// Use Compare.nui // Abstract class for comparing item based information
// From the VDFQuery download by Sture ApS
//> pkgdoc.begin
//> Class for comparing item based information. This class may be used when you have random access to
//> the data that you want to compare (ie. when the data resides in arrays).
//> pkgdoc.end
Use Base.nui // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes (No User Interface)
// ===========================================================================
// cItemBasedCompare class
// ===========================================================================
class cItemBasedCompare is an cArray
procedure construct_object integer img#
forward send construct_object img#
//> Setting piStrategy to COMPARE_UNORDERED will perform the comparison
//> assuming no particular ordering sequence of the items to be compared. Could be
//> used for creating any kind of map for matching for example field names in a
//> table with column names in a CSV file.
//> On the other hand, setting piStrategy to COMPARE_ORDERED will assume that the
//> items are to occur in identical order on the two sides. Using this strategy you will
//> not be able to detect if entries have been switched. It could be used for comparing
//> two text files (if loaded into arrays).
property integer piStrategy COMPARE_ORDERED
//> This property defines how how far the object will search
//> in order to re-syncronize.
//> Setting it to 0 (its default value) means there is no limit.
property integer piSyncLimit 0 // 0 means no limit
property integer pItemStart1 0 //> Lowest index on the primary side.
property integer pItemStop1 0 //> Highest index on the primary side.
property integer pItemStart2 0 //> Lowest index on the secondary side.
property integer pItemStop2 0 //> Highest index on the secondary side.
//> Return TRUE if the items match. Must be augmented.
function iCompareItems.ii integer itm1# integer itm2# returns integer
//> This is sent when items are found to be identical. Should be augmented.
procedure items_matched integer itm1# integer itm2#
//> This is sent when an item cannot be matched.
//> Means itm# on the left side couldn't be matched. The info parameter
//> gives a little extra information.
//> -2: The item is missing in the end of the sequence
//> -1: Sync limit exceeded. Missing somewhere in the middle of things.
//> >=0: Missing from the right side at position info#
//> Should be augmented.
procedure item_not_matched1 integer itm# integer info#
//> This is sent when an item cannot be matched
//> Means itm# on the right side couldn't be matched. The info parameter
//> gives a little extra information.
//> -2: The item is missing in the end of the sequence
//> -1: Sync limit exceeded. Missing somewhere in the middle of things.
//> >=0: Missing from the left side at position info#
//> Should be augmented.
procedure item_not_matched2 integer itm# integer info#
// This algorithm will not be able to detect if entries have been switched. It could be used
// for comparing two text files.
procedure run_synchronized
integer current1# current2#
integer stop1# stop2#
integer tmp_offset# fin# SyncLimit# itm#
get pItemStart1 to current1# // Give us where to start and where to
get pItemStart2 to current2# // stop on left and right side.
get pItemStop1 to stop1# //
get pItemStop2 to stop2# //
get piSyncLimit to SyncLimit# // Is there a limit
ifnot (current1#>stop1# or current2#>stop2#) begin // There are still items to compare
if (iCompareItems.ii(self,current1#,current2#)) begin // And the next ones in line do match
send items_matched current1# current2#
increment current1#
increment current2#
else begin // Didn't match
move 1 to tmp_offset#
move 0 to fin#
if ((current2#+tmp_offset#<=stop2#) and iCompareItems.ii(self,current1#,current2#+tmp_offset#)) begin
for itm# from current2# to (current2#+tmp_offset#-1)
send item_not_matched2 itm# current1#
send items_matched current1# (current2#+tmp_offset#)
increment current1#
move (current2#+tmp_offset#+1) to current2#
move 1 to fin#
else begin
if ((current1#+tmp_offset#<=stop1#) and iCompareItems.ii(self,current1#+tmp_offset#,current2#)) begin
for itm# from current1# to (current1#+tmp_offset#-1)
send item_not_matched1 itm# current2#
send items_matched (current1#+tmp_offset#) current2#
move (current1#+tmp_offset#+1) to current1#
increment current2#
move 1 to fin#
ifnot fin# begin
increment tmp_offset#
if ((SyncLimit# and (tmp_offset#>SyncLimit#)) or (((current1#+tmp_offset#)>stop1#) and ((current2#+tmp_offset#)>stop2#))) begin
// Either sync-limit has been broken, or incrementing the
// tmp_offset# variable means that we are about to break the
// the stop item limit on one of the sides.
// NOTE! It is very important that the two next messages are sent
// in this order (first 2 then 1):
send item_not_matched2 current2# -1 // means: missing in the middle
send item_not_matched1 current1# -1 // means: missing in the middle
increment current1#
increment current2#
move 1 to fin#
until fin#
until (current1#>stop1# or current2#>stop2#)
for itm# from current1# to stop1#
send item_not_matched1 itm# -2 // means: missing in the end
for itm# from current2# to stop2#
send item_not_matched2 itm# -2 // means: missing in the end
procedure private.register_matched integer itm#
set value item itm# to 1
function private.is_matched integer itm# returns integer
function_return (value(self,itm#))
// This one assumes no particular sequence of items in either of the objects
// to be compared. Could be used for creating any kind of map for matching
// for example field names in a table with column names in a CSV file.
