// 23-10-2001 0815 - 1600
// 24-10-2001 0915 - 1400
// 25-10-2001 0915 - 1600
// Logical modules for a query:
//           Definition module (DFQuery.utl)
//           Edit definition module (DFQuery.vw)
//           Search module (DataScan.utl)
//           Presentation module (Output.utl)

Use ItemProp.nui // ITEM_PROPERTY command for use within arrays
Use Files.utl    // Utilities for handling file related stuff
Use Query.nui    // Basic things needed for a query tool
Use Wait.utl     // Something to put on screen while batching.
Use MsgBox.utl   // obs procedure
Use QryExpr.utl  // Expression handling for queries
Use QryOrder.utl
Use Output.utl   // Sequential output to whatever
Use Strings.nui  // String manipulation for VDF (No User Interface)

class cQueryDefColumnInfo is a cArray
    item_property integer piFile.i
    item_property integer piField.i
    item_property integer piExprRow.i
    item_property string  psHeader.i
    item_property string  psUnit.i
    item_property integer pbTotal.i
    item_property integer pbNewLine.i
    item_property integer piStart.i
    item_property integer piWidth.i
  end_item_property_list cQueryDefColumnInfo
  procedure AddField integer liFile integer liField integer liExprRow string lsHeader string lsUnit integer lbTotal integer lbNewLine integer liStart integer liWidth
    integer liRow
    get row_count to liRow
    set piFile.i    liRow to liFile
    set piField.i   liRow to liField
    set piExprRow.i liRow to liExprRow
    set psHeader.i  liRow to lsHeader
    set psUnit.i    liRow to lsUnit
    set pbTotal.i   liRow to lbTotal
    set pbNewLine.i liRow to lbNewLine
    set piStart.i   liRow to liStart
    set piWidth.i   liRow to liWidth
  procedure SEQ_Write integer liChannel
    send SEQ_WriteArrayItems liChannel self
  procedure SEQ_Read integer liChannel
    send SEQ_ReadArrayItems liChannel self
end_class // cQueryDefColumnInfo

class cQueryDefCriteria is a cArray
    item_property integer piFile.i
    item_property integer piField.i
    item_property string  psName.i
    item_property integer piExprRow.i
    item_property integer piComperator.i
    item_property string  psValue1.i
    item_property string  psValue2.i
  end_item_property_list cQueryDefCriteria
  procedure DoReset
    send delete_data
  procedure AddCriteria integer liFile integer liField string lsName integer liComperator string lsValue1 string lsValue2
    integer liRow
    get row_count to liRow
    set piFile.i       liRow to liFile
    set piField.i      liRow to liField
    set psName.i       liRow to lsName
    set piComperator.i liRow to liComperator
    set psValue1.i     liRow to lsValue1
    set psValue2.i     liRow to lsValue2
  procedure AddExpression string lsName integer liExprRow
    integer liRow
    get row_count to liRow
    set psName.i       liRow to lsName
    set piExprRow.i    liRow to liExprRow
  function sCriteriaAsString integer liRow returns string
    integer liType
    string lsRval
    // First we need to do this stupid type conversion:
    get FieldInf_FieldType (piFile.i(self,liRow)) (piField.i(self,liRow)) to liType
    if (liType=DF_DATE) move DATE_WINDOW to liType
    else begin
      if (liType=DF_BCD) move 0 to liType // Signals numeric
      else move ASCII_WINDOW to liType
    get DfQuery_CritText liType (piComperator.i(self,liRow)) (psValue1.i(self,liRow)) (psValue2.i(self,liRow)) to lsRval
    move (psName.i(self,liRow)+" "+lowercase(DfQuery_CompModeTxt_Long(piComperator.i(self,liRow)))+": "+lsRval) to lsRval
    function_return lsRval
  procedure SEQ_Write integer liChannel
    send SEQ_WriteArrayItems liChannel self
  procedure SEQ_Read integer liChannel
    send SEQ_ReadArrayItems liChannel self
end_class // cQueryDefCriteria

