// Use FTSWrdSp.nui // cFTS_WordSplitter class (to be used internally by cFreeText_Indexer and cFTS_Searcher classes) //> The cFTS_WordSplitter class is able to split up an article into words. It is done like this: //> //><CODE> //> Send DoReset to lhWordSplitter //> Send DoAddText to lhWordSplitter <text> // as many as needed //></CODE> //> Legal letters are determined by the psLetters property //> // Programmed by Sture Andersen for Sture ApS. E-mail: sture@stureaps.dk, Tel: +45 40 59 70 20 Use Base.nui // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes Use Language.pkg define FTS_WORDCHARACTERS_DANISH for "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZТЭПОЩЪ╡Р╓рщэ╖╘▐уыabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzСЫЖДФБаВбвгьЕКНХЧ" define FTS_WORDCHARACTERS_ENGLISH for "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ╡Р╓рщэ╖╘▐уыabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzБаВбвгьЕКНХЧд" enumeration_list // Set this property to the string of letters that are considered to be legal in your langauge (or rather // the language of the articles, you're going to index) define FTS_WORDCHARACTERS // If paragraphs can be trusted to not include CR/LF characters you may set this property to DFTRUE. This will // prevent finding phrases that starts in one paragraph and ends in the next (and therefore technically are not // phrases). If however, like in newsgroup articles, paragraphs are divided into a number of CR/LF delimited lines, // it should be set DFFALSE (as indeed is the default value). define FTS_CRLFCANBETRUSTED end_enumeration_list desktop_section object oFTS_GlobalSetup is a cArray // The set up values contained in this array are default values // for properties of all objects of the cFTS_WordSplitter class. end_object end_desktop_section procedure set FTS_Parameter global integer liItm string lsValue set value of (oFTS_GlobalSetup(self)) item liItm to lsValue end_procedure function FTS_Parameter global integer liItm returns string function_return (value(oFTS_GlobalSetup(self),liItm)) end_function // Set up default parameters #IF LNG_DEFAULT=LNG_DANISH set FTS_Parameter FTS_WORDCHARACTERS to FTS_WORDCHARACTERS_DANISH #ELSE set FTS_Parameter FTS_WORDCHARACTERS to FTS_WORDCHARACTERS_ENGLISH #ENDIF set FTS_Parameter FTS_CRLFCANBETRUSTED to DFFALSE //> As the name implies an object of the cFTS_WordSplitter class is used to //> break up an article into words. class cFTS_WordSplitter is a cArray procedure construct_object integer liImg forward send construct_object liImg property string psLetters private (FTS_Parameter(FTS_WORDCHARACTERS)) property string psDelimiters private "" // Very private. Is used to temporarily make the DoAddText procedure but // the list of words to an external object instead of itself. property integer phRedirectObj private 0 property integer pbDoNotRegisterWithParent public false // Property pbCrLfCanBeTrusted should be set to TRUE if we can rely upon // hard coded line shifts. property integer pbCrLfCanBeTrusted public (FTS_Parameter(FTS_CRLFCANBETRUSTED)) end_procedure item_property_list item_property string psWord.i item_property integer piWordId.i // Used by external procedures to assign word ID's item_property integer piFrequency.i // Used by external procedures to assign word frequencies end_item_property_list cFTS_WordSplitter procedure BuildDelimiters // Private integer liAscii string lsDelimiters lsChar lsNotDelimiters move "" to lsDelimiters get psLetters to lsNotDelimiters move (lsNotDelimiters+"01234567890") to lsNotDelimiters for liAscii from 33 to 255 ifnot (character(liAscii)) in lsNotDelimiters move (lsDelimiters+character(liAscii)) to lsDelimiters loop set cFTS_WordSplitter.psDelimiters to lsDelimiters end_procedure procedure set psLetters string lsLetters set cFTS_WordSplitter.psLetters