// Use HTML.utl // HTML functions
// Create: Fri 04-09-1998
// Update: Wed 16-09-1998 - Un-commented setting of pHtmlConversionTable
Use Strings.nui // String manipulation for VDF
Use Files.nui // Utilities for handling file related stuff
Use URL.nui // URL manipulation
integer oGlobalHtmlAttributes#
object oGlobalHtmlAttributes is an array
property integer pHtmlConversionTable public 0
property integer pHtmlTrimCrState public 1 // Exclamation mark
property string pHtmlDocType public ('<'+character(33)+'DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-/'+'/IETF/'+'/DTD HTML/'+'/EN">')
property string pHtmlMT_Generator public "Visual DataFlex"
property string pHtmlMT_Formatter public "Visual DataFlex"
move self to oGlobalHtmlAttributes#
class cAnsiToHtml_ConversionTable is an array
procedure construct_object integer img#
forward send construct_object img#
property string pCharacterSetName public "Un-named"
property string pCharacterSetID public ""
function Is_cAnsiToHtml_ConversionTable returns integer
function_return 1
procedure set CharacterConversion integer char# string html#
// By setting the item value to character(char#) we avoid having
// to call that function during the character translation:
set value item (item_count(self)) to (character(char#))
set value item (item_count(self)) to html#
function ConvertAnsiToHtml string str# returns string
integer max# itm#
string html# char#
get item_count to max#
move 0 to itm#
while itm# lt max#
get value item itm# to char#
increment itm#
get value item itm# to html#
increment itm#
move (replaces(char#,str#,html#)) to str#
function_return str#
function html_TextToHTML global string lsValue returns string
get Text_Trim lsValue to lsValue
move (replaces(character(10),lsValue,"
")) to lsValue
get RemoveDblBlanks lsValue to lsValue
get url_InsertLinks lsValue to lsValue
function_return lsValue
function html_TextToHTML_LeaveSpaces global string lsValue returns string
get Text_Trim lsValue to lsValue
move (replaces(character(10),lsValue,"
")) to lsValue
get url_InsertLinks lsValue to lsValue
function_return lsValue
object oAnsiToHtml_Latin_1 is a cAnsiToHtml_ConversionTable
set pCharacterSetName to "Latin 1"
set pCharacterSetID to "iso-8859-1"
set CharacterConversion 160 to " " //
set CharacterConversion 161 to "¡" //
set CharacterConversion 162 to "¢" //
set CharacterConversion 163 to "£" //
set CharacterConversion 164 to "¤" // general currency
set CharacterConversion 165 to "¥" //
set CharacterConversion 166 to "¦" // |
set CharacterConversion 167 to "§" //
set CharacterConversion 168 to "¨" //
set CharacterConversion 169 to "©" // (c)
set CharacterConversion 170 to "ª" //
set CharacterConversion 171 to "«" //
set CharacterConversion 172 to "¬" //
set CharacterConversion 173 to "" //
set CharacterConversion 174 to "®" // (r)
set CharacterConversion 175 to "¯" //
set CharacterConversion 176 to "°" //
set CharacterConversion 177 to "±" //
set CharacterConversion 178 to "²" // exp(2)
set CharacterConversion 179 to "³" // exp(3)
set CharacterConversion 180 to "´" //
set CharacterConversion 181 to "µ" //
set CharacterConversion 182 to "¶" //
set CharacterConversion 183 to "·" //
set CharacterConversion 184 to "¸" //
set CharacterConversion 185 to "¹" //
set CharacterConversion 186 to "º" //
set CharacterConversion 187 to "»" //
set CharacterConversion 188 to "¼" // 1/4
set CharacterConversion 189 to "½" // 1/2
set CharacterConversion 190 to "¾" // 3/4
set CharacterConversion 191 to "¿" //
set CharacterConversion 192 to "À" //
set CharacterConversion 193 to "Á" //
set CharacterConversion 194 to "Â" //
set CharacterConversion 195 to "Ã" //
set CharacterConversion 196 to "Ä" //
set CharacterConversion 197 to "Å" //
set CharacterConversion 198 to "&Aelig;" //
set CharacterConversion 199 to "Ç" //
set CharacterConversion 200 to "È" //
set CharacterConversion 201 to "É" //
set CharacterConversion 202 to "Ê" //
set CharacterConversion 203 to "Ë" //
set CharacterConversion 204 to "Ì" //
set CharacterConversion 205 to "Í" //
set CharacterConversion 206 to "Î" //
set CharacterConversion 207 to "Ï" //
set CharacterConversion 208 to "Ð" //
set CharacterConversion 209 to "Ñ" //
set CharacterConversion 210 to "Ò" //
set CharacterConversion 211 to "Ó" //
set CharacterConversion 212 to "Ô" //
set CharacterConversion 213 to "Õ" //
set CharacterConversion 214 to "Ö" //
set CharacterConversion 216 to "Ø" //
set CharacterConversion 217 to "Ù" //
set CharacterConversion 218 to "Ú" //
set CharacterConversion 219 to "Û" //
set CharacterConversion 220 to "Ü" //
