// Use Output.utl // Sequential output to whatever #IF ((FMAC_VERSION*10+FMAC_REVISION)>190) CompilerWarnings Suspend #ENDIF Use Aps.pkg #IFDEF USE$VPE Use VpeBase6 //JK: Now uses VPE 3.x Object oOutputVPE is a cVPE Set pOpenOptions to (VPE_NO_OPEN_BUTTON + VPE_NO_RULERS + VPE_GRIDBUTTON + VPE_NO_INFOBUTTON) End_Object #ELSE Use DFWinRpt #ENDIF Use Dates.utl // Date manipulation for VDF Use Files.utl // Utilities for handling file related stuff Use MsgBox.utl // obs procedure Use Seq_Chnl // Defines global sequential device management operations (DAC) Use Language.pkg // Default language setup Use API_Attr.nui // Functions for querying API attributes (No User Interface) Use Strings.nui // String manipulation for VDF (No User Interface) // =========================================================================== // LANGUAGE DEPENDANT TEXT CONSTANTS // =========================================================================== #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_dutch define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Ga naar pagina" define t.output.Find for "Zoeken" define t.output.Search_string for "Zoektekst" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Identieke Hoofd/kleine letters" define t.output.Searching for "Bezig met zoeken naar tekst..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Druk op een toets om te onderbreken" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Zoeken annuleren?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' niet gevonden!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Niet het scherm!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Einde" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Einde\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigeren" define t.output.Main2_1 for "V&orige pagina \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Volgende pagina \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 regels Om&hoog\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 regels Om&laag\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Eerste pagina \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Laatste pagina \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&Ga naar pagina\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Regel begin\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Links" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Rechts" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Regel einde\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Zoeken" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Zoeken\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "Zoek &volgende\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " Af&drukken" define t.output.Main4_1 for "Af&drukken rapport" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_spanish // 03/10/2002 to 31/01/2005 for 2.3 Pepe Guimares Moose Software pg@moose-software.com define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Ir a pgina" define t.output.Find for "Buscar" define t.output.Search_string for "Buscar cadena" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Sensible Mayscula-Minscula" define t.output.Searching for "Buscando cadena..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Pulse tecla para interrumpir" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Cancelar Bsqueda?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' no encontrado!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "No mostrar en Pantalla" define t.output.Main1 for " &Salir" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Salir\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navegar" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Pgina Ant. \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "Pgina S&ig. \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "S&ubir 16 lneas\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "&Bajar 16 lneas\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Pgina Inicial \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Pgina Final \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&Ir a pgina\aAlt-I" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Inicio de Lnea\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Izquierda" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Derecha" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Fin de Lnea\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " Bus&car" define t.output.Main3_1 for "Busc&ar" define t.output.Main3_2 for "Buscar Si&guiente\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Imprimir" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Imprimir Informe" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_english define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Go to page" define t.output.Find for "Find" define t.output.Search_string for "Search string" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Case sensitive" define t.output.Searching for "Searching for string..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Press any key to interrupt" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Cancel search?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' not found!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Not screen!