Move 0 to iIndexSegment For iOrderingSegment from 0 to iOrderingSegments Move False to bOrderSegmentOK Move aOrderingSegments[iOrderingSegment].strValueSource to strValueSource If (iOrderingSegment<=iIndexSegments and strValueSource.iTable=strQuery.iTable) Begin // If the order-segment is main-table-based Get _FindConstraintEQ strQuery.aFilters strQuery.iTable strValueSource.iColumn False to iConstraint Move (iConstraint<>-1) to bEq Get _IndexSegmentAgreement aOrderingSegments[iOrderingSegment] strQuery.iTable aIndexSegments iIndexSegment bBackwards bEq to bIndexSegmentMatch If (bIndexSegmentMatch) Begin Move True to bOrderSegmentOK Increment iIndexSegment End Else Begin // If the segment is constrained by an EQ we are still in agreement If (_ColumnFixedByEqConstraint(Self,strQuery,strValueSource.iColumn)) Begin Move True to bOrderSegmentOK End End End If (not(bOrderSegmentOK)) Begin Function_Return False End Loop Function_Return True End_Function Function _IndexExpectedNumberRows tTableQuery strQuery Integer iIndex Number[] aColumnRatings _tTQIndexAnalysis strIndexA Returns Number Boolean bAccept Integer iTable iColumn Integer iSegmentIndex iSegmentMax iPushIndex Number nExpectedNumberRows tOCIndex strIndex Number nColumnRating If (iIndex>=1000) Begin Move (iIndex-1000) to iIndex End Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable to nExpectedNumberRows Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable iIndex to strIndex Move (SizeOfArray(strIndex.aSegments)) to iSegmentMax Move True to bAccept Move 0 to iSegmentIndex While (bAccept and iSegmentIndex=1 or nColumnRating=0.49) to bAccept If (bAccept) Begin Move (nExpectedNumberRows*0.5) to nExpectedNumberRows Increment iSegmentIndex End Loop Move iPushIndex to iSegmentIndex Move True to bAccept While (bAccept and iSegmentIndex=1 or nColumnRating=0.51) to bAccept If (bAccept) Begin Move (nExpectedNumberRows*0.5) to nExpectedNumberRows Increment iSegmentIndex End Loop Function_Return nExpectedNumberRows End_Function Function _IndexRating tTableQuery strQuery Integer iIndex Number[] aColumnRatings _tTQIndexAnalysis strIndexA Returns _tTQIndexRating Integer iTable _tTQIndexRating strRating Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move iIndex to strRating.iIndex Get _IndexExpectedNumberRows strQuery iIndex aColumnRatings strIndexA to strRating.nExpectedNumberRows If (strRating.nExpectedNumberRows=0) Begin Move True to strRating.bOutputAgree End Else Begin Get _IndexAgreement strQuery iIndex False to strRating.bOutputAgree End If (iIndex>=1000) Begin // find lt by index iIndex-1000 Move (iIndex-1000) to iIndex Get_Attribute DF_INDEX_LEVELS of iTable iIndex 0 to strRating.iKeyLevels Get_Attribute DF_INDEX_KEY_LENGTH of iTable iIndex 0 to strRating.iKeyLength Move (strRating.iKeyLength+1) to strRating.iKeyLength // Always prefer find gt to find lt when all else is equal End Else Begin Get_Attribute DF_INDEX_LEVELS of iTable iIndex 0 to strRating.iKeyLevels Get_Attribute DF_INDEX_KEY_LENGTH of iTable iIndex 0 to strRating.iKeyLength End Function_Return strRating End_Function Function _IndexRatings tTableQuery strQuery Returns _tTQIndexRating[] // Create an array of defined indices on the table and for each index assign a rating // Sort the array of indices according to rating and pick the one with the highest one. Integer iItem iMax Integer iIndex Integer[] aIndices Number[] aColumnRatings tTQTableAnalysis strAnalysis _tTQIndexRating strRating _tTQIndexRating[] aIndexRatings Get TableAnalysis strQuery.iTable to strAnalysis Get _ColumnRatings strQuery to aColumnRatings Get TableIndices strQuery.iTable to aIndices // All on-line indices Move (SizeOfArray(aIndices)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aIndices[iItem] to iIndex Get _IndexRating strQuery iIndex aColumnRatings strAnalysis.aIndices[iIndex] to strRating Move strRating to aIndexRatings[SizeOfArray(aIndexRatings)] // Also check the reverse index: Get _IndexRating strQuery (1000+iIndex) aColumnRatings strAnalysis.aIndices[iIndex] to strRating Move strRating to aIndexRatings[SizeOfArray(aIndexRatings)] Loop Function_Return aIndexRatings End_Function Function _LowestIndexNumber Integer iTable Returns Integer Integer iIndex iIndexMax iSegments Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LAST_INDEX_NUMBER of iTable to iIndexMax Move 1 to iIndex While (iIndex<=iIndexMax) Get_Attribute DF_INDEX_NUMBER_SEGMENTS of iTable iIndex to iSegments If (iSegments<>0) Begin Function_Return iIndex End Loop Function_Return 0 // None found End_Function Function _CompareIndexRating _tTQIndexRating strRatingLeft _tTQIndexRating strRatingRight Returns Integer Number nFactorLeft nFactorRight Number nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor Get _pnPrefetchAvoidanceFactor to nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor // This means that we accept an index in agreement with the output order if it is more // than 10 times less efficient (assuming that nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor is 0.1 (which it is (by default))) Move (If(strRatingLeft.bOutputAgree,nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor,1)) to nFactorLeft Move (If(strRatingRight.bOutputAgree,nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor,1)) to nFactorRight Move (strRatingLeft.nExpectedNumberRows*nFactorLeft) to nFactorLeft Move (strRatingRight.nExpectedNumberRows*nFactorRight) to nFactorRight If (nFactorLeft > nFactorRight) Function_Return (GT) // Right is best If (nFactorLeft < nFactorRight) Function_Return (LT) // Left is best If (strRatingLeft.iKeyLevels>strRatingRight.iKeyLevels) Function_Return (GT) // Right is best If (strRatingLeft.iKeyLevelsstrRatingRight.iKeyLength) Function_Return (GT) // Right is best If (strRatingLeft.iKeyLength=0) Begin If (strQuery.bForcePrefetch) Begin // If prefetch is forced anyway, we will not consider prefetch an "extra" cost. Set _pnPrefetchAvoidanceFactor to 1 End Else Begin Set _pnPrefetchAvoidanceFactor to strQuery._strControlBlock.nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor End Move (SortArray(aIndexRatings,Self,GET__CompareIndexRating)) to aIndexRatings Move aIndexRatings[0].iIndex to iIndex Move aIndexRatings[0].nExpectedNumberRows to nENR End Else Begin Move 0 to iIndex Move -1 to nENR // No idea End If (iIndex>=1000) Begin Move (iIndex-1000) to iIndex Move (not(strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards)) to strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards // Flip End Move iIndex to strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex Move nENR to strQuery._strCompiled.nENR Function_Return aIndexRatings End_Function Function IndexRatingText tTableQuery strQuery _tTQIndexRating[] aIndexRatings Returns String Boolean bBackwards Integer iItem iMax iTable iIndex Number nRecCount nFactor String sValue sIndex sTemp Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable to nRecCount If (strQuery.bForcePrefetch) Begin Move 1 to nFactor End Else Begin Move strQuery._strControlBlock.nPrefetchAvoidanceFactor to nFactor End If (strQuery.iForceIndex=-1) Begin Move "Index Ratings\n\nRatings are based on expected number of rows (ENR). If the use of an index implies prefetching and sorting data then ENR is multiplied by # (but not shown).\n\nIndex ratings, best to worst (there is # rows in table #):\n" to sValue Move (Replace("#",sValue,String(1.0/nFactor))) to sValue Move (Replace("#",sValue,NumberToString(oStringFunctions,nRecCount,0))) to sValue Move (Replace("#",sValue,TableName(Self,strQuery,iTable))) to sValue Move (SizeOfArray(aIndexRatings)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move "Index ##: ENR=#, #, Levels/length=#/#" to sIndex Move aIndexRatings[iItem].iIndex to iIndex If (iIndex>1000) Begin Move (iIndex-1000) to iIndex Move True to bBackwards End Else Begin Move False to bBackwards End Move (Replace("#",sIndex,String(iIndex))) to sIndex If (bBackwards) Begin Move (Replace("#",sIndex," (backwards)")) to sIndex End Else Begin Move (Replace("#",sIndex,"")) to sIndex End Move (Replace("#",sIndex,String(aIndexRatings[iItem].nExpectedNumberRows))) to sIndex Move (If(aIndexRatings[iItem].bOutputAgree,"Ordering ok","Prefetch needed")) to sTemp Move (Replace("#",sIndex,sTemp)) to sIndex Move (Replace("#",sIndex,String(aIndexRatings[iItem].iKeyLevels))) to sIndex Move (Replace("#",sIndex,String(aIndexRatings[iItem].iKeyLength))) to sIndex Move (sValue+"\n"+sIndex) to sValue Loop End Else Begin Move "Indices have not been rated (index was forced)" to sValue End Function_Return sValue End_Function Procedure OnIndexCalculated tTableQuery strQuery _tTQIndexRating[] aIndexRatings End_Procedure Function _FindConstraintEQ tTQFilterSegment[] aFilters Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bOrListOnly Returns Integer Integer iConstraint iConstraints Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iConstraints For iConstraint from 0 to iConstraints If (iTable=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iTable and ; iColumn=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iColumn and aFilters[iConstraint].iComp=tqEQ) Begin If (not(bOrListOnly) or SizeOfArray(aFilters[iConstraint].strRightValue.aOrList)>0) Begin Function_Return iConstraint End End Loop Function_Return -1 End_Function Procedure _AppendConstraint tTQFilterSegment[] ByRef aConstraint tTQFilterSegment strConstraint Integer iIndex Move (SizeOfArray(aConstraint)) to iIndex Move strConstraint to aConstraint[iIndex] End_Procedure Procedure _DeleteConstraint tTQFilterSegment[] ByRef aFilters Integer iConstraint #IF (FMAC_VERSION<15) Integer iIndex iMax iCount tTQFilterSegment[] aResultConstraints Move 0 to iCount Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iMax For iIndex from 0 to iMax If (iIndex<>iConstraint) Begin // If not the one we delete Move aFilters[iIndex] to aResultConstraints[iCount] Increment iCount End Loop Move aResultConstraints to aFilters #ELSE Move (RemoveFromArray(aFilters,iConstraint)) to aFilters #ENDIF End_Procedure Procedure _CalculateJumpInOutConditionsStep01 tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer ByRef iSegment Integer iSegments tOCIndex strIndex // 1: As long as we can consequetively provide EQ constraints on the segment, we copy the constraint to // both the JumpInValues and JumpOutValues (and disregard that constraint from then on) Integer iTable iIndex iColumn iConstraint Boolean bCont Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iIndex Move True to bCont While (bCont and iSegment<=iSegments) Move strIndex.aSegments[iSegment].iColumn to iColumn Get _FindConstraintEQ strQuery.aFilters iTable iColumn False to iConstraint Move (iConstraint<>-1) to bCont If (bCont) Begin Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] Send _DeleteConstraint (&strQuery.aFilters) iConstraint Increment iSegment End Loop End_Procedure Function _FindConstraintGEGT tTQFilterSegment[] aFilters Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bAlsoEQ Returns Integer Integer iConstraint iConstraints iComp Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iConstraints For iConstraint from 0 to iConstraints If (iTable=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iTable and iColumn=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iColumn) Begin Move aFilters[iConstraint].iComp to iComp If (iComp=tqGT or iComp=tqGE or (bAlsoEQ and iComp=tqEQ)) Begin Function_Return iConstraint End End Loop Function_Return -1 End_Function Function _FindConstraintLELT tTQFilterSegment[] aFilters Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bAlsoEQ Returns Integer Integer iConstraint iConstraints iComp Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iConstraints For iConstraint from 0 to iConstraints If (iTable=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iTable and iColumn=aFilters[iConstraint].strLeftValue.iColumn) Begin Move aFilters[iConstraint].iComp to iComp If (iComp=tqLT or iComp=tqLE or (bAlsoEQ and iComp=tqEQ)) Begin Function_Return iConstraint End End Loop Function_Return -1 End_Function Procedure _CalculateJumpInOutConditionsStep02 tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer ByRef iJumpInSegment Integer ByRef iJumpOutSegment Integer iSegments tOCIndex strIndex // 2. If we can then provide a LT,LE,GE,GT type constraint (for JumpInValues and JumpOutValues // indepentdantly) we move the constraint to JumpInValues/JumpOutValues (and disregard that // constraint from then on *unless* it's a jump-in constraint and the comperator is GT (or LT // if it's a descending index segment)) Integer iTable iIndex iColumn iConstraint Boolean bCont Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iIndex // Jump in If (iJumpInSegment<=iSegments) Begin Move strIndex.aSegments[iJumpInSegment].iColumn to iColumn If (strIndex.aSegments[iJumpInSegment].bDescending) Begin Get _FindConstraintLELT strQuery.aFilters iTable iColumn False to iConstraint If (iConstraint<>-1) Begin Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] If (strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].iComp=tqLE) Begin Send _DeleteConstraint (&strQuery.aFilters) iConstraint End Increment iJumpInSegment End Else Begin Move -1 to iJumpInSegment End End Else Begin Get _FindConstraintGEGT strQuery.aFilters iTable iColumn False to iConstraint If (iConstraint<>-1) Begin Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] If (strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint].iComp=tqGE) Begin Send _DeleteConstraint (&strQuery.aFilters) iConstraint End Increment iJumpInSegment End Else Begin Move -1 to iJumpInSegment End End End // Jump out If (iJumpOutSegment<=iSegments) Begin Move strIndex.aSegments[iJumpOutSegment].iColumn to iColumn If (strIndex.aSegments[iJumpOutSegment].bDescending) Begin Get _FindConstraintGEGT strQuery.aFilters iTable iColumn False to iConstraint If (iConstraint<>-1) Begin Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] Send _DeleteConstraint (&strQuery.aFilters) iConstraint Increment iJumpOutSegment End Else Begin Move -1 to iJumpOutSegment End End Else Begin Get _FindConstraintLELT strQuery.aFilters iTable iColumn False to iConstraint If (iConstraint<>-1) Begin Send _AppendConstraint (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues) strQuery.aFilters[iConstraint] Send _DeleteConstraint (&strQuery.aFilters) iConstraint Increment iJumpOutSegment End Else Begin Move -1 to iJumpOutSegment End End End End_Procedure Procedure _CalculateJumpInOutConditions tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iSegment