// Use Files.nui    // Utilities for handling file related stuff (No User Interface)

//         Sat  06-09-2003 - From 9.1 direct_input/direct_output and
//                           append_output performs OEM to versions.
//                           This is now reflected in the code (search _91_)
//         Wed  10-09-2003 - Added procedure SEQ_ReadRecordBufferToArray_LD
//                         - Added function SEQ_InputChannelLineCount (and taken out again)
//         Mon  12-01-2004 - Function SEQ_CurrentFolder added
//         Thu  15-01-2004 - Procedure SEQ_CallBack_ItemsInDir no longer loads [.] and [..] items
//                         - Function SEQ_NumberFiles now takes a parameter.
//         Sat  15-02-2004 - A long time Oem/ANSI issue with respect to filenames in DIRECT_INPUT/
//                           DIRECT_OUTPUT commands, that was apparently fixed in 9.1 beta, was
//                           un-fixed in the final 9.1 release. Therefore the original fix to the
//                           problem has been re-introduced (look for _91_)
//         Mon  01-03-2004 - Function SEQ_FindFileAlongPath has been fixed to let it handle
//                           UNC pathing.
//         Tue  06-05-2008

// More exotic file functions may be found in the following packages:
//   Use files01.nui // SEQ_DoChannelPositionsToLineCount - stuff

Use Seq_Chnl     // Defines global sequential device management operations (DAW)
Use Strings.nui  // String manipulation for VDF
Use Base.nui     // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes
Use Dates.nui    // Date routines
Use ErrorHnd.nui // cErrorHandlerRedirector class and oErrorHandlerQuiet object
Use Version.nui

use WinFolder.nui // WinFolder_ReadFolder message

string giSeq$Temp 250

function SEQ_UniqueFileName global string lsPreFix returns string
  integer count# unique# loop# ch#
  move (left(trim(lsPreFix),4)) to lsPreFix
  move 12 to count# // max number of retries
  move 1 to loop#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#      // This method and Seq_Release_Channel are
  if ch# lt 0 function_return ""  // located in seq_chnl.pkg
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#    // We only need it for a second
    move (random(9999)) to unique#
    direct_input channel ch# (lsPreFix+string(unique#)+".tmp")
    move (count#-1) to count#
    [seqeof] move 0 to loop#
    if loop# if count# le 0 move 0 to loop#
    close_input channel ch#
  until (not(loop#))
  if count# le 0 function_return "" // failure
  function_return (lsPreFix+string(unique#)+".tmp")

string SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath$ext 5
move "tmp" to SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath$ext

function SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath global string lsPath string lsPreFix returns string
  integer count# unique# loop# ch#
  string lsFileName
  if (lsPath="." or lsPath="") get SEQ_CurrentFolder to lsPath
  move (left(trim(lsPreFix),4)) to lsPreFix
  move 12 to count# // max number of retries
  move 1 to loop#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#      // This method and Seq_Release_Channel are
  if ch# lt 0 function_return ""  // located in seq_chnl.pkg
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#    // We only need it for a second
    move (random(9999)) to unique#
    get SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName lsPath (lsPreFix+string(unique#)+"."+SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath$ext) to lsFileName
    direct_input channel ch# lsFileName
    move (count#-1) to count#
    [seqeof] move 0 to loop#
    if loop# if count# le 0 move 0 to loop#
    close_input channel ch#
  until (not(loop#))
  if count# le 0 function_return "" // failure
  function_return lsFileName

function SEQ_UniqueFileNamePathAndExt global string lsPath string lsPreFix string lsExt returns string
  string lsRval
  move lsExt to SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath$ext
  get SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath lsPath lsPreFix to lsRval
  move "tmp" to SEQ_UniqueFileNamePath$ext
  function_return lsRval

define FS_KILOBYTE for 1024
define FS_MEGABYTE for 1048576
define FS_GIGABYTE for 1073741824

define SEQ_FileExists$Test for 0

#COMMAND SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn
  #IF SEQ_FileExists$Test
   send obs !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9

define SEQIT_NONE      for 0
define SEQIT_FILE      for 1
define SEQIT_DIRECTORY for 2

     function SEQ_FileExists global string lsFile returns integer
       integer liRval liChannel
       string lsStr
       if lsFile eq "" function_return SEQIT_NONE
       get Seq_New_Channel to liChannel      // This method and Seq_Release_Channel are
       if liChannel lt 0 function_return 1   // located in seq_chnl.pkg

       SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "1 SEQ_FileExists:" (">"+lsFile+"<") "on channel " liChannel

       direct_input channel liChannel ("DIR:"+StringOemToAnsi(lsFile))
       move (not(seqeof)) to liRval

       SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "2 (liRval): " liRval

       ifnot liRval begin
         get SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName lsFile to lsStr
         SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "3 (lsStr): " lsStr
         if lsStr eq "" begin // There's no path in the file name
           get SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath lsFile to lsStr
           SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "4 (lsStr): " lsStr
           if lsStr ne "" begin
             get SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName lsStr lsFile to lsFile
             SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "5 (lsFile): " lsFile
             close_input channel liChannel
             send Seq_Release_Channel liChannel    // We only need it for a second
             function_return (SEQ_FileExists(lsFile))
       SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "7 (liRval): " liRval
       if liRval begin // Item exists! Is it a directory?
         move SEQIT_FILE to liRval
         readln channel liChannel lsStr
         if (left(lsStr,1)="[") move SEQIT_DIRECTORY to liRval
         SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "8 (liRval): " liRval
         SEQ_FileExists$Test$ShowLn "9 (lsStr): " lsStr
       close_input channel liChannel
       send Seq_Release_Channel liChannel    // We only need it for a second
       function_return liRval

function SEQ_FileSize global string fn# returns number
  // This function returns the size of file <fn#> in bytes.
  integer ch#
  number rval#
  ifnot (SEQ_FileExists(fn#)=SEQIT_FILE) function_return 0
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  append_output channel ch# fn#
  get_channel_position ch# to rval#
  close_output channel ch#
  function_return rval#

function SEQ_SizeToStringHelp global number XB# returns string
  if XB# ge 1000 function_return (NumToStr(XB#,0))
  if XB# ge 100 function_return (NumToStr(XB#,1))
  if XB# ge 10 function_return (NumToStr(XB#,2))
  function_return (NumToStr(XB#,3))

function SEQ_FileSizeToString global number bytes# returns string
  if bytes# ge FS_GIGABYTE function_return (SEQ_SizeToStringHelp(bytes#/FS_GIGABYTE)+" GB")
  else if bytes# ge FS_MEGABYTE function_return (SEQ_SizeToStringHelp(bytes#/FS_MEGABYTE)+" MB")
  else if bytes# ge FS_KILOBYTE function_return (SEQ_SizeToStringHelp(bytes#/FS_KILOBYTE)+" KB")
  function_return bytes#

function SEQ_FileLineCount global string fn# returns integer
  //> This function returns the number of lines in (ascii-) file <fn#>.
  //> Note that this function will read through the entire file (use with
  //> caution!).
  integer rval# ch#
  string str#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  direct_input channel ch# fn#
  move 0 to rval#
  ifnot [seqeof] begin
      readln str#
      [~seqeof] increment rval#
    [~seqeof] loop
  close_input channel ch#
  function_return rval#

function SEQ_DirectInput global string fn# returns integer
  //> The function attempts to open the file fn# for sequential reading.
  //> If it succeeds a channel number will be returned, if it fails -1
  //> will be returned. If the function succseeds it is the responsability
  //> of the caller to release the channel (Seq_Release_Channel) when
  //> done.
  integer ch#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  direct_input channel ch# fn#
  if (seqeof) begin
    send Seq_Release_Channel ch#
    move -1 to ch#
  function_return ch#

procedure SEQ_CloseInput global integer ch#
  close_input channel ch#
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#

function SEQ_DirectOutput global string fn# returns integer
  integer ch#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  send ErrorHnd_Quiet_Activate
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  direct_output channel ch# fn#
  send ErrorHnd_Quiet_Deactivate
  if (ErrorHnd_Quiet_ErrorCount()) begin
    send SEQ_CloseOutput ch#
    move -1 to ch#
  function_return ch#

function SEQ_AppendOutput global string fn# returns integer
  integer ch#
  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  append_output channel ch# fn#
  function_return ch#

function SEQ_DirectInputDBMS global integer liFile integer liField returns integer
  function_return (SEQ_DirectInput("DBMS:"+string(liFile)+","+string(liField)))
function SEQ_DirectOutputDBMS global integer liFile integer liField returns integer
  function_return (SEQ_DirectOutput("DBMS:"+string(liFile)+","+string(liField)))

procedure SEQ_CloseOutput global integer ch#
  close_output channel ch#
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#

//> Just a small function for convenience. Sometimes it's nice not to have
//> to declare a variable just to read a line in a file. Global indicator
//> SeqEof will be false after calling this function if an EOF has been
//> reached.
function SEQ_ReadLn global integer ch# returns string
  string rval#
  readln channel ch# rval#
  function_return rval#

//> Reads sequential channel liChannel until the value lsValue is found.
//> Return value 1: OK,  0: Value not found
function SEQ_ReadLnUntilValue global integer liChannel string lsValue returns integer
  string lsLine
    readln channel liChannel lsLine
    if (SeqEof) function_return 0
    if (lsLine=lsValue) function_return 1

//> Function SEQ_ReadLnProbe reads a line from input channel ch# without
//> affecting the current channel position of that channel. The return
//> value is of type string and will be the line read. The function sets
//> indicator [seqeof] as a sideeffect
function SEQ_ReadLnProbe global integer liChannel returns string
  integer liPos lbSeqEof lbSneakMode
  string lsRval lsValue
  get_channel_position liChannel to liPos
  readln channel liChannel lsRval
  move (seqeof) to lbSeqEof
  move (liPos>0) to lbSneakMode
  if lbSneakMode decrement liPos
  set_channel_position liChannel to liPos
  if lbSneakMode read_block channel liChannel lsValue 1
  indicate seqeof as lbSeqEof ne 0
  function_return lsRval

//> Read entire file into one string and return it.
function SEQ_ReadFileAsOneString global string lsFileName returns string
  integer liChannel liArgSz
  number lnSize
  string lsValue
  get SEQ_FileSize lsFileName to lnSize
  if (lnSize>0) begin
    get_argument_size To liArgSz
    if (liArgSz<lnSize) error 421 "File too big. Adjust arg size."