class cQueryBreakInfo is a cArray
  procedure construct_object integer liImage
    forward send construct_object liImage
    property integer piMaxLogicalLevel public 0
    property integer phExprArr public 0
    item_property integer piFile.i
    item_property integer piField.i
    item_property integer piExprRow.i
    item_property integer pbSelect.i
    item_property string  psLabel.i
    // If this break level is not selected this property will point to a
    // level that is selected (in less significant direction):
    item_property integer piTranslateLevel.i
    // This property translates break level to a logical break level (since
    // some physical levels may not be selected):
    item_property integer piLogicalLevel.i
  end_item_property_list cQueryBreakInfo
  procedure DoReset
    send delete_data
    set piMaxLogicalLevel to 0
  procedure DoInitializeBreaks
    integer liCurrentLevel liLevel liMax
    get row_count to liMax
    move 0 to liCurrentLevel
    decrement liMax
    for_ex liLevel from liMax down_to 0
      if (pbSelect.i(self,liLevel)) move liLevel to liCurrentLevel
      set piTranslateLevel.i item liLevel to liCurrentLevel
    move 0 to liCurrentLevel
    for liLevel from 0 to liMax
      if (pbSelect.i(self,liLevel)) increment liCurrentLevel
      set piLogicalLevel.i item liLevel to liCurrentLevel
    set piMaxLogicalLevel to liCurrentLevel
  function sBreakField_Value.i integer liLevel returns string
    integer liFile liField liExprRow lhExprArr
    string lsRval lsLabel
    get piFile.i liLevel to liFile
    if liFile begin
      get piField.i liLevel to liField
      get FieldInf_FieldValue liFile liField to lsRval
//  else begin
//    get phExprArr to lhExprArr
//    get piExprRow.i liLevel to liExprRow
//    get sEvalExpression of (Query_ExprEvaluator(self)) (piExprId.i(lhExprArr,liExprRow)) to lsRval
//  end
    if lsRval eq "" move "    " to lsRval // Make evident that field is empty!
    else move (trim(lsRval)) to lsRval
    move (psLabel.i(self,liLevel)) to lsLabel
    function_return (lsLabel+lsRval)

  procedure add_break_info integer liSegment integer liFile integer liField integer liExprRow integer lbSelect string lsLabel
    set piFile.i    liSegment to liFile
    set piField.i   liSegment to liField
    set piExprRow.i liSegment to liExprRow
    set pbSelect.i  liSegment to lbSelect
    set psLabel.i   liSegment to lsLabel
  procedure SEQ_Write integer liChannel
    send SEQ_WriteArrayItems liChannel self
  procedure SEQ_Read integer liChannel
    send SEQ_ReadArrayItems liChannel self
end_class // cQueryBreakInfo

  define DFQ_MAIN_FILE
  define DFQ_ORDERING_SEARCH // Only used if DFQ_ORDERING gt 256
  define DFQ_PORT
  define DFQ_FILE_NAME
  define DFQ_FORMAT
  define DFQ_USE_ANSI

class cQueryDefEMailRecipients is a cArray
    item_property string psName.i
    item_property string psAddress.i
  end_item_property_list cQueryDefEMailRecipients
  procedure add_recipient string lsName string lsAddress
    integer liRow
    get row_count to liRow
    set psName.i    liRow to lsName
    set psAddress.i liRow to lsAddress
end_class // cQueryDefEMailRecipients

class cQueryDefinition is a cArray
  procedure construct_object integer liImage
    forward send construct_object liImage
    object oQueryDefColumnInfo is a cQueryDefColumnInfo 
    object oQueryDefCriteria is a cQueryDefCriteria 
    object oQuery_ExprArray is a Query_cExprArray 
    object oQueryOrderExpression is a cQueryOrderExpression 
      set phExprArr to (oQuery_ExprArray(self))
    object oBreakInfo is a cQueryBreakInfo 
      set phExprArr to (oQuery_ExprArray(self))
    object oEMailRecipients is a cQueryDefEMailRecipients
    property integer phDDO public 0
  function piMainFile returns integer
    function_return (value(self,DFQ_MAIN_FILE))
  procedure set piMainFile integer liFile
    set value item DFQ_MAIN_FILE to liFile

  procedure add_recipient string lsName string lsAddress
    send add_recipient to (oEmailRecipients(self)) lsName lsAddress

  procedure reset_recipients
    send delete_data to (oEmailRecipients(self))

  procedure DoReset
    send delete_data to (oQueryDefColumnInfo(self))
    send DoReset to (oQueryDefCriteria(self))
    send DoReset to (oBreakInfo(self))
    send delete_data to (oQueryOrderExpression(self))
    set value item DFQ_CRITERIA_EXPR_ROW to -1
    send DoDefaults

  procedure SEQ_Write integer liChannel
    send SEQ_WriteArrayItems liChannel self
    send SEQ_Write to (oQueryDefColumnInfo(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Write to (oQueryDefCriteria(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Write to (oQuery_ExprArray(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Write to (oQueryOrderExpression(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Write to (oBreakInfo(self)) liChannel
  procedure SEQ_Read integer liChannel
    send SEQ_ReadArrayItems liChannel self
    send SEQ_Read to (oQueryDefColumnInfo(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Read to (oQueryDefCriteria(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Read to (oQuery_ExprArray(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Read to (oQueryOrderExpression(self)) liChannel
    send SEQ_Read to (oBreakInfo(self)) liChannel
  procedure SEQ_WriteFileName string lsFileName
    integer liChannel
    get SEQ_DirectOutput lsFileName to liChannel
    if (liChannel>=0) begin
      send SEQ_Write liChannel
      send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannel
  procedure SEQ_ReadFileName string lsFileName
    integer liChannel
    get SEQ_DirectInput lsFileName to liChannel
    if (liChannel>=0) begin
      send SEQ_Read liChannel
      send SEQ_CloseInput liChannel
  procedure SEQ_ReadOldFileName string lsFileName
    integer liChannel
    get SEQ_DirectInput lsFileName to liChannel
    if (liChannel>=0) begin
      send SEQ_ReadOld liChannel
      send SEQ_CloseInput liChannel

