// This FvDynamo.pkg package MUST be used at Main-ClientArea level!!! // Use FvDynamo.pkg // Part that generates the view based on vw-definition Use Dynamo.utl // Dynamic creation of objects for VDF Use FvVwDefn.pkg // FastView, View definition cls (cFastView_ViewDefinition) Use FvLayout.pkg // // First we define a special dbView and dbEdit classes for the Dynamo to use class cFastView_dbView is a aps.dbView procedure Load_Environment end_procedure procedure ReloadDefinition integer lhDefinitionObject lhSelf move self to lhSelf get phDefinitionObject to lhDefinitionObject send DoReload to lhDefinitionObject lhSelf end_procedure procedure SaveDefinition integer lhDefinitionObject get phDefinitionObject to lhDefinitionObject send DoSaveDefinition to lhDefinitionObject end_procedure procedure SaveDefinitionAs integer lhDefinitionObject get phDefinitionObject to lhDefinitionObject send DoSaveDefinitionAs to lhDefinitionObject end_procedure procedure EditProperties integer lhDefinitionObject lhSelf move self to lhSelf get phDefinitionObject to lhDefinitionObject send Activate_FastViewPropertyEdit lhDefinitionObject lhSelf end_procedure procedure Request_CloneView integer lhDefinitionObject liLocation lhVw get location to liLocation get phDefinitionObject to lhDefinitionObject get iCreateView of lhDefinitionObject to lhVw set location of lhVw to (hi(liLocation)+13) (low(liLocation)+13) send popup to lhVw end_procedure procedure construct_object forward send construct_object property integer phDefinitionObject 0 on_key key_ctrl+key_f send Request_Popup_DefaultPromptList on_key key_ctrl+key_d send Request_Popup_Calendar on_key key_ctrl+key_p send Request_CreateNewQuery on_key key_ctrl+key_n send Request_CloneView on_key key_alt+key_f2 send Request_Save_No_Clear property integer phChildDD 0 set p_auto_column to 1 object oPopupMenu is a FloatingPopupMenu send Add_Item MSG_ReloadDefinition "Re-load definition" send Add_Item MSG_Request_CloneView "Clone view" send Add_Item MSG_None "" send Add_Item MSG_SaveDefinition "Save definition" send Add_Item MSG_SaveDefinitionAs "Save definition as" send Add_Item MSG_None "" send Add_Item MSG_EditProperties "Properties" end_object property integer pbAlreadyRegistered DFFALSE send tab_column_define 1 60 55 JMODE_LEFT send tab_column_define 2 120 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 3 180 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 4 240 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 5 300 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 6 360 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 7 420 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 8 480 55 JMODE_RIGHT end_procedure procedure DoRegisterWithFvLayoutObjectReset set pbAlreadyRegistered to DFFALSE end_procedure procedure DoRegisterWithFvLayoutObject integer lhView set delegation_mode to DELEGATE_TO_PARENT ifnot (pbAlreadyRegistered(self)) begin move self to lhView send FastView_RegisterWithLayout lhView set pbAlreadyRegistered to DFTRUE end end_procedure procedure DoPopupMenu if (FV_AdminMode()) begin send popup to (oPopupMenu(self)) end end_procedure procedure Mouse_Up2 // Right click send DoPopupMenu end_procedure procedure Close_Query_View set delegation_mode to DELEGATE_TO_PARENT send close_panel end_procedure procedure close_panel forward send close_panel send request_destroy_object // Not sent if Escape is used end_procedure end_class // cFastView_dbView class cFastView_dbEdit is a aps.dbEdit procedure construct_object forward send construct_object end_procedure procedure end_construct_object integer liFile liField forward send end_construct_object get Data_File item 0 to liFile get Data_Field item 0 to liField Set File_Name to ("DBMS:FS" - string(liFile) - "," - string(liField) ) end_procedure function TooltipHint returns string function_return "tool tip string" // or property, or expression etc. end_function end_class class cFastView_dbGroup is a aps.dbGroup procedure construct_object forward send construct_object property integer phParentGrid send tab_column_define 1 60 55 JMODE_LEFT send tab_column_define 2 120 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 