    get SEQ_DirectInput lsFileName to liChannel
    if (liChannel>=0) begin
      read_block channel liChannel lsValue lnSize
      send SEQ_CloseInput liChannel
  else move "" to lsValue
  function_return lsValue

procedure SEQ_AppendLineClose global string lsFileName string lsLine
  integer liChannel
  get SEQ_AppendOutput lsFileName to liChannel
  writeln channel liChannel lsLine
  send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannel

procedure SEQ_AppendOutputImageClose global string lsFileName integer liImg
  integer liChannel liAuxChannel liSeqEof
  string lsLine
  get SEQ_DirectInput ("image: "+string(liImg)) to liAuxChannel
  if liAuxChannel ge 0 begin
    get SEQ_AppendOutput lsFileName to liChannel

      readln channel liAuxChannel lsLine
      move (SeqEof) to liSeqEof
      ifnot liSeqEof writeln channel liChannel (rtrim(lsLine))
    until liSeqEof

    send SEQ_CloseInput liAuxChannel
    send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannel

procedure SEQ_WriteImage global integer liChannel integer liImage
  integer liAuxChannel liSeqEof
  string lsLine
  get SEQ_DirectInput ("image: "+string(liImage)) to liAuxChannel
  if liAuxChannel ge 0 begin
      readln channel liAuxChannel lsLine
      move (trim(lsLine)) to lsLine
      move (SeqEof) to liSeqEof
      ifnot liSeqEof writeln channel liChannel lsLine
    until liSeqEof
    send SEQ_CloseInput liAuxChannel

procedure SEQ_WriteFile global integer liChannel string lsFile
  integer liChannelIn liSize liIterations liRest liCount
  get SEQ_FileSize lsFile to liSize
  if liSize begin
    get SEQ_DirectInput ("binary:"+lsFile) to liChannelIn
    if liChannelIn ge 0 begin
      move (liSize/250) to liIterations
      move (liSize-(liIterations*250)) to liRest
      for liCount from 1 to liIterations
        read_block channel liChannelIn giSeq$Temp 250
        write channel liChannel giSeq$Temp
      read_block channel liChannelIn giSeq$Temp liRest
      write channel liChannel giSeq$Temp
      send SEQ_CloseInput liChannelIn

function SEQ_FindFileAlongPath global string path# string fn# returns string
  //> Returns the directory along path# in which the file fn# is found.
  integer ch# eof#
  string str# tmp# dir_sep# path_sep# cur_dir#

  get Seq_New_Channel to ch#
  send Seq_Release_Channel ch#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to dir_sep#   // \
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR)) to path_sep# // ;
  move (replaces(dir_sep#,fn#,"")) to fn#
  while path# ne ""
    if path_sep# in path# begin
      move (left(path#,pos(path_sep#,path#)-1)) to str#
      replace (str#+path_sep#) in path# with ""
    else begin
      move path# to str#
      move "" to path#

    get Files_AppendPath str# fn# to tmp#
//  move (str#+dir_sep#+fn#) to tmp#
//  move (replaces(dir_sep#+dir_sep#,tmp#,dir_sep#)) to tmp#

    direct_input channel ch# ("DIR:"+StringOemToAnsi(tmp#))
    move (seqeof) to eof#
    close_input channel ch#
    ifnot eof# begin
      if (StringBeginsWith(str#,"."+dir_sep#)) begin
        get_current_directory to cur_dir#
        replace "." in str# with cur_dir#
      function_return str#
  function_return "" // file not found!

function SEQ_DfPath global returns string
  string path#
  get_attribute DF_OPEN_PATH to path# // Oem fixed!
  move (ToOem(path#)) to path#
  function_return path#

function SEQ_FirstDirInDfPath global returns string
  string lsDir lsPathSep
  get SEQ_DfPath to lsDir
  move (SysConf(SYSCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR)) to lsPathSep
  get ExtractItem lsDir lsPathSep 1 to lsDir
  function_return (ToOem(lsDir))

function SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath global string fn# returns string
  function_return (SEQ_FindFileAlongPath(SEQ_DfPath(),fn#))

//> Function SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName expects a file name or a file
//> mask as an argument. Only then will it return the path of that file.
//> Otherwise it will simply strip the last directory from the path.
function SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName global string lsFile returns string
  string lsDirSep
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to lsDirSep
  if (right(lsFile,1)=lsDirSep) move (StringLeftBut(lsFile,1)) to lsFile
  if lsDirSep in lsFile function_return (StripFromLastOccurance(lsFile,lsDirSep))
  if ":" in lsFile function_return (StripFromLastOccurance(lsFile,":"))
  function_return ""

//> Function SEQ_ExtractExtensionFromFileName expects a file name or a file
//> mask as an argument. Only then will it return the type of that file.
function SEQ_ExtractExtensionFromFileName global string fn# returns string
  string dir_sep#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to dir_sep#
  if dir_sep# in fn# move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,dir_sep#)) to fn#
  if "." in fn# function_return (replace(".",GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,"."),""))
  function_return ""