procedure run_single_sequential
integer current1# current2#
integer start1# start2#
integer stop1# stop2#
integer matched#
get pItemStart1 to start1#
get pItemStart2 to start2#
get pItemStop1 to stop1#
get pItemStop2 to stop2#
send delete_data
for current1# from start1# to stop1#
move start2# to current2#
move 0 to matched#
if (not(private.is_matched(self,current2#)) and iCompareItems.ii(self,current1#,current2#)) begin
send private.register_matched current2#
send items_matched current1# current2#
move 1 to matched#
else increment current2#
until (matched# or current2#>stop2#)
ifnot matched# send item_not_matched1 current1#
for current2# from start2# to stop2#
ifnot (private.is_matched(self,current2#)) send item_not_matched2 current2#
procedure run
integer liStrategy
get piStrategy to liStrategy
if liStrategy eq COMPARE_ORDERED send run_synchronized
if liStrategy eq COMPARE_UNORDERED send run_single_sequential
end_class // cItemBasedCompare
//> Class for comparing sorted data that are not item based. Values are not
//> retrieved by item numbers but rather by specifying how to get this next value
//> ("find ge" on one side and "readln" on the other for example)
//> Using this class you indicate the ordering of values (like: this value is
//> >=, = or <= than this other value) rather than indicating if they match or
//> not (like in the cItemBasedCompare class)
//> This strategy would be good if comparing records sorted by uniform indices in
//> two different tables.
//> It is also good when you know your in-data are sorted (could be sorted arrays) and you
//> need the output from the compare to be sorted as well (like when comparing the list of
//> filenames in two directories)
//> The terminology of the methods and their parameters reflects that the
//> values that are compared are not retrieved from an array (are not item
//> based) but rather these values are retrieved by running sequentially
//> through the records of a table by some index.
//> The name cDoubleOrderedCompare indicates that both the left side and
//> the right side are presumed to be ordered.
class cDoubleOrderedCompare is an cArray
//> Augment this function in order to seed the left buffer (1). Return TRUE
//> if the seeding was succesful. For example:
//> function iSeed1 returns integer
//> clear Customer
//> function_Return TRUE
//> end_function
function iSeed1 returns integer
//> Augment this function in order to seed the right buffer (2). Return TRUE
//> if the seeding was succesful.
function iSeed2 returns integer
//> The function should be augmented to return the value for the left buffer (1) to be used for comparing. For example:
//> function sValue1 returns string
//> function_return Customer.Name
//> end_function
function sValue1 returns string
//> The function should be augmented to return the value for the right buffer (2) to be used for comparing.
//> function sValue2 returns string
//> function_return Vendor.Vendor_Name
//> end_function
function sValue2 returns string
//> Augment to "advance" the left buffer. Return TRUE if advancing was succesful. Could be:
//> function iAdvance1 returns integer
//> find gt Customer by index.2 // Name is most significant in index.2
//> function_return (found)
//> end_function
function iAdvance1 returns integer
//> Augment to "advance" the right buffer. Return TRUE if advancing was succesful.
//> function iAdvance2 returns integer
//> find gt Vendor by index.2
//> function_return (found)
//> end_function
function iAdvance2 returns integer
//> This is sent when items are found to be identical.
//> procedure Match string lsVal1 string lsVal2
//> showln "Both in Customer and Vendor tables: " lsVal1
//> end_procedure
procedure Match string lsVal1 string lsVal2
//> This is sent when a left side (1) item cannot be matched.
//> procedure NotMatched1 string lsVal
//> showln "Only found in Customer table: " lsVal
//> end_procedure
procedure NotMatched1 string lsVal
//> This is sent when a right side (2) item cannot be matched.
//> procedure NotMatched2 string lsVal
//> showln "Only found in Vendor table: " lsVal
//> end_procedure
procedure NotMatched2 string lsVal
function iCompare.ss string lsVal1 string lsVal2 returns integer
if (lsVal1=lsVal2) function_return 0 // Match
if (lsVal1 This is sent when items are found to be identical
// procedure Match string value1# string value2#
// end_procedure
// //> This is sent when a left side (1) item cannot be matched
// procedure NotMatched1 string value#
// end_procedure
// //> This is sent when a right side (2) item cannot be matched
// procedure NotMatched2 string value#
// end_procedure
// function iCompare.ss string value1# string value2# returns integer
// if value1# eq value2# function_return 1
// //function_return 0
// end_function
// procedure run
// integer ok1# ok2# comp_res# oStackedValues1# oStackedValues2#
// string value1# value2#
// move (oStackedValues1(self)) to oStackedValues1#
// move (oStackedValues2(self)) to oStackedValues2#
// send delete_data to oStackedValues1#
// send delete_data to oStackedValues2#
// get iSeed1 to ok1#
// get iSeed2 to ok2#
// while (ok1# or ok2#)
// if ok1# get sValue1 to value1#
// if ok2# get sValue2 to value2#
// if (ok1# and ok2#) begin //
// get iCompare.ss value1# value2# to comp_res#
// if comp_res# begin // Match
// send match value1# value2#
// get iAdvance1 to ok1#
// get iAdvance2 to ok2#
// end
// else begin // No match
// end
// end
// else begin
// if ok1# begin
// send NotMatched1 value1#
// get iAdvance1 to ok1#
// end
// else begin
// send NotMatched2 value2#
// get iAdvance2 to ok2#
// end
// end
// end
// end_procedure
// end_class // cDoubleOrderedCompare