  procedure DoDefaults
    string lsValue
    set value item DFQ_DESTINATION     to DFQ.DEST.SCREEN
    get API_OtherAttr_Value OA_DFPRINTER to lsValue
    if lsValue eq "" move "LST:" to lsValue
    set value item DFQ_PORT            to lsValue
    set value item DFQ_FILE_NAME       to "dataflex.out"
    set value item DFQ_FORMAT          to DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT
    set value item DFQ_UPDATE_FREQ     to 25
    set value item DFQ_LINES_PER_PAGE  to 50
    set value item DFQ_ORDERING        to 1
    set value item DFQ_ORDERING_SEARCH to 1

  procedure SEQ_ReadOld integer liChannel
    integer liMainFile liOrdering lbFin liFile liField liComp
    integer liStart liWidth lbCR lbTotal liFreq
    string lsValue lsGarbage

    send DoReset

    // First line of such a baby looks like this: |X|, where X is the main file
    get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
    if (left(lsValue,1)="|") begin
      get ExtractInteger lsValue 1 to liMainFile
      if liMainFile begin
        get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
        get ExtractInteger lsValue 1 to liOrdering
        set piMainFile to liMainFile
        set value item DFQ_ORDERING to liOrdering

        //send obs "Main file: " liMainFile "Ordering:" liOrdering

        // Now we must read the selection criteria:
          get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
          move (lsValue="") to lbFin
          if (seqeof) move 1 to lbFin // Emergency break
          ifnot lbFin begin
            // The line we're standing with here contains a file, a field and a comperator mode
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 1 to liFile
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 2 to liField
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 3 to liComp
            get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue // And this is the value to compare against
                 if liComp eq 1 move SC_COMP_EQ to liComp // EQ   The SC_COMP_XX are defined in DataScan.utl
            else if liComp eq 2 move SC_COMP_GT to liComp // GT
            else if liComp eq 3 move SC_COMP_LT to liComp // LT
            else if liComp eq 4 move SC_COMP_NE to liComp // NE
            else if liComp eq 5 move SC_COMP_GE to liComp // GE
            else if liComp eq 6 move SC_COMP_LE to liComp // LE
            else if liComp eq 7 move SC_COMP_IN to liComp // IN
            open liFile
            send AddCriteria to (oQueryDefCriteria(self)) liFile liField (FieldInf_FieldLabel_Short(liFile,liField)) liComp lsValue ""
        until lbFin

        // Now we must read the column definitions
        move 1 to liStart
          get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
          move (lsValue="") to lbFin
          if (seqeof) move 1 to lbFin // Emergency break
          ifnot lbFin begin
            // The line we're standing with here contains a file, a field, a width, an X, bool: CR, bool: Total
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 1 to liFile
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 2 to liField
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 3 to liWidth
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 4 to lsGarbage
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 5 to lbCR
            get ExtractInteger lsValue 6 to lbTotal

            if lbCR move 1 to liStart

            open liFile
            send AddField to (oQueryDefColumnInfo(self)) liFile liField -1 (FieldInf_FieldLabel_Short(liFile,liField)) "" lbTotal lbCR liStart liWidth
            move (liStart+liWidth) to liStart
        until lbFin

        // Here comes the query heading:
        get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
        set value item DFQ_REPORT_TITLE to lsValue

        // And finally the page width (for which we have no use) and the screen update frequency:
        get SEQ_ReadLn liChannel to lsValue
        get ExtractInteger lsValue 2 to liFreq
        set value item DFQ_UPDATE_FREQ to liFreq
      else error 772 "Main file missing from query definition"
    else error 771 "Incompatible 3.1 query definition"
end_class // cQueryDefinition

object oDFQ_Output is a cBasicSequentialOutput 

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object oDFQueryWait is a Message DFQuery.Wait
  set location to 7 18 ABSOLUTE
  set center_state item 0 to DFTRUE
  set center_state item 1 to DFTRUE
  set center_state item 2 to DFTRUE
//set center_state item 3 to DFTRUE
  set center_state item 4 to DFTRUE
  set center_state item 5 to DFTRUE
  set window_color item 0 to 2
  set window_color item 5 to 2
  procedure StartPanel string lsCaption string lsTitle string lsDestination string lsPressAnyKey
    set value item 0 to lsCaption
    set value item 1 to lsTitle
    set value item 2 to lsDestination
    set value item 3 to ""
    set value item 4 to ""
    set value item 5 to lsPressAnyKey
    send activate
  procedure StopPanel
    send deactivate
  procedure DoUpdate string lsIndexValue string lsProgress
    set value item 3 to lsIndexValue
    set value item 4 to lsProgress