iSegments iTable iIndex iTempIndex Integer iJumpInSegment iJumpOutSegment Boolean bBackwards tTQFilterSegment[] aBackupConstraints tOCIndex strIndex Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iIndex Move strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards to bBackwards Move strQuery.aFilters to aBackupConstraints // If the scan index is not compatible with the output index we are forced to // prefetch the record set in order to sort it before we "output" it: If (not(_IndexAgreement(Self,strQuery,iIndex,True))) Begin // If the index is the exact uppersite we still consider the index in agreement. // Therefore we do not pass the information that the index is scanned backwards to // the _IndexAgreement function. Move True to strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch Move strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit to strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin // set to the opposite of what was tested above _IndexAgreement call Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iTempIndex End Else Begin Move (strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex+1000) to iTempIndex End If (strQuery.iForceIndex=-1 and strQuery.iLimit<>0 and _IndexAgreement(Self,strQuery,iTempIndex,False)) Begin // If tail and negated index is ok then we do _not_ reset the limit. End Else Begin Move 0 to strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit End End Else Begin Move 0 to strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit End // Initialize: Move (ResizeArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues,0)) to strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues Move (ResizeArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues,0)) to strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues Move (ResizeArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions,0)) to strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions strQuery.iTable iIndex to strIndex Move (SizeOfArray(strIndex.aSegments)-1) to iSegments Move 0 to iSegment // Used to be 1 // Calculating the JumpInValues: // Starting with the most significant segment we go through the segments of the iScanIndex // 1. As long as we can consequetively provide EQ constraints on the segment, we copy the // constraint to both the JumpInValues and JumpOutValues (and disregard that constraint // from then on) Send _CalculateJumpInOutConditionsStep01 (&strQuery) (&iSegment) iSegments strIndex // 2. If we can then provide a LT,LE,GE,GT type constraint (for JumpInValues and JumpOutValues // respectively) we move the constraint to JumpInValues/JumpOutValues (and disregard that // constraint from then on) Move iSegment to iJumpInSegment Move iSegment to iJumpOutSegment Send _CalculateJumpInOutConditionsStep02 (&strQuery) (&iJumpInSegment) (&iJumpOutSegment) iSegments strIndex // 3. The constraints that are then left are copied to the aOtherConstraints array Move strQuery.aFilters to strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions Move aBackupConstraints to strQuery.aFilters End_Procedure Procedure _IncrementJumpInOutCondition _tTQValueSource ByRef stValue Integer ByRef bIncrement Integer ByRef bCarry Integer iMax Move (SizeOfArray(stValue.aOrList)-1) to iMax If (iMax>=0) Begin // If it's an or-list If (bIncrement or bCarry) Begin Increment stValue._iOrListPointer If (stValue._iOrListPointer>iMax) Begin Move True to bCarry Move 0 to stValue._iOrListPointer End Else Begin Move False to bCarry End Move False to bIncrement End End End_Procedure Procedure _ResetOrListPointer _tTQValueSource ByRef stValue If (SizeOfArray(stValue.aOrList)>0) Begin Move 0 to stValue._iOrListPointer End End_Procedure Function _IncrementJumpInOutConditions tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iJumpOutTriggerIndex Returns Boolean // This function increments jump-in/out pointers and returns false if pointers could not // be incremented. The pointers are into arrays of or-list values // Parameter iJumpOutTriggerIndex points to the constrain segment that triggered the jump-out // that in turn triggered the call of this function. // The or-list pointers to the left of (and including) iJumpOutTriggerIndex must be incremented // while the or-list pointers to the right must be reset. Integer iItem iMax iIndex Boolean bCarry bIncrement bSuccess bReturnFalse Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)-1) to iMax Move False to bReturnFalse If (iJumpOutTriggerIndex>=0) Begin // Increment pointers to the left Move False to bCarry Move True to bIncrement If (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)>0) Begin // Only of there are any jumpout values to increment upon For iItem from 0 to iJumpOutTriggerIndex Move (iJumpOutTriggerIndex-iItem) to iIndex // Go throught it backwards (least significant first) Send _IncrementJumpInOutCondition (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues[iIndex].strRightValue) (&bIncrement) (&bCarry) Loop End Move (not(bCarry) and not(bIncrement)) to bSuccess End Else Begin Move True to bSuccess Move True to bReturnFalse End // Reset the or-lists to the lessor significant side of iJumpOutTriggerIndex If (bSuccess) Begin For iItem from (iJumpOutTriggerIndex+1) to iMax Send _ResetOrListPointer (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues[iItem].strRightValue) Loop End If (bReturnFalse) Begin // The point is that no-way will we return true if nothing was actually incremented Function_Return False End Function_Return bSuccess End_Function Procedure _SortVariantArray String[] ByRef aValues Integer iType Boolean bReverseArray Integer iMax iItem String[] aStringValues Number[] aNumberValues Date[] aDateValues DateTime[] aDateTimeValues Move (SizeOfArray(aValues)-1) to iMax If (iType=tqSTRING or iType=tqTEXT) Begin Move (SortArray(aValues)) to aValues End Else If (iType=tqNUMBER) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aValues[iItem] to aNumberValues[iItem] Loop Move (SortArray(aNumberValues)) to aNumberValues For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aNumberValues[iItem] to aValues[iItem] Loop End Else If (iType=tqDATE) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aValues[iItem] to aDateValues[iItem] Loop Move (SortArray(aDateValues)) to aDateValues For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aDateValues[iItem] to aValues[iItem] Loop End Else If (iType=tqDATETIME) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aValues[iItem] to aDateTimeValues[iItem] Loop Move (SortArray(aDateTimeValues)) to aDateTimeValues For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aDateTimeValues[iItem] to aValues[iItem] Loop End If (bReverseArray) Begin Move (ReverseArray(aValues)) to aValues End End_Procedure Function _SortSegmentReversed tTableQuery strQ _tTQValueSource strLeftValue Returns Boolean Integer iItem iMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aOrdering)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (strQ.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iTable=strQ.iTable and ; strQ.iTable=strLeftValue.iTable and ; strQ.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iColumn=strLeftValue.iColumn) Begin Function_Return strQ.aOrdering[iItem].bDescending End Loop End_Function Procedure _SortOrListValues tTableQuery ByRef strQ // Sorting the OrList values serves two purposes: // 1: The rows will be found in the order specified by the scan index // 2: The mechanism that determines which OrList to "increment" will be confused // if the OrList values do not appear in sequence (it's the break level // computation that will go wrong) Boolean bReverseArray Integer iItem iMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQ._strCompiled.aJumpInValues)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax // Should we sort backwards? Get _SortSegmentReversed strQ strQ._strCompiled.aJumpInValues[iItem].strLeftValue to bReverseArray Send _SortVariantArray (&strQ._strCompiled.aJumpInValues[iItem].strRightValue.aOrList) strQ._strCompiled.aJumpInValues[iItem].strLeftValue.iType bReverseArray //(Integer(bReverseArray)+Integer(strQ._strCompiled.bBackwards)=1) Loop Move (SizeOfArray(strQ._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax // Should we sort backwards? Get _SortSegmentReversed strQ strQ._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues[iItem].strLeftValue to bReverseArray Send _SortVariantArray (&strQ._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues[iItem].strRightValue.aOrList) strQ._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues[iItem].strLeftValue.iType bReverseArray //(Integer(bReverseArray)+Integer(strQ._strCompiled.bBackwards)=1) Loop End_Procedure Function _CanFindIndexInRatings _tTQIndexRating[] aIndexRatings Integer iIndex Boolean ByRef bBackwards Number ByRef nENR Returns Boolean Integer iItem iMax Move (SizeOfArray(aIndexRatings)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iIndex=aIndexRatings[iItem].iIndex or (iIndex+1000)=aIndexRatings[iItem].iIndex) Begin Move (aIndexRatings[iItem].iIndex>1000) to bBackwards Move aIndexRatings[iItem].nExpectedNumberRows to nENR Function_Return True End Loop Function_Return False End_Function Function SQLSelectStatement tTableQuery strQuery Returns String Handle hoSQLGenerator String sStatement Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) If (strQuery.sForceSQLStatement<>"") Begin Function_Return strQuery.sForceSQLStatement End Get phoSQLGeneratorMSSQLDRC to hoSQLGenerator Get _SQLSelectStatement of hoSQLGenerator strQuery Self to sStatement Function_Return sStatement End_Function Function SQLDeleteStatement tTableQuery strQuery Returns String Handle hoSQLGenerator String sStatement Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) Get phoSQLGeneratorMSSQLDRC to hoSQLGenerator Get _SQLDeleteStatement of hoSQLGenerator strQuery Self to sStatement Function_Return sStatement End_Function // Used by TableQueryStructureFunctions.pkg Procedure _ReadParentSortValues tTableQuery ByRef strParentQuery tTableQuery ByRef strChildQuery Integer iItem iItemMax String sValue String[] aValues Move (SizeOfArray(strParentQuery.aOrdering)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax Get ResultColumnValue (&strParentQuery) strParentQuery.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iTable strParentQuery.aOrdering[iItem].strValueSource.iColumn to sValue If (strParentQuery.aOrdering[iItem].bUppercase) Begin Move (Uppercase(sValue)) to sValue End Move sValue to aValues[iItem] Loop Move aValues to strChildQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.aCurrentParentSortValues End_Procedure // Global_Variable Integer _giSQLHandleCheckIndent // Move 0 to _giSQLHandleCheckIndent // Procedure ShowInit tSQLStatementHandle strStatement Integer iTable // Showln (Repeat(" ",_giSQLHandleCheckIndent)) "Initialize using connection " (String(strStatement.strConnectionHandle.hHandle)) ". Statement handle is: " (String(strStatement.hHandle)) " (Table " (String(iTable)) ")" // Increment _giSQLHandleCheckIndent // End_Procedure // Procedure ShowDeInit tSQLStatementHandle strStatement Integer iTable // Decrement _giSQLHandleCheckIndent // Showln (Repeat(" ",_giSQLHandleCheckIndent)) "Deinitialize using connection " (String(strStatement.strConnectionHandle.hHandle)) ". Statement handle is: " (String(strStatement.hHandle)) " (Table " (String(iTable)) ")" // End_Procedure Function _InitializeQuery tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Integer iTable iPrefetchCount iPrefetchTimeout Integer iDecimalSeparator iDriverIndex String sDriver sStatement tSQLStatementHandle strStatement If (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized)) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized If (strQuery.bRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion) Begin Send _PushNoneFixedBuffers strQuery End Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DRIVER of iTable to sDriver If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqSQLPKG) Begin If (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEnabled) or not(strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bInitialized)) Begin If (OpenStatementOnTable(oSQLStatementHandles,strQuery.iTable,&strStatement)) Begin Move strStatement to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) Get SQLSelectStatement strQuery Self to sStatement Move (ToANSI(sStatement)) to sStatement Send SQLExecDirect of strStatement.hHandle sStatement Send SQLFetchActivatesBuffer of strStatement.hHandle strQuery.iTable True // True: DF_FILE_ACTIVATE will be true If (strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEnabled) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bInitialized Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bSkipNextFetch Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEndOfResultSet End // Send ShowInit strStatement strQuery.iTable End End End Else Begin If (sDriver<>"DATAFLEX") Begin // We're on an SQL backend // This means that we have been 'forced' to use the record oriented // interface but we are in fact an SQL table and therefore we might // might want to tamper with the prefetch cache settings: If (strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.bUseSettings) Begin Move strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordCount to iPrefetchCount Move strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout to iPrefetchTimeout If (iPrefetchCount<>0) Begin Get_Attribute DF_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE of iTable to strQuery._strControlBlock._strPreviousSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordCount Set_Attribute DF_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE of iTable to iPrefetchCount End If (iPrefetchTimeout<>0) Begin Get TableCacheTimeout of oTableDriverFunctions iTable to strQuery._strControlBlock._strPreviousSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout Set TableCacheTimeout of oTableDriverFunctions iTable to iPrefetchTimeout End End End End End Function_Return (strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized) End_Function Procedure _DeinitializeQuery tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iTable iPrefetchCount iPrefetchTimeout String sDriver If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqSQLPKG) Begin If (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bInitialized)) Begin // inner join => don't close the statement // Send ShowDeInit strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle strQuery.iTable Send CloseStatement of oSQLStatementHandles strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle End End Else Begin Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DRIVER of iTable to sDriver If (sDriver<>"DATAFLEX") Begin // We're on an SQL backend // This means that we have been 'forced' to use the record oriented // interface but we are in fact an SQL table and therefore we want // to restore the prefetch cache settings (if they were originally set): If (strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.bUseSettings) Begin Move strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordCount to iPrefetchCount Move strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout to iPrefetchTimeout If (iPrefetchCount<>0) Begin // Only then did we change it in the first place // Reset prefetch setting Set_Attribute DF_FILE_BLOCK_SIZE of iTable to strQuery._strControlBlock._strPreviousSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordCount End If (iPrefetchTimeout<>0) Begin // Only then did we change it in the first place // Restore cache time out setting Set TableCacheTimeout of oTableDriverFunctions iTable to strQuery._strControlBlock._strPreviousSQLCacheControl.iPrefetchRecordTimeout End End End End End_Procedure Function _QueryMethodSQL tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean String sDriver Integer iQueryMethod Move tqDATAFLEX to iQueryMethod If (not(strQuery.bNoESQL)) Begin Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DRIVER of strQuery.iTable to sDriver If (sDriver="MSSQLDRV") Begin Move tqSQLPKG to iQueryMethod End End Function_Return (iQueryMethod<>tqDATAFLEX) End_Function Function _CompileQuery tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bBackwards Boolean[] aSortDescending Number nENR Number[] aColumnRatings String sDriver sFormat _tTQIndexRating strRating _tTQIndexRating[] aIndexRatings tTQFilterSegment[] aTemp If (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled)) Begin If (_ValidateQuery(Self,strQuery)) Begin // Determine query method: Move tqDATAFLEX to strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod If (not(strQuery.bNoESQL)) Begin Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DRIVER of strQuery.iTable to sDriver If (sDriver="MSSQLDRV") Begin Move tqSQLPKG to strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod Get_Attribute DF_FILE_TABLE_CHARACTER_FORMAT of strQuery.iTable to sFormat Move (sFormat<>"OEM") to strQuery._strControlBlock.bSQLTableIsAnsi End End If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqDATAFLEX) Begin Move False to strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards Move strQuery.bForcePrefetch to strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch Get _CalculateIndex (&strQuery) to aIndexRatings If (strQuery.iForceIndex<>-1) Begin If (_CanFindIndexInRatings(Self,aIndexRatings,strQuery.iForceIndex,&bBackwards,&nENR)) Begin Move strQuery.iForceIndex to strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex Move bBackwards to strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards Move nENR to strQuery._strCompiled.nENR End Else Begin Send OnError 721 "Illegal index forced" End End If (strQuery.iLimit>=0) Begin Move strQuery.iLimit to strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit End Else Begin // If limit is -3 for example, we only want the 3 last rows of the // set. In this case we instruct TableQuery to reverse the ordering // and return the first three. Hokus pokus. (and then of course they // will be occurring in the wrong order). ((deal with that later)) Move (-strQuery.iLimit) to strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit Move (not(strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards)) to strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards // reverse index search End Send OnIndexCalculated strQuery aIndexRatings Send _CalculateJumpInOutConditions (&strQuery) Send _SortOrListValues (&strQuery) // Make sure that values occur in the sequence they would be if occurring in an index If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin // If backwards, we swap jump-in and jump-out conditions Move strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues to aTemp Move strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues to strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues Move aTemp to strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues End End Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled End Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized End Function_Return (strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled) End_Function //> This will analyse the query and calculate a query strategy. The strategy may be //> inspected by inspecting the values of strQuery members Function CompileQuery tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled Function_Return (_CompileQuery(Self,&strQuery)) End_Function Function _ValueSourceValue tTableQuery ByRef strQuery _tTQValueSource strValue Returns String Integer iColumn String sValue If (strValue.iTable<>0) Begin If (strValue.iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin // Only called when dataflex handling Send _RelateToTable (&strQuery) strValue.iTable End Move strValue.iColumn to iColumn If (iColumn=0) Begin Move (SerializeRowID(GetRowID(strValue.iTable))) to sValue End Else Begin Get_Field_Value strValue.iTable iColumn to sValue Move (Rtrim(sValue)) to sValue End End Else If (strValue.hFunction<>0) Begin Get strValue.hFunction of strValue.hObject strValue.iColumn to sValue End Else If (SizeOfArray(strValue.aOrList)>0) Begin Move strValue.aOrList[strValue._iOrListPointer] to sValue End Else Begin Move strValue.sConstant to sValue End If (strValue.iType=tqNUMBER and sValue="") Begin Move "0" to sValue End Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _ValueSourceScriptValueOrListFormat String[] aOrList Integer iType Returns String Integer iItem iMax Boolean bOk String sValue If (iType=tqSTRING or iType=tqTEXT) Begin Move (SizeOfArray(aOrList)-1) to iMax Move True to bOk For iItem from 0 to iMax If (bOk) Begin Get AddQuotes of oStringFunctions (&aOrList[iItem]) "'" to bOk End Loop If (bOk) Begin Get JoinString aOrList "," 0 0 to sValue Move ("("+sValue+")") to sValue End Else Begin Move "" to sValue // Signals an error End End Else Begin Get JoinString aOrList "," 0 0 to sValue Move ("("+sValue+")") to sValue End Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _ValueSourceDisplayValue tTableQuery ByRef strQ _tTQValueSource strValue Returns String // Called by TQ test facility in VDFxray Integer iMax iItem String sValue Move (SizeOfArray(strValue.aOrList)-1) to iMax If (iMax>=0) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax Move (sValue+strValue.aOrList[iItem]) to sValue If (iItem<>iMax) Begin Move (sValue+" ; ") to sValue End Loop End Else Begin Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQ) strValue to sValue End Function_Return sValue End_Function Procedure _AssignConstraintValues tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterSegment[] ByRef aFilters Integer iMax iIndex Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iMax For iIndex from 0 to iMax // If it's a contraint by a table column value and if the table is not fixed we do not bother to assign // initial values. Instead we "calculate" them on each record. If (aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue.iTable=0 or _IsTableFixed(Self,strQuery,aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue.iTable)) Begin Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue to aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue._sValue If (aFilters[iIndex].iComp=tqMATCH) Begin Get WildCardEvalSequence of oStringFunctions aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue._sValue to aFilters[iIndex].strMatchEvalSequence End If (aFilters[iIndex].iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Get WildCardEvalSequence of oStringFunctions (Uppercase(aFilters[iIndex].strRightValue._sValue)) to aFilters[iIndex].strMatchEvalSequence End End Loop End_Procedure Procedure _AssignFilterExpressionValue tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterExpression ByRef strFilterExpression Integer iItem iItemMax Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) strFilterExpression.strOperand.strRightValue to strFilterExpression.strOperand.strRightValue._sValue If (strFilterExpression.strOperand.iComp=tqMATCH) Begin Get WildCardEvalSequence of oStringFunctions strFilterExpression.strOperand.strRightValue._sValue to strFilterExpression.strOperand.strMatchEvalSequence End If (strFilterExpression.strOperand.iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Get WildCardEvalSequence of oStringFunctions (Uppercase(strFilterExpression.strOperand.strRightValue._sValue)) to strFilterExpression.strOperand.strMatchEvalSequence End Move (SizeOfArray(strFilterExpression.aSubExpressions)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax Send _AssignFilterExpressionValue (&strQuery) (&strFilterExpression.aSubExpressions[iItem]) Loop End_Procedure Procedure _AssignFilterExpressionValues tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iItem iItemMax tTQFilterExpression strFilterExpression Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilterExpressions)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax Send _AssignFilterExpressionValue (&strQuery) (&strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iItem]) Loop End_Procedure Procedure _ReassignJumpInOutConstraintValues tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterSegment[] ByRef aJumpInConstraints tTQFilterSegment[] ByRef aJumpOutConstraints Integer iTable iColumn iJumpOutItem _tTQValueSource stSource String sValue Integer iItem iMax Move (SizeOfArray(aJumpOutConstraints)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (SizeOfArray(aJumpOutConstraints[iItem].strRightValue.aOrList)>0) Begin Move aJumpOutConstraints[iItem].strLeftValue.iTable to iTable Move aJumpOutConstraints[iItem].strLeftValue.iColumn to iColumn Move aJumpOutConstraints[iItem].strRightValue to stSource Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) stSource to sValue Move sValue to aJumpOutConstraints[iItem].strRightValue._sValue Get _FindConstraintEQ aJumpInConstraints iTable iColumn True to iJumpOutItem If (iJumpOutItem>-1) Begin Move sValue to aJumpInConstraints[iJumpOutItem].strRightValue._sValue End Else Begin Send OnError 722 "Unmatched jumpin or-list (should have been matched in jump-out constraints)" End End Loop End_Procedure Function _SharpenJumpInValue String sValue Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bDescending Returns String // NOTE: If the function does not succeed in sharpening the value, no harm // is done (other than some potentially unnescessary finds). Integer iType iLen iDecs Number nValue Date dValue DateTime dtValue Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of iTable iColumn to iType Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_LENGTH of iTable iColumn to iLen Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_PRECISION of iTable iColumn to iDecs If (iType=DF_BCD) Begin Move sValue to nValue // OBS! Here we need a check that we do not in- or decrement the value out of range If (bDescending) Begin If (iDecs=0) Move (nValue-1) to nValue Else If (iDecs=2) Move (nValue-0.01) to nValue Else If (iDecs=4) Move (nValue-0.0001) to nValue Else If (iDecs=6) Move (nValue-0.000001) to nValue Else If (iDecs=8) Move (nValue-0.00000001) to nValue End Else Begin If (iDecs=0) Move (nValue+1) to nValue Else If (iDecs=2) Move (nValue+0.01) to nValue Else If (iDecs=4) Move (nValue+0.0001) to nValue Else If (iDecs=6) Move (nValue+0.000001) to nValue Else If (iDecs=8) Move (nValue+0.00000001) to nValue End Move nValue to sValue End Else If (iType=DF_DATE) Begin Move sValue to dValue If (bDescending) Begin If (Integer(dValue>0)) Begin Get DateIncrement of oDateFunctions dValue DS_DAY -1 to dValue End End Else Begin If (dValue0 or bBackwards) Begin // Don't seed a negative recnum !!!! Send SeedMinValue of oIndexFunctions strQ.iTable strIndex.aSegments[iIndex].iColumn (bBackwards) End Loop End_Procedure Function _TestNumber Number nValueLeft Integer iComp Number nValueRight Returns Boolean If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return (nValueLeft = nValueRight) If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return (nValueLeft < nValueRight) If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return (nValueLeft <= nValueRight) If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return (nValueLeft >= nValueRight) If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return (nValueLeft > nValueRight) If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return (nValueLeft <> nValueRight) Function_Return False End_Function Function _TestString String sValueLeft Integer iComp tWildCardEvalSequence strMatchSequence String sValueRight Returns Boolean If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return (sValueLeft = sValueRight) If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return (sValueLeft < sValueRight) If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return (sValueLeft <= sValueRight) If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return (sValueLeft >= sValueRight) If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return (sValueLeft > sValueRight) If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return (sValueLeft <> sValueRight) // If (iComp=tqCONTAINS) Function_Return (sValueLeft contains sValueRight) // If (iComp=tqIN) Begin // If sValueLeft in sValueRight Begin // Function_Return True // End // End If (iComp=tqMATCH) Begin Function_Return (WildCardMatch(oStringFunctions,sValueLeft,strMatchSequence)) End If (iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Function_Return (WildCardMatch(oStringFunctions,Uppercase(sValueLeft),strMatchSequence)) End Function_Return False End_Function Function _TestText String sValueLeft Integer iComp tWildCardEvalSequence stMatchSequence String sValueRight Returns Boolean Function_Return (_TestString(Self,sValueLeft,iComp,stMatchSequence,sValueRight)) End_Function Function _TestDate Date dValueLeft Integer iComp Date dValueRight Returns Boolean If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return (dValueLeft = dValueRight) If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return (dValueLeft < dValueRight) If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return (dValueLeft <= dValueRight) If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return (dValueLeft >= dValueRight) If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return (dValueLeft > dValueRight) If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return (dValueLeft <> dValueRight) Function_Return False End_Function Function _TestDateTime DateTime dtValueLeft Integer iComp DateTime dtValueRight Returns Boolean If (iComp=tqEQ) Function_Return (dtValueLeft = dtValueRight) If (iComp=tqLT) Function_Return (dtValueLeft < dtValueRight) If (iComp=tqLE) Function_Return (dtValueLeft <= dtValueRight) If (iComp=tqGE) Function_Return (dtValueLeft >= dtValueRight) If (iComp=tqGT) Function_Return (dtValueLeft > dtValueRight) If (iComp=tqNE) Function_Return (dtValueLeft <> dtValueRight) Function_Return False End_Function Function _EvaluateFilter tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterSegment strFilter Boolean bOrlistAllItems Returns Boolean Integer iType iOrListMax iOrListIndex Boolean bEval bFoundInOrList String sLeftValue sRightValue Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) strFilter.strLeftValue to sLeftValue Move strFilter.strLeftValue.iType to iType Move (SizeOfArray(strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList)-1) to iOrListMax If (bOrlistAllItems and iOrListMax>=0) Begin Move False to bFoundInOrList For iOrListIndex from 0 to iOrListMax If (not(bFoundInOrList)) Begin If (iType=tqSTRING) Get _TestString sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strMatchEvalSequence strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList[iOrListIndex] to bFoundInOrList Else If (iType=tqNUMBER) Get _TestNumber sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList[iOrListIndex] to bFoundInOrList Else If (iType=tqTEXT) Get _TestText sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strMatchEvalSequence strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList[iOrListIndex] to bFoundInOrList Else If (iType=tqDATE) Get _TestDate sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList[iOrListIndex] to bFoundInOrList Else If (iType=tqDATETIME) Get _TestDateTime sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strRightValue.aOrList[iOrListIndex] to bFoundInOrList End Loop Move bFoundInOrList to bEval End Else Begin If (strFilter.strRightValue.iTable<>0 and not(_IsTableFixed(Self,strQuery,strFilter.strRightValue.iTable))) Begin Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) strFilter.strRightValue to sRightValue If (strFilter.iComp=tqMATCH or strFilter.iComp=tqUCMATCH) Begin Get WildCardEvalSequence of oStringFunctions sRightValue to strFilter.strMatchEvalSequence End end Else Begin Move strFilter.strRightValue._sValue to sRightValue End If (iType=tqSTRING) Get _TestString sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strMatchEvalSequence sRightValue to bEval Else If (iType=tqNUMBER) Get _TestNumber sLeftValue strFilter.iComp sRightValue to bEval Else If (iType=tqTEXT) Get _TestText sLeftValue strFilter.iComp strFilter.strMatchEvalSequence sRightValue to bEval Else If (iType=tqDATE) Get _TestDate sLeftValue strFilter.iComp sRightValue to bEval Else If (iType=tqDATETIME) Get _TestDateTime sLeftValue strFilter.iComp sRightValue to bEval End Function_Return bEval End_Function Function _EvaluateConstraints tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterSegment[] aFilters Boolean bOrlistAllItems Integer ByRef iFailedConstrainIndex Returns Boolean Integer iMax iIndex Boolean bEval Move (SizeOfArray(aFilters)-1) to iMax For iIndex from 0 to iMax Get _EvaluateFilter (&strQuery) aFilters[iIndex] bOrlistAllItems to bEval If (not(bEval)) Begin Move iIndex to iFailedConstrainIndex Function_Return False End Loop Move -1 to iFailedConstrainIndex // Nothing failed Function_Return True End_Function Function _EvaluateFilterExpression tTableQuery ByRef strQuery tTQFilterExpression[] aExpressions Returns Boolean Integer iItem iItemMax Boolean bRvalDetermined bEvalResult bAtomExpression Move False to bRvalDetermined Move (SizeOfArray(aExpressions)-1) to iItemMax Move 0 to iItem While (iItem<=iItemMax) If (iItem>0 and ((bEvalResult and aExpressions[iItem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyOR) or ; (not(bEvalResult) and aExpressions[iItem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyAND))) Begin // Do nothing! Evaluating the current item will not change the overall value End Else Begin If (SizeOfArray(aExpressions[iItem].aSubExpressions)>0) Begin Get _EvaluateFilterExpression (&strQuery) aExpressions[iItem].aSubExpressions to bAtomExpression End Else Begin Get _EvaluateFilter (&strQuery) aExpressions[iItem].strOperand True to bAtomExpression End If (aExpressions[iItem].bNot) Begin Move (not(bAtomExpression)) to bAtomExpression End If (iItem=0) Begin Move bAtomExpression to bEvalResult End Else Begin If (aExpressions[iitem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyAND) Begin Move (bEvalResult and bAtomExpression) to bEvalResult End Else If (aExpressions[iitem-1].iAndOr=tqKeyOR) Begin Move (bEvalResult or bAtomExpression) to bEvalResult End Else Begin Send OnError 723 "Unknown operator (should be AND or OR)" End End End Increment iItem Loop // If (not(bRvalDetermined)) Begin // Error 724 "Expression could not evaluate" // End Function_Return bEvalResult End_Function Function _EvaluateFilterExpressions tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bEvalResult Integer iItem iItemMax Move True to bEvalResult Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aFilterExpressions)-1) to iItemMax Move 0 to iItem While (bEvalResult and iItem<=iItemMax) Get _EvaluateFilterExpression (&strQuery) strQuery.aFilterExpressions[iItem].aSubExpressions to bEvalResult Increment iItem Loop Function_Return bEvalResult End_Function //> The function returns true if the record currently in //> the buffer of the query main table evaluates true //> against the filters of strQuery. Function Belongs tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bBelongs Integer iGrb // New record! Indicate that related buffers have to be reconsidered // and found if needed: Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) // Evaluate against all filters added to the query: Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery.aFilters True (&iGrb) to bBelongs Function_Return bBelongs End_Function // Procedure ExecuteQuery tTableQuery ByRef strQuery // Boolean bFound // Move True to strQuery.bForcePrefetch // If (_CompileQuery(Self,&strQuery)) Begin // If (_InitializeQuery(Self,&strQuery)) Begin // // When bForcePrefetch is true finding the record will populate the // // result array inside strQuery: // Get FindRecord (&strQuery) to bFound // and that's all we need // Get SystemTimeMilliSeconds of oDateFunctions to strQuery._strControlBlock.strStopTime // End // End // End_Procedure Procedure PurgeResultSet tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Move strQuery.iTable to strQuery.strResultSet.iTable Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords,0)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords Move -1 to strQuery.strResultSet._iCurrentRowPointer End_Procedure Procedure _ResultSetAddCurrentRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iRow iSegment iMax iColumn Integer iTable String sValue sSortValue tocIndexSegment stSegment // Row ID Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)) to iRow Move (GetRowID(strQuery.iTable)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords[iRow].riRowId // Calculate sort value Move "" to sSortValue Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aOrdering)-1) to iMax For iSegment from 0 to iMax Move strQuery.aOrdering[iSegment].strValueSource.iTable to iTable Move strQuery.aOrdering[iSegment].strValueSource.iColumn to stSegment.iColumn Move strQuery.aOrdering[iSegment].bDescending to stSegment.bDescending Move strQuery.aOrdering[iSegment].bUppercase to stSegment.bUppercase If (iTable<>strQuery.iTable) Begin Send _RelateToTable (&strQuery) iTable End Get IndexSegmentSortValue of oIndexFunctions iTable stSegment to sValue Move (sSortValue+sValue) to sSortValue Loop Move sSortValue to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords[iRow].sSortValue // Read selected column values Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aColumnSources)-1) to iMax For iColumn from 0 to iMax Get _ValueSourceValue (&strQuery) strQuery.aColumnSources[iColumn] to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords[iRow].aColumnValues[iColumn] Loop End_Procedure Function _ResultSetRecordsCompare tTQResultRow stVal1 tTQResultRow stVal2 Returns Integer If (stVal1.sSortValuestVal2.sSortValue) Function_Return (GT) Function_Return (EQ) End_Function Procedure _ResultSetSort tTableQuery ByRef strQuery If (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aOrdering)>0) Begin Move (SortArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords,Self,GET__ResultSetRecordsCompare)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords End End_Procedure Procedure _ResultSetActivateCurrentRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Boolean bFound Integer iTable RowID riRowID Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords[strQuery.strResultSet._iCurrentRowPointer].riRowId to riRowID Move (FindByRowID(iTable,riRowID)) to bFound Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) If (bFound) Begin Send _RelateMainRecord (&strQuery) End Else Begin Send OnError 725 "Result set record not found" End End_Procedure Function _FindFirstRecordAux tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer ByRef iFailedConstrainIndex Returns Boolean Boolean bFound bEval Integer iTable iIndex iJunk Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iIndex Clear iTable Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) // Reset information about what related records have already been found Send _SeedRecordBuffer strQuery If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin Vfind iTable iIndex LE End Else Begin Vfind iTable iIndex GE If (Found) Begin // Problem and fix pointed out by Russell McDougall // From the on-line help: // "A Find GE always finds a record unless the table is empty. A find GE after // the last record in the table will still return the last record. It always sets // the Predefined Indicators Found to True and FindErr to False). Note that this // behavior is different than for LE. A Find LE before the first record in the table // will not return a record, and will set the predefined indicators Found to False // and FindErr to True." // This feature of the find and vfind commands forces us to check // that the record found is not a record that it really shouldn't have found in the // first place: Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues False (&iFailedConstrainIndex) to bEval Move bEval to Found End End Move (Found) to bFound Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount If (bFound) Begin Repeat // Jump out? Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues False (&iFailedConstrainIndex) to bEval If (not(bEval)) Begin // If jump-out criteria does not evaluate: jump out Function_Return False End // Evaluate 'other' criteria Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions True (&iJunk) to bEval If (bEval) Begin // Evaluate filter expressions Get _EvaluateFilterExpressions (&strQuery) to bEval End If (not(bEval)) Begin If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin Vfind iTable iIndex LT End Else Begin Vfind iTable iIndex GT End Move (Found) to bFound Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) If (not(bFound)) Begin // end of table Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)-1) to iFailedConstrainIndex Function_Return False End End Until (bEval) End // Move (GetRowID(iTable)) to strQuery._strControlBlock.rCurrentRecord If (bFound) Begin Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount End Function_Return bFound End_Function // _FindFirstRecordAux Procedure _SQLBindResultTables tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iItem iItemMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aColumnSources)-1) to iItemMax If (iItemMax>=0) Begin For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (strQuery.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn=0) Begin Send SQLBindFile of strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle strQuery.aColumnSources[iItem].iTable End Loop End Else Begin Send SQLBindFile of strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle strQuery.iTable End End_Procedure Function _SQLCheckAgainstParentRecord_CompareSortingSegmentValues String sValue1 String sValue2 Integer iType Returns Integer Date dValue1 dValue2 DateTime dtValue1 dtValue2 Number nValue1 nValue2 If (iType=tqNUMBER) Begin Move sValue1 to nValue1 Move sValue2 to nValue2 If (nValue1>nValue2) Function_Return tqGT If (nValue1dValue2) Function_Return tqGT If (dValue1dtValue2) Function_Return tqGT If (dtValue1sValue2) Function_Return tqGT If (sValue1 child query must catch up Move True to bCatchUpWithParent Function_Return False End Else If (iCompareResult=tqLT) Begin // Child is greater which means we must fake a end-of-result set Move False to bCatchUpWithParent Function_Return False End Loop Move False to bCatchUpWithParent Function_Return True End_Function Function _SQLFindNextRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Integer iFetchResult iItem iItemMax Boolean bFound bSelect bInnerJoin bCatchUpWithParent bBelongsToCurrentParent Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.aCurrentParentSortValues)-1) to iItemMax Move (iItemMax>=0) to bInnerJoin // We are an inner join and should be prepared to fake a 'record not found' If (bInnerJoin) Begin If (strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEndOfResultSet) Begin Function_Return False End Repeat If (strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bSkipNextFetch) Begin Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bSkipNextFetch Move True to bFound End Else Begin Get SQLFetch of strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle to iFetchResult Move (iFetchResult<>0) to bFound Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount End If (bFound) Begin Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) Send _SQLBindResultTables (&strQuery) Get _SQLCheckAgainstParentRecord (&strQuery) (&bCatchUpWithParent) to bBelongsToCurrentParent If (bBelongsToCurrentParent) Begin