//********************************************************************** // Use Files.utl // Utilities for handling file related stuff // // By Sture Andersen // // Create: Wed 01-02-1998 // Update: Sat 02-05-1998 - Functions SEQ_FindFileAlongPath, SEQ_FileLineCount // and SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath added. // Fri 08-05-1998 - Error in cChannelAdmin fixed. Something to do with // channel positions has changed between 3.0x and // 3.1c. On_Error trick has been taken out and a // 'sneak in' on the right position trick has been // introduced. // 09-07-1998 - Procedure SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD added. // 14-07-1998 - Grave error fixed in SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD // by J›rgen Legin and Torsten Balsl›w. // - SEQ_ReadRecordBuffer_LD added // 05-09-1998 - SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName added // 06-09-1998 - SEQ_DfPath fixed // Sun 07-02-1999 - Directory selector added. Based on work of // Dennis Piccioni and Torben Lund. Function // name is SEQ_SelectDirectory. Windows only! // - aps.SelectDirForm class added. Windows only! // Fri 23-04-1999 - SEQ_DeleteFileToBin added. Based entirely on // upload from Andy Kaplan // (DAC NG user-contributed-files) // Sun 02-05-1999 - Added function SEQ_FileModTime // Mon 10-05-1999 - Fixes for VDF 6 (Vincent Oorsprong) // Mon 30-08-1999 - Function SEQ_DirectInput and SEQ_DirectOutput added // Wed 29-09-1999 - Function SEQ_SelectDirectory now converts to // OEM before returning its value. // Sat 09-10-1999 - Procedures SEQ_CloseOutput, SEQ_CloseInput and // SEQ_AppendOutput added. // Wed 01-12-1999 - Function SEQ_ReadLnProbe added. // Sun 06-02-2000 - Save- and OpenDialogs are now created dynamically // in appropriate places // Sat 11-03-2000 - Fix in SEQ_FileExists // Wed 22-03-2000 - Function SEQ_FindFileAlongPath would cause an // "Access violation" if asked to locate a file // opened exclusive by an application (including the // current). Fixed. // Mon 10-07-2000 - Function SEQ_FileSizeToString added // Wed 01-11-2000 - Functions SEQ_EraseFile, SEQ_CopyFile and // SEQ_MoveFile added. // Tue 07-11-2000 - Added function SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName // Tue 02-01-2001 - Added procedures SEQ_AppendOutputImageClose and // SEQ_AppendLineClose. // Thu 04-01-2001 - Added function SEQ_FindDataFileFromRootName // Mon 15-04-2002 - aps.dbSelectDirForm added // Mon 27-01-2003 - Function SEQ_SelectFileStartDir added // Sat 06-09-2003 - Added function SEQ_ValidateFolder // Thu 06-07-2006 - Fixed SEQ_SelectOutFile. It assumed work space // objects VDF 7 style. // //********************************************************************** use ui Use Files.nui // Utilities for handling file related stuff Use MsgBox.utl // obs procedure Use Strings.nui // String manipulation for VDF Use Dates.nui // Date manipulation for VDF Use Base.nui // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes Use Version.nui Use Language Use wvaW32fh.pkg // Package by Wil van Antwerpen from www.vdf-guidance.com #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_dutch #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Overschrijven" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Toevoegen" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Waarschuwing" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Bestandsnaam bestaat al! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Selecteer drive" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Directories" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Bestanden" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Geen correcte bestandsnaam" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Bestandsnaam niet ingevuld!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Afbreken inlezen?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# niet gevonden!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Selecteer directorie" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Selecteer bestand" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Directory bestaat niet!" // PvM #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Wilt u de directory aanmaken?" // PvM #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "Een bestand met deze naam bestaat al" // PvM #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Directory kan niet aangemaakt worden" // PvM #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "Een directory moet aangegeven worden" // PvM #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Pad niet gevonden" // PvM #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_spanish // 03/10/2002 25/01/2004 Pepe GuimarÆes Moose Software pg@moose-software.com #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Sobreescribir" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Agregar al final" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Precauci¢n" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Archivo ya Existe" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Unidades" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Directorios" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Archivos" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Nombre de Archivo no valido" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "No se especific¢ Archivo" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Parar lectura secuencial" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# no se encontr¢" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Elegir directorio" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Elegir Archivo" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Carpeta inexistente!