// Changed feb 2007
//> Function SEQ_ExtractRootNameFromFileName expects a file name or a file !!!!
//> mask as an argument. Only then will it return the rootname of that file.
function SEQ_ExtractRootNameFromFileName global string fn# returns string
  local string dir_sep#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to dir_sep#
  if dir_sep# in fn# begin
    move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,dir_sep#)) to fn#
    move (replace(dir_sep#,fn#,"")) to fn#
  if ":"      in fn# move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,":"))      to fn#
  if "." in fn# function_return (replace(".",StripFromLastOccurance(fn#,"."),""))
  function_return fn#

function SEQ_RemovePathFromFileName global string fn# returns string
  string dir_sep#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to dir_sep#
  if dir_sep# in fn# begin
    move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,dir_sep#)) to fn#
    function_return (StringRightBut(fn#,1))
  if ":" in fn# begin
    move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,dir_sep#)) to fn#
    move (GetFromLastOccurance(fn#,":")) to fn#
  function_return fn#

function SEQ_TranslatePathToAbsolute global string lsPath returns string
  string lsRval lsDirSep lsCurDir
  if lsPath eq "" move "." to lsPath
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to lsDirSep // "/" or "\"
  get_current_directory to lsCurDir
  if (StringBeginsWith(lsPath,"."+lsDirSep)) replace "." in lsPath with lsCurDir
  if lsPath eq "." move lsCurDir to lsPath
  if (right(lsPath,1)=lsDirSep and right(lsPath,2)<>(":"+lsDirSep)) move (StringLeftBut(lsPath,1)) to lsPath
  function_return lsPath

// The SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName function takes a path (without filename)
// and a file name (without a path) and returns a file name including path.
// It's purpose is to insert a path delimiter if necessary.
function SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName global string sDir string fn# returns string
  string dir_sep#
  move (replace(SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName(fn#),fn#,"")) to fn# // Remove path if present anyway!
  //move (SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName(sDir)) to sDir
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to dir_sep#
  if sDir eq "" get_current_directory to sDir
  if (right(sDir,1)<>dir_sep#) move (sDir+dir_sep#) to sDir
  function_return (sDir+fn#)

//> This function pretty much does the same as SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName. Only
//> the code is less tricky and it's got a nicer name.
function Files_AppendPath global string lsPath1 string lsPath2 returns string
  string lsSep
  move (trim(lsPath1)) to lsPath1
  move (trim(lsPath2)) to lsPath2
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_DIR_SEPARATOR)) to lsSep
  if (right(lsPath1,1)=lsSep and left(lsPath2,1)=lsSep) move (replace(lsSep,lsPath2,"")) to lsPath2
  if (lsPath1<>"" and lsPath2<>"" and right(lsPath1,1)<>lsSep and left(lsPath2,1)<>lsSep) move (lsSep+lsPath2) to lsPath2
  function_return (append(lsPath1,lsPath2))

// This function does the same as Files_AppendPath except here you also
// pass the dir separator to the function.
function Files_AppendPath_Sep global string lsPath1 string lsSep string lsPath2 returns string
  move (trim(lsPath1)) to lsPath1
  move (trim(lsPath2)) to lsPath2
  if (right(lsPath1,1)=lsSep and left(lsPath2,1)=lsSep) move (replace(lsSep,lsPath2,"")) to lsPath2
  if (lsPath1<>"" and lsPath2<>"" and right(lsPath1,1)<>lsSep and left(lsPath2,1)<>lsSep) move (lsSep+lsPath2) to lsPath2
  function_return (append(lsPath1,lsPath2))

function SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName global string sFileName returns string
  string sDir
//  showln "SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName " sFileName
  if (SEQ_FileExists(sFileName)) ne SEQIT_NONE begin
//    showln "Does exists"
    get SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName sFileName to sDir
    if sDir eq "" begin
      get SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath sFileName to sDir
      get SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName sDir sFileName to sFileName
    get SEQ_TranslatePathToAbsolute sFileName to sFileName
  else move "" to sFileName
  function_return sFileName

//> This function really makes an effert to return the full path
//> if the data file. If it cannot be determined, the empty string
//> is returned.
function SEQ_FindDataFileFromRootName global string lsRoot returns string
  string lsExt lsPath
  // This procedure
  move (lowercase(right(lsRoot,4))) to lsExt
  ifnot (lsExt=".dat" or lsExt=".int") move (lsRoot+".DAT") to lsRoot

  if (SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName(lsRoot)) eq "" begin
    move (SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath(lsRoot)) to lsPath
    move (SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName(lsPath,lsRoot)) to lsRoot

  get SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName lsRoot to lsRoot
  function_return lsRoot

[found ~found] begin // Sneaky way of skipping code
  files.no$err: // This serves as an empty low-level error handler routine

