Use ToolUtilities.pkg // aps.YellowBox class Use Files.utl // Utilities for handling file related stuff //class aps.YellowText is a aps.Edit // procedure construct_object // forward send construct_object // set object_shadow_state to true // set border_style to BORDER_NONE // set color to (RGB_Brighten(clYellow,75)) // set scroll_bar_visible_state to false // property integer private.piImage 0 // end_procedure // procedure set piImage integer liImg // string lsText // set private.piImage to liImg // if liImg get sTextFromDfImage liImg to lsText // else move "" to lsText // send Text_SetEditObjectValue self lsText // end_procedure //end_class // aps.YellowText /FvTool01.Description.01 Save definitions of the currently opened tables to a file. Such a file is called a FDX file (for File Definition, eXtended). Such a file may be opened in the DFMatrix program for further processing (and that's about the only thing it can be used for). /* activate_view activate_fvtool_01 for oFV_Tool_01_View object oFV_Tool_01_View is a aps.View label "Save snap shot of table definitions (FDX file)" // set Border_Style to BORDER_THICK // Make panel resizeable on_key kCancel send close_panel object oDescription is a aps.YellowBox set peAnchors to (anRight+anLeft+anTop) set size to 60 200 set piTextSourceImage to FvTool01.Description.01.N end_object procedure DoSave string lsFile lsPath get FastView_HomeDirectory to lsPath get SEQ_SelectOutFileStartDir "Save FDX file" "FDX files|*.fdx" lsPath to lsFile if (lsFile<>"") begin send FV_FastLoadRefresh send cursor_wait to (cursor_control(self)) send FDXGL_WriteFile lsFile send cursor_ready to (cursor_control(self)) send obs "FDX file has been saved!" ("("+lsFile+")") send close_panel end end_procedure object oBtn1 is a aps.Multi_Button on_item "Save" send DoSave set peAnchors to (anRight+anBottom) end_object object oBtn2 is a aps.Multi_Button on_item "Cancel" send close_panel set peAnchors to (anRight+anBottom) end_object send aps_locate_multi_buttons end_object send aps_SetMinimumDialogSize (oFV_Tool_01_View(self))