// Use wObs
// send wObs "We all live in a yellow submarine"
// send wObs "We all live in a yellow submarine" "yellow submarine"
// send wObs "We all live in a yellow submarine" "yellow submarine" "yellow submarine"
// set wObs_Quiet_Mode to DFTRUE  // Ingen sk‘rm fidus!
// for windowindex from 0 to 111
//   send wObs windowindex
// loop
// set wObs_Quiet_Mode to DFFALSE // Sk‘rm fidus p† igen!
// send wObs "yellow submarine"

//Use allentry
use msgbox.utl
Use Files.nui    // Utilities for handling file related stuff (No User Interface)
Use Dates.nui

string  wObsFileName
integer wObsHasNotRunYet wObsQuietMode
move 0 to wObsHasNotRunYet
move 0 to wObsQuietMode

procedure wObs global string str#
  local integer iArg max# self# focus#
  local string msg# line# lsModule lsPath
  move "" to msg#
  if wObsHasNotRunYet eq 0 begin
    get module_name to lsModule
    move (uppercase(lsModule)) to lsModule
//  move (replace("LWS",lsModule,"")) to lsModule
//  move ("wobs"+lowercase(lsModule)) to lsModule
    move (trim(left(lsModule,8))+".obs") to wObsFileName

    if (SEQ_FileExists(wObsFileName)=SEQIT_FILE) begin
      get SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath wObsFileName to lsPath
      if lsPath eq "" get SEQ_EraseFile wObsFileName to wObsHasNotRunYet
      else get SEQ_EraseFile (SEQ_ComposeAbsoluteFileName(lsPath,wObsFileName)) to wObsHasNotRunYet
    send SEQ_AppendLineClose wObsFileName "************************************"
  move 1 to wObsHasNotRunYet
  for iArg from 1 to num_arguments
    MoveStr iArg& to line# // tricky way to parse passed arguments
    if iArg eq 1 send SEQ_AppendLineClose wObsFileName (sSysTime()+" | "+line#)
    else         send SEQ_AppendLineClose wObsFileName ("        "+" | "+line#)
    move (msg#+line#) to msg#
    if iArg ne num_arguments move (msg#+character(10)) to msg#
  send SEQ_AppendLineClose wObsFileName "------------------------------------"
  ifnot wObsQuietMode begin
    move (HowManyItems(msg#,character(10))) to max#
    send obs msg#
    if max# le 1 send run.s to (oObs(self)) msg#
    else send run.s to (oObs4(self)) msg#

procedure set wobs_quiet_mode integer liState
  move liState to wObsQuietMode