//> Function SEQ_FileModTime returns the last modified stamp of a file
//> in TS format (see DATES.NUI). NOTE! File specification MUST include
//> full path.
function SEQ_FileModTime global string fn# returns number
  integer h# m# s# err_label#
  date date#
  number rval#
  move (StringOemToAnsi(fn#)) to fn#
  ifnot (SEQ_FileExists(fn#)) function_return 0
  move |VI31 to err_label# //copy ON ERROR label
  on error gosub files.no$err // If file is open get_file_mod_time
  indicate err false          // command will fail.
  get_file_mod_time fn# to date# h# m# s# // VDF6: 4358 DFRUNCON(31e): 4630
//  showln "get_file_mod_time " date# " " h# " " m# " " s#
  indicate err false
  move err_label# to |VI31 //restore original ON ERROR label
  indicate err false
  move (Date2to4(date#)) to date#
  move (TS_Compose2(date#,h#,m#,s#)) to rval#
  function_return rval#
end_function // SEQ_FileModTime

procedure set SEQ_FileModTime global string lsFile number lnTime
  integer h# m# s# err_label# liDateFormat
  date date#
  number rval#
  string lsTime
  ifnot (SEQ_FileExists(lsFile)) procedure_return
  move |VI31 to err_label# //copy ON ERROR label
  on error gosub files.no$err
  indicate err false
  get TS_ExtractDate lnTime to date#
  get TS_ExtractTime lnTime to lsTime
  move (mid(lsTime,2,1)) to h#
  move (mid(lsTime,2,4)) to m#
  move (mid(lsTime,2,7)) to s#
//  showln "set_file_mod_time " date# " " h# " " m# " " s#
  get_attribute DF_DATE_FORMAT to liDateFormat // set_file_mod_time only works when dateformat is DF_DATE_USA
  set_attribute DF_DATE_FORMAT to DF_DATE_USA
  move (StringOemToAnsi(lsFile)) to lsFile
  set_file_mod_time lsFile to date# h# m# s# // Faulty Faulty Faulty
  set_attribute DF_DATE_FORMAT to liDateFormat
  indicate err false
  move err_label# to |VI31 //restore original ON ERROR label
  indicate err false
end_procedure // set SEQ_FileModTime

procedure SEQ_CallBack_DirsInPath global string path# integer msg# integer obj#
  integer pos# len#
  string sep# dir# char#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR)) to sep#
  move (length(path#)) to len#
  move "" to dir#
  for pos# from 1 to len#
    move (mid(path#,1,pos#)) to char#
    if char# eq sep# begin
      if dir# ne "" send msg# to obj# dir#
      move "" to dir#
    else move (dir#+char#) to dir#
  if dir# ne "" send msg# to obj# dir#

function SEQ_RemoveRedundantDirs global string path# returns string
  integer pos# len#
  string sep# dir# char# rval#
  move (sysconf(SYSCONF_PATH_SEPARATOR)) to sep#
  move (length(path#)) to len#
  move "" to dir#
  move "|" to rval#
  for pos# from 1 to len#
    move (mid(path#,1,pos#)) to char#
    if char# eq sep# begin
      if dir# ne "" begin
        move (SEQ_TranslatePathToAbsolute(dir#)) to dir#
        ifnot ("|"+lowercase(dir#)+"|") in (lowercase(rval#)) move (rval#+dir#+"|") to rval#
        move "" to dir#
    else move (dir#+char#) to dir#
  if dir# ne "" begin
    move (SEQ_TranslatePathToAbsolute(dir#)) to dir#
    ifnot ("|"+lowercase(dir#)+"|") in (lowercase(rval#)) move (rval#+dir#+"|") to rval#
  replace "|" in rval# with ""
  move (replaces("|",rval#,sep#)) to rval#
  function_return rval#


  object oSEQ_CallBack_ItemsInDir is an cArray 
    property string psPath public ""
    procedure add_item string str#
      set value item (item_count(self)) to str#
    function iNumberOfItems integer lhMode returns integer
      integer liMax liItm liCount
      get item_count to liMax
      decrement liMax
      move 0 to liCount
      if (lhMode=SEQCB_FILES_ONLY) begin
        for liItm from 0 to liMax
          ifnot (left(value(self,liItm),1)="[") increment liCount
        function_return liCount
      if (lhMode=SEQCB_DIRS_ONLY) begin
        for liItm from 0 to liMax
          if (left(value(self,liItm),1)="[") increment liCount
        function_return liCount
      if (lhMode=SEQCB_FILESANDDIRS) function_return (item_count(self))

procedure SEQ_Load_ItemsInDir global string path#
  send WinFolder_ReadFolder path#
function SEQ_NumberFiles global integer liMode returns integer
  integer lhObj
  move (oWinFolderEntries(self)) to lhObj
  if (liMode=SEQCB_FILES_ONLY  ) function_return (piFileCount(lhObj))
  if (liMode=SEQCB_DIRS_ONLY   ) function_return (piFolderCount(lhObj))
  if (liMode=SEQCB_FILESANDDIRS) function_return (piFileCount(lhObj)+piFolderCount(lhObj))
procedure SEQ_CallBack_ItemsInDir global integer liMode integer lhMsg integer lhObj
  integer lhFolder liMax liRow lbFolder
  string lsName lsPath
  move (oWinFolderEntries(self)) to lhFolder
  get psFolder of lhFolder to lsPath
  get row_count of lhFolder to liMax
  decrement liMax
  for liRow from 0 to liMax
    get pbFolder.i of lhFolder liRow to lbFolder
    get psFileName.i of lhFolder liRow to lsName