Move True to bSelect End Else Begin If (not(bCatchUpWithParent)) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bSkipNextFetch End End End Else Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.strInnerJoinCB.bEndOfResultSet End Until (not(bFound) or bSelect or not(bCatchUpWithParent)) If (bSelect) Begin Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount Function_Return True End End Else Begin Get SQLFetch of strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle to iFetchResult Move (iFetchResult<>0) to bFound If (bFound) Begin Send _SQLBindResultTables (&strQuery) Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount End Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Function_Return bFound End Function_Return False End_Function Register_Function FindRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Function _FindFirstRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bFound bIncremented bTmp Integer iLastIndex iSize iTable Integer iFailedConstrainIndex Integer iLogState iFetchResult Move 0 to strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Move 0 to strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan Send PurgeResultSet (&strQuery) // Zero the result set If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqSQLPKG) Begin Get _SQLFindNextRecord (&strQuery) to bFound End Else Begin // Makes the procedure reset all OrList pointers. Return value not used: Get _IncrementJumpInOutConditions (&strQuery) -1 to bFound Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Clear iTable // Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) Send _AssignConstraintValues (&strQuery) (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues) Send _AssignConstraintValues (&strQuery) (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues) Send _AssignConstraintValues (&strQuery) (&strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions) Send _AssignFilterExpressionValues (&strQuery) If (strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch) Begin Move False to strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch // Temporarily set bPrefetch to false Send ReUse (&strQuery) // resets strQuery.blabla.bInitialized Move strQuery.bForcePrefetch to bTmp // Here comes a dirty trick to avoid FindRecord deleting // the ResultArray of the strQuery variable on completion. The // default behavior is to reset the resultset on completion if // prefetch was not forced. It's dirty because I am fooling // FindRecord into not re-compiling the report. Here it goes: Move True to strQuery.bForcePrefetch Move _giTQLogState to iLogState Move 0 to _giTQLogState // Do not log the "inner" loop While (FindRecord(Self,&strQuery)) Send _ResultSetAddCurrentRecord (&strQuery) Loop Move bTmp to strQuery.bForcePrefetch Move iLogState to _giTQLogState // Restore log-state Send _ResultSetSort (&strQuery) Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan // Cancel effect of possible break imposed by limit Move True to strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch // Restore bPrefetch If (strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit<>0) Begin If (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)>Abs(strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit)) Begin // If the record set is greater than our limit we'll have to prune it. If (strQuery.iLimit>0) Begin // We're supposed to return the head Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords,strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords End Else Begin // We're supposed to take the tail Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)-1) to iLastIndex Move strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit to iSize Move (CopyArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords,iLastIndex-iSize+1,iLastIndex)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords End Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)) to strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount End If (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)>strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit) Begin Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords,strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit)) to strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)) to strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount End Move strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit to strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit Move 0 to strQuery._strCompiled._iPushLimit End Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.strResultSet.aRecords)>0) to bFound If (bFound) Begin Move 0 to strQuery.strResultSet._iCurrentRowPointer Send _ResultSetActivateCurrentRecord (&strQuery) End End Else Begin Repeat Get _FindFirstRecordAux (&strQuery) (&iFailedConstrainIndex) to bFound If (not(bFound)) Begin Get _IncrementJumpInOutConditions (&strQuery) iFailedConstrainIndex to bIncremented If (bIncremented) Begin Send _ReassignJumpInOutConstraintValues (&strQuery) (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues) (&strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues) End End Until (bFound or not(bIncremented)) End End Function_Return bFound End_Function // _FindFirstRecord Function _FindNextRecordAux tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer ByRef iFailedConstrainIndex Returns Boolean Integer iTable iIndex iJunk Boolean bFound bEval Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex to iIndex If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin Vfind iTable iIndex LT End Else Begin Vfind iTable iIndex GT End Move (Found) to bFound Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) If (bFound) Begin Repeat // Jump out? Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues False (&iFailedConstrainIndex) to bEval If (not(bEval)) Begin // If jump-out criteria does not evaluate: jump out Function_Return False End // Evaluate 'other' criteria Get _EvaluateConstraints (&strQuery) strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions True (&iJunk) to bEval If (bEval) Begin // Evaluate filter expressions Get _EvaluateFilterExpressions (&strQuery) to bEval End If (not(bEval)) Begin If (strQuery._strCompiled.bBackwards) Begin Vfind iTable iIndex LT End Else Begin Vfind iTable iIndex GT End Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Move (Found) to bFound Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) If (not(bFound)) Begin // end of table Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)-1) to iFailedConstrainIndex Function_Return False End End Until (bEval) End If (bFound) Begin Increment strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount End Function_Return bFound End_Function Function _FindNextRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bFound bIncremented Integer iFailedConstrainIndex iFetchResult If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan) Begin Move False to bFound End Else Begin If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqSQLPKG) Begin Get _SQLFindNextRecord (&strQuery) to bFound End Else Begin If (strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch) Begin Move ((strQuery.strResultSet._iCurrentRowPointer+1) Internal function used to find the index for the relation recip‚ for tabel iTable. Function _FindTableRelation tTableQuery strQ Integer iTable Returns Integer Integer iItem iMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].iTargetTable=iTable) Begin Function_Return iItem End Loop Function_Return -1 // not found End_Function // If bFixed is true it means that the parent record is fixed for the duration of the query. In turn, that means // that the relation mechanism will not find records in that table (iTargetTable). Procedure _AddTableRelation tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTargetTable Boolean bFixed Integer iItem Get _FindTableRelation strQ iTargetTable to iItem If (iItem=-1) Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations)) to iItem Move iTargetTable to strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].iTargetTable Move -1 to strQ.aTableRelations[iItem]._iEmbeddedIndex Move bFixed to strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].bFixed End Else Begin If (bFixed) Begin // If it's already there then bFixed=true wins. Move bFixed to strQ.aTableRelations[iItem].bFixed End End End_Procedure Function _CompareTableRelationSegments _tTQTableRelationSegment strValue1 _tTQTableRelationSegment strValue2 Returns Integer Number nValue1 nValue2 Move (strValue1.iInnerJoinComp*10000+strValue1.iSourceColumn*10000+strValue1.iSourceTable*10000+strValue1.iTargetColumn) to nValue1 Move (strValue2.iInnerJoinComp*10000+strValue2.iSourceColumn*10000+strValue2.iSourceTable*10000+strValue2.iTargetColumn) to nValue2 If (nValue1nValue2) Function_Return (GT) Function_Return (EQ) End_Function Function _TableRelationsAreSegmentArraysIdentical _tTQTableRelationSegment[] aSegments1 _tTQTableRelationSegment[] aSegments2 Returns Boolean Integer iItem iItemMax1 iItemMax2 Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments1)-1) to iItemMax1 Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments2)-1) to iItemMax2 If (iItemMax1<>iItemMax2) Begin Function_Return False End // The arrays are not ordered so to tell if they are identical they need to be sorted first. Move (SortArray(aSegments1,Self,GET__CompareTableRelationSegments)) to aSegments1 Move (SortArray(aSegments2,Self,GET__CompareTableRelationSegments)) to aSegments2 For iItem from 0 to iItemMax1 If (_CompareTableRelationSegments(Self,aSegments1[iItem],aSegments2[iItem])<>EQ) Begin Function_Return False End Loop End_Function Function _TableRelationsAreIdentical tTQTableRelation strRel1 tTQTableRelation strRel2 Returns Boolean If (strRel1.iTargetTable<>strRel2.iTargetTable or strRel1.bFixed<>strRel2.bFixed) Begin Function_Return False End If (not(_TableRelationsAreSegmentArraysIdentical(Self,strRel1.aSegments,strRel2.aSegments))) Begin Function_Return False End Function_Return True End_Function Function _AddTableRelationB2B tTableQuery ByRef strQ tTQTableRelation strRelation Returns Boolean Integer iItem Get _FindTableRelation strQ strRelation.iTargetTable to iItem If (iItem=-1) Begin Move strRelation to strQ.aTableRelations[SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations)] End Else Begin If (not(_TableRelationsAreIdentical(Self,strRelation,strQ.aTableRelations[iItem]))) Begin Send OnError 727 "Table takes on more than one role" Function_Return False End End Function_Return True End_Function Procedure AddTableRelation tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTargetTable Send _AddTableRelation (&strQ) iTargetTable False End_Procedure // This is called from the AddFilterRelate procedure. Procedure AddTableRelationFixedRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTargetTable Send _AddTableRelation (&strQ) iTargetTable True End_Procedure Procedure _AddTableRelationSegment tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iSourceColumn Integer iComp Integer iTargetTable Integer iTargetColumn Integer iItem tTQTableRelation strRelatation _tTQTableRelationSegment strSegment Get _FindTableRelation strQ iTargetTable to iItem If (iItem>=0) Begin // Check that iSourceTable is already available in the .aRelations member. If not: error! If (iSourceTable=strQ.iTable or _FindTableRelation(Self,strQ,iSourceTable)<>-1) Begin Move strQ.aTableRelations[iItem] to strRelatation Move iSourceTable to strSegment.iSourceTable Move iComp to strSegment.iInnerJoinComp Move iSourceColumn to strSegment.iSourceColumn Move iTargetColumn to strSegment.iTargetColumn Move strSegment to strRelatation.aSegments[SizeOfArray(strRelatation.aSegments)] Move strRelatation to strQ.aTableRelations[iItem] End Else Begin Send OnError 728 ("No relation has been set up for table "+String(iSourceTable)) End End Else Begin Send OnError 729 ("No relation has been set up for table "+String(iTargetTable)) End End_Procedure Procedure AddTableRelationSegment tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iSourceColumn Integer iTargetTable Integer iTargetColumn Send _AddTableRelationSegment (&strQ) iSourceTable iSourceColumn tqEQ iTargetTable iTargetColumn End_Procedure Procedure _AddTableRelationInnerJoinSegment tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iSourceColumn Integer iComp Integer iTargetTable Integer iTargetColumn Send _AddTableRelationSegment (&strQ) iSourceTable iSourceColumn iComp iTargetTable iTargetColumn End_Procedure //> Use this method over the AddTableRelation ditto to register a table relation by its generic relation Procedure _AddTableRelationAuto tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iTargetTable Boolean bFixed Integer iItem iMax iRelateItem Integer[] aSourceColumns aTargetColumns Get _FindTableRelation strQ iTargetTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem=-1) Begin If (TableColumnsRelatingBetweenTables(oOverlapColumnFunctions,iSourceTable,iTargetTable,&aSourceColumns,&aTargetColumns)) Begin Send AddTableRelation (&strQ) iTargetTable Move (SizeOfArray(aSourceColumns)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Send AddTableRelationSegment (&strQ) iSourceTable aSourceColumns[iItem] iTargetTable aTargetColumns[iItem] Loop End Else Begin Send OnError 730 ("Tables do not relate ("+String(iSourceTable)+"->"+String(iTargetTable)+")") End End Else Begin // If a relation is already there: // ToDo: // Here we need to check if the current segment array is empty. // If it is, we add the relation segments // If it's not, we should check that it is currently set // to the "plain df relation" and give an Error if it's not. End End_Procedure Procedure AddTableRelationAuto tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iTargetTable Send _AddTableRelationAuto (&strQ) iSourceTable iTargetTable False End_Procedure Procedure AddTableRelationAutoFixed tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iSourceTable Integer iTargetTable Send _AddTableRelationAuto (&strQ) iSourceTable iTargetTable True End_Procedure Function _TableRelationAlreadyOK tTableQuery ByRef strQ tTQTableRelation strRelation Returns Boolean Integer iSegment iSegmentMax String sSourceValue sTargetValue If (not(strRelation.bFixed)) Begin Move (SizeOfArray(strRelation.aSegments)-1) to iSegmentMax For iSegment from 0 to iSegmentMax Get ResultColumnValue (&strQ) strRelation.aSegments[iSegment].iSourceTable strRelation.aSegments[iSegment].iSourceColumn to sSourceValue