set CharacterConversion 221 to "Ý" //
set CharacterConversion 222 to "Þ" //
set CharacterConversion 223 to "ß" //
set CharacterConversion 224 to "à" //
set CharacterConversion 225 to "á" //
set CharacterConversion 226 to "â" //
set CharacterConversion 227 to "ã" //
set CharacterConversion 228 to "ä" //
set CharacterConversion 229 to "å" //
set CharacterConversion 230 to "æ" //
set CharacterConversion 231 to "ç" //
set CharacterConversion 232 to "è" //
set CharacterConversion 233 to "é" //
set CharacterConversion 234 to "ê" //
set CharacterConversion 235 to "ë" //
set CharacterConversion 236 to "ì" //
set CharacterConversion 237 to "í" //
set CharacterConversion 238 to "î" //
set CharacterConversion 239 to "ï" //
set CharacterConversion 240 to "ð" //
set CharacterConversion 241 to "ñ" //
set CharacterConversion 242 to "ò" //
set CharacterConversion 243 to "ó" //
set CharacterConversion 244 to "ô" //
set CharacterConversion 245 to "õ" //
set CharacterConversion 246 to "ö" //
set CharacterConversion 248 to "ø" //
set CharacterConversion 249 to "ù" //
set CharacterConversion 250 to "ú" //
set CharacterConversion 251 to "û" //
set CharacterConversion 252 to "ü" //
set CharacterConversion 253 to "ý" //
set CharacterConversion 254 to "þ" //
set CharacterConversion 255 to "ÿ" //
end_object // oAnsiToHtml_Latin_1
// Uncomment the following line in order to have the function convert ANSI
// characters to native html characters.
//set pHtmlConversionTable of oGlobalHtmlAttributes# to (oAnsiToHtml_Latin_1(self))
// Make the html_AnsiToHtml function cut away superflous trailing cr/lf
// characters when printing text.
set pHtmlTrimCrState of oGlobalHtmlAttributes# to true
// If function ConvertChar is not already defined we define it here:
#IFDEF get_ConvertChar
Function ConvertChar Global integer bToAnsi String sString Returns String
Pointer psString
integer iVoid bIsCString
Move (ascii(Right(sString,1))=0) to bIsCString
If Not bISCString Append sString (character(0))
GetAddress Of sString To psString
if bToAnsi Move (OEMToANSI(psString,psString)) To iVoid
else Move (ANSItoOEM(psString,psString)) To iVoid
Function_Return (if(bIsCString, sString, cstring(sString)))
// This function assumes that string parameter contains ANSI characters
function html_AnsiToHtml global string str# returns string
move (replaces("&",str#,"&")) to str#
move (replaces('"',str#,""")) to str#
move (replaces("<",str#,"<")) to str#
move (replaces(">",str#,">")) to str#
if (pHtmlTrimCrState(oGlobalHtmlAttributes#)) ;
move (Text_RemoveTrailingCr(str#)) to str#
move (replaces(character(10),str#,"
")) to str#
move (replaces(character(13),str#,"")) to str#
move (RemoveDblBlanks(str#)) to str#
if (pHtmlConversionTable(oGlobalHtmlAttributes#)) ;
get ConvertAnsiToHtml of (pHtmlConversionTable(oGlobalHtmlAttributes#)) str# to str#
function_return str#
// This function is identical to html_AnsiToHtml except that it
// assumes the parameter to be OEM characters.
function html_DfToHtml global string str# returns string
function_return (html_AnsiToHtml(ConvertChar(1,str#)))
// This is identical to the html_DfToHtml function except that it will
// never return the empty string. Where html_DfToHtml would return the
// empty string this function will return a 'non breaking space'. You
// may want to use this function when writing table data since it will
// ensure that the cells are appearing even if their content is empty.
function html_DfToHtmlTable global string str# returns string
string rval#
move (html_AnsiToHtml(ConvertChar(1,str#))) to rval#
if rval# eq "" move " " to rval#
function_return rval#
External_Function32 HtmlShellExecute "ShellExecuteA" SHELL32.DLL ;
handle hwnd# String lpszOp# String lpszFile# String lpszParams# ;
String lpszDir# integer FsShowCmd# returns integer
// This may be used to start any kind of document. Not just html docs.
procedure html_StartDoc global string doc#
integer grb#
handle scrhDC#
string dir#
move (GetDesktopWindow()) to scrhDC# // Defined in WinUser.pkg
// We assume that the document is in a directory along DFPATH or that
// the directory path is part of the doc name:
get SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName doc# to dir# // Is a path specified?
if dir# eq "" get SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath doc# to dir#
else move "" to dir#
// Parameters Directory
move (HtmlShellExecute(scrhDC#,"Open",doc#,"",dir#,1)) to grb#
procedure html_WriteHeader global integer channel# string title#
writeln channel channel# (pHtmlDocType(oGlobalHtmlAttributes#))
writeln ''
writeln '