// **********************************************************************
// Use Focus.utl    // Retrieve basic information about object
// by Sture Andersen
// Create: Can't remember
// Update: Fri  30-06-2000 - Changed and doc'ed
// This package is able to perform a runtime analysis of the object that
// currently holds the focus. The following information may be retrieved:
//       Info-ID             Type       Description
//      -----------------------------------------------------------
//       FOCUS_OK            (Bool)     Did this work at all?
//       FOCUS_DEO_ID        (Integer)  Who did we ask?
//       FOCUS_ITEM_FILE     (Integer)  What's the data file of the current
//                                      item.
//       FOCUS_ITEM_FIELD    (Integer)  What's the data field of the
//                                      current item.
//       FOCUS_MAIN_INDEX    (Integer)  What's the main index (if any)
//       FOCUS_DD            (Integer)  Who's the server
//       FOCUS_INDIRECT_DD   (Integer)  Which DDO is taking care of
//                                      FOCUS_ITEM_FILE
//       FOCUS_DEO_MODAL     (Bool)     Is that panel modal?
//       FOCUS_CLIENT_ID     (Integer)  What (if any) is the ID
//                                      of the client area?
//       FOCUS_DEO_ITEM      (Integer)  What's current item in
//                                      that objects
//       FOCUS_SCOPED_PARENT (Integer)  Object ID of scoped parent
//       FOCUS_ITEM_VALUE    (String)   Value of current item
// To retrieve all this wonderful information send message Focus_Analyse_Focus.
// After that you must use the Focus_Info function to actually get hold of if:
//   procedure OnlyIfCustomer
//     integer iFile
//     send Focus_Analyse_Focus
//     get Focus_Info FOCUS_ITEM_FILE to iFile
//     if iFile eq Customer.File_Number begin
//       // Something fantastic
//     end
//     else send stop_box "Only do this from a Customer field!"
//   end_procedure
// interface:
// * function Focus_Find_Scoped_Parent global integer iObj returns integer
//     This function returns the innermost scoped parent (Scope_State = True)
//     of the object passed in parameter iObj. If no such object is found
//     DESKTOP is returned. If 0 is passed as iObj, 0 will be returned.
// * procedure Focus_Analyze_DEO global integer iDEO integer iItem
//     Analyse object passed in the iDEO. The iItem parameter should indicate
//     which item in iDeo should be used for retrieving item based info.
//     Subsequently use the Focus_Info function to retrieve the information.
// * procedure Focus_Analyze_Focus global
//     Analyse object that currently holds the focus. Subsequently use the
//     Focus_Info function to retrieve the information.
// * function Focus_Info global integer iItem returns string
//     Use this function to get hold of information previously recorded
//     by the Focus_Analyze_Focus (or Focus_Analyze_DEO) function.
//     Parameter iItem may be any of the following values:
//                FOCUS_OK            (Boolean)
//                FOCUS_DEO_ID        (Integer)
//                FOCUS_ITEM_FILE     (Integer)
//                FOCUS_ITEM_FIELD    (Integer)
//                FOCUS_MAIN_INDEX    (Integer)
//                FOCUS_DD            (Integer)
//                FOCUS_INDIRECT_DD   (Integer)
//                FOCUS_DEO_MODAL     (Boolean)
//                FOCUS_CLIENT_ID     (Integer)
//                FOCUS_DEO_ITEM      (Integer)
//                FOCUS_SCOPED_PARENT (Integer)
//                FOCUS_ITEM_VALUE    (String)
//     The return type of this function is String but the return value
//     may be converted to the type indicated in parenthesis.

use ui

  define FOCUS_OK            // Bool     Did this work at all?
  define FOCUS_DEO_ID        // Integer  Who did we ask?
  define FOCUS_DEO_ITEM      // Integer  What's current item in that objects
  define FOCUS_ITEM_FILE     // Integer  What's the data file
  define FOCUS_ITEM_FIELD    // Integer  What's the data field
  define FOCUS_MAIN_INDEX    // Integer  What's the main index (if any)
  define FOCUS_DD            // Integer  Who's the server
  define FOCUS_INDIRECT_DD   // Integer  Who's taking care of FOCUS_ITEM_FILE
  define FOCUS_DEO_MODAL     // Bool     Is that panel modal?
  define FOCUS_CLIENT_ID     // Integer  What (if any) is the ID of the client area?
  define FOCUS_SCOPED_PARENT // Integer  Object ID of scoped parent
  define FOCUS_ITEM_VALUE    // The current value of the focused field

integer FocusInf_Array#
object FocusInf_Array is an array
  move self to FocusInf_Array#

function Focus_Find_Scoped_Parent global integer obj# returns integer
  integer st#
    get scope_state of obj# to st#
    ifnot st# get parent of obj# to obj#
  until (st# or obj#=desktop)
  function_return obj#

procedure Focus_Analyze_DEO global integer deo# integer itm#
  integer st# file# fld# dd# tmp# scoped_parent#
  send delete_data to FocusInf_Array#
  if deo# gt desktop begin
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_OK to dfTrue
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_DEO_ID to deo#
    move (Focus_Find_Scoped_Parent(deo#)) to scoped_parent#
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_SCOPED_PARENT to scoped_parent#
    if scoped_parent# begin
      set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_DEO_MODAL to (modal_state(scoped_parent#))
    else set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_DEO_MODAL to dfFalse
    get delegation_mode of deo# to st#
    set delegation_mode of deo# to NO_DELEGATE_OR_ERROR
    get server of deo# to dd#
    get data_file  of deo# item itm# to file#
    get data_field of deo# item itm# to fld#
    if (file# and fld#) begin
      get_attribute DF_FIELD_INDEX of file# fld# to tmp#
      set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_MAIN_INDEX to tmp#

    set delegation_mode of deo# to st#
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_DEO_ITEM to itm#
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_ITEM_FILE to file#
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_ITEM_FIELD to fld#
    set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_ITEM_VALUE to (value(deo#,itm#))
    if dd# begin
      set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_DD to dd#
      get which_data_set of dd# file# to dd#
      set value of FocusInf_Array# item FOCUS_INDIRECT_DD to dd#

procedure Focus_Analyze_Focus global
  integer focus# itm# st#
  get focus of desktop to focus#
  if focus# gt desktop begin
    get delegation_mode of focus# to st#
    set delegation_mode of focus# to NO_DELEGATE_OR_ERROR
    get current_item of focus# to itm#
    set delegation_mode of focus# to st#
  else move -1 to itm#
  send Focus_Analyze_DEO focus# itm#

function Focus_Info global integer itm# returns string
  function_return (value(FocusInf_Array#,itm#))