// Use Spec0005.utl // Datadictionary object procedures ("DDUTIL_" prefix)
Use DataDict     // Standard VDF class
Use Fdx_Attr.utl // FDX compatible attribute functions
Use FdxIndex.utl // Index analysing functions

// Useful pastry:
// class Customer_DD is a DataDictionary
//   procedure define_fields
//     forward send define_fields
//     set main_file to Customer.file_number
//     send DDUTIL_DoQuickSetup self
//   end_procedure
// end_class

//> Set key_field_state of all fields in index# to true. Also
//> sets protect_key_state to true.
procedure DDUTIL_DoPrimaryIndex global integer ddo# integer index#
  integer iFile iField iPos iMaxPos
  string sFields
  get main_file of ddo# to iFile
  if index# begin
    get FDX_IndexAsFields 0 iFile index# to sFields
    // We have to substitute overlap fields with their underlying fields. It
    // makes no sense to the DD object to set key_field_state of an overlap:
    get FDX_FieldsTranslateOverlaps 0 iFile sFields to sFields
    move (length(sFields)+3/4) to iMaxPos
    for iPos from 0 to (iMaxPos-1)
      move (mid(sFields,4,iPos*4+1)) to iField
      set key_field_state of ddo# iField to DFTRUE
      if iField eq iMaxPos set field_options of ddo# iField to DD_AUTOFIND
    set protect_key_state of ddo# to DFTRUE

//> Locates the primary index of main_file(DDO) and calls
//> procedure DDUTIL_DoPrimaryIndex
procedure DDUTIL_DoFindAndSetPrimaryIndex global integer ddo#
  integer iIndex iFile
  get main_file of ddo# to iFile
  get FDX_IndexFindPrimary 0 iFile to iIndex
  if iIndex send DDUTIL_DoPrimaryIndex ddo# iIndex

//> Does a reasonable setup of "foreign field options"
procedure DDUTIL_DoForeignOptions global integer ddo#
  set Foreign_Field_Options of ddo# DD_KEYFIELD   To DD_FINDREQ
  set Foreign_Field_Options of ddo# DD_INDEXFIELD To DD_FINDREQ DD_AUTOFIND_GE
  set Foreign_Field_Options of ddo# DD_DEFAULT    To DD_NOENTER

procedure DDUTIL_DoQuickSetup global integer ddo#
  send DDUTIL_DoFindAndSetPrimaryIndex ddo#
  send DDUTIL_DoForeignOptions ddo#

procedure DDUTIL_DoDefaultNextNumericUniqueID global integer ddo#
  integer iIndex iFile iMaxSeg iField iRec iVal
  get main_file of ddo# to iFile
  get FDX_IndexFindPrimary 0 iFile to iIndex
  if iIndex begin
    get_attribute DF_INDEX_NUMBER_SEGMENTS of iFile iIndex to iMaxSeg
    if iMaxSeg eq 1 begin
      get_attribute DF_INDEX_SEGMENT_FIELD of iFile iIndex 1 to iField
      get_field_value iFile 0 to iRec
      clear iFile
      vfind iFile iIndex lt // Find last
      if (found) get_field_value iFile iField to iVal
      else move 0 to iVal
      increment iVal
      clear iFile
      if iRec begin
        set_field_value iFile 0 to iRec
        vfind iFile 0 eq
      set field_changed_value of ddo# iField to iVal
    else error 1051 "Index must be single segmented"