object oDFQ_DataScanner is a cReport_Info 

  set pOnlyMostSignificantBreakLevel to DFTRUE

  property integer phDef            public 0
  property integer pTotalsOnly      public DFFALSE
  property integer pSemiColon       public DFFALSE
  property integer pRecordToUpdate  public 0

  property integer pbHandleByOutputObject public DFFALSE
  property integer piChannel        public 0

  property integer piRecInt         public 0
  property integer piRecIntCount    public 0

  property string  priv.psReportTitle public ""

  object oValues is a cArray
  object oTotals is an cReportTotals

  procedure run_querydefinition integer lhDef
    integer lhAux liRow liMax liFile lhDDO liExprId lhExprArr
    integer lbInterpretOK liIndex liNewMax liExprRow
    integer lhBreakInfo lhOutput lbOemToAnsi
    integer liField
    string lsTitle lsExpression
    set pbAllowAllState of (Query_ExprParser(self)) to DFTRUE

    move (oQuery_ExprArray(lhDef)) to lhExprArr
    move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
    get iInterpretAll of lhExprArr to lbInterpretOK

    get value item DFQ_USE_ANSI to lbOemToAnsi
    set pbOemToAnsi of lhOutput to lbOemToAnsi

    if lbInterpretOK begin
      send reset to (oTotals(self))

      get phDDO of lhDef to lhDDO
      set phDataSetObject to lhDDO
      send DoReset

      get value of lhDef item DFQ_MAIN_FILE to liFile
      set pMainFile    to liFile
      get value of lhDef item DFQ_REPORT_TITLE to lsTitle
      if (lsTitle="") get_attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of liFile to lsTitle
      move (rtrim(lsTitle)) to lsTitle
      set pReportTitle to lsTitle

      // Ordering:
      get value of lhDef item DFQ_ORDERING to liIndex

      if (liIndex>=256) begin
        set pCustom_Sort_State to DFTRUE
        if (liIndex=1023) set pCustom_Sort_Object to (oQueryOrderExpression(lhDef))
        else set pCustom_Sort_Object to (FieldInf_VirtualIndex_Object(liFile,liIndex-256))
        set pOrdering to (value(lhDef,DFQ_ORDERING_SEARCH))
      else begin
        set pCustom_Sort_State to DFFALSE
        set pCustom_Sort_Object to 0
        set pOrdering to liIndex

      // Break info:
      move (oBreakInfo(lhDef)) to lhBreakInfo
      get row_count of lhBreakInfo to liMax
      move -1 to liNewMax
      decrement liMax
      for liRow from 0 to liMax
        if (pbSelect.i(lhBreakInfo,liRow)) move liRow to liNewMax

      send DoInitializeBreaks to lhBreakInfo
//      get row_count of lhBreakInfo to liNewMax
      for liRow from 0 to liNewMax
        send add_break_field (piFile.i(lhBreakInfo,liRow)) (piField.i(lhBreakInfo,liRow)) (piExprRow.i(lhBreakInfo,liRow)) lhExprArr

      // Fields:
      move (oQueryDefColumnInfo(lhDef)) to lhAux
      get row_count of lhAux to liMax

      decrement liMax
      for liRow from 0 to liMax
        send add_field (piFile.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piField.i(lhAux,liRow)) (psHeader.i(lhAux,liRow)) (pbNewLine.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piStart.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piWidth.i(lhAux,liRow)) 0 0 (pbTotal.i(lhAux,liRow)) 0 lhExprArr (piExprRow.i(lhAux,liRow))
//        send obs "add_field " (piFile.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piField.i(lhAux,liRow)) (psHeader.i(lhAux,liRow)) (pbNewLine.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piStart.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piWidth.i(lhAux,liRow)) 0 0 (pbTotal.i(lhAux,liRow)) 0 lhExprArr (piExprRow.i(lhAux,liRow))

      // Criteria:
      move (oQueryDefCriteria(lhDef)) to lhAux
      get row_count of lhAux to liMax
      decrement liMax
      for liRow from 0 to liMax
        send add_criteria_simple (piFile.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piField.i(lhAux,liRow)) (piComperator.i(lhAux,liRow)) (psValue1.i(lhAux,liRow)) (psValue2.i(lhAux,liRow))

      get value of lhDef item DFQ_CRITERIA_EXPR_ROW to liExprRow
      if (liExprRow<>-1) send add_criteria_boolean_expr (piExprId.i(lhExprArr,liExprRow))

      set phDef to lhDef

      set piNumberOfColumns of (oTotals(self)) to (rpt_field_count(self))