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Exit" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Exit\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigate" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Prev. page \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Next page \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 lines &Up\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 lines &Down\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "First page \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Last page \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&Go to page\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Line start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Left" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Right" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Linie end\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Search" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Search\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "&Find next\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Print" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Print report" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_danish define t.output.GoPg_Label for "G til side" define t.output.Find for "Sg" define t.output.Search_string for "Sgestreng" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Case sensitive" define t.output.Searching for "Sger efter tekst..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Tryk p en tast for at afbryde" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Afbryd sgningen?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' ikke fundet!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Ikke skrm!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Afslut" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Afslut\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigr" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Forr. side \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Nste side \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 linier &Op\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 linier &Ned\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Frste side \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Sidste side \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&G til side\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Linie start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Venstre" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Hjre" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Linie slut\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Sg" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Sg\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "&Find nste\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Udskriv" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Udskriv rapport" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_swedish define t.output.GoPg_Label for "G till sida" define t.output.Find for "Sk" define t.output.Search_string for "Sk strng" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Case sensitive" define t.output.Searching for "Sker efter text..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Tryck p en tangent fr att avbryta skningen" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Avbryt skningen?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' ej funnet!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Ej skrm!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Exit" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Avslut\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigr" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Forr. sida \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Nste sida \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 linjer &Op\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 linjer &Ned\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Frste sida \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Sidste sida \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&G till sida\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Linje start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Venstre" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Hjre" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Linje slut\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Sk" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Sk\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "&Finn nste\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Print" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Print rapport" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_norwegian define t.output.GoPg_Label for "G til side" define t.output.Find for "Sk" define t.output.Search_string for "Skestreng" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Case sensitive" define t.output.Searching for "Sker etter tekst..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Trykk p en tast for avbryte skningen" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Avbryt skningen?" define t.output.TextNotFound for " ikke funnet!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Ikke skjerm!