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "¨Desea crear la carpeta?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "Ya existe un fichero con ese nombre" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "No se pudo crear carpeta" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "Tiene que especificar un nombre de carpeta" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Ruta (path) no encontrada" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_english #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Overwrite" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Append" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Warning" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "File name already exists! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Select drive" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Directories" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Files" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Illegal file name" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "File name not specified!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Stop sequential read?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# not found!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Select directory" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Select file" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_danish #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Overskriv" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Tilf›j" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Advarsel" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Filnavn eksisterer allerede! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "V‘lg drev" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Mapper" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Filer" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Illegal file name" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Filnavn ikke specificeret!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Afbryd indl‘sningen?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# findes ikke!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "V‘lg bibliotek" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "V‘lg fil" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Mappen findes ikke!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Skal mappen oprettes?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "Der findes en fil med det angivne navn" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Mappen kunne ikke oprettes" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "Der skal angives et mappenavn" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Sti ikke fundet" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_swedish #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Skriv ”ver" #REPLACE t.files.Append "L„gg till" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Advarsel" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Filnavn eksisterer allerede! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Select drive" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Directories" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Files" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Illegal file name" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Filnamn ej angivet!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Avbryt inl„sningen?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# finns ej!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "V„lg bibliotek" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "V„lg fil" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_norwegian // 22.04.1999 torkild.resheim@emmaedb.no #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Overskriv" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Tilf›y" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Advarsel" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Filnavn eksisterer allerede! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Velg drev" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Kataloger" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Filer" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Ulovlig filnavn" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Filnavn ikke spesifisert!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Avbryt innlesningen?