//use treenode.nui // Defines the cTreeNode class.

Use Base.nui     // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes (No User Interface)

class cTreeNodeDataObject is a cArray
  procedure DoReset
    // This needs to be defined because the cTreeNode will send this
    // message as preparation for destroying the object.
  procedure SEQ_Read integer liChannel
  procedure SEQ_Write integer liChannel
  function TreeViewLabel returns string
    function_return "No label"
end_class // cTreeNodeDataObject

class cTreeNode is a cArray
  //> The items of this array holds pointers to child nodes
  procedure construct_object
    forward send construct_object
    //> Pointer to the parent node. Only the ultimate parent will have a 0 value in this property
    property integer phParentNode public 0

    //> This Points to an object that holds the data of this particular node:
    property integer phDataObject public 0

    //> All data objects created as children of this object will be of this class:
    property integer phDataClass  public U_cTreeNodeDataObject

    //> All child node objects created as children of this object will be of this class:
    property integer phNodeClass public U_cTreeNode

                procedure insert_item integer liInsertItem
                  // Insert an empty item in the list of childnodes (aux procedure for
                  // the hInsertChildNode function.
                  local integer liItem liMax
                  get item_count to liMax
                  for_ex liItem from liMax down_to (liInsertItem+1)
                    set value item liItem to (value(self,liItem-1))
                  set value item liInsertItem to 0

                function hCreateChildNode returns integer
                  local integer lhObject lhClass
                  get phNodeClass to lhClass
                  name lhClass U_cTreeNodeClass
                  object oTreeNode is a cTreeNodeClass NO_IMAGE
                    move self to lhObject
                  function_return lhObject

  //> Create and append a child node. The function returns the object id of the
  //> new child node.
  function hAddChildNode returns integer
    local integer liItem lhObject
    get item_count to liItem
    get hCreateChildNode to lhObject
    set phParentNode of lhObject to self
    set value item liItem to lhObject
    function_return lhObject
  //> Create and insert a node in the list of child nodes. The function returns the object
  //> id of the new child node.
  function hInsertChildNode integer liItem returns integer
    local integer lhObject
    send insert_item liItem

    get hCreateChildNode to lhObject

    set phParentNode of lhObject to self
    set value item liItem to lhObject
    function_return lhObject

  //> Delete and destroy all data referenced by this object (except the object itself).
  procedure DoReset
    local integer liItem liMax
    get item_count to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for liItem from 0 to liMax
      send DoDestroy to (integer(value(self,liItem)))
    send delete_data

            procedure DestroyDataObject
              local integer lhData
              get phDataObject to lhData
              if lhData begin
                send DoReset to lhData // Prepare the object for destroying
                send request_destroy_object to lhData
                set phDataObject to 0

            function iParentNodeIndex returns integer
              integer lhSelf lhParentNode liMax liItem
              move self to lhSelf
              get phParentNode to lhParentNode
              get item_count of lhParentNode to liMax
              decrement liMax
              for liItem from 0 to liMax
                if (integer(value(lhParentNode,liItem))=lhSelf) function_return liItem
              function_return -1

  //> Function Request_SwitchUp will attempt to switch positions with the
  //> preceeding sibling. If successful, true will be returned.
  function Request_SwitchUp returns integer


  procedure DoDestroy
    send DoReset
    send DestroyDataObject
    send request_destroy_object // Destroy yourself

  procedure DoDestroyItem integer liItem
    send DoDestroy to (integer(value(self,liItem)))
    send delete_item liItem

  //> Instantiate a data object for this node (of the cTreeNodeDataClass class)
  function hCreateDataObject returns integer
    local integer lhObject lhDataClass
    get phDataObject to lhObject
    ifnot lhObject begin
      get phDataClass to lhDataClass
      name lhDataClass U_cTreeNodeDataClass
      object oTreeNodeDataClass is a cTreeNodeDataClass NO_IMAGE
        move self to lhObject
      set phDataObject to lhObject
    function_return lhObject