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Avslutt" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Avslutt\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigr" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Forr. side \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Neste side \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 linjer &Opp\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 linjer &Ned\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Frste side \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "siste side \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&G til side\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "linje start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Venstre" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Hyre" define t.output.Main2_11 for "linje slutt\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Sk" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Sk\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "&Finn neste\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Utskriv" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Utskriv rapport" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_german define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Gehe zu Seite" define t.output.Find for "Suchen" define t.output.Search_string for "Suchbegriff" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Gro/Kleinschreibung" define t.output.Searching for "Suche luft..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Zum Unterbrechen eine Taste drcken" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Suche abbrechen?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' nicht gefunden!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Nicht auf Bildschirm!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Abbrechen" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Beenden\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navigation" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Vorh. Seite \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "&Nchste Seite \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 Zeilen &Zurck\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 lines &Vor\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Erste Seite \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Letzte Seite \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&Gehe zu Seite\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Zeilenbeginn\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Links" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Rechts" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Zeilenende\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Suchen" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Suchen\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "&Nchsten Suchen\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Drucken" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Drucken Bericht" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_portuguese // by Claudio Rossoni (SP-Brasil) define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Ir para a pgina" //"Go to page" define t.output.Find for "Procurar" //"Find" define t.output.Search_string for "Procurar string" //"Search string" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Sensibilidade a Maiuscula-Minuscula" //"Case sensitive" define t.output.Searching for "Procurando por..." //"Searching for string..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Pressione qq. tecla para interromper" //"Press any key to interrupt" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Cancelar a procura?" //"Cancel search?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' no encontrado!" //"' not found!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "No mostrar em vdeo" //"Not screen!" define t.output.Main1 for " &Sair" //" &Exit" define t.output.Main1_1 for "&Sair\aEsc" //"&Exit\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " &Navegar" //" &Navigate" define t.output.Main2_1 for "&Pgina Ant. \aPgUp" //"&Prev. page" define t.output.Main2_2 for "P&rxima Pgina \aPgDn" //"&Next page" define t.output.Main2_3 for "S&ubir 16 linhas\a-" //"16 lines &Up\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "&Descer 16 linhas\a+" //"16 lines &Down\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Pgina Inicial \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Pgina Final \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "&Ir para a pgina\aAlt-I" //"&Go to page\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Incio de &Linha\aHome" //"Line start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Esquerda" //"Left" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Direita" //"Right" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Fim da Linha\aEnd" //"Linie end\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " &Procurar" //" &Search" define t.output.Main3_1 for "&Procurar\aF2" //"&Search\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for "Procurar Se&guinte\aSF2" //"&Find next\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " &Imprimir" //"&Print" define t.output.Main4_1 for "&Imprimir o Relatrio" //"&Print report" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_french // French by Arnaud Mallick (Fr) (Arnaud.mallick@wanadoo.fr) define t.output.GoPg_Label For "Aller la page" define t.output.Find For "Trouve" define t.output.Search_string For "Rechercher" define t.output.Case_sensitive For "Repecter Maj/Min" define t.output.Searching For "Recherche..." define t.output.PressAnyKey For "Appuyer sur une touche pour arrter" define t.output.CancelSearch For "Annuler la recherche?" define t.output.TextNotFound For "' pas trouv!" define t.output.NotToScreen For "Pas affich!" define t.output.Main1 For " Quitt&er" define t.output.Main1_1 For "Quitt&er\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 For " &Naviguer" define t.output.Main2_1 For "Page &Prc. \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 For "Page Suiva&nte \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 For "Ha&usser de 16 lignes\a-" //Bof define t.output.Main2_4 For "&Descendre de 16 lignes\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 For "Premire