//> Package name: PkgDoc.nui //> Created: 12-06-2004 //> //> //> Basic array structures //> //> Array //> Array2D //> Array3D //> Stack //> Tree //> Item_Property //> //> Global function libraries //> //> Strings.nui //> Dates.nui //> Dates.utl //> Files.nui //> Files.utl //> Rgb.nui //> //> //> XML Builder //> //> #HEADER Use dfallent Use Base.nui // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes (No User Interface) Use Files.nui // Utilities for handling file related stuff (No User Interface) Use Strings.nui // String manipulation for VDF and 3.2 (No User Interface) #ENDHEADER Use ExtendedItemProp.nui // cExtendedItemPropertyArray class Use XmlBuilder.nui // cXmlBuilder class (XML building made easy) //Use TextProcessor.nui // cTextProcessor class enumeration_list define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_UNDEFINED define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_COMMAND define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_OBJECT define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_CLASS define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_METHOD define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_PROPERTY define PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_FILE end_enumeration_list object cPkgReader is a cArray property string psPackageName property integer pbXmlDomMode public false item_property_list item_property integer piGroupType.i // 0 desktop level, 1=object, 2=class item_property string psGroupName.i // Object or class name or blank if desktop item_property integer piType.i // File, class, object, method item_property string psSourceLine.i // Source line that flushed the documentation buffer item_property string psDocText.i // Doc text end_item_property_list object oXmlBuilder is a cXmlBuilder end_object property integer piXmlChannel property handle phXmlDoc procedure DoOpenXml string lsXmlFile integer liChannel handle hoXML if (pbXmlDomMode(self)) begin Get Create U_cXmlDomDocument to hoXML Send AddChildProcessingInstruction to hoXML "xml" "version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'" set psDocumentName of hoXML to lsXmlFile send begin_xml_add_to_dom of oXmlBuilder hoXML set phXmlDoc to hoXML end else begin get SEQ_DirectOutput lsXmlFile to liChannel write channel liChannel '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>' // Manually write this send begin_xml_write_seq of oXmlBuilder liChannel set piXmlChannel to liChannel end send add_open_element of oXmlBuilder "sourcefilelist" end_procedure procedure DoCloseXml integer liChannel lbError handle hoXML send close_element of oXmlBuilder // "sourcefilelist" if (pbXmlDomMode(self)) begin get phXmlDoc to hoXML Get SaveXmlDocument of hoXML to lbError if lbError error 721 ("Error saving XML to file: "+string(lbError)) Send Destroy of hoXML end else begin get piXmlChannel to liChannel send end_xml of oXmlBuilder send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannel end end_procedure function WriteXml_GroupElement integer liGroupType returns string if (liGroupType=0) function_return "desktop" if (liGroupType=1) function_return "object" if (liGroupType=2) function_return "class" end_function function WriteXml_TypeElement integer liType returns string if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_UNDEFINED) function_return "undefined" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_COMMAND ) function_return "command" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_OBJECT ) function_return "object" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_CLASS ) function_return "class" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_METHOD ) function_return "method" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_PROPERTY ) function_return "property" if (liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_FILE ) function_return "pkg" end_function procedure DoWriteXml integer liMax liRow liType liGroupType lbFirst string lsSourceFile lsCurrentGroup lsGroup lsLine lsText string lsGroupElement lsTypeElement move "--" to lsCurrentGroup get psPackageName to lsSourceFile get row_count to liMax if liMax begin send add_open_element