      // E-mail recipients:
      send reset_recipients to lhOutput

      move (oEMailRecipients(lhDef)) to lhAux
      get row_count of lhAux to liMax
      decrement liMax
      for liRow from 0 to liMax
        send add_recipient to lhOutput (psName.i(lhAux,liRow)) (psAddress.i(lhAux,liRow))

//    send Array_DoWriteToFile lhExprArr "test1.txt"
//    send Array_DoWriteToFile lhBreakInfo "test2.txt"

      send run
    else send DisplayErrors to lhExprArr

  register_procedure PrintPageTop

  procedure run
    integer liDestination lhDef lhOutput liFormat liChannel liFileExists
    integer liAction
    string  lsFileName
    move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
    get phDef to lhDef
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_DESTINATION       to liDestination
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_FORMAT            to liFormat

    // The line below means: If we're printing to screen or printer we don't want anything but a formatted report:
    if (liDestination<>DFQ.DEST.FILE and liDestination<>DFQ.DEST.EMAIL and liFormat<>DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT) send obs "Invalid destination on selected format." "Please select 'file' as destination"
    else begin
      set pbHandleByOutputObject to (liFormat=DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT)
      if (pbHandleByOutputObject(self)) begin
        if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.PRINTER set pDestination of lhOutput to DEST_PRINTER
        if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.SCREEN  set pDestination of lhOutput to DEST_SCREEN
        if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.FILE    set pDestination of lhOutput to DEST_FILE
        if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.EMAIL   set pDestination of lhOutput to DEST_EMAIL
        set pPageLength  of lhOutput to (value(lhDef,DFQ_LINES_PER_PAGE))
        set pOutFileName of lhOutput to (value(lhDef,DFQ_FILE_NAME))
        set pPrinterPort of lhOutput to (value(lhDef,DFQ_PORT))
        if (iDirect_Output_Title(lhOutput,value(lhDef,DFQ_REPORT_TITLE))) begin
          set phMsg_Object   of lhOutput to self
          set pHeader_msg    of lhOutput to msg_PrintPageTop
          set pHeader_height of lhOutput to 4
          set priv.psReportTitle to ("<BLD>"+pReportTitle(self)+" ("+string(dSysDate())+", "+sSysTime()+")<bld>")
          forward send run
          send Close_Output to lhOutput
      else begin
        move -1 to liChannel
        move (value(lhDef,DFQ_FILE_NAME)) to lsFileName
        if (lsFileName="") send obs "File name must be specified"
        else begin
          get SEQ_FileExists lsFileName to liFileExists
          if (liFileExists=SEQIT_DIRECTORY) send obs "Illegal file name"
          else begin
            if (liFileExists=SEQIT_FILE) begin
              get SEQ_Filename_Exists_Action lsFileName DFTRUE to liAction
              if liAction eq 1 get SEQ_AppendOutput lsFileName to liChannel
              if liAction eq 2 get SEQ_DirectOutput lsFileName to liChannel
            else get SEQ_DirectOutput lsFileName to liChannel
            if (liChannel>=0) begin
              set piChannel to liChannel
              forward send run
              send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannel
              if (liDestination=DFQ.DEST.EMAIL) begin
                get SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName lsFileName to lsFileName
                send DoSendEmails to lhOutput lsFileName
                send obs ("File "+lsFileName) "has been sent to recipient(s)."
              else send obs ("File "+lsFileName) "has been generated."

  procedure PrintPageTop
    integer lhOutput liFile liField lbNewLine liStart
    integer liWidth lhValues liItem liMax liType
    string lsName lsLine
    if (pbHandleByOutputObject(self)) begin
      move "" to lsLine
      move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
      move (oValues(self)) to lhValues
      send delete_data to lhValues
      send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput (priv.psReportTitle(self))
      send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput ""
      get row_count to liMax
      decrement liMax
      for liItem from 0 to liMax
        get rpt_field_file  item liItem to liFile
        get rpt_field_field item liItem to liField
        get rpt_field_name  item liItem to lsName
        get rpt_field_cr    item liItem to lbNewLine
        get rpt_field_start item liItem to liStart
        get rpt_field_width item liItem to liWidth
        get rpt_field_type  item liItem to liType
        if lbNewLine begin
          send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput lsLine
          move "" to lsLine
        if (liType<>DF_TEXT and liType<>DF_BINARY) begin
          move (left(lsName,liWidth)) to lsName
          if (liType=DF_BCD) move (RightShift(lsName,liWidth)) to lsName
          else move (pad(lsName,liWidth)) to lsName
          move (overstrike(lsName,lsLine,liStart)) to lsLine
        else set value of lhValues item (item_count(lhValues)) to lsName
      if lsLine ne "" begin
        send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput lsLine
        move "" to lsLine