page \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 For "Dernire page \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 For "Aller(&G) la page\aAlt-G" //pas trouv mieux avec un G define t.output.Main2_8 For "Ligne de dbut\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 For "Gauche" define t.output.Main2_10 For "Droite" define t.output.Main2_11 For "Fin de ligne\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 For " Recherche&s" define t.output.Main3_1 For "Recherche&s\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 For "Suivant\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 For " Im&prime" define t.output.Main4_1 For "Im&prime rapport" #ENDIF #IF LNG_DEFAULT=lng_italian // 05/03/04 Paolo Zanni (Italia) define t.output.GoPg_Label for "Vai alla pagina" define t.output.Find for "Trova" define t.output.Search_string for "Cerca stringa" define t.output.Case_sensitive for "Distinzione maiuscole/minuscole" define t.output.Searching for "Ricerca per stringa..." define t.output.PressAnyKey for "Premere un tasto per interrompere" define t.output.CancelSearch for "Cancella ricerca?" define t.output.TextNotFound for "' non trovato!" define t.output.NotToScreen for "Not screen!" define t.output.Main1 for " Uscita" define t.output.Main1_1 for "Uscita\aEsc" define t.output.Main2 for " Navigare" define t.output.Main2_1 for "Pagina precedente \aPgUp" define t.output.Main2_2 for "Pagina successiva \aPgDn" define t.output.Main2_3 for "16 linee su\a-" define t.output.Main2_4 for "16 linee giu'\a+" define t.output.Main2_5 for "Pagina iniziale \aCtrl+PgUp" define t.output.Main2_6 for "Pagina finale \aCtrl+PgDn" define t.output.Main2_7 for "Vai alla pagina\aAlt-G" define t.output.Main2_8 for "Line start\aHome" define t.output.Main2_9 for "Sinistra" define t.output.Main2_10 for "Destra" define t.output.Main2_11 for "Linie end\aEnd" define t.output.Main3 for " Ricerca" define t.output.Main3_1 for " Ricerca\aF2" define t.output.Main3_2 for " Cerca successivo\aSF2" define t.output.Main4 for " Stampa" define t.output.Main4_1 for " Stampa report" #ENDIF // =========================================================================== // CONSTANTS DECLARATIONS // =========================================================================== define DEST_NONE for 0 define DEST_PRINTER for 1 define DEST_SCREEN for 2 define DEST_FILE for 3 define DEST_HTML for 4 define DEST_EDITOR for 5 define DEST_EMAIL for 6 define FILEEXISTS_CANCEL for 0 define FILEEXISTS_APPEND for 1 define FILEEXISTS_OVERWRITE for 2 define FILEEXISTS_PROMPT for 3 // Ask the operator // =========================================================================== // BASIC OUTPUT CLASS // =========================================================================== indicator output$move_up? string output$code string output$symbollist 255 integer output$idx integer seq.object# #COMMAND OUTPUT.DEFINE_CODE string gl_code!1 #REPLACE code_symbol!1 !2 #REPLACE codebuild!Zt !2 define idx!1 [ output$move_up?] if output$idx eq idx!1 move gl_code!1 to output$code [~output$move_up?] if output$idx eq idx!1 move output$code to gl_code!1 #ENDCOMMAND goto output$skip_definition output$code_move: Enumeration_List output.define_code _nop "" output.define_code _initialize "" output.define_code _reset "" output.define_code _bold_on "" output.define_code _bold_off "" output.define_code _italics_on "" output.define_code _italics_off "" output.define_code _underline_on "" output.define_code _underline_off "" output.define_code _user_on "" output.define_code _user_off "" output.define_code _cpi10 "" output.define_code _cpi12 "" output.define_code _cpi17 "" output.define_code _lpi03 "" output.define_code _lpi06 "" output.define_code _lpi08 "" output.define_code _lpi12 "" output.define_code _lpi72 "" output.define_code _macro_def_pre "" output.define_code _macro_def_post "" output.define_code _macro_call_pre "" output.define_code _macro_call_post "" output.define_code _macro_kill_pre "" output.define_code _macro_kill_post "" output.define_code _paper_tray_1 "" output.define_code _paper_tray_2 "" output.define_code _paper_tray_3 "" output.define_code _paper_tray_4 "" output.define_code _pos_push "" output.define_code _pos_pop "" #REPLACE output$max_code (!Zt -1) End_Enumeration_List return output$skip_definition: #COMMAND BUILD_CODE_SYMBOLS #IFDEF codebuild!e move (OUTPUT$SYMBOLLIST+codebuild!e) to OUTPUT$SYMBOLLIST #SET E$ !E BUILD_CODE_SYMBOLS #ENDIF #ENDCOMMAND #PUSH !e #SET E$ 0 move "" to OUTPUT$SYMBOLLIST BUILD_CODE_SYMBOLS #POP E$ procedure output.get_code integer code# indicate output$move_up? true move code# to output$idx gosub output$code_move end_procedure procedure output.set_code integer code# indicate output$move_up? false move code# to output$idx gosub output$code_move end_procedure procedure output.zero_codes integer code# move "" to output$code for code# from 0 to output$max_code send output.set_code code# loop end_procedure send output.zero_codes function output.replace_codes global string str# returns string integer code# string symb# if "<" in str# begin for code# from 0 to output$max_code send output.get_code code# move (replaces(mid(output$symbollist,5,code#*5+1),str#,output$code)) to str# loop end function_return str# end_function function output.remove_codes global string str# returns string integer code# string symb# if "<" in str# begin for code# from 0 to output$max_code move (replaces(mid(output$symbollist,5,code#*5+1),str#,"")) to str# loop end function_return str# end_function class cBasicSequentialOutputEMailRecipients is a cArray item_property_list item_property string