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# finnes ikke!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Velg katalog" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Velg fil" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_german #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "šberschreiben" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Anh„ngen" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Warnung" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Bestand existiert bereits! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Laufwerk ausw„hlen" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Ordner" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Dateien" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Ungltiger Dateiname" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Kein Dateiname angegeben!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Sequentielles Lesen abbrechen?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# nicht gefunden!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Auswahl Ordner" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Auswahl Datei" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_portuguese // by Claudio Rossoni (SP-Brasil) #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Regravar" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Acrescentar" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Aten‡Æo" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Nome de arquivo j existe! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Selecione o drive" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Diret¢rios" #REPLACE t.files.Files "Arquivos" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Nome de arquivo inv lido" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Nome do arquivo nÆo especificado!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Parar a leitura sequencial?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# nÆo encontrado!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Selecione o diret¢rio" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Selecione o arquivo" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #If LNG_DEFAULT=lng_french #Replace t.files.Overwrite "Remplace" #Replace t.files.Append "Ajoute" #Replace t.files.Warning "Attention" #Replace t.files.FileExists "Le fichier existe d‚j… ! (#)" #Replace t.files.SelectDrive "S‚lection du disque" #Replace t.files.Directories "R‚pertoires" #Replace t.files.Files "Fichiers" #Replace t.files.IllegalFn "Nom de fichier incorrect" #Replace t.files.FileNotSpec "Nom de fichier manquant!" #Replace t.files.StopRead "Arrˆt de la lecture?" #Replace t.files.FileNotFound "# non trouv‚!" #Replace t.files.SelectDir "S‚lection du r‚pertoire" #Replace t.files.SelectFile "S‚lection du fichier" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "Folder does not exist!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Do you want to create the folder?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "A file exists with the specified name" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "Folder could not be created" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "A folder name must be specified" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Path not found" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_italian // by Paolo Zanni (Italia) #REPLACE t.files.Overwrite "Sovrascrive" #REPLACE t.files.Append "Aggiunge" #REPLACE t.files.Warning "Attenzione" #REPLACE t.files.FileExists "Il File esiste gia'! (#)" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDrive "Seleziona Drive" #REPLACE t.files.Directories "Directory" #REPLACE t.files.Files "File" #REPLACE t.files.IllegalFn "Nome File non valido" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotSpec "Nome File mancante!" #REPLACE t.files.StopRead "Stop sequential read?" #REPLACE t.files.FileNotFound "# non trovato!" #REPLACE t.files.SelectDir "Seleziona directory" #REPLACE t.files.SelectFile "Seleziona file" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate1 "La cartella non esiste!" #REPLACE t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "Vuoi creare la cartella?" #REPLACE t.files.Error1 "File gia' esistente con questo nome" #REPLACE t.files.Error2 "La cartella non può essere creata" #REPLACE t.files.Error3 "Indicare il nome della cartella" #REPLACE t.files.Error5 "Percorso non trovato" #ENDIF Use File_Dlg // DAC package integer oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# // move 0 to oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# // move 0 to oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# // class cSEQ_OpenFlDlg is a OpenDialog // procedure construct_object // forward send construct_object // set NoChangeDir_State to true // set HideReadOnly_State To True // move self to oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# // end_procedure // end_class // class cSEQ_SaveFlDlg is a SaveAsDialog // procedure construct_object // forward send construct_object // set NoChangeDir_State to true // set HideReadOnly_State To