      for liItem from 0 to (item_count(lhValues)-1)
        get value of lhValues item liItem to lsName
        if lsName ne "" send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput lsName
      send delete_data to lhValues
      send writeln_no_headers to lhOutput "--------------------------------------------------------------------------"

  procedure PrintTotals integer lbSubTotal
    integer lhOutput lbNewLine liStart lbYes lbSum
    integer liWidth liItem liMax liType liDec
    number  lnValue
    string lsLine lsValue
    if (pbHandleByOutputObject(self)) begin
      move "" to lsLine
      move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
      get row_count to liMax
      decrement liMax

      // Are there any totals at all?
      move DFFALSE to lbYes
      for liItem from 0 to liMax
        get rpt_field_sum item liItem to lbSum
        if lbSum move DFTRUE to lbYes
      if lbYes begin // Yes, there are totals
        if lbSubTotal send writeln to lhOutput "  ------------------------------------------------------------------------"
        else          send writeln to lhOutput "  ========================================================================"
        for liItem from 0 to liMax
          get rpt_field_cr        item liItem to lbNewLine
          get rpt_field_start     item liItem to liStart
          get rpt_field_width     item liItem to liWidth
          get rpt_field_type      item liItem to liType
          get rpt_field_decpoints item liItem to liDec
          get rpt_field_sum item liItem to lbSum
          if lbNewLine begin
            send writeln to lhOutput lsLine
            move "" to lsLine
          if lbSum begin
            get nRcl_Data.i of (oTotals(self)) item liItem to lnValue
            get sFormatValue.siii lnValue DF_BCD liWidth liDec to lsValue
            move (overstrike(lsValue,lsLine,liStart)) to lsLine
      if lsLine ne "" begin
        send writeln to lhOutput lsLine
        move "" to lsLine

  procedure print_text string lsValue
    integer liLines liLine liFormat lhDef
    get phDef to lhDef
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_FORMAT to liFormat
    if (liFormat=DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT) begin // If file
      move (Text_Format.sii(lsValue,74,1)) to liLines
      for liLine from 0 to (liLines-1)
        send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) (Text_FormattedLine.i(liLine))

            // Only call this when format is DFQ.FORMAT.CD
            procedure write_column_names_cd
              integer liMax liItem liChannel
              string lsSeparator lsValue
              get piChannel to liChannel
              if (pSemiColon(self)) move ";" to lsSeparator
              else move "," to lsSeparator
              get row_count to liMax
              decrement liMax
              for liItem from 0 to liMax
                get rpt_field_name liItem to lsValue
                if liItem ne liMax write channel liChannel (lsValue+lsSeparator)
                else writeln channel liChannel lsValue

  procedure scan_starts // Sent unconditionally at the beginning of a scan
    integer liFormat liDestination lhDef
    string lsDestination lsFileName
    get phDef to lhDef
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_DESTINATION to liDestination
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_FORMAT to liFormat
    move "to #" to lsDestination
    if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.PRINTER move (replace("#",lsDestination,"printer")) to lsDestination
    if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.SCREEN  move (replace("#",lsDestination,"screen")) to lsDestination
    if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.FILE begin
      move (replace("#",lsDestination,"file")) to lsDestination
      get value of lhDef item DFQ_FILE_NAME to lsFileName
      move (lsDestination+" ("+lsFileName+")") to lsDestination
    if liDestination eq DFQ.DEST.EMAIL  move (replace("#",lsDestination,"e-mail")) to lsDestination
    send StartPanel to (oDFQueryWait(self)) "Generating report" (pReportTitle(self)) lsDestination "Press any key to interrupt..."
    set piRecIntCount to 0
    set piRecInt to (value(lhDef,DFQ_UPDATE_FREQ))
    set pTotalsOnly to (value(lhDef,DFQ_PRINT_TOTALS_ONLY))
    set pSemiColon to (value(lhDef,DFQ_SEMICOLON))

    if (integer(value(lhDef,DFQ_INCL_COLUMN_NAMES))) begin // If "Include column names" as been cheked
      if (liFormat=DFQ.FORMAT.CD) begin // Only if comma delimited, else no sense
        send write_column_names_cd

    if (piRecInt(self)=0) set piRecInt to 1

  procedure scan_ended // Sent unconditionally at the end of a scan
    integer lhOutput lhDef liMax liRow liExprRow
    string lsExpression
    forward send scan_ended
    if (pbHandleByOutputObject(self)) begin
      move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
      // print totals
      send PrintTotals DFFALSE
      // print no records
      send writeln to lhOutput ""
      send writeln to lhOutput ("Records printed: "+string(pRecordCount(self))+" (out of "+string(pScanCount(self))+" scanned)" )
      // selection criteria