3 180 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 4 240 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 5 300 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 6 360 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 7 420 55 JMODE_RIGHT send tab_column_define 8 480 55 JMODE_RIGHT on_key key_alt+key_f2 send Request_Save_No_Clear end_procedure procedure Mouse_Up2 // Right click send DoPopupMenu end_procedure procedure request_save send request_save to (phParentGrid(self)) end_procedure procedure request_clear // if (should_save(self)) send request_clear to (phParentGrid(self)) // else send request_clear_all send request_clear to (phParentGrid(self)) end_procedure procedure request_delete send request_delete to (phParentGrid(self)) end_procedure end_class object oDeltaColumnWidths is a cArray end_object register_object ToolTipTimer class cFastView_dbGrid is a aps.dbGrid procedure construct_object forward send construct_object set highlight_row_state to DFTRUE //set highlight_row_color to (rgb(0,255,255)) //set current_item_color to (rgb(0,255,255)) // set CurrentCellColor to clHighlight // set CurrentCellTextColor to clHighlightText set CurrentRowColor to clHighlight set CurrentRowTextColor to clHighlightText on_key key_alt+key_f2 send Request_Save_No_Clear end_procedure procedure ActivateFirstFocusableItem integer liBase liColumns liMaxItem liItem get base_item to liBase get Grid_Columns self to liColumns move (liBase+liColumns-1) to liMaxItem move liBase to liItem while (liItem<=liMaxItem) ifnot (shadow_state(self,liItem)) begin send activate set current_item to liItem procedure_return end increment liItem end end_procedure procedure request_delete integer liRecnum get current_record of (server(self)) to liRecnum forward send request_delete if (liRecnum<>current_record(server(self))) send ActivateFirstFocusableItem end_procedure procedure request_save forward send request_save ifnot (should_save(self)) send ActivateFirstFocusableItem end_procedure function aps_ColumnCorrection integer liColumn returns integer integer liDeltaLen get value of (oDeltaColumnWidths(self)) liColumn to liDeltaLen function_return liDeltaLen end_function //function TooltipHint returns string // function_return "tool tip string" // or property, or expression etc. //end_function //Procedure OnMouseDown Integer eButton Integer x Integer y Integer fKeys // send CheckRemoveToolTip of ToolTipTimer //end_procedure end_class class cFastView_dbForm is a aps.dbForm //function TooltipHint returns string // function_return "tool tip string" // or property, or expression etc. //end_function //Procedure OnMouseDown Integer eButton Integer x Integer y Integer fKeys // send CheckRemoveToolTip of ToolTipTimer //end_procedure end_class class cFastView_dbCheckBox is a aps.dbCheckBox //function TooltipHint returns string // function_return "tool tip string" // or property, or expression etc. //end_function //Procedure OnMouseDown Integer eButton Integer x Integer y Integer fKeys // send CheckRemoveToolTip of ToolTipTimer //end_procedure end_class class cFastView_dbComboForm is a aps.dbComboForm procedure construct_object forward send construct_object set entry_state item 0 to false end_procedure //function TooltipHint returns string // function_return "tool tip string" // or property, or expression etc. //end_function //Procedure OnMouseDown Integer eButton Integer x Integer y Integer fKeys // send CheckRemoveToolTip of ToolTipTimer //end_procedure end_class integer ghWhyThis? object oFastViewCreator is a aps_ObjectDynamo set value item class.dbView to U_cFastView_dbView // Use special class set value item class.dbEdit to U_cFastView_dbEdit // Use special class set value item class.dbGroup to U_cFastView_dbGroup // Use special class set value item class.dbGrid to U_cFastView_dbGrid // Use special class set value item class.dbForm to U_cFastView_dbForm // Use special class set value item class.dbCheckBox to U_cFastView_dbCheckBox set value item class.dbComboForm to U_cFastView_dbComboForm procedure DoDDFieldSetup integer lhFormList integer lhServer integer liRow liMax liFile liField