    if lbFolder begin
      if (liMode<>SEQCB_FILES_ONLY) send lhMsg to lhObj ("["+lsName+"]") lsPath (pnFileSz.i(lhFolder,liRow)) (pnLastWrite.i(lhFolder,liRow))
    else begin
      if (liMode<>SEQCB_DIRS_ONLY) send lhMsg to lhObj lsName lsPath (pnFileSz.i(lhFolder,liRow)) (pnLastWrite.i(lhFolder,liRow))

  object oFileInPath is an cArray
    property string  psFileToCheck public ""
    property integer piMessage     public 0
    property integer piObject      public 0
    procedure CallBack_FileInPath_Help string dir#
      integer msg# obj#
      string fn#
      get piMessage to msg#
      get piObject  to obj#
      move (SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName(dir#,psFileToCheck(self))) to fn#
      if (SEQ_FileExists(fn#)) send msg# to obj# fn#
    procedure CallBack_FileInPath string file# string path# integer msg# integer obj#
      send delete_data
      set psFileToCheck to file#
      set piMessage to msg#
      set piObject  to obj#
      send SEQ_CallBack_DirsInPath path# msg_CallBack_FileInPath_help self
      send delete_data

procedure SEQ_CallBack_FileInPath global string file# string path# integer msg# integer obj#
  send CallBack_FileInPath to (oFileInPath(self)) file# path# msg# obj#

// Procedure SEQ_WriteArrayItems writes the contents of an array (obj#) to
// sequential channel ch#. The procedure will only produce a meaningful
// result if the items of the array does not contain strings with binary data
// or CR/FL characters.
procedure SEQ_WriteArrayItems global integer ch# integer obj#
  integer itm# max#
  get item_count of obj# to max#
  writeln channel ch# max#
  for itm# from 0 to (max#-1)
    writeln (value(obj#,itm#))

// Procedure SEQ_ReadArrayItems will fill the array (obj#) with data
// read from sequential channel ch#. These data must have been written
// using the SEQ_WriteArrayItems procedure.
procedure SEQ_ReadArrayItems global integer ch# integer obj#
  integer itm# max#
  string str#
  send delete_data to obj#
  get item_count of obj# to max#
  readln channel ch# max#
  for itm# from 0 to (max#-1)
    readln str#
    set value of obj# item itm# to str#

Global_Variable Boolean _gbProtectAscii$files

// Calling procedure SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD will write the current
// contents of the record buffer of file file# through channel ch#.
// The post-fix "LD" means line delimited.
procedure SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD global integer ch# integer file#
  integer max# field# fieldindex# filenumber# len# type#
  move fieldindex to fieldindex#
  move filenumber to filenumber#
  get_attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of file# to max#
  move file# to filenumber
  write channel ch# // Set channel
  for fieldindex from 1 to max#
    get_attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of file# fieldindex to type#
    if type# ne DF_OVERLAP begin // Do not write overlap fields
      if (type#=DF_ASCII and _gbProtectAscii$files ) move DF_TEXT to type# // Dirty, I know
      if (type#=DF_BINARY or type#=DF_TEXT) begin   // If TEXT or BINARY we
        move (length(indirect_file.recnum)) to len# // write(ln) the length
        writeln len#                                // of the field before
        write indirect_file.recnum                  // its contents.
      else writeln indirect_file.recnum
  move fieldindex# to fieldindex
  move filenumber# to filenumber

// Read a record from channel ch# as written by the SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD
// procedure.
procedure SEQ_ReadRecordBuffer_LD global integer ch# integer file#
  integer max# fieldindex# filenumber# len# type#
  move fieldindex to fieldindex#
  move filenumber to filenumber#
  get_attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of file# to max#
  move file# to filenumber
  read channel ch# // Set channel
  for fieldindex from 1 to max#
    get_attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of file# fieldindex to type#
    if type# ne DF_OVERLAP begin
      if (type#=DF_ASCII and _gbProtectAscii$files ) move DF_TEXT to type# // Dirty, I know
      if (type#=DF_BINARY or type#=DF_TEXT) begin
        readln len#
        read_block indirect_file.recnum len#
      else readln indirect_file.recnum
  move fieldindex# to fieldindex
  move filenumber# to filenumber

// Reads a record like the SEQ_ReadRecordBuffer_LD procedure but places the
// result in the array passed in the lhArray instead of directly in the
// record buffer.
procedure SEQ_ReadRecordBufferToArray_LD global integer liChannel integer liFile integer lhArray
  integer liMax liField liLen liType
  string lsValue
  send delete_data to lhArray
  get_attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of liFile to liMax
  read channel liChannel // Set channel
  for liField from 1 to liMax
    get_attribute DF_FIELD_TYPE of liFile liField to liType
    if liType ne DF_OVERLAP begin
      if (liType=DF_ASCII and _gbProtectAscii$files ) move DF_TEXT to liType // Dirty, I know
      if (liType=DF_BINARY or liType=DF_TEXT) begin
        readln liLen
        read_block lsValue liLen
      else readln lsValue
    set value of lhArray item liField to lsValue

procedure SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD_PA global integer ch# integer file# // _PA suffix means "protect ascii"
  move True to _gbProtectAscii$files
  send SEQ_WriteRecordBuffer_LD ch# file#
  move False to _gbProtectAscii$files
procedure SEQ_ReadRecordBuffer_LD_PA global integer ch# integer file# // _PA suffix means "protect ascii"
  move True to _gbProtectAscii$files
  send SEQ_ReadRecordBuffer_LD ch# file#
  move False to _gbProtectAscii$files
procedure SEQ_ReadRecordBufferToArray_LD_PA global integer liChannel integer liFile integer lhArray // _PA suffix means "protect ascii"
  move True to _gbProtectAscii$files
  move False to _gbProtectAscii$files

