/FdxReport01.hdr ÉÍValidity checkÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» /FdxReport01.frm º º º Check table definitions for º º º º ___ Maximum records conformity º º ___ Valid relations º º º º ___ Presence of index files º º ___ TAG file validity º º ___ FD file validity º º º /FdxReport01.btn º _______ _________ _________ º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ /* object oFdxReport01 is a fdxrpt.ModalClient FdxReport01.hdr send define_report FDXRPT_VALIDY_CHECK "Validity check" FDX_READ_FROM_FILE object oFrm is a Form FdxReport01.frm set location to 1 0 relative set select_mode to MULTI_SELECT item_list on_item "" send next set checkbox_item_state to true on_item "" send next set checkbox_item_state to true on_item "" send next set checkbox_item_state to true on_item "" send next set checkbox_item_state to true on_item "" send next set checkbox_item_state to true end_item_list end_object procedure DoDefaults local integer fdx_state# shade# dircontent_state# move (piDataOrigin(piFdx_Server(self))) to fdx_state# move (piDirsLoaded(piFdx_Server(self))) to dircontent_state# move (fdx_state#=FDX_READ_FROM_FILE) to shade# if shade# move (not(dircontent_state#)) to shade# set shadow_state of (oFrm(self)) item 2 to shade# move (fdx_state#=FDX_READ_FROM_FILE) to shade# set shadow_state of (oFrm(self)) item 3 to shade# set shadow_state of (oFrm(self)) item 4 to shade# end_procedure object oBtn is a fdxrpt.button FdxReport01.btn set location to 11 0 relative end_object end_object