lhGrid lbNoEnter lbCaps lbPrompt lhPrompt get row_count of lhFormList to liMax decrement liMax for liRow from 0 to liMax // Set DataDictionary values get piFile.i of lhFormList liRow to liFile get piField.i of lhFormList liRow to liField get pbForceNoenter.i of lhFormList liRow to lbNoEnter get pbCapslock.i of lhFormList liRow to lbCaps get pbDefaultSL.i of lhFormList liRow to lbPrompt if lbPrompt begin get File_Field_Property of lhServer liFile liField GET_Field_Prompt_Object to lhPrompt ifnot lhPrompt set File_Field_Property of lhServer liFile liField SET_Field_Prompt_Object to (DefaultPromptList(self)) end if lbNoEnter begin set File_Field_Property of lhServer liFile liField SET_Field_Options to DD_NOENTER end if lbCaps begin set File_Field_Property of lhServer liFile liField SET_Field_Options to DD_CAPSLOCK end loop end_function procedure CreateForms integer lhContainer integer lhFormList integer lhServer integer liRow liMax liFile liField lhClass lhForm liSnap liSnapRow string lsLabel send DoDDFieldSetup lhFormList lhServer get row_count of lhFormList to liMax decrement liMax for liRow from 0 to liMax get piClass.i of lhFormList liRow to lhClass get piSnap.i of lhFormList liRow to liSnap if (liSnap>=0 or liRow>0) begin // No relative snaps on row 0! if (liSnap<>0) begin send add_top_message set_p_snap_location liSnap get piLastObjectRow.i of lhFormList liRow to liSnapRow if (liSnap=SL_DOWN) begin send add_top_message set_label_justification_mode JMODE_RIGHT send add_top_message set_label_offset 0 0 end // We do nothing with it // get piSnap.i of lhFormList liRow to liSnap end else begin if (liRow>0 and piClass.i(lhFormList,liRow-1)=class.dbEdit) begin send aps_goto_max_row to lhContainer end end end // Label handling if (pbNoLabel.i(lhFormList,liRow)) begin send add_top_message set_label "" send add_top_message set_p_auto_label_state DFFALSE end else begin get psLabel.i of lhFormList liRow to lsLabel if (lsLabel<>"") begin send add_top_message set_label lsLabel send add_top_message set_p_auto_label_state DFFALSE end end // Size handling if (piSizeX.i(lhFormList,liRow)) begin if (piSizeY.i(lhFormList,liRow)) begin send add_top_message set_p_auto_size_control_state DFFALSE send add_top_message set_size (piSizeX.i(lhFormList,liRow)) (piSizeY.i(lhFormList,liRow)) end else send add_top_message set_size (piSizeX.i(lhFormList,liRow)) 0 end else if (piSizeY.i(lhFormList,liRow)) send add_top_message set_size 0 (piSizeY.i(lhFormList,liRow)) if (piExtraIntWidth.i(lhFormList,liRow)) send add_top_message set_p_extra_internal_width (piExtraIntWidth.i(lhFormList,liRow)) if (piExtraExtWidth.i(lhFormList,liRow)) send add_top_message set_p_extra_external_width (piExtraExtWidth.i(lhFormList,liRow)) if (pbForceNoenter.i(lhFormList,liRow) and lhClass=class.dbEdit) send add_top_message set_enabled_state DFFALSE send push_data_field (piFile.i(lhFormList,liRow)) (piField.i(lhFormList,liRow)) if (lhClass=class.dbComboForm) begin send add_top_message set_p_abstract (0-((piFile.i(lhFormList,liRow)*4096)+piField.i(lhFormList,liRow))) end get icreate_dynamo_object lhClass to lhForm set phObjectID.i of lhFormList liRow to lhForm loop end_procedure function CreateGrid integer lhFormList integer lhServer returns integer integer liRow liMax liFile liField lhGrid lbNoLabel liOrdering liDeltaLen string lsLabel get row_count of lhFormList to liMax if (liMax>20) begin send obs ("You have specified "+string(liMax)+" fields in a Grid object.") "FastView is only capable of handling 20. The remainder will be ignored." move 20 to liMax end send DoDDFieldSetup lhFormList lhServer decrement liMax for liRow from 0 to liMax // Add the data fields get piFile.i of lhFormList liRow to liFile get piField.i of lhFormList liRow to liField get pbNoLabel.i of lhFormList liRow to lbNoLabel get psLabel.i of lhFormList liRow to lsLabel get piExtraIntWidth.i of lhFormList liRow to liDeltaLen set value of (oDeltaColumnWidths(self)) liRow to liDeltaLen if lbNoLabel send add_bottom_message SET_Header_Label liRow "" else if (lsLabel<>"") send add_bottom_message SET_Header_Label liRow lsLabel send push_data_field liFile liField loop send