Use LanguageText.pkg
Use cStatusBar.pkg

Object oStatusBar is a cStatusBar

    Object oStatusHelp is a cStatusPane
        Set piWidth to 200
//    Object oRecnum is a cStatusPane
//        Set piWidth to 120
//    End_Object
    Object oOpenPathHelp is a cStatusPane
//        Set peBevel to bsNone

    Procedure Show_View_Name String sName
//        Set psLabel of oViewName To sName

//    Procedure Show_Recnum Integer iRecnum
//        If (iRecnum = 0) Set psLabel of oRecnum to "New record"
//        Else If (iRecnum > 0) Set psLabel of oRecnum to ("Recnum: "+String(iRecnum))
//        Else Set psLabel of oRecnum to ""
//    End_Procedure


//Procedure Show_Recnum Integer iRecnum
//    Broadcast Send Show_Recnum iRecnum

Procedure DoShowOpenPathHelp
    String sPath
    Get_Attribute DF_OPEN_PATH to sPath
    Set psLabel of (oOpenPathHelp(oStatusbar(Self))) to ("Open search path: "+sPath)