Get_Field_Value strRelation.iTargetTable strRelation.aSegments[iSegment].iTargetColumn to sTargetValue If (sSourceValue<>sTargetValue) Begin Function_Return (False) End Loop End Function_Return (True) End_Function Function _SQLNumericToDFNumeric Integer iTable String sValue Returns String Integer iDriverDS iRuntimeDS iDriverIndex String sDriver Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DRIVER of iTable to sDriver Get DriverIndex of oTableDriverFunctions sDriver to iDriverIndex Get_Attribute DF_DRIVER_DRIVER_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR of iDriverIndex to iDriverDS Get_Attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to iRuntimeDS If (iRuntimeDS<>iDriverDS) Begin Move (Replaces(Character(iDriverDS),sValue,Character(iRuntimeDS))) to sValue End If (Left(sValue,1)=Character(iRuntimeDS)) Begin Move ("0"+sValue) to sValue End Function_Return sValue End_Function Function ResultColumnValue tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTable Integer iColumn Returns String Integer iRelateItem iColumnSourceItem iType Integer iDriverDecimalPlaces iDecimalPlaces String sValue If (strQ._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqDATAFLEX) Begin Send _RelateToTable (&strQ) iTable If (iColumn=0) Begin Move (SerializeRowID(GetRowID(iTable))) to sValue End Else Begin Get_Field_Value iTable iColumn to sValue Move (Rtrim(sValue)) to sValue End End Else Begin If (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)=0) Begin If (iTable=strQ.iTable) Begin Get_Field_Value iTable iColumn to sValue Move (Rtrim(sValue)) to sValue End Else Begin Send OnError 731 "Column not part of result set." End End Else Begin Get _ColumnSourceFind strQ iTable iColumn to iColumnSourceItem If (iColumnSourceItem<>-1) Begin If (strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem].iColumn=0) Begin Get_Field_Value iTable iColumn to sValue Move (Rtrim(sValue)) to sValue End Else Begin // Get SQLColumnValue of strQ._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle (iColumnSourceItem+1) to sValue Move strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem].iType to iType If (iType=tqDATE) Begin Get SQLDateToDFDate of strQ._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle.hHandle sValue to sValue End Else If (iType=tqNUMBER) Begin Get _SQLNumericToDFNumeric iTable sValue to sValue End Else If (iType=tqSTRING or iType=tqTEXT) Begin If (strQ._strControlBlock.bSQLTableIsAnsi) Begin Move (ToOEM(sValue)) to sValue End Move (Rtrim(sValue)) to sValue End End End Else Begin Send OnError 732 "Unknown result column" End End End Function_Return sValue End_Function Function ResultColumnValues tTableQuery ByRef strQ Boolean bIncludeRowIDs Returns String[] Boolean bDone Integer iItem iMax iTable iColumn String[] aValues Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)-1) to iMax Move 0 to iItem Move False to bDone While (not(bDone) and iItem<=iMax) If (not(bIncludeRowIDs)) Begin Move (strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn=0) to bDone // The ones that are Table.* are excluded End If (not(bDone)) Begin Get ResultColumnValue (&strQ) strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iTable strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn to aValues[iItem] End Increment iItem Loop Function_Return aValues End_Function Function OutputColumnValues tTableQuery ByRef strQ Boolean bIncludeRowIDs Returns String[] Boolean bDone Integer iItem iMax iTable iColumn String[] aValues Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aOutputColumns)-1) to iMax Move 0 to iItem Move False to bDone While (not(bDone) and iItem<=iMax) If (not(bIncludeRowIDs)) Begin Move (strQ.aOutputColumns[iItem].iColumn=0) to bDone // The ones that are Table.* are excluded End If (not(bDone)) Begin Get ResultColumnValue (&strQ) strQ.aOutputColumns[iItem].iTable strQ.aOutputColumns[iItem].iColumn to aValues[iItem] End Increment iItem Loop Function_Return aValues End_Function Function __RelateSegmentsToColumns _tTQTableRelationSegment[] aSegments Returns Integer[] Integer iItem iMax Integer[] aColumns Move (SizeOfArray(aSegments)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aSegments[iItem].iTargetColumn to aColumns[iItem] Loop Function_Return aColumns End_Function Procedure _RelateTablePerform tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iRelateItem // Is only called when i embedded mode Integer iMax iItem iIndex Integer iSourceTable iSourceColumn iTargetTable iTargetColumn String sValue Integer[] aColumns tTQTableRelation strRelation Move strQ.aTableRelations[iRelateItem] to strRelation If (not(strRelation.bFixed)) Begin // If fixed we will just accept the record that is there. Move (SizeOfArray(strRelation.aSegments)-1) to iMax Move strRelation.iTargetTable to iTargetTable Clear iTargetTable For iItem from 0 to iMax Move strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iSourceTable to iSourceTable Move strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iSourceColumn to iSourceColumn Move strRelation.aSegments[iItem].iTargetColumn to iTargetColumn Get ResultColumnValue (&strQ) iSourceTable iSourceColumn to sValue Set_Field_Value iTargetTable iTargetColumn to sValue Loop If (strRelation._iEmbeddedIndex=-1) Begin Get __RelateSegmentsToColumns strRelation.aSegments to aColumns Get FindEQIndex of oIndexFunctions iTargetTable aColumns to iIndex If (iIndex=-1) Begin Send OnError 733 ("Can't identify record in related table "+String(iTargetTable)) End Move iIndex to strRelation._iEmbeddedIndex Move strRelation to strQ.aTableRelations[iRelateItem] End Else Begin Move strRelation._iEmbeddedIndex to iIndex End Vfind iTargetTable iIndex EQ If (not(Found)) Begin Clear iTargetTable End End End_Procedure Procedure _RelateToTable tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTable // This is only called for embedded type queries (from the ResultColumnValue function) Integer iRelateItem Boolean bTableRelated tTQTableRelation strRelation If (iTable<>strQ.iTable) Begin // If iTable is not the main table of the query Get _FindTableRelation strQ iTable to iRelateItem If (iRelateItem<>-1) Begin Move strQ._strControlBlock.aRelatedRecords[iRelateItem] to bTableRelated If (not(bTableRelated)) Begin // Move strQ.aTableRelations[iRelateItem] to strRelation If (not(strRelation.bFixed)) Begin // If no items we will just accept the current record If (IsNullRowID(GetRowID(strQ.iTable))) Begin Clear iTable End Else Begin If (not(_TableRelationAlreadyOK(Self,&strQ,strRelation))) Begin // If not already good by chance. // It could already be OK by chance in which case it will not perform a relate. If the parent // record is the same as for the previous child record. Or if it has been "fixated" by an // outer loop in which case it would be constant. It is the responsability of the // programmer to ensure that tables do have to take on double roles. Send _RelateTablePerform (&strQ) iRelateItem End End End Move True to strQ._strControlBlock.aRelatedRecords[iRelateItem] // update TableRelateState to "performed" End End Else Begin Send OnError 734 "Table not related" End End End_Procedure // This is called in preparation for a new record to indicate the related buffers have // to be reconsidered and rectified if needed. Procedure _TableRelateStatesReset tTableQuery ByRef strQ Boolean[] abEmpty Move abEmpty to strQ._strControlBlock.aRelatedRecords Move (ResizeArray(strQ._strControlBlock.aRelatedRecords,SizeOfArray(strQ.aTableRelations),False)) to strQ._strControlBlock.aRelatedRecords End_Procedure Function __CompareColumnSource _tTQValueSource strValue1 _tTQValueSource strValue2 Returns Integer Boolean bCompleteRecord1 bCompleteRecord2 Move (strValue1.iColumn=0) to bCompleteRecord1 Move (strValue2.iColumn=0) to bCompleteRecord2 If (bCompleteRecord1=bCompleteRecord2) Begin Function_Return (EQ) End If (bCompleteRecord1) Begin Function_Return (GT) End Else Begin Function_Return (LT) End End_Function //> Add table column to the result set. Procedure AddResultColumn tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTable Integer iColumn Boolean bRejectIfAlreadyThere Integer iColumnSourceItem Boolean _bRejectIfAlreadyThere If (num_arguments>=4) Begin Move bRejectIfAlreadyThere to _bRejectIfAlreadyThere End Else Begin Move False to _bRejectIfAlreadyThere End If (_bRejectIfAlreadyThere) Begin Get _ColumnSourceFind strQ iTable iColumn to iColumnSourceItem If (iColumnSourceItem>=0) Begin Procedure_Return // The column is already there => skip it End End If (iTable=strQ.iTable or _FindTableRelation(Self,strQ,iTable)<>-1) Begin // We accept only ourselves or one of our related. Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)) to iColumnSourceItem Move iTable to strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem].iTable Move iColumn to strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem].iColumn Get _ColumnType iTable iColumn to strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem].iType If (not(strQ._bOutputColumnsFixated)) Begin Move strQ.aColumnSources[iColumnSourceItem] to strQ.aOutputColumns[SizeOfArray(strQ.aOutputColumns)] End Move (SortArray(strQ.aColumnSources,Self,GET___CompareColumnSource)) to strQ.aColumnSources End Else Begin Send OnError 736 ("Unknown table in result set ("+String(iTable)+")") End End_Procedure Procedure FixateOutputColumns tTableQuery ByRef strQ Move True to strQ._bOutputColumnsFixated End_Procedure Procedure AddResultTable tTableQuery ByRef strQ Integer iTable Send AddResultColumn (&strQ) iTable 0 End_Procedure Procedure ResetResultSetColumns tTableQuery ByRef strQuery // Check that the query is not already executing If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized) Begin Send OnError 741 "ResetResultSetColumns called while query is executing" End Else Begin Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.aColumnSources,0)) to strQuery.aColumnSources Move (ResizeArray(strQuery.aOutputColumns,0)) to strQuery.aOutputColumns End End_Procedure Function _IsColumnIncludedInResultSet tTableQuery strQ Integer iTable Integer iColumn Returns Boolean Integer iItem iItemMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQ.aColumnSources)-1) to iItemMax If (strQ.iTable=iTable and iItemMax=-1) Begin Function_Return True // End For iItem from 0 to iItemMax If (iTable=strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iTable) Begin If (iColumn=strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn or strQ.aColumnSources[iItem].iColumn=0) Begin Function_Return True End End Loop Function_Return False End_Function // *** End of TableRelation functions *** End of TableRelation functions *** End of TableRelation functions *** End of TableRelation functions *** End of TableRelation functions *** // If iTable has a name in filelist.cfg we use that, other wise // we try the SQL table name. Function LogTableName tTableQuery strQuery Returns String Integer iTable String sTableName Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Get_Attribute DF_FILE_LOGICAL_NAME of iTable to sTableName If (sTableName="") Begin Move strQuery.sForceSQLTableName to sTableName End If (sTableName<>"") Begin Move (sTableName+"_tqlog.dat") to sTableName End Function_Return sTableName End_Function Function LogTableNameFullPath tTableQuery strQuery Returns String String sFolder sTablePath Get VdfFolderPath of oFileFunctions VDF_FILELIST to sFolder Get AppendPath of oFileFunctions sFolder "tq-logdata" to sFolder Get AppendPath of oFileFunctions sFolder (LogTableName(Self,strQuery)) to sTablePath Function_Return sTablePath End_Function Function LogTableCreate tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean tTempTableDefinition strTable Get EmptyTempTableDefinition of oTemporaryTablesFunctions to strTable Move 20000 to strTable.iMaxRecords // Max number of logs Get LogTableName strQuery to strTable.sFileName Move "" to strTable.sFolder // blank means it goes in the data folder Move "tq-logdata" to strTable.sSubFolder // means it goes in a subfolder of the data folder called "tq-logdata" Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "DateTime" DF_ASCII 23 0 // field no 1 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "ExecTime" DF_BCD 8 0 // field no 2 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "LogTag" DF_ASCII 20 0 // field no 3 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "User" DF_ASCII 20 0 // field no 4 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "Application" DF_ASCII 20 0 // field no 5 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "SessionStart" DF_ASCII 23 0 // field no 6 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "FullTableScan" DF_BCD 2 0 // field no 7 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "RecordsFound" DF_BCD 10 0 // field no 8 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "RecordsSelected" DF_BCD 10 0 // field no 9 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "UnusedFilters" DF_BCD 4 0 // field no 10 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "Index" DF_BCD 4 0 // field no 11 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "IndexForced" DF_BCD 2 0 // field no 12 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "PrefetchForced" DF_BCD 2 0 // field no 13 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "Limit" DF_BCD 6 0 // field no 14 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "ScanComplete" DF_BCD 2 0 // field no 15 Send AddColumn of oTemporaryTablesFunctions (&strTable) "TQserialised" DF_BINARY 2040 0 // field no 16 Move True to strTable.bCompression If (CreateTable(oTemporaryTablesFunctions,strTable,True)) Begin // Showln "LogTableCreate Success" Function_Return True End Else Begin // Showln "LogTableCreate Failure" End Function_Return False End_Function Function OpenLogTable tTableQuery strQuery Returns Integer Integer iLogTable String sLogTableName Move 0 to iLogTable Get LogTableNameFullPath strQuery to sLogTableName // We do not expect the log file to have an entry in filelist.cfg // so we open it "as". If (sLogTableName<>"") Begin Get OpenTableAsAutoHandle of oTableAccessFunctions sLogTableName DF_SHARE 0 to iLogTable If (iLogTable=0) Begin // If the table isn't there, we create it If (LogTableCreate(Self,strQuery)) Begin Get OpenTableAsAutoHandle of oTableAccessFunctions sLogTableName DF_SHARE 0 to iLogTable End End End Else Begin // No error! (I changed my mind) // Error xxx ("Table name for log file could not be calculated (table: "+String(strQuery.iTable)+")") End Function_Return iLogTable