of oXmlBuilder "sourcefile" send add_attribute of oXmlBuilder "name" lsSourceFile move true to lbFirst decrement liMax for liRow from 0 to liMax get psGroupName.i liRow to lsGroup get piGroupType.i liRow to liGroupType get piType.i liRow to liType get psSourceLine.i liRow to lsLine get psDocText.i liRow to lsText if (liRow=0 and liType=PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_FILE) begin send add_closed_element_cdata of oXmlBuilder "doc" lsText end else begin if (lsGroup<>lsCurrentGroup) begin ifnot lbFirst send close_element of oXmlBuilder // "?" get WriteXml_GroupElement liGroupType to lsGroupElement send add_open_element of oXmlBuilder lsGroupElement if (liGroupType<>0) send add_attribute of oXmlBuilder "name" lsGroup move lsGroup to lsCurrentGroup move false to lbFirst end send add_open_element of oXmlBuilder "declaration" get WriteXml_TypeElement liType to lsTypeElement send add_attribute of oXmlBuilder "type" lsTypeElement send add_closed_element of oXmlBuilder "line" lsLine send add_closed_element_cdata of oXmlBuilder "doc" lsText send close_element of oXmlBuilder // "declaration" end loop ifnot lbFirst send close_element of oXmlBuilder // "?" send close_element of oXmlBuilder // "sourcefile" send delete_data end end_procedure object oCommentsBuilder is a cArray procedure add_line string lsLine if (left(lsLine,1)=" ") move (replace(" ",lsLine,"")) to lsLine set value item (item_count(self)) to lsLine end_procedure function sValue.ssi string lsOn string lsOff integer lbInitial returns string integer liMax liItm lbOn string lsRval lsValue move lbInitial to lbOn move "" to lsRval get item_count to liMax decrement liMax for liItm from 0 to liMax get value item liItm to lsValue if (lowercase(trim(replaces(" ",lsValue,"")))=lsOn) begin move 1 to lbOn move "" to lsValue // We will not include the "On" trigger end if (lowercase(trim(replaces(" ",lsValue,"")))=lsOff) move 0 to lbOn if lbOn begin if (lsRval="") move lsValue to lsRval else move (lsRval+character(10)+lsValue) to lsRval end loop function_return lsRval end_function function sHeaderValue returns string string lsValue get sValue.ssi "pkgdoc.begin" "pkgdoc.end" false to lsValue function_return lsValue end_function function sValue returns string string lsValue get sValue.ssi "pkgdoc.end" "pkgdoc.begin" true to lsValue send delete_data function_return lsValue end_function end_object // oCommentsBuilder function sRemoveComment string lsLine returns string integer liPos string lsComment lsCommand move (pos("/"+"/",lsLine)) to liPos if liPos begin move (left(lsLine,liPos-1)) to lsCommand move (replace(lsCommand,lsLine,"")) to lsComment if (left(lsComment,3)="//>") begin get StringRightBut lsComment 3 to lsComment send add_line of oCommentsBuilder lsComment end end else move lsLine to lsCommand function_return (rtrim(lsCommand)) end_function function sReadSourceLine.ii integer liChannel integer lbInImage returns string integer lbSeqEof string lsValue lsComment lsReturnValue move "" to lsReturnValue move 0 to lbSeqEof while (lbSeqEof=0 and lsReturnValue="") repeat readln channel liChannel lsValue move (seqeof) to lbSeqEof until (lbSeqEof<>0 or lsValue<>"") ifnot lbInImage begin get sRemoveComment lsValue to lsValue end move lsValue to lsReturnValue ifnot lbSeqEof begin ifnot lbInImage begin while (not(lbSeqEof) and right(lsReturnValue,1)=";") get StringLeftBut lsReturnValue 1 to lsReturnValue readln channel liChannel lsValue move (seqeof) to lbSeqEof ifnot lbSeqEof begin get sRemoveComment lsValue to lsValue move (lsReturnValue*lsValue) to lsReturnValue end end end end end function_return (rtrim(lsReturnValue)) end_function procedure DoReset send delete_data end_procedure function sReadUntil_Value integer liChannel string lsValue returns integer string lsLine move (uppercase(lsValue)) to lsValue repeat get sReadSourceLine.ii liChannel false to lsLine if (lsLine="") function_return 0 if (uppercase(trim(lsLine))=lsValue) function_return 1 loop end_function function sReadUntil_ImageEnd integer liChannel string lsValue returns integer string lsLine repeat get sReadSourceLine.ii liChannel true to lsLine if (lsLine="") function_return 0 if (lsLine=lsValue) function_return 