add_top_message set_server lhServer get FDX_IndexFindPrimary ghFDX (main_file(lhServer)) to liOrdering send add_top_message set_ordering liOrdering get icreate_dynamo_object class.dbGrid to lhGrid function_return lhGrid end_function function CreateGridSidecarFields integer lhFormList integer lhParentGrid integer lhServer returns integer integer lhGroup if (row_count(lhFormList)) begin get icreate_dynamo_object class.dbGroup to lhGroup set label of lhGroup to "Current row data" set server of lhGroup to lhServer set phParentGrid of lhGroup to lhParentGrid send CreateForms lhGroup lhFormList lhServer send pop_object // dbGroup end else move 0 to lhGroup function_return lhGroup end_function function iCreateFastView integer lhDef returns integer integer lhVw liMainFile liChildFile lhMainDD lhChildDD lhGrid liViewType integer lbUseGeneric lhGroup liTmp integer lbVerticalAbsorberFound lbHorizontalAbsorberFound move DFFALSE to lbVerticalAbsorberFound move DFFALSE to lbHorizontalAbsorberFound move 0 to lhGrid move 0 to lhGroup send add_top_message set_label (psViewTitle(lhDef)) get icreate_dynamo_object class.dbView to lhVw // Indentation indicates that the object was pushed on the // container stack set phDefinitionObject of lhVw to lhDef get piViewType of lhDef to liViewType // Create DDO objects: get piMainFile of lhDef to liMainFile get pbUseGenericDD of lhDef to lbUseGeneric ifnot (FastView_GenericDDsApplicable()) move DFFALSE to lbUseGeneric get DDC_CreateDDOStructure lhVw liMainFile lbUseGeneric U_DataDictionary to lhMainDD if (not(integer(FVSetupValue(FVSETUP_USER_CHG_DATA)))) set read_only_state of lhMainDD to DFTRUE if (liViewType=VT_HEADER_DETAIL) begin get piChildFile of lhDef to liChildFile get DDC_CreateChildDDOStructure liChildFile to lhChildDD if (not(integer(FVSetupValue(FVSETUP_USER_CHG_DATA)))) set read_only_state of lhChildDD to DFTRUE set constrain_file of lhChildDD to liMainFile set phChildDD of lhVw to lhChildDD end set server of lhVw to lhMainDD set main_dd of lhVw to lhMainDD if (liViewType=VT_GRID) begin set p_auto_column of lhVw to DFFALSE get CreateGrid (oMainFileFields(lhDef)) lhMainDD to lhGrid send aps_goto_max_row to lhVw get CreateGridSidecarFields (oGridSideCarFields(lhDef)) lhGrid lhMainDD to lhGroup move DFTRUE to lbVerticalAbsorberFound move DFTRUE to lbHorizontalAbsorberFound set peAnchors of lhGrid to anAll set peResizeColumn of lhGrid to rcAll if lhGroup set peAnchors of lhGroup to anBottomLeftRight get iDoAnchors of (oGridSideCarFields(lhDef)) DFFALSE to liTmp end else begin // Create Form things: send CreateForms lhVw (oMainFileFields(lhDef)) lhMainDD // Create grid: if (liViewType=VT_HEADER_DETAIL) begin set p_auto_column of lhVw to DFFALSE send aps_goto_max_row to lhVw get CreateGrid (oChildFileFields(lhDef)) lhChildDD to lhGrid set child_table_state of lhGrid to TRUE // Saves when exit object send aps_goto_max_row to lhVw get CreateGridSidecarFields (oGridSideCarFields(lhDef)) lhGrid lhChildDD to lhGroup move DFTRUE to lbVerticalAbsorberFound move DFTRUE to lbHorizontalAbsorberFound set peAnchors of lhGrid to anAll set peResizeColumn of lhGrid to rcAll if lhGroup set peAnchors of lhGroup to anBottomLeftRight get iDoAnchors of (oMainFileFields(lhDef)) DFFALSE to liTmp get iDoAnchors of (oGridSideCarFields(lhDef)) DFFALSE to liTmp end else begin // Simple dimple get iDoAnchors of (oMainFileFields(lhDef)) DFTRUE to liTmp move (hi(liTmp)) to lbVerticalAbsorberFound move (low(liTmp)) to lbHorizontalAbsorberFound end end send pop_object // dbView if (lbVerticalAbsorberFound or lbHorizontalAbsorberFound) begin set Border_Style of lhVw to BORDER_THICK // Make panel resizeable set piMinSize of lhVw to (hi(size(lhVw))) (low(size(lhVw))) ifnot lbVerticalAbsorberFound ; set piMaxSize of lhVw to (hi(size(lhVw))) 65535 else begin ifnot lbHorizontalAbsorberFound ; set piMaxSize of lhVw to 65535 (low(size(lhVw))) else set Window_Style of lhVw to WS_MAXIMIZEBOX 1 end end function_return lhVw end_function move self to ghWhyThis? end_object function iFastViewCreatePanel global integer lhDef returns integer function_return (iCreateFastView(ghWhyThis?,lhDef)) end_function