// Returns true if delete was successful
function SEQ_EraseFile global string lsFile returns integer
  if (SEQ_FileExists(lsFile)) eq SEQIT_DIRECTORY function_return 0
  erasefile (StringOemToAnsi(lsFile))
  if (SEQ_FileExists(lsFile)) eq SEQIT_NONE function_return 1
  // function_return 0

Use wvaW32fh.pkg // Package by Wil van Antwerpen from www.vdf-guidance.com
function SEQ_CopyFile global string lsSourceFile string lsTargetFile returns integer
  integer liRval
  //move (StringOemToAnsi(lsSourceFile)) to lsSourceFile
  //move (StringOemToAnsi(lsTargetFile)) to lsTargetFile
  get wvaWin32_ShCopyFile lsSourceFile lsTargetFile to liRval
  move (not(liRval)) to liRval
  function_return liRval
// Returns true if delete was successful
function SEQ_MoveFile global string lsSourceFile string lsTargetFile returns integer
  integer liRval
  get SEQ_CopyFile lsSourceFile lsTargetFile to liRval
  if liRval get SEQ_EraseFile lsSourceFile to liRval
  function_return liRval

function SEQ_ValidDrives global returns string
  integer liLen liPos lbError
  string lsDrives lsDrive lsRval
  send delete_data
  move (length(lsDrives)) to liLen
  move "" to lsRval
  for liPos from 1 to liLen
    move (mid(lsDrives,1,liPos)) to lsDrive
    valid_drive lsDrive lbError
    ifnot lbError move (lsRval+lsDrive) to lsRval
  function_return lsRval

function SEQ_AppendFiles global string lsFile1 string lsFile2 returns integer
  integer liRval liChannelOut liChannelIn liSize liIterations liRest liCount
  move (lowercase(lsFile1)) to lsFile1
  move (lowercase(lsFile2)) to lsFile2
  move 0 to liRval // Failure
  if lsFile1 ne lsFile2 begin
    // Both files exists?
    get SEQ_AppendOutput lsFile1 to liChannelOut
    if liChannelOut ge 0 begin
      send SEQ_WriteFile liChannelOut lsFile2
      move 1 to liRval // Let's just hope it's ok
    //get SEQ_FileSize lsFile2 to liSize
    //if liSize begin
    //  get SEQ_DirectInput ("binary:"+lsFile2) to liChannelIn
    //  if liChannelIn ge 0 begin
    //    move (liSize/250) to liIterations
    //    move (liSize-(liIterations*250)) to liRest
    //    for liCount from 1 to liIterations
    //      read_block channel liChannelIn giSeq$Temp 250
    //      write channel liChannelOut giSeq$Temp
    //    loop
    //    read_block channel liChannelIn giSeq$Temp liRest
    //    write channel liChannelOut giSeq$Temp
    //    move 1 to liRval
    //    send SEQ_CloseInput liChannelIn
    //  end
      send SEQ_CloseOutput liChannelOut
  function_return liRval

// procedure SEQ_WriteHexByteStream global integer liChannel string lsHexBytes
//   integer liBytes liPos liByte liByteValue
//   string lsHexByte
//   move (length(lsHexBytes)/2) to liBytes
//   showln "Start SEQ_WriteHexByteStream"
//   decrement liBytes
//   for liByte from 0 to liBytes
//     move (liByte*2+1) to liPos
//     move (mid(lsHexBytes,2,liPos)) to lsHexByte
//     move (pos(left(lsHexByte,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1*16+pos(right(lsHexByte,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1) to liByteValue
//     character liByteValue to giSeq$Temp
//     write channel liChannel giSeq$Temp
//   loop
//   showln "End SEQ_WriteHexByteStream"
// end_procedure

procedure SEQ_WriteHexByteStream global integer liChannel string lsHexBytes
  integer liBytes liPos liByte liByteValue liByteCount
  string lsHexByte
  move (length(lsHexBytes)/2) to liBytes
  decrement liBytes
  move 0 to liByteCount
  move "" to giSeq$Temp
  for liByte from 0 to liBytes
    move (liByte*2+1) to liPos
    move (mid(lsHexBytes,2,liPos)) to lsHexByte
    move (pos(left(lsHexByte,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1*16+pos(right(lsHexByte,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1) to liByteValue
    append giSeq$Temp (character(liByteValue))
    increment liByteCount
    if liByteCount eq 250 begin
      write channel liChannel giSeq$Temp
      move 0 to liByteCount
      move "" to giSeq$Temp
  if liByteCount write channel liChannel giSeq$Temp

function SEQ_FileListDirectory global returns string


//> The cChannelAdmin class was deviced to help administrate one sequential
//> channel when it is used for more than one task at the same time.
//> It may be used to temporarily suspend its current connection, do
//> something else and then resume where it left off.
class cChannelAdmin is an cArray // in/out device ch_pos
  procedure construct_object integer liImg
    forward send construct_object liImg
    property integer pChannel public 0 // channel number to administrate
    property integer pPointer public 0 // stack pointer