to lsLetters send BuildDelimiters end_procedure function psLetters returns string function_return (cFTS_WordSplitter.psLetters(self)) end_function procedure end_construct_object // Private integer lhSelf forward send end_construct_object send BuildDelimiters ifnot (pbDoNotRegisterWithParent(self)) begin move self to lhSelf set phWordsplitterObject to lhSelf // This is resolved in the encapsulating cFTS_System object end end_procedure //> Use procedure DoReset to delete all data in the array. procedure DoReset send delete_data end_procedure enumeration_list // Private define PRIV_FTS_NOT_IN_ITEM // These are just constants used internally by the DoAddText define PRIV_FTS_WORD // procedure for values of internal state variable liState: define PRIV_FTS_NUMBER define PRIV_FTS_DELIMITER define PRIV_FTS_BELOW32 end_enumeration_list //> This procedure adds rows to item_property structure by filling the //> psWord.i column only. The DoAddText procedure does not reset the //> values in the array before doing this. This must be done manually //> by calling the DoReset procedure. //> //> The function of this procedure is influenced by properties psLetters //> and pbCrLfCanBeTrusted. //> //> If you want to fundamentally change the way words are being derived //> from articles, this is the procedure to want to change. procedure DoAddText string lsText integer liLen liPos liRow liState lbBelow32CountsAsWord lhSelf string lsChar lsWord lsLetter lsNumbers lsDelimiters get cFTS_WordSplitter.phRedirectObj to lhSelf // If>0 the result of the splitting should be send elsewhere ifnot lhSelf move self to lhSelf set cFTS_WordSplitter.phRedirectObj to 0 // Make sure that the redirecting doesn't stick move (trim(lsText)) to lsText move (length(lsText)) to liLen move "" to lsWord move PRIV_FTS_NOT_IN_ITEM to liState move 0 to liRow get psLetters to lsLetter get cFTS_WordSplitter.psDelimiters to lsDelimiters get pbCrLfCanBeTrusted to lbBelow32CountsAsWord move "0123456789" to lsNumbers move (lsLetter+lsNumbers) to lsLetter move "" to lsNumbers for liPos from 1 to liLen mid lsText to lsChar 1 liPos if lsChar in lsLetter begin if liState eq PRIV_FTS_WORD move (lsWord+lsChar) to lsWord else begin if (liState=PRIV_FTS_NUMBER or liState=PRIV_FTS_DELIMITER or liState=PRIV_FTS_BELOW32) begin if (liState<>PRIV_FTS_BELOW32 or lbBelow32CountsAsWord<>0) begin set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord increment liRow end end move PRIV_FTS_WORD to liState move lsChar to lsWord end end else if lsChar in lsNumbers begin if liState eq PRIV_FTS_NUMBER move (lsWord+lsChar) to lsWord else begin if (liState=PRIV_FTS_WORD or liState=PRIV_FTS_DELIMITER or liState=PRIV_FTS_BELOW32) begin if (liState<>PRIV_FTS_BELOW32 or lbBelow32CountsAsWord<>0) begin set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord increment liRow end end move PRIV_FTS_NUMBER to liState move lsChar to lsWord end end else if (lsChar=" ") begin if lsWord ne "" begin set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord increment liRow end move PRIV_FTS_NOT_IN_ITEM to liState move ""to lsWord end else if lsChar in lsDelimiters begin if liState eq PRIV_FTS_DELIMITER move (lsWord+lsChar) to lsWord else begin if (liState=PRIV_FTS_WORD or liState=PRIV_FTS_NUMBER or liState=PRIV_FTS_BELOW32) begin if (liState<>PRIV_FTS_BELOW32 or lbBelow32CountsAsWord<>0) begin set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord increment liRow end end move PRIV_FTS_DELIMITER to liState move lsChar to lsWord end end else if (ascii(lsChar)<32) begin if lsWord ne "" begin set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord increment liRow end move PRIV_FTS_BELOW32 to liState move "" to lsWord end loop if lsWord ne "" set psWord.i of lhSelf liRow to lsWord end_procedure end_class // cFTS_WordSplitter