End_Function Function LogTableHandle tTableQuery strQuery Returns Integer Integer iLogTable Move 0 to iLogTable If (strQuery.iTable Returns an array of tables that are referenced as constants during the execution of a query. //> So if you want to repeat the find loop of a particular tTableQuery variable, the record //> buffers of fixed tables must be restored to that of the original query. Does this make sense? Function _FixedTables tTableQuery strQuery Boolean bFixed Returns Integer[] Integer iMax iIndex Integer[] aTables Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aTableRelations)-1) to iMax For iIndex from 0 to iMax If (strQuery.aTableRelations[iIndex].bFixed=bFixed) Begin If (IntegerAddToSet(oStackFunctions,&aTables,strQuery.aTableRelations[iIndex].iTargetTable)) Begin // Do nothing End End Loop Function_Return aTables End_Function Function FixedTables tTableQuery strQuery Returns Integer[] Function_Return (_FixedTables(Self,strQuery,True)) End_Function Function NotFixedTables tTableQuery strQuery Returns Integer[] Boolean bGrb Integer[] aTables Get _FixedTables strQuery False to aTables Get IntegerAddToSet of oStackFunctions (&aTables) strQuery.iTable to bGrb Function_Return aTables End_Function Function FixedTablesRowIDs tTableQuery strQuery Returns RowID[] Integer iItem iMax Integer[] aFixedTables RowID[] aRowIDs Get FixedTables strQuery to aFixedTables Move (SizeOfArray(aFixedTables)-1) to iItem For iItem from 0 to iMax Move (GetRowID(aFixedTables[iItem])) to aRowIDs[iItem] Loop Function_Return aRowIDs End_Function Function FixedTablesRowIDs_Serialized tTableQuery strQuery Returns String[] Integer iItem iMax Integer[] aFixedTables String[] aRowIDs Get FixedTables strQuery to aFixedTables Move (SizeOfArray(aFixedTables)-1) to iItem For iItem from 0 to iMax Move (SerializeRowID(GetRowID(aFixedTables[iItem]))) to aRowIDs[iItem] Loop Function_Return aRowIDs End_Function Function FixedTablesRestore tTableQuery strQuery RowID[] aRowIDs Returns Boolean Boolean bFound RowID riRow Integer iItem iMax Integer[] aFixedTables Get FixedTables strQuery to aFixedTables Move (SizeOfArray(aFixedTables)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aRowIDs[iItem] to riRow If (IsNullRowID(riRow)) Begin Clear aFixedTables[iItem] End Else Begin Move (FindByRowID(aFixedTables[iItem],aRowIDs[iItem])) to bFound If (not(bFound)) Begin Function_Return False End End Loop Function_Return True End_Function Function FixedTablesRestore_Serialized tTableQuery strQuery String[] asRowIDs Returns Boolean Integer iItem iMax RowID[] ariRowIDs Move (SizeOfArray(asRowIDs)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move (DeserializeRowID(asRowIDs[iItem])) to ariRowIDs[iItem] Loop Function_Return (FixedTablesRestore(Self,strQuery,ariRowIDs)) End_Function Procedure _PushNoneFixedBuffers tTableQuery strQuery Integer iItem iMax iTable Integer[] aTables Get NotFixedTables strQuery to aTables Move (SizeOfArray(aTables)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aTables[iItem] to iTable Send PushRecord of oRecordBufferFunctions iTable Loop End_Procedure Procedure _PopNoneFixedBuffers tTableQuery strQuery Integer iItem iMax iTable Integer[] aTables Get NotFixedTables strQuery to aTables Move (ReverseArray(aTables)) to aTables Move (SizeOfArray(aTables)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aTables[iItem] to iTable Send PopRecord of oRecordBufferFunctions iTable Loop End_Procedure Function TableQueryToString tTableQuery strQuery Returns String String sTQ Get VariantToString of oStructFunctions strQuery to sTQ Function_Return sTQ End_Function Function StringToTableQuery String sTQ Returns tTableQuery tTableQuery strQuery tValueTree strValueTree Get StringToValueTree of oStructFunctions sTQ to strValueTree ValueTreeDeserializeParameter strValueTree to strQuery Function_Return strQuery End_Function Function TableQuerySerializedForLog tTableQuery strQuery Returns String String sTQ Get TableQueryToString strQuery to sTQ Function_Return ("V1.0,"+sTQ) End_Function Function _NextValueInArray String[] aValues Integer ByRef iPos Returns String String sValue Move aValues[iPos] to sValue Increment iPos Function_Return sValue End_Function Function _LogReadValueSource String[] aValues Integer ByRef iPos Returns _tTQValueSource _tTQValueSource strValue Integer iItem iMax Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.iTable Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.iColumn Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.iType Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.iLen Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.iDecimals Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.sConstant Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.sSQLResultSetColumnName Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strValue.aOrList[iItem] Loop Function_Return strValue End_Function Function _LogReadFilter String[] aValues Integer ByRef iPos Returns tTQFilterSegment tTQFilterSegment strFilter Get _LogReadValueSource aValues (&iPos) to strFilter.strLeftValue Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strFilter.iComp Get _LogReadValueSource aValues (&iPos) to strFilter.strRightValue End_Function Function _LogReadOrderingSegment String[] aValues Integer ByRef iPos Returns tTQOrderBySegment tTQOrderBySegment strSegment Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strSegment.bDescending Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strSegment.bUppercase Get _LogReadValueSource aValues (&iPos) to strSegment.strValueSource End_Function Function TableQueryDeserializedFromLog String sValue Returns tTableQuery Integer iPos iItem iMax tTableQuery strQuery tTQFilterSegment strFilter tTQOrderBySegment strSegment String[] aValues Send SplitString of oStringFunctions sValue (Character(10)) False False (&aValues) If (SizeOfArray(aValues)>1) Begin Move 1 to iPos If (aValues[0]="V1.0") Begin Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strQuery.iTable Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strQuery.bNoESQL Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strQuery.bForcePrefetch Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strQuery.iForceIndex Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to strQuery.iLimit // Filters: Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get _LogReadFilter aValues (&iPos) to strFilter Move strFilter to strQuery.aFilters[iItem] Loop // Ordering: Get _NextValueInArray aValues (&iPos) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get _LogReadOrderingSegment aValues (&iPos) to strSegment Move strSegment to strQuery.aOrdering[iItem] Loop End End Function_Return strQuery End_Function Procedure OnLogStatus tTableQuery strQuery Boolean bVal Integer iLogTable iSize iValue String sModule sValue Get LogTableHandle strQuery to iLogTable If (iLogTable>0) Begin Clear iLogTable Get SystemTimeToString23 of oDateFunctions (SystemTimeMilliSeconds(oDateFunctions)) to sValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 1 to sValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 3 to strQuery._strControlBlock.sLogTag Get TableQueryUser to sValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 4 to sValue // (TableQueryUser(Self)) Get Module_Name to sModule Set_Field_Value iLogTable 5 to sModule Get ModuleStartTime of oDateFunctions to sValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 6 to sValue Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpInValues)=0 and SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aJumpOutValues)=0 and strQuery.iLimit=0) to bVal Set_Field_Value iLogTable 7 to bVal // Full table scan Set_Field_Value iLogTable 8 to strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount Set_Field_Value iLogTable 9 to strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery._strCompiled.aOtherConditions)) to iSize Set_Field_Value iLogTable 10 to iSize // Unused filters Set_Field_Value iLogTable 11 to strQuery._strCompiled.iIndex Move (strQuery.iForceIndex<>-1) to iValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 12 to iValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 13 to strQuery.bForcePrefetch Set_Field_Value iLogTable 14 to strQuery.iLimit Set_Field_Value iLogTable 15 to (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan)) Get TableQuerySerializedForLog strQuery to sValue Set_Field_Value iLogTable 16 to sValue SaveRecord iLogTable End End_Procedure Procedure OnComplete tTableQuery strQuery End_Procedure Procedure _RelateMainRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Integer iItem iItemMax Move (SizeOfArray(strQuery.aColumnSources)-1) to iItemMax For iItem from 0 to iItemMax Send _RelateToTable (&strQuery) strQuery.aColumnSources[iItem].iTable Loop End_Procedure Function FindRecord tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bFound bInitialize Move False to bInitialize If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bCompiled) Begin If (not(strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized)) Begin Move True to bInitialize // Initialize! End End Else Begin Get _CompileQuery (&strQuery) to bInitialize // If it compiles we will initialize it End If (bInitialize) Begin If (_InitializeQuery(Self,&strQuery)) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized Get _FindFirstRecord (&strQuery) to bFound End Else Begin Move False to bFound End Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bFirstRecord End Else Begin // This is the mechanism that enforces iLimit. However, if the record set is pre-fetched // this has already been taken care of. if (strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit<>0) Begin If (not(strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch) and ; strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount>=strQuery._strCompiled._iLimit) Begin Move True to strQuery._strControlBlock.bBreakScan End End Get _FindNextRecord (&strQuery) to bFound Move False to strQuery._strControlBlock.bFirstRecord End If (bFound) Begin If (strQuery._strControlBlock.iQueryMethod=tqDATAFLEX) Begin // If we are in embedded mode we must find all parent related records specified by the aSelectedColumns member. Send _RelateMainRecord (&strQuery) End Else Begin // If we are in ESQL mode we expect the fetch-record mechnism to have already done this End End Else Begin If (not(strQuery.bForcePrefetch)) Begin Send PurgeResultSet (&strQuery) // if we didn't ask for it we'll get rid of it here (if it's there at all) End If (_giTQLogState=2 or ( _giTQLogState=1 and strQuery._strControlBlock.sLogTag<>"")) Begin Send OnLogStatus strQuery End Send _DeinitializeQuery (&strQuery) // Get rid of SQL handles (if emploid) Send OnComplete strQuery If (strQuery.bRestoreRecordBuffersOnQueryCompletion) Begin Send _PopNoneFixedBuffers strQuery // restore buffers of tables that were possibly changed by the query End // This is where we _*ALWAYS*_ exit the FindRecord loop End Function_Return bFound End_Function Function IsFirstRecord tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean Function_Return strQuery._strControlBlock.bFirstRecord End_Function //> Returns the current row number of the result set. Function ResultRowNumber tTableQuery strQuery Returns Integer If (strQuery._strCompiled.bPrefetch) Begin Function_Return (strQuery.strResultSet._iCurrentRowPointer+1) End Function_Return strQuery._strControlBlock.iFindCount End_Function Function HasData tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean Boolean bHasData tTQOrderBySegment[] aEmpty If (strQuery._strControlBlock.bInitialized) Begin // If the query has already been initialized the function will return whether or // not any records have been selected yet (this would only ever be relevant to a // person subclassing the cTableQuery class). More relevant is the fact that this // means that you can query HasData after loop completion and get to know if the // loop was ever executed. Function_Return (strQuery._strControlBlock.iSelectCount<>0) End Else Begin // If the loop hasn't yet been initialized we will produce the simplest // possible query to find out if the loop will have any data. Move False to strQuery.bForcePrefetch // Prefetch would be stupid Move aEmpty to strQuery.aOrdering // Do not dictate the ordering Move 1 to strQuery.iLimit // This will prevent the complete set being built. Move -1 to strQuery.iForceIndex // Do not force any particular index // Dilemma! If there are no non-optimizable filters then it's faster to not use // ESQL. But then I have to compile the query before executing the loop. // I just haven't gotten around to that yet. // Move True to strQuery.bNoESQL // (do not use ESQL) Move False to bHasData While (FindRecord(Self,&strQuery)) Move True to bHasData Loop End Function_Return bHasData End_Function Function QueryToRowIdArray tTableQuery ByRef strQuery Returns RowID[] Integer iTable iCount RowID[] aRecords Move strQuery.iTable to iTable Move 0 to iCount While (FindRecord(Self,&strQuery)) Move (GetRowID(iTable)) to aRecords[iCount] Increment iCount Loop Function_Return aRecords End_Function Function DeleteRecords tTableQuery strQuery Returns Boolean Integer iTable String sStatement tSQLStatementHandle strStatement If (strQuery.iLimit<>0) Begin Send OnError 742 "Limit not allowed on delete statement" End Else Begin Send ResetOrdering (&strQuery) // Ordering irrelevant! Send ResetResultSetColumns (&strQuery) // Resultset irrelevant! If (_QueryMethodSQL(Self,strQuery)) Begin // ESQL If (OpenStatementOnTable(oSQLStatementHandles,strQuery.iTable,&strStatement)) Begin Move strStatement to strQuery._strControlBlock.strSQLStatementHandle // Is used during the generating of the SQL statement. Send _TableRelateStatesReset (&strQuery) Get SQLDeleteStatement strQuery Self to sStatement Move (ToANSI(sStatement)) to sStatement If (sStatement<>"") Begin Send SQLExecDirect of strStatement.hHandle sStatement End Send CloseStatement of oSQLStatementHandles strStatement End End Else Begin Move strQuery.iTable to iTable While (FindRecord(Self,&strQuery)) Delete iTable Loop End End Function_Return False End_Function Function _TableRootNameStripDriver String sRootName Returns String Integer iPos Move (Pos(":",sRootName)) to iPos If (iPos>2) Begin Move (Remove(sRootName,1,iPos)) to sRootName End Function_Return sRootName End_Function Function _TableAnalysisFileName Integer iTable Returns String String sFolder sTableName Get VdfFolderPath of oFileFunctions VDF_FILELIST to sFolder Get_Attribute DF_FILE_ROOT_NAME of iTable to sTableName