      get phDef to lhDef
      get value of lhDef item DFQ_CRITERIA_EXPR_ROW to liExprRow
      if (liExprRow<>-1) get psExpression.i of (oQuery_ExprArray(lhDef)) liExprRow to lsExpression

      move (oQueryDefCriteria(lhDef)) to lhDef
      if (row_count(lhDef) or (liExprRow<>-1)) begin
        send writeln to lhOutput ""
        send writeln to lhOutput t.DfQuery.SelectionCrit
        get row_count of lhDef to liMax
        decrement liMax
        for liRow from 0 to liMax
          send writeln to lhOutput (sCriteriaAsString(lhDef,liRow))
        if (liExprRow<>-1) begin
          get Text_Format.sii lsExpression 50 DFTRUE to liMax
          decrement liMax
          for liRow from 0 to liMax
            if (liRow=0) send writeln to lhOutput ("Expression: "+Text_FormattedLine.i(liRow))
            else         send writeln to lhOutput ("            "+Text_FormattedLine.i(liRow))
      else send writeln to lhOutput t.DfQuery.NoSelectionCrit
    send StopPanel to (oDFQueryWait(self))

  procedure scan_complete  // Sent at the end of a scan if scan was complete

  procedure scan_pInterrupted  // Sent at the end of a scan if scan was
  end_procedure                // pInterrupted

  function sFormatValue.siii string lsValue integer liType integer liWidth integer liDec returns string
    if liType eq DF_BCD begin
      move (NumToStr(lsValue,liDec)) to lsValue
      if (length(lsValue)>liWidth) move (repeat("#",liWidth)) to lsValue // Column not wide enough
      else move (RightShift(lsValue,liWidth)) to lsValue
    else move (left(pad(lsValue,liWidth),liWidth)) to lsValue
    function_return lsValue

  procedure record_selected // Sent when a record is selected
    integer liItem liMax liFile liField liChannel lhValues
    integer lbSum liLen lhDef lhOutput
    integer lbNewLine liType liRow liDec
    integer lbRelated liMainFile lbTotalsOnly liDestination liFormat
    integer lhExprArr liExprRow
    number liStart liWidth
    string lsValue lsSeparator lsLine
    forward send Record_Selected

    get phDef to lhDef
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_DESTINATION to liDestination
    get value of lhDef item DFQ_FORMAT to liFormat
    get pTotalsOnly to lbTotalsOnly
    get piChannel to liChannel

    move "" to lsLine
    if (pSemiColon(self)) move ";" to lsSeparator
    else move "," to lsSeparator

    send delete_data to (oValues(self))
    get pMainFile to liMainFile
    move 0 to lbRelated
    move (oDFQ_Output(self)) to lhOutput
    move (oValues(self)) to lhValues
    get row_count to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for liItem from 0 to liMax // Go through the selected columns
      if (liFile<>liMainFile and not(lbRelated)) begin
        relate liMainFile
        move 1 to lbRelated
      get rpt_field_file       item liItem to liFile
      get rpt_field_field      item liItem to liField
      get rpt_field_start      item liItem to liStart
      get rpt_field_width      item liItem to liWidth
      get rpt_field_cr         item liItem to lbNewLine
      get rpt_field_sum        item liItem to lbSum
      get rpt_field_type       item liItem to liType
      get rpt_field_decpoints  item liItem to liDec
      get rpt_field_expr_array item liItem to lhExprArr
      get rpt_field_expr_row   item liItem to liExprRow

      if liFile move (FieldInf_FieldValue(liFile,liField)) to lsValue
      else get sEvalExpression of (Query_ExprEvaluator(self)) (piExprId.i(lhExprArr,liExprRow)) to lsValue