psName.i item_property string psAddress.i end_item_property_list cBasicSequentialOutputEMailRecipients procedure add_recipient string lsName string lsAddress integer liRow get row_count to liRow set psName.i liRow to lsName set psAddress.i liRow to lsAddress end_procedure end_class // cBasicSequentialOutputEMailRecipients class cBasicSequentialOutput is a cArray procedure construct_object integer img# forward send construct_object img# set delegation_mode to delegate_to_parent move self to seq.object# property string pTitle "Un-titled" property date pInitDate 0 property string pInitTime "" property integer pDestination DEST_SCREEN property integer pOutputChannel -1 #IFDEF _UNIX_ property string pPrinterPort "dbms.res" #ELSE property string pPrinterPort "LPT1:" #ENDIF property string pOutFileName "dataflex.txt" property string pScreenTmpFile "" // Used when printing to screen AND *email* property integer pFileExistsAction FILEEXISTS_OVERWRITE // If set to FILEEXISTS_CANCEL the report will refuse to print to an existing file! property integer pOmitFormFeed 0 property integer pLineCount 0 property integer pPageCount 0 property integer pPageLength 50 // 0 means continous property integer pBytesWritten 0 property integer phMsg_Object 0 property integer pHeader_image 0 property integer pHeader_height 0 // number of lines in header. property integer pHeader_msg 0 property integer pSubHeader_image 0 property integer pSubHeader_height 0 // number of lines in subheader. property integer pSubHeader_msg 0 property integer pFooter_image 0 property integer pFooter_height 0 // number of lines in footer. property integer pFooter_msg 0 property integer pFooterFill_image 0 property integer pOnceOnly_image 0 property integer pOnceOnly_height 0 property integer pOnceOnly_msg 0 property integer pInUseState false property integer pWidth 77 property integer pbOemToAnsi 0 object oPageOffSets is an array end_object object oChannelAdmin is a cChannelAdmin end_object #IFDEF USE$VPE property integer pOriginalVPE_Object 0 #ENDIF object oEmailRecipients is a cBasicSequentialOutputEMailRecipients end_object // ". /dfds01/appl/scripts/sendfile #F# #A#" property string psSendMailProgramPath "" end_procedure procedure add_recipient string lsName string lsAddress send add_recipient to (oEmailRecipients(self)) lsName lsAddress end_procedure procedure reset_recipients send delete_data to (oEmailRecipients(self)) end_procedure function iUseSequentialChannel returns integer integer destination# get pDestination to destination# function_return (destination#=DEST_FILE or destination#=DEST_HTML or destination#=DEST_EDITOR) end_function // iUseSequentialChannel function iPageBreakNeeded integer lines# returns integer integer pageend# get pPageLength to pageend# if pageend# eq 0 function_return 0 function_return (lines#>(pageend#-pLineCount(self)-pFooter_height(self))) end_function function iAvailablePageLength returns integer integer pageend# headerlines# subheaderlines# footerlines# get pPageLength to pageend# get pHeader_height to headerlines# get pSubHeader_height to subheaderlines# get pFooter_height to footerlines# function_return (pageend#-headerlines#-subheaderlines#-footerlines#) end_function function Remaining_Lines returns integer integer pageend# linecount# footerlines# get pPageLength to pageend# get pLineCount to linecount# get pFooter_height to footerlines# function_return (pageend#-linecount#-footerlines#) end_function function iResource_Reserve returns integer integer ch1# ch2# rval# UseSequentialChannel# get iUseSequentialChannel to UseSequentialChannel# // Do we need a channel? if UseSequentialChannel# get Seq_New_Channel to ch1# else move 0 to ch1# get Seq_New_Channel to ch2# move (ch1#>=0 and ch2#>=0) to rval# if rval# begin if UseSequentialChannel# set pOutputChannel to ch1# set pChannel of (oChannelAdmin(self)) to ch2# end else begin if UseSequentialChannel# if ch1# ge 0 send Seq_Release_Channel ch1# if ch2# ge 0 send Seq_Release_Channel ch2# end #IFDEF USE$VPE set pOriginalVPE_Object to oVPE# move (oOutputVPE(self)) to oVPE# #ENDIF function_return rval# end_function procedure Resource_Release if (iUseSequentialChannel(self)) ; send Seq_Release_Channel (pOutputChannel(self)) send Seq_Release_Channel (pChannel(oChannelAdmin(self))) #IFDEF USE$VPE get pOriginalVPE_Object to oVPE# #ENDIF end_procedure procedure Page_Eject_No_Footer.i integer ff# integer obj# ch# Destination# integer pos# UseSequentialChannel# if (pLineCount(self)) begin get iUseSequentialChannel to UseSequentialChannel# if UseSequentialChannel# begin get pOutputChannel to ch# get_channel_position ch# to pos# set pBytesWritten to pos# end get pDestination to Destination# if Destination# eq DEST_SCREEN begin //screen #IFDEF USE$VPE if ff# send vpe_PageBreak to oVPE# #ELSE // winprint, newpage #ENDIF end else begin if UseSequentialChannel# begin if ff# begin if Destination# eq DEST_HTML write channel ch# (replace("#",'