Get _TableRootNameStripDriver sTableName to sTableName Get PathStripType of oFileFunctions sTableName to sTableName Get AppendPath of oFileFunctions sFolder (sTableName+".tq") to sTableName Function_Return sTableName End_Function Function _TableAnalysisReadIndex Integer iChannel Returns _tTQIndexAnalysis Integer iItem iMax _tTQIndexAnalysis strIndexA Readln iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get Readln of oFileFunctions iChannel to strIndexA.aSegmentReductions[iItem] Loop Function_Return strIndexA End_Function Function TableAnalysisRead Integer iTable tTQTableAnalysis ByRef strA Returns Boolean Integer iChannel iItem iMax String sFile tTQTableAnalysis strEmpty Move strEmpty to strA Get _TableAnalysisFileName iTable to sFile Get DirectInput of oFileFunctions sFile to iChannel If (iChannel>=0) Begin If (Readln(oFileFunctions,iChannel)="VER 1.0") Begin Get StringToDateTime of oDateFunctions (Readln(oFileFunctions,iChannel)) DF_DATE_MILITARY to strA.dtAnalysisDateTime Readln channel iChannel strA.nNumberOfRecords Readln strA.sTimeToComplete Readln iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get _TableAnalysisReadIndex iChannel to strA.aIndices[iItem] Loop Send CloseInput of oFileFunctions iChannel Function_Return True End Else Begin Send OnError 737 ("TQ cache file not recognized ("+sFile+")") End Send CloseInput of oFileFunctions iChannel End Function_Return False End_Function Procedure _TableAnalysisSaveIndex Integer iChannel _tTQIndexAnalysis strIndexA Integer iMax iItem Move (SizeOfArray(strIndexA.aSegmentReductions)-1) to iMax Writeln channel iChannel iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Writeln strIndexA.aSegmentReductions[iItem] Loop End_Procedure Function TableAnalysisSave Integer iTable tTQTableAnalysis strA Returns Boolean Integer iChannel iItem iMax String sFile Get _TableAnalysisFileName iTable to sFile Get DirectOutput of oFileFunctions sFile to iChannel If (iChannel>=0) Begin Writeln channel iChannel "VER 1.0" Writeln (DateTimeToString(oDateFunctions,strA.dtAnalysisDateTime,DF_DATE_MILITARY,True,"-")) Writeln strA.nNumberOfRecords Writeln strA.sTimeToComplete Move (SizeOfArray(strA.aIndices)-1) to iMax Writeln iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Send _TableAnalysisSaveIndex iChannel strA.aIndices[iItem] Loop Send CloseOutput of oFileFunctions iChannel Function_Return True End Function_Return False End_Function Function _TableAnalysisDefault Integer iTable Returns tTQTableAnalysis Integer iIndex iItem iMax Integer iSegment iSegments Integer[] aIndices Number nRecordCount nFactor tocIndex strIndex tTQTableAnalysis strA Get IndexSet of oIndexFunctions iTable 3 to aIndices // 3 means all online indices Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable 0 0 to nRecordCount Move (SizeOfArray(aIndices)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aIndices[iItem] to iIndex Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable iIndex to strIndex Move (SizeOfArray(strIndex.aSegments)) to iSegments Move (nRecordCount^(1.0/iSegments)) to nFactor Move (1.0/nFactor) to nFactor Decrement iSegments For iSegment from 0 to iSegments Move nFactor to strA.aIndices[iIndex].aSegmentReductions[iSegment] Loop Loop Function_Return strA End_Function //> The TableAnalysis returns a struct that contains information that helps the index analyzer //> to make informed guesses about which index seeds the best. VDFxray can be used to generate //> a small text file for each table with this information. If this is the case then function //> TableAnalysis will read that file and return the by now much mentioned information. And if not //> the best possible guess is calculated and returned. Actually, in addition to being returned //> by the function it is also copied to a global cache so subsequent calls will take no time. Function TableAnalysis Integer iTable Returns tTQTableAnalysis tTQTableAnalysis strA Move False to strA.bInitialized If (SizeOfArray(_gTQaTableAnalysis)>iTable and _gTQaTableAnalysis[iTable].bInitialized) Begin Move _gTQaTableAnalysis[iTable] to strA End Else Begin If (not(TableAnalysisRead(Self,iTable,&strA))) Begin Get _TableAnalysisDefault iTable to strA // Calculate one End Move True to strA.bInitialized Move strA to _gTQaTableAnalysis[iTable] End Function_Return strA End_Function //> Information about configuration of indices for a table. A caching mechanism makes sure that //> this configuration is not read on subsequent calls to the function. Function TableMeta Integer iTable Returns tTQTableMeta tTQTableMeta strM Move 0 to strM._iIsInitialized If (SizeOfArray(_gTQaTableMeta)>iTable and _gTQaTableMeta[iTable]._iIsInitialized<>0) Begin Move _gTQaTableMeta[iTable] to strM End Else Begin Get IndexSet of oIndexFunctions iTable 3 to strM.aIndices // 3 means all on-line indices Move 1 to strM._iIsInitialized Move strM to _gTQaTableMeta[iTable] End Function_Return strM End_Function Function TableIndices Integer iTable Returns Integer[] tTQTableMeta strM Get TableMeta iTable to strM Function_Return strM.aIndices End_Function //> This majesticly named procedure clears all cached values and closes //> any log tables that might have been opened. Procedure ClearTableQueryMetaDataGlobalArraysAndCloseLogFiles Integer iItem iMax iLogTable Move (SizeOfArray(_gaTQLogTables)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Move _gaTQLogTables[iItem] to iLogTable If (iLogTable>0) Begin Send CloseTable of oTableAccessFunctions iLogTable End Loop Move (ResizeArray(_gTQaTableMeta,0)) to _gTQaTableMeta Move (ResizeArray(_gTQaTableAnalysis,0)) to _gTQaTableAnalysis Move (ResizeArray(_gaTQLogTables,0)) to _gaTQLogTables End_Procedure End_Class // cTableQueryFunctions Global_Variable Integer oTQ // Holder of the global singleton object. Object _oTQ is a cTableQueryFunctions Move Self to oTQ // Is called by VDFXray when new WS is selected (TableQuery.pkg is used by VDFXray) Procedure OnNewFilelistSelected Send ClearTableQueryMetaDataGlobalArraysAndCloseLogFiles End_Procedure End_Object Class cTableQueryAnalyzer is a cObject Function _BreakLevel String[] aNewValues String[] aOldValues Returns Integer Integer iMax iItem Move (SizeOfArray(aNewValues)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (aNewValues[iItem]<>aOldValues[iItem]) Begin Function_Return iItem End Loop Function_Return -1 // no break End_Function Procedure _IncrementBreakCounter Integer[] ByRef aBreakCounters Integer iLevel Integer iMax iItem If (iLevel>=0) Begin Move (SizeOfArray(aBreakCounters)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem>=iLevel) Begin Move (aBreakCounters[iItem]+1) to aBreakCounters[iItem] End Loop End End_Procedure Procedure _AnalyseTableIndexAux _tTQIndexAnalysis ByRef strIndexA Integer iTable Integer iIndex Integer[] aBreakCounters Integer iMax iItem Number nFactor Move (ResizeArray(strIndexA.aSegmentReductions,0)) to strIndexA.aSegmentReductions Move (SizeOfArray(aBreakCounters)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax If (iItem=0) Begin Move (1.0/aBreakCounters[iItem]) to nFactor End Else Begin // 211 644 2200 11331 => 1/211, 211/644, 644/2200, 2200/11331 Move (Number(aBreakCounters[iItem-1])/aBreakCounters[iItem]) to nFactor End Move nFactor to strIndexA.aSegmentReductions[iItem] Loop End_Procedure Procedure _AnalyseTableIndex _tTQIndexAnalysis ByRef strIndexA Integer iTable Integer iIndex Integer iCount iLevel iMax String[] aNewValues aOldValues Integer[] aBreakCounters tocIndex strIndex _tTQIndexAnalysis strEmpty tTableQuery strQ Get IndexDefinition of oOverlapColumnFunctions iTable iIndex to strIndex Move 0 to iCount Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable to iMax Get NewQuery of oTQ iTable to strQ Send SetOrderByToIndex of oTQ (&strQ) iIndex While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strQ)) Increment iCount Get IndexSegmentValueArray of oIndexFunctions iTable iIndex to aNewValues If (iCount=1) Begin Move (ResizeArray(aBreakCounters,SizeOfArray(aNewValues))) to aBreakCounters Move aNewValues to aOldValues // No break on the first one End If (((iCount/5000)*5000)=iCount) Begin Send OnAnalyseIndexProgress iTable iCount iMax End Get _BreakLevel aNewValues aOldValues to iLevel If (iLevel>=0) Begin Send _IncrementBreakCounter (&aBreakCounters) iLevel End Move aNewValues to aOldValues Loop Send OnAnalyseIndexProgress iTable iCount iCount If (iCount<>0) Begin Send _IncrementBreakCounter (&aBreakCounters) 0 End Move strEmpty to strIndexA Send _AnalyseTableIndexAux (&strIndexA) iTable iIndex aBreakCounters End_Procedure Procedure OnAnalyseTableIndex Integer iTable Integer iIndex Integer iIndexIndex Integer IndexCount End_Procedure Procedure OnAnalyseTable Integer iTable Integer iIndexCount End_Procedure Procedure OnAnalyseIndexProgress Integer iTable Integer iCount Integer iMax End_Procedure Procedure AnalyzeTable tTQTableAnalysis ByRef strTableA Integer iTable Integer iItem iMax iIndex Integer[] aIndices Number nElapsed nRecords tSystemTimeMS strStart strStop tTQTableAnalysis strEmptyTable _tTQIndexAnalysis strIndexA Move strEmptyTable to strTableA Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable to nRecords If (nRecords>100) Begin Get SystemTimeMilliSeconds of oDateFunctions to strStart Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of iTable to strTableA.nNumberOfRecords Get IndexSet of oIndexFunctions iTable 3 to aIndices // All on-line indices Move (SizeOfArray(aIndices)-1) to iMax Send OnAnalyseTable iTable (iMax+1) For iItem from 0 to iMax Move aIndices[iItem] to iIndex Send OnAnalyseTableIndex iTable iIndex iItem (iMax+1) Send _AnalyseTableIndex (&strIndexA) iTable iIndex Move strIndexA to strTableA.aIndices[iIndex] Loop Send OnAnalyseTableIndex iTable iIndex (iMax+1) (iMax+1) Get SystemTimeMilliSeconds of oDateFunctions to strStop Get SystemTimeMilliSecondsElapsed of oDateFunctions strStart strStop to nElapsed Get MilliSecondsToTimeString of oDateFunctions nElapsed to strTableA.sTimeToComplete Get SystemDateTime of oDateFunctions to strTableA.dtAnalysisDateTime End End_Procedure Procedure DeleteAnalysis Integer[] aTables Integer iItem iMax iFailure String sFile Move (SizeOfArray(aTables)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get _TableAnalysisFileName of oTQ aTables[iItem] to sFile If (FileExists(oFileFunctions,sFile)=1) Begin Get DeleteFileNew of oFileFunctions sFile True to iFailure End Loop End_Procedure End_Class Class cTableQueryTester is a cObject // Based on a tTableQuery value strQ, TestSuite will return // an array of all queries that should return the same resultset. Function TestSuite tTableQuery strQ Returns tTableQuery[] Integer iForcePrefetch iItem iMax tTableQuery[] aQueries Integer[] aIndices Send ReUse of oTQ (&strQ) Move False to strQ._strControlBlock.bCompiled Get TableIndices of oTQ strQ.iTable to aIndices Move (SizeOfArray(aIndices)-1) to iMax For iForcePrefetch from 0 to 1 Move (iForcePrefetch=1) to strQ.bForcePrefetch For iItem from 0 to iMax Send ForceIndex of oTQ (&strQ) aIndices[iItem] Move strQ to aQueries[SizeOfArray(aQueries)] Loop Loop Function_Return aQueries End_Function Function CompareRowID RowID ri1 RowID ri2 Returns Integer If (IsSameRowID(ri1,ri2)) Function_Return (EQ) Function_Return (GT) End_Function Function ResultSetsIdentical RowID[] aResult1 RowID[] aResult2 Returns Boolean Integer iMax iItem iItem2 Move (SizeOfArray(aResult1)-1) to iMax If (iMax=(SizeOfArray(aResult2)-1)) Begin For iItem from 0 to iMax Move (SearchArray(aResult1[iItem],aResult2,Self,GET_CompareRowID)) to iItem2 If (iItem2=-1) Begin Function_Return False End Loop Function_Return True End Function_Return False End_Function Procedure OnNotIdentical tTableQuery strQ1 tTableQuery strQ2 End_Procedure Function RunSuite tTableQuery[] ByRef aQueries Returns RowID[][] Integer iItem iMax Boolean bIdentical RowID[] aResult RowID[][] aMatrix // An array of result-arrays Move (SizeOfArray(aQueries)-1) to iMax For iItem from 0 to iMax Get QueryToRowIdArray of oTQ (&aQueries[iItem]) to aResult Move aResult to aMatrix[iItem] Loop Function_Return aMatrix End_Function End_Class // cTableQueryTester // // // // //Struct tTQTestBedInput // tTableQuery strPQ // tTableQuery strCQ // tTQTableRelation strRel // String sName // Is used as part of a file name // Boolean bNoESQL // Boolean bRubQueries //End_Struct // //Struct tTQTestBedRowID // String sRowID // String[] aColumnSourceValues // tTQTestBedRowID[] aChildRowIDs //End_Struct // //Struct tTQTestBedOutput // tTQTestBedInput strInput // tTQTestBedRowID[] aResultRowIDs // Number nExecMs //End_Struct // //Class cTableQueryTestBed is a cObject // Function RunTest tTQTestBedInput strIn Returns tTQTestBedOutput // Integer iChildResultIndex iParentResultIndex iParentMaxColumn iChildMaxColumn iItem // tTQTestBedOutput strOut // _tTQValueSource strValueSource // // Move strIn.bNoESQL to strIn.strPQ.bNoESQL // // Move strIn to strOut.strInput // Move 0 to iParentResultIndex // // Move (SizeOfArray(strIn.strPQ.aColumnSources)-1) to iParentMaxColumn // Move (SizeOfArray(strIn.strCQ.aColumnSources)-1) to iChildMaxColumn // // While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strIn.strPQ)) // Move (SerializeRowID(FileRowId(strIn.strPQ.iTable))) to strOut.aResultRowIDs[iParentResultIndex].sRowID // For iItem from 0 to iParentMaxColumn // Move strIn.strPQ.aColumnSources[iItem] to strValueSource // Get ResultColumnValue of oTQ (&strIn.strPQ) strValueSource.iTable strValueSource.iColumn to strOut.aResultRowIDs[iParentResultIndex].aColumnSourceValues[iItem] // Loop // // Move 0 to iChildResultIndex // While (FindRecord(oTQ,&strIn.strCQ)) // Move (SerializeRowID(FileRowId(strIn.strCQ.iTable))) to strOut.aResultRowIDs[iParentResultIndex].aChildRowIDs[iChildResultIndex].sRowID // For iItem from 0 to iChildMaxColumn // Move strIn.strCQ.aColumnSources[iItem] to strValueSource // Get ResultColumnValue of oTQ (&strIn.strCQ) strValueSource.iTable strValueSource.iColumn to strOut.aResultRowIDs[iParentResultIndex].aChildRowIDs[iChildResultIndex].aColumnSourceValues[iItem] // Loop // Increment iChildResultIndex // Loop // Increment iParentResultIndex // Loop // // Get SystemTimeMilliSecondsElapsed of oDateFunctions strIn.strPQ._strControlBlock.strStartTime strIn.strPQ._strControlBlock.strStopTime to strOut.nExecMs // // Function_Return strOut // End_Function // // Procedure AddAutoRelation tTQTestBedInput ByRef strIn // Send AddTableRelationAutoFixed of oTQ (&strIn.strCQ) strIn.strCQ.iTable strIn.strPQ.iTable // End_Procedure //End_Class