True // move self to oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# // end_procedure // procedure set Dialog_Caption string lsCaption // forward set Dialog_Caption to lsCaption // end_procedure // end_class // // procedure SEQ_Prepare_OpenDialog global // integer parent# self# // move (focus(desktop)) to parent# // ifnot parent# move desktop to parent# // if oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# send destroy to oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# // move self to self# // move parent# to self // object oSEQ_OpenFlDlg is a cSEQ_OpenFlDlg // end_object // move self# to self // end_procedure // // procedure SEQ_Prepare_SaveDialog global // integer parent# self# // move (focus(desktop)) to parent# // ifnot parent# move desktop to parent# // if oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# send destroy to oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# // move self to self# // move parent# to self // object oSEQ_SaveFlDlg is a cSEQ_SaveFlDlg // end_object // move self# to self // end_procedure object oSEQ_OpenFlDlg is a OpenDialog move self to oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# end_object object oSEQ_SaveFlDlg is a SaveAsDialog move self to oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# end_object procedure SEQ_Prepare_OpenDialog global set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to True set HideReadOnly_State of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# To True end_procedure procedure SEQ_Prepare_SaveDialog global set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to True set HideReadOnly_State of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# To True end_procedure //declare C structure struct_browseinfo //as documented in MSDN under Windows Shell API Type tFilesBrowseInfo Field tFilesBrowseInfo.hWndOwner as handle Field tFilesBrowseInfo.pIDLRoot as Pointer Field tFilesBrowseInfo.pszDisplayName as Pointer Field tFilesBrowseInfo.lpszTitle as Pointer Field tFilesBrowseInfo.ulFlags as dWord Field tFilesBrowseInfo.lpfnCallback as Pointer Field tFilesBrowseInfo.lParam as dWord Field tFilesBrowseInfo.iImage as dWord End_Type // tFilesBrowseInfo External_Function FilesSHBrowseForFolder "SHBrowseForFolder" shell32.dll pointer lpdWordx returns dWord External_Function FilesSHGetPathFromIDList "SHGetPathFromIDList" shell32.dll pointer pidList pointer lpBuffer returns dWord External_Function FilesCoTaskMemFree "CoTaskMemFree" ole32.dll pointer pv returns Integer // If function ConvertChar is not already defined we define it here: #IFDEF get_ConvertChar #ELSE Function ConvertChar Global integer bToAnsi String sString Returns String Pointer psString integer iVoid bIsCString Move (ascii(Right(sString,1))=0) to bIsCString If Not bISCString Append sString (character(0)) GetAddress Of sString To psString if bToAnsi Move (OEMToANSI(psString,psString)) To iVoid else Move (ANSItoOEM(psString,psString)) To iVoid Function_Return (if(bIsCString, sString, cstring(sString))) End_Function #ENDIF // returns folder name if a folder was selected, otherwise returns "" function SEQ_SelectDirectory global string lsCaption returns string string sFolder sBrowseInfo sTitle sRval pointer lpItemIdList lpsFolder lpsBrowseInfo lpsTitle integer iFolderSelected iObj iRetval // fill string variable with null characters ZeroType tFilesBrowseInfo to sBrowseInfo if (lsCaption<>"") begin move (ConvertChar(1,lsCaption)) to sTitle // toAnsi GetAddress of sTitle to lpsTitle put lpsTitle to sBrowseInfo at tFilesBrowseInfo.lpszTitle end put (window_handle(focus(desktop))) to sBrowseInfo at tFilesBrowseInfo.hWndOwner GetAddress of sBrowseInfo to lpsBrowseInfo // null 128 chars into var (make space) move (repeat(character(0), 128)) to sFolder GetAddress of sFolder to lpsFolder // select folder move (FilesSHBrowseForFolder(lpsBrowseInfo)) to lpItemIdList // get selected folder name move (FilesSHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemIdList, lpsFolder)) to iFolderSelected // free memory and IDL Move (FilesCoTaskMemFree(lpItemIdList)) To iRetval if (iFolderSelected<>0) move (CString(sFolder)) to sRval else move "" to sRval function_return (ConvertChar(0,sRval)) End_Function // GetSelectFolder class aps.SelectDirForm is a aps.Form procedure construct_object forward send construct_object property string pSelectDialogCaption public t.files.SelectDir set form_button item 0 to 1 // Manually add a prompt button set form_button_value item 0 to "..." // " on_key kprompt send prompt end_procedure procedure OnDirectorySelected end_procedure Procedure Prompt string sDir move (SEQ_SelectDirectory(pSelectDialogCaption(self))) to sDir if sDir ne "" begin set Value item 0 to sDir send OnDirectorySelected end End_Procedure procedure form_button_notification integer itm# send prompt end_procedure end_class class aps.dbSelectDirForm is a aps.dbForm procedure construct_object forward send construct_object property string pSelectDialogCaption public t.files.SelectDir // set form_button item 0 to 1 // Manually add a prompt button // set form_button_value