  //> This function may be used as a shortcut to retrieve data
  //> from an array based data object
  function DataObject_Array_Value integer liItem returns string
    local integer lhObject
    get phDataObject to lhObject
    if lhObject function_return (value(lhObject,liItem))
    function_return ""
  procedure set DataObject_Array_Value integer liItem string lsValue
    local integer lhObject
    get phDataObject to lhObject
    ifnot lhObject get hCreateDataObject to lhObject
    set value of lhObject item liItem to lsValue

  enumeration_list // Tree traverser order

  //> Send message lhMsg to this node object and all children.
  procedure BroadcastNodeMessage integer liTraverseOrder integer lhMsg integer liLevel
    local integer liItem liMax lhChildNode lhSelf
    move self to lhSelf
    if (liTraverseOrder=TTO_PARENT_FIRST) send lhMsg liLevel lhSelf // The lhSelf parameter will be handy if the message is caught via delegation
    get item_count to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for liItem from 0 to liMax
      get value item liItem to lhChildNode
      send BroadcastNodeMessage to lhChildNode liTraverseOrder lhMsg (liLevel+1)
    if (liTraverseOrder=TTO_CHILDREN_FIRST) send lhMsg liLevel lhSelf // The lhSelf parameter will be handy if the message is caught via delegation

  //> Send message lhMsg to the data object of this node and all of
  //> the children of this node. The message will only be sent
  //> if the nodes do actually have a data object.
  procedure BroadcastDataMessage integer liTraverseOrder integer lhMsg integer liLevel
    local integer liItem liMax lhChildNode lhSelf lhDataObject
    get phDataObject to lhDataObject
    move self to lhSelf
    if lhDataObject begin
      if (liTraverseOrder=TTO_PARENT_FIRST) send lhMsg to lhDataObject liLevel lhSelf lhDataObject // The lhSelf and lhDataObject parameters will be handy if the message is via through delegation
    get item_count to liMax
    decrement liMax
    for liItem from 0 to liMax
      get value item liItem to lhChildNode
      send BroadcastDataMessage to lhChildNode liTraverseOrder lhMsg (liLevel+1)
    if lhDataObject begin
      if (liTraverseOrder=TTO_CHILDREN_FIRST) send lhMsg to lhDataObject liLevel lhSelf lhDataObject // The lhSelf and lhDataObject parameters will be handy if the message is via through delegation

  function ChildCount returns integer
    function_return (item_count(self))
  function ChildNodeObject integer liItem returns integer
    function_return (value(self,liItem))
end_class // cTreeNode

//  --- Typical example of treenode subclassing
//  enumeration_list // Popup Menu Data item
//    define PMD_TEXT       // Menu item text
//    define PMD_MESSAGE    // Message to be sent
//    define PMD_OBJECT     // Object to receive the message
//    define PMD_PARAMETER  // Parameters to be passed to object
//  end_enumeration_list
//  class cPopupMenuDataObject is a cTreeNodeDataObject
//  end_class // cPopupMenuDataObject
//  class cPopupMenuTreeNode is  a cTreeNode
//    procedure construct_object
//      forward send construct_object
//      set phNodeClass to U_cPopupMenuTreeNode
//      set phDataClass to U_cPopupMenuDataObject
//    end_procedure
//  end_class // cPopupMenuTreeNode

//  --- Small test sample
//  object oTestTree is a cTreeNode
//              procedure MakeThreeChildNodes integer lhNode
//                local integer lhChildNode
//                get hAddChildNode of lhNode to lhChildNode
//                get hAddChildNode of lhNode to lhChildNode
//                get hAddChildNode of lhNode to lhChildNode
//              end_procedure
//    procedure DoPopulate
//      local integer lhChildNode lhGrandChildnode
//      get hAddChildNode of self to lhChildNode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//      get hAddChildNode of self to lhChildNode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//      get hAddChildNode of self to lhChildNode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//          get hAddChildNode of lhChildNode to lhGrandChildnode
//    end_procedure
//    procedure ShowlnYourself integer liLevel integer lhNode
//      showln (repeat("  ",liLevel)+string(lhNode))
//    end_procedure
//    send DoPopulate
//    send BroadcastNodeMessage TTO_PARENT_FIRST MSG_ShowlnYourself 0
//    inkey windowindex
//  end_object