1 loop end_function procedure add_to_doc integer liType integer liGroupType string lsGroup string lsLine integer liRow string lsComment get sHeaderValue of oCommentsBuilder to lsComment if (lsComment<>"") begin get row_count to liRow set piType.i liRow to PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_FILE set piGroupType.i liRow to 0 set psGroupName.i liRow to 0 set psSourceLine.i liRow to "" set psDocText.i liRow to lsComment end get sValue of oCommentsBuilder to lsComment if (lsComment<>"") begin get row_count to liRow set piType.i liRow to liType set piGroupType.i liRow to liGroupType set psGroupName.i liRow to lsGroup set psSourceLine.i liRow to lsLine set psDocText.i liRow to lsComment end end_procedure procedure DoAddPkg string lsFile integer liChannel lbOk lbInClass liObjectLevel liGroupType integer lbIdentified string lsCommand lsArg1 lsLine string lsCurrentGroup // Class name or object name set psPackageName to (SEQ_RemovePathFromFileName(lsFile)) send delete_data of oCommentsBuilder get SEQ_DirectInput lsFile to liChannel if (liChannel>=0) begin move false to lbInClass move 0 to liObjectLevel move 0 to liGroupType // 0=defined at desktop level, 1=defined in object, 2 defined in class repeat get sReadSourceLine.ii liChannel false to lsLine if (lsLine<>"") begin if (left(lsLine,1)="/") get sReadUntil_ImageEnd liChannel ("/"+"*") to lbOk else begin move 0 to lbIdentified get ExtractWord lsLine " " 1 to lsCommand get ExtractWord lsLine " " 2 to lsArg1 move (uppercase(lsCommand)) to lsCommand if (lsCommand="#COMMAND") begin send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_COMMAND liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine get sReadUntil_Value liChannel "#ENDCOMMAND" to lbOk move 1 to lbIdentified end ifnot lbInClass begin if (lsCommand="OBJECT") begin increment liObjectLevel if (liObjectLevel=1) begin get ExtractWord lsLine " " 2 to lsCurrentGroup move 1 to liGroupType // 0=defined at desktop level, 1=defined in object, 2 defined in class send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_OBJECT liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine end move 1 to lbIdentified end if (lsCommand="END_OBJECT") begin decrement liObjectLevel ifnot liObjectLevel move 0 to liGroupType // 0=defined at desktop level, 1=defined in object, 2 defined in class move 1 to lbIdentified move "" to lsCurrentGroup end end if (lsCommand="CLASS") begin move true to lbInClass get ExtractWord lsLine " " 2 to lsCurrentGroup move 2 to liGroupType // 0=defined at desktop level, 1=defined in object, 2 defined in class send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_CLASS liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine move 1 to lbIdentified end if (lsCommand="END_CLASS") begin move false to lbInClass move 0 to liGroupType // 0=defined at desktop level, 1=defined in object, 2 defined in class move 1 to lbIdentified move "" to lsCurrentGroup end if (lsCommand="FUNCTION") begin get sReadUntil_Value liChannel "END_FUNCTION" to lbOK send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_METHOD liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine move 1 to lbIdentified end if (lsCommand="PROCEDURE" and lsArg1="CONSTRUCT_OBJECT") begin move 1 to lbIdentified end else begin if (lsCommand="PROCEDURE" or lsCommand="PROCEDURE_SECTION") begin get sReadUntil_Value liChannel "END_PROCEDURE" to lbOK send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_METHOD liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine move 1 to lbIdentified end end if (lsCommand="PROPERTY") begin send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_PROPERTY liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine move 1 to lbIdentified end ifnot lbIdentified begin // Just in case of misplaced comments send add_to_doc PKGDOC_ITEMTYPE_UNDEFINED liGroupType lsCurrentGroup lsLine end end end until (lsLine="") send SEQ_CloseInput liChannel send DoWriteXml end end_procedure //send DoOpenXml "xmltest.xml" //send DoAddPkg "c:\dfs\xmlbuilder.nui" //send DoAddPkg "c:\dfs\strings.nui" //send DoAddPkg "c:\dfs\dates.nui" //send DoAddPkg "c:\dfs\files.nui" //send DoCloseXml end_object