item 0 to "..." // " set prompt_button_mode to PB_PromptOn on_key kprompt send prompt end_procedure procedure OnDirectorySelected end_procedure Procedure Prompt string sDir move (SEQ_SelectDirectory(pSelectDialogCaption(self))) to sDir if sDir ne "" begin set changed_value item 0 to sDir send OnDirectorySelected end End_Procedure procedure form_button_notification integer itm# send prompt end_procedure end_class class aps.SelectFileForm is a aps.Form procedure construct_object forward send construct_object property string psFileMask public "" property string pSelectDialogCaption public t.files.SelectFile set form_button item 0 to 1 // Manually add a prompt button set form_button_value item 0 to "..." // " on_key kprompt send prompt end_procedure Procedure Prompt string fn# get SEQ_SelectInFile (pSelectDialogCaption(self)) (psFileMask(self)) to fn# if fn# ne "" set Value item 0 to fn# End_Procedure procedure form_button_notification integer itm# send prompt end_procedure end_class function SEQ_SelectOutFile global string lsCaption string filter# returns string string fn# send SEQ_Prepare_SaveDialog #IFDEF ghoWorkSpace // If VDF5 and using workspaces If (ghoWorkSpace AND NoChangeDir_State(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#) AND Initial_Folder(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#)='') ; // if workspace exists Set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to (psDataPath(phoWorkspace(ghoApplication))) //Set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to (CurrentDataPath(ghoWorkSpace)) Else Set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to '' #ENDIF set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to True set Dialog_Caption of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to lsCaption set Filter_String of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to filter# if (Show_Dialog(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#)) move (File_Name(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#)) to fn# else move "" to fn# function_return fn# end_function // Example of filter# values for VDF program: "Text files|*.txt|XML files|*.xml|All files|*.*" function SEQ_SelectOutFileStartDir global string lsCaption string filter# string lsStartDir returns string string fn# send SEQ_Prepare_SaveDialog set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to lsStartDir set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to True set Dialog_Caption of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to lsCaption set Filter_String of oSEQ_SaveFlDlg# to filter# if (Show_Dialog(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#)) move (File_Name(oSEQ_SaveFlDlg#)) to fn# else move "" to fn# function_return fn# end_function function SEQ_SelectInFile global string lsCaption string filter# returns string string fn# send SEQ_Prepare_OpenDialog #IFDEF ghoWorkSpace // If VDF5+6+7 (not 8) and using workspaces Set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to '' #ENDIF set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to True set Dialog_Caption of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to lsCaption set Filter_String of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to filter# if (Show_Dialog(oSEQ_OpenFlDlg#)) move (File_Name(oSEQ_OpenFlDlg#)) to fn# else move "" to fn# function_return fn# end_function function SEQ_SelectFile global string lsCaption string filter# returns string function_return (SEQ_SelectInFile(lsCaption,filter#)) end_function function SEQ_SelectFileStartDir global string lsCaption string filter# string dir# returns string string fn# send SEQ_Prepare_OpenDialog set Initial_Folder of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to dir# set NoChangeDir_State of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to True //False set Dialog_Caption of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to lsCaption set Filter_String of oSEQ_OpenFlDlg# to filter# if (Show_Dialog(oSEQ_OpenFlDlg#)) move (File_Name(oSEQ_OpenFlDlg#)) to fn# else move "" to fn# function_return fn# end_function //[found ~found] begin // files$nothing: return //end use APS use Wait.utl object oFn_Exists is a aps.ModalPanel label t.files.Warning on_key kCancel send fn_cancel property integer pResult public 0 object oMsg is a aps.TextBox set p_fixed_width to 240 set justification_mode to (JMODE_CENTER+JMODE_WRAP+JMODE_VCENTER) end_object procedure fn_Append set pResult to 1 send close_panel end_procedure procedure fn_OverWr set pResult to 2 send close_panel end_procedure procedure fn_Cancel set pResult to 3 send close_panel end_procedure object oBtn_Over is a aps.Multi_Button on_item t.files.Overwrite send fn_overwr end_object object oBtn_Append is a aps.Multi_Button on_item t.files.Append send fn_append end_object object oBtn_Cancel is a aps.Multi_Button on_item t.btn.cancel send fn_cancel end_object send aps_locate_multi_buttons function iRun.si string file_name# integer allow_append# returns integer integer rval# //set shadow_state of (Btn(self)) item 1 to (not(allow_append#)) set value of (oMsg(self)) to (replace("#",t.files.FileExists,file_name#)) send popup get pResult to rval# if rval# eq 3 move 0 to rval# function_return rval# end_function end_object // Return value: 0=cancel, 1=append, 2=overwrite function SEQ_Filename_Exists_Action global string file_name# integer allow_append# returns integer function_return (iRun.si(oFn_Exists(self),file_name#,allow_append#)) end_function procedure SEQ_WriteGridItems global integer ch# integer obj# integer itm# max# shadow# checkbox# select# aux# msg# get item_count of obj# to max# writeln channel ch# max# for itm# from 0 to (max#-1) writeln (value(obj#,itm#)) get checkbox_item_state of obj# item itm# to checkbox# get select_state of obj# item itm# to select# get item_shadow_state of obj# item itm# to shadow# get aux_value of obj# item itm# to aux# get message of obj# item itm# to msg# writeln checkbox# writeln select# writeln shadow# writeln aux# writeln msg# loop end_procedure procedure SEQ_ReadGridItems global integer ch# integer obj# integer itm# max# shadow# checkbox# select# aux# msg# string value# send delete_data to obj# readln channel ch# max# for itm# from 0 to (max#-1) readln value# readln checkbox# readln select# readln shadow# readln aux# readln msg# send add_item to obj# msg# value# set checkbox_item_state of obj# item itm# to checkbox# set select_state of obj# item itm# to select# set item_shadow_state of obj# item itm# to shadow# set aux_value of obj# item itm# to aux# loop set dynamic_update_state of obj# to true end_procedure define xFO_MOVE for |CI$0001 define xFO_COPY for |CI$0002 define xFO_DELETE for |CI$0003 define xFO_RENAME for |CI$0004 define xFOF_MULTIDESTFILES for |CI$0001 define xFOF_CONFIRMMOUSE for |CI$0002 define xFOF_SILENT for |CI$0004 // don't create progress/report define xFOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION for |CI$0008 define xFOF_NOCONFIRMATION for |CI$0010 // Don't prompt the user. define xFOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE for |CI$0020 // Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings // Must be freed using SHFreeNameMappings define xFOF_ALLOWUNDO for |CI$0040 define xFOF_FILESONLY for |CI$0080 // on *.*, do only files define xFOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS for |CI$0100 // means don't show names of files define xFOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR for |CI$0200 // don't confirm making any needed dirs Type tFILES_SHFILEOPSTRUCT Field files_hWnd as Handle Field files_wFunc as Integer Field files_pFrom as Pointer Field files_pTo as Pointer Field files_fFlags as Short Field files_fAnyOperationsAborted as Short Field files_hNameMappings as Pointer Field files_lpszProgressTitle as Pointer // only used if xFOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS End_Type External_Function FILES_SHFileOperation "SHFileOperationA" Shell32.dll ; pointer lpFileOp returns integer procedure SEQ_DeleteFileToBin global string fn# string strFileOpt Pointer lpFileOpt lpFileName ZeroType tFILES_SHFILEOPSTRUCT to strFileOpt Put xFO_DELETE to strFileOpt at files_wFunc GetAddress of fn# to lpFileName Put lpFileName to strFileOpt at files_pFrom Put (xFOF_SILENT ior xFOF_NOCONFIRMATION ior xFOF_ALLOWUNDO) to strFileOpt at files_fFlags GetAddress of strFileOpt to lpFileOpt Move (FILES_SHFileOperation(lpFileOpt)) to strmark end_procedure class cSEQ_FileReader is a TS_TimeEstimator procedure construct_object integer img# forward send construct_object img# property integer pReadCount public 0 // record counter (lines or records) property string pFileName public "" // name of input file property integer pChannel public 0 // input channel property integer pPrevPos public 0 // last record was read starting // in this channel position property integer pRejectRecord public 0 // property date pReadDate public 0 // Date and time of read property string pReadTime public "" // initialization property integer pOkToCancel public 1 // Ok to interrupt? property string pCancelQuestion public t.files.StopRead property integer piInterrupted public 0 end_procedure procedure display_init end_procedure procedure display_update end_procedure function iPreconditions_Direct_Input returns integer integer fn_ok# file_size# ch# itm# string fn# get pChannel to ch# get pFileName to fn# trim fn# to fn# if fn# eq "" send obs t.files.FileNotSpec direct_input channel ch# fn# [ SeqEof] move 0 to fn_ok# [~SeqEof] move 1 to fn_ok# close_input ifnot fn_ok# begin send obs (replace("#",t.files.FileNotFound,fn#)) function_return 0 end else begin append_output channel ch# fn# get_channel_position ch# to file_size# set piMin to 0 set piMax to file_size# close_output channel ch# end set piInterrupted to 0 function_return 1 end_function function iDirect_Input returns integer integer ch# string fn# if (iPreconditions_Direct_Input(self)) begin send display_init get pChannel to ch# get pFileName to fn# direct_input channel ch# fn# set pReadCount to 0 // initialize counter set pReadDate to (dSysDate()) set pReadTime to (sSysTime()) set pPrevPos to 0 function_return 1 end function_return 0 end_function procedure read_reset