      if lbSum send Sum_Data.in to (oTotals(self)) liItem lsValue
      if (not(lbTotalsOnly) or (liFormat<>DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT)) begin
        if (liFormat=DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT) begin
          if lbNewLine begin
            send writeln to lhOutput lsLine
            move "" to lsLine
          if (liType<>DF_TEXT and liType<>DF_BINARY) begin
            get sFormatValue.siii lsValue liType liWidth liDec to lsValue
            move (overstrike(lsValue,lsLine,liStart)) to lsLine
          else set value of lhValues item (item_count(lhValues)) to lsValue
        else begin // DFQ.FORMAT.CD or DFQ.FORMAT.LD
          if (liType=DF_TEXT or liType=DF_BINARY) begin // Text or binary
            move (length(lsValue)) to liLen
            if liFormat eq DFQ.FORMAT.CD begin // Comma delimited
              move (replaces('"',lsValue,"'")) to lsValue
              move ('"'+Text_CompressSubstCr(lsValue," ")+'"') to lsValue
              if liItem ne liMax write channel liChannel (lsValue+lsSeparator)
              else writeln channel liChannel lsValue
            else begin // Line delimited
              writeln channel liChannel liLen
              write channel liChannel lsValue
          else begin // Everything but text or binary
            move (rtrim(lsValue)) to lsValue
            if liFormat eq DFQ.FORMAT.CD begin
              if liType eq DF_ASCII move (replaces('"',lsValue,"'")) to lsValue
              if liType ne DF_DATE move ('"'+lsValue+'"') to lsValue
              if liItem ne liMax write channel liChannel (lsValue+lsSeparator)
              else writeln channel liChannel lsValue
            else begin // DFQ.FORMAT.LD
              writeln channel liChannel lsValue
      end // IfNot lbTotalsOnly
    if (liFormat=DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT) begin
      if lsLine ne "" begin
        send writeln to lhOutput lsLine
        move "" to lsLine
      ifnot lbTotalsOnly begin
        for liItem from 0 to (item_count(lhValues)-1)
          get value of (oValues(self)) item liItem to lsValue
          move (Text_RemoveTrailingCr(lsValue)) to lsValue
          if lsValue ne "" begin
            send print_text lsValue
        send delete_data to lhValues

  procedure record_not_selected // Sent if record_selected is not sent

  procedure record_found // Sent for each record found. This message is sent before
                         // it is determined if the record is selected or not.
    integer liRecIntCount liSelected liNotSelected lbInterrupt
    get piRecIntCount to liRecIntCount
    increment liRecIntCount
    if (liRecIntCount=piRecInt(self)) begin
      move 0 to liRecIntCount
      send DoUpdate to (oDFQueryWait(self)) (idx_field_value(oIndexAnalyzer#,pOrdering(self),1,1)) ("("+string(pRecordCount(self))+"/"+string(pScanCount(self)-1)+")")
      get MB_CancelOnKeypress t.Wait.Cancel to lbInterrupt
      if lbInterrupt begin
        if (integer(value(phDef(self),DFQ_FORMAT))=DFQ.FORMAT.PRINT) ;
            send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) t.DfQuery.ReportCancelled
        set pInterrupted to DFTRUE
    set piRecIntCount to liRecIntCount

  procedure print_subheader string lsValue integer liLogicalLevel
    if (liLogicalLevel<=1) send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) ""
    send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) ""
    send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) (repeat("   ",liLogicalLevel)+lsValue)
    send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) ""
  procedure print_subtotal string lsValue integer liLogicalLevel
    send PrintTotals DFTRUE
//    send writeln to (oDFQ_Output(self)) (repeat("   ",liLogicalLevel)+lsValue)

  procedure Handle_SubHeader integer liLevel
    integer lhBreakInfo lbFin liLogicalLevel lhDef
    string lsValue
    get phDef to lhDef
    move (oBreakInfo(lhDef)) to lhBreakInfo
    move (piLogicalLevel.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) to liLogicalLevel
    move 0 to lbFin
    move (sBreakField_Value.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) to lsValue
      decrement liLevel
      move (liLevel<0 or pbSelect.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) to lbFin
      ifnot lbFin ;
        move (sBreakField_Value.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)+", "+lsValue) to lsValue
    until lbFin
    send print_subheader lsValue liLogicalLevel

  procedure Handle_SubTotal integer liLevel
    integer lhBreakInfo liLogicalLevel lhDef
    get phDef to lhDef
    move (oBreakInfo(lhDef)) to lhBreakInfo
    move (piLogicalLevel.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) to liLogicalLevel
    send print_subtotal "Test" liLogicalLevel

  procedure SubHeader integer liBreakLevel
    integer lhBreakInfo liLevel liMax lhDef
    get phDef to lhDef
    move (oBreakInfo(lhDef)) to lhBreakInfo
    get piTranslateLevel.i of lhBreakInfo item (liBreakLevel-1) to liBreakLevel
    get row_count of lhBreakInfo to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for liLevel from liBreakLevel to liMax
      if (pbSelect.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) begin
        send handle_subheader liLevel
        send New_Level to (oTotals(self))
  procedure SubTotal integer liLevel
    integer lhBreakInfo liBreakLevel liMax lhDef
    get phDef to lhDef
    move (oBreakInfo(lhDef)) to lhBreakInfo
    get piTranslateLevel.i of lhBreakInfo item (liLevel-1) to liBreakLevel
    get row_count of lhBreakInfo to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for_ex liLevel from liMax down_to liBreakLevel
      if (pbSelect.i(lhBreakInfo,liLevel)) begin
        send handle_subtotal liLevel
        send Drop_Level to (oTotals(self))

end_object // oDFQ_DataScanner