  procedure reset
    send delete_data
    set pPointer to 0

  procedure close_help
    integer liPointer liCh liPosition lbInput
    string lsDev
    get pPointer to liPointer
    decrement liPointer
    get pChannel to liCh
    get_channel_position liCh to liPosition
    get integer_value item (liPointer*3) to lbInput
    if lbInput close_input channel liCh
    else close_output channel liCh
    set value item (liPointer*3+2) to liPosition
    get value item (liPointer*3+1) to lsDev
    //send obs ("closing current activity ("+if(lbInput,"input","output")+") "+lsDev+" at position "+string(liPosition))

  procedure close_current_activity
    send close_help

  procedure restore_activity
    integer liPointer lbInput liPosition liCh
    string  lsDev lsValue
    get pPointer to liPointer
    decrement liPointer
    get pChannel to liCh
    get value item (liPointer*3) to lbInput
    get value item (liPointer*3+1) to lsDev
    get value item (liPointer*3+2) to liPosition
    if lbInput begin
      direct_input channel liCh lsDev
      if liPosition gt 0 decrement liPosition
      set_channel_position liCh to liPosition
      if liPosition gt 0 read_block channel liCh lsValue 1
    else append_output channel liCh (StringOemToAnsi(lsDev))
    //send obs ("restoring current activity ("+if(lbInput,"input","output")+") "+lsDev+" at position "+string(liPosition))

  function sReadln returns string
    string lsRval
    readln channel (pChannel(self)) lsRval
    function_return lsRval

  //> Use this procedure to initiate a new sequential file operation.
  procedure direct_xput integer lbInput string lsDev
    integer liPointer liChannel
    //send obs ("direct_xput ("+if(lbInput,"input","output")+") "+lsDev)
    get pPointer to liPointer
    get pChannel to liChannel
    if liPointer send close_current_activity

    if lbInput direct_input channel liChannel (StringOemToAnsi(lsDev))
    else direct_output channel liChannel (StringOemToAnsi(lsDev))
    set array_value item (liPointer*3)   to lbInput
    set array_value item (liPointer*3+1) to lsDev
    set pPointer to (liPointer+1)

  //> Use procedure Close_Xput to terminate the current sequential file
  //> operation and restore the previous, if any.
  procedure close_xput
    integer liPointer
    get pPointer to liPointer
    send close_help
    decrement liPointer
    set pPointer to liPointer
    if liPointer send restore_activity
end_class // cChannelAdmin

// Returns something like <pre>2003-08-23_175515.<ext>
function SEQ_SysTimeFileName global string lsPre string lsExt returns string
  string lsRval
  move (lsPre+DateToStr(dSysDate(),DF_DATE_MILITARY,1,"-")+"_"+replaces(":",sSysTime(),"")) to lsRval
  if (lsExt<>"") move (lsRval+"."+lsExt) to lsRval
  function_return lsRval

 !A [] $10A |CI1 !1
 !A [] $10A |CI0 !1

function SEQ_InputChannelLineCount global integer liChannel returns integer
  string lsThrowAway
  get SEQ_ReadLnProbe liChannel to lsThrowAway
  function_return LineCount

function SEQ_ChannelPosToLineCount global integer liChannel integer liPos returns integer
  integer liPushPos lbSeqEof lbSneakMode liTestPos liCount
  string lsRval lsValue liLineCount
  get_channel_position liChannel to liPushPos

  move 0 to liCount
  set_channel_position liChannel to 0
    readln channel liChannel lsValue
    increment liCount
    move (seqeof) to lbSeqEof
    get_channel_position liChannel to liTestPos
  until (liTestPos>=liPos or lbSeqEof<>0)
  if (liPos>liTestPos) move -1 to liCount // Signal that the position doesn't exist at all

  // Restore the state of the channel:
  move (liPushPos>0) to lbSneakMode
  if lbSneakMode decrement liPushPos
  set_channel_position liChannel to liPushPos
  if lbSneakMode read_block channel liChannel lsValue 1
  indicate seqeof as lbSeqEof ne 0
  function_return liCount

function SEQ_CurrentFolder global returns string
  string lsValue
  function_return lsValue

function SEQ_TextFromSeqInput global string sDevice returns string
  integer liChannel lbSeqEof
  string sRval sLine sChar10
  move "" to sRval
  move (character(10)) to sChar10
  get SEQ_DirectInput sDevice to liChannel
  if liChannel ge 0 begin
      readln sLine
      move (seqeof) to lbSeqEof
      ifnot lbSeqEof move (sRval+sLine+sChar10) to sRval
    until lbSeqEof
  send SEQ_CloseInput liChannel
  function_return sRval

function SEQ_TextFromDfImage global integer iImg returns string
  function_return (SEQ_TextFromSeqInput("image:"+string(iImg)))
function SEQ_TextFromFile global string sFile returns string
  function_return (SEQ_TextFromSeqInput(sFile))
function SEQ_TextFromDfField global integer iFile integer iField returns string
  // I have no idea whether this will work
  function_return (SEQ_TextFromSeqInput("dbms:"+string(iFile)+" "+string(iField)))