set_channel_position (pChannel(self)) to (pPrevPos(self)) end_procedure procedure read_header returns integer // augment this procedure_return 0 end_procedure procedure read_one returns integer // augment this procedure_return 1 end_procedure function iUserInterrupt returns integer end_function procedure roll_back // augment this to undo the effect end_procedure // of a interrupted read procedure read_begin end_procedure procedure read_end end_procedure procedure run string fn# integer finish# ch# PrevPos# if Num_Arguments gt 0 set pFileName to fn# if (iDirect_Input(self)) begin get pChannel to ch# send read_begin get msg_read_header to finish# ifnot finish# begin repeat set pRejectRecord to false get msg_read_one to finish# ifnot finish# begin get_channel_position ch# to PrevPos# set pPrevPos to PrevPos# set pReadCount to (pReadCount(self)+1) send display_update end if (iUserInterrupt(self)) move 1 to finish# // keypress if (piInterrupted(self)) move 1 to finish# // program interrupt until finish# end close_input channel ch# send read_end if (piInterrupted(self)) send roll_back end end_procedure end_class // cSEQ_FileReader define xMAX_PATH for 200 External_function Files_GetWindowsDirectory "GetWindowsDirectoryA" kernel32.dll Pointer lpBuffer Integer nSize returns integer function SEQ_WindowsDirectory global returns string string sVal integer iGrb pointer pVal ZeroString xMAX_PATH to sVal GetAddress of sVal to pVal move (Files_GetWindowsDirectory(pVal, xMAX_PATH)) to iGrb function_return sVal end_function enumeration_list define VALIDFOLDER_CREATE_FALSE define VALIDFOLDER_CREATE_PROMPT define VALIDFOLDER_CREATE_QUIET end_enumeration_list enumeration_list define VALIDFOLDER_EXISTS // The folder exists define VALIDFOLDER_NAME_IS_FILE // The specified name points to a file define VALIDFOLDER_CREATION_FAILED // Folder could not be created define VALIDFOLDER_NO_FOLDER_SPECIFIED // Folder not specified define VALIDFOLDER_USER_CANCEL // User cancelled directory create define VALIDFOLDER_PARENT_PATH_NOT_FOUND // Path to parent folder not found define VALIDFOLDER_PATH_NOT_FOUND // Path to parent folder not found end_enumeration_list function SEQ_ValidateFolder_ErrorText global integer liError returns string if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_EXISTS) function_return "" if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_NAME_IS_FILE) function_return t.files.Error1 if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_CREATION_FAILED) function_return t.files.Error2 if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_NO_FOLDER_SPECIFIED) function_return t.files.Error3 if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_PATH_NOT_FOUND) function_return t.files.Error5 if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_PARENT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) function_return t.files.Error5 end_function function SEQ_ValidateFolder global string lsFolder integer liAllowCreate integer lbNoErrorMsg returns integer integer liError liExists lbCreate liGarbage string lsParentFolder lsError move (trim(lsFolder)) to lsFolder if (lsFolder="") move VALIDFOLDER_NO_FOLDER_SPECIFIED to liError // Error: No folder specified else begin if (length(lsFolder)>1 and right(lsFolder,2)=(":"+sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR))) ; move (StringLeftBut(lsFolder,1)) to lsFolder get SEQ_FileExists lsFolder to liExists if (liExists=SEQIT_FILE) move VALIDFOLDER_NAME_IS_FILE to liError // Error: it's a file else begin if (liExists=SEQIT_DIRECTORY) move VALIDFOLDER_EXISTS to liError // All is well! else begin if (liAllowCreate<>VALIDFOLDER_CREATE_FALSE) begin get SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName lsFolder to lsParentFolder get SEQ_FileExists lsParentFolder to liExists // Does parent folder exist? if (liExists=SEQIT_DIRECTORY) begin if (liAllowCreate=VALIDFOLDER_CREATE_PROMPT) get MB_Verify4 t.files.PromptDirCreate1 ("("+lsFolder+")") t.files.PromptDirCreate2 "" 1 to lbCreate else move 1 to lbCreate if lbCreate begin get wvaWin32_CreateDirectory (ToAnsi(lsFolder)) to liGarbage get SEQ_FileExists lsFolder to liExists // Does the folder exist now? if (liExists=SEQIT_DIRECTORY) move VALIDFOLDER_EXISTS to liError else move VALIDFOLDER_CREATION_FAILED to liError end else move VALIDFOLDER_USER_CANCEL to liError end else move VALIDFOLDER_PARENT_PATH_NOT_FOUND to liError end else move VALIDFOLDER_PATH_NOT_FOUND to liError end end end ifnot lbNoErrorMsg begin get SEQ_ValidateFolder_ErrorText liError to lsError if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_NAME_IS_FILE) send obs lsError lsFolder if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_CREATION_FAILED) send obs lsError lsFolder if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_NO_FOLDER_SPECIFIED) send obs lsError if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_PARENT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) send obs lsError lsParentFolder if (liError=VALIDFOLDER_PATH_NOT_FOUND) send obs lsError lsFolder end function_return liError end_function // SEQ_ValidateFolder