',string(pPageCount(self)))) else write channel ch# (character(12)) end end end set pPageCount to (pPageCount(self)+1) set pLineCount to 0 move 0 to linecount end end_procedure procedure page_eject.i integer ff# integer line# linecount# pageend# footerlines# footer_img# footerfill_img# get pLineCount to linecount# if linecount# begin // only if something has been written get pFooter_image to footer_img# if footer_img# begin // If 'footer' has been set get pPageLength to pageend# get pFooter_height to footerlines# get pFooterFill_image to footerfill_img# for line# from linecount# to (pageend#-1-footerlines#) if footerfill_img# send output_image_aux footerfill_img# else send writeln_no_headers "" loop send message.i (pFooter_msg(self)) send output_image_aux footer_img# end send page_eject_no_footer.i ff# end end_procedure procedure new_page send page_eject.i 1 end_procedure procedure cmdline_start end_procedure procedure cmdline_stop end_procedure function iPreconditions_Direct_Output returns integer integer rval# get iResource_Reserve to rval# function_return rval# end_function function iDirect_Output returns integer integer rval# dest# exists_action# string tmp_fn# fn# move 1 to rval# if (iPreconditions_Direct_Output(self)) begin get pDestination to dest# set pInitDate to (dSysDate()) set pInitTime to (sSysTime()) if dest# eq DEST_PRINTER begin // Printer set pOmitFormFeed to true #IFDEF USE$VPE set pTitle of oVPE# to (pTitle(self)) send OpenDoc to oVPE# send obs "Hello (test)" #ELSE #ENDIF end if dest# eq DEST_SCREEN begin // Screen set pOmitFormFeed to true #IFDEF USE$VPE set pTitle of oVPE# to (pTitle(self)) send OpenDoc to oVPE# #ELSE // WinPrint #ENDIF end if dest# eq DEST_FILE begin // File get pOutFileName to fn# move 2 to exists_action# // 0=cancel 1=append, 2=overwrite if (SEQ_FileExists(fn#)) begin get pFileExistsAction to exists_action# // if exists_action# eq FILEEXISTS_PROMPT move (SEQ_FileExistsAction(fn#,1)) to exists_action# end if exists_action# begin if exists_action# eq 1 append_output channel (pOutputChannel(self)) ("cr: 13 eol: 10 "+fn#) //append if exists_action# eq 2 direct_output channel (pOutputChannel(self)) ("cr: 13 eol: 10 "+fn#) //overwrite end else move 0 to rval# end if dest# eq DEST_EMAIL begin // EMAIL // get SEQ_UniqueFileName "mail" to fn# get SEQ_UniqueFileNamePathAndExt "" "mail" "txt" to fn# if fn# ne "" begin set pScreenTmpFile to fn# if (API_OtherAttr_Value(OA_OS_SHORT_NAME)="WIN32CM") begin direct_output channel (pOutputChannel(self)) fn# end else begin direct_output channel (pOutputChannel(self)) ("pc-text: "+fn#) end end else begin send obs "Outfile failure (source: output.utl)" "(E-mail)" move 0 to rval# end end if dest# eq DEST_HTML begin // HTML end set pPageCount to 0 set pBytesWritten to 0 set pLineCount to 0 end else move 0 to rval# if rval# begin set pInUseState to true send Report_Wait_On send Initialize_Output end else begin set pInUseState to false send Resource_Release end function_return rval# end_function function iDirect_Output_Title string title# returns integer integer rval# set pTitle to title# get iDirect_Output to rval# if rval# begin set pHeader_image to 0 set pHeader_height to 0 set pHeader_msg to 0 set pSubHeader_image to 0 set pSubHeader_height to 0 set pSubHeader_msg to 0 set pFooter_image to 0 set pFooter_height to 0 set pFooter_msg to 0 set pFooterFill_image to 0 set pOnceOnly_image to 0 set pOnceOnly_height to 0 set pOnceOnly_msg to 0 end function_return rval# end_function procedure Initialize_Output end_procedure procedure DoSendEmails string lsFile integer lhEmailRecipients liMax liRow string lsName lsAddress lsSendMailProgramPath get psSendMailProgramPath to lsSendMailProgramPath if (lsSendMailProgramPath<>"") begin move (oEmailRecipients(self)) to lhEmailRecipients get row_count of lhEmailRecipients to liMax decrement liMax for liRow from 0 to liMax get psSendMailProgramPath to lsSendMailProgramPath move (replace("#A#",lsSendMailProgramPath,psAddress.i(lhEmailRecipients,liRow))) to lsSendMailProgramPath move (replace("#F#",lsSendMailProgramPath,lsFile)) to lsSendMailProgramPath //send obs lsSendMailProgramPath runprogram wait lsSendMailProgramPath loop end else send obs "E-mail program path not specified." end_procedure procedure Close_Output integer ch# dest# pos# string lsFileName if (pInUseState(self)) begin if (pLineCount(self)) send page_eject.i (not(pOmitFormFeed(self))) if (iUseSequentialChannel(self)) begin send write_no_headers "" get pOutputChannel to ch# get_channel_position ch# to pos# set pBytesWritten to pos# despool close_output channel ch# end get pDestination to dest# if dest# eq DEST_PRINTER begin send cmdline_stop #IFDEF USE$VPE send PrintDoc to oVPE# #ELSE // WinPrint, print doc #ENDIF end if dest# eq DEST_EMAIL begin //send obs "Haps, min fine ven" send report_wait_update "Sending e-mails..." get pScreenTmpFile to lsFileName get SEQ_ConvertToAbsoluteFileName lsFileName to lsFileName send DoSendEmails lsFileName erasefile lsFileName end send report_wait_off if dest# eq DEST_SCREEN begin #IFDEF USE$VPE send PreviewDoc to oVPE# #ELSE // WinPrint, print doc #ENDIF end else send report_done set pInUseState to false send Resource_Release end end_procedure procedure message.i integer msg# integer lhObj if msg# begin get phMsg_Object to lhObj if lhObj send msg# to lhObj else send msg# end end_procedure function replace_header_codes string str# returns string integer pagecount# date date# string page# get pInitDate to date# move (pPageCount(self)+1) to pagecount# move (replaces("",str#,string(date#))) to str# move (replaces("",str#,pInitTime(self))) to str# //time if "" in str# begin // page number move pagecount# to page# if pagecount# le 999 insert " " in page# at 1 pad page# to page# 4 move (replaces("",str#,page#)) to str# //time end if "

" in str# begin // page number move pagecount# to page# if pagecount# le 99 insert " " in page# at 1 if pagecount# le 9 insert " " in page# at 1 move (replaces("

",str#,page#)) to str# end function_return str# end_function function replace_codes string str# returns string // If e-mail remove codes, else insert code values if (pDestination(self)=DEST_EMAIL) function_return (output.replace_codes(str#)) function_return (output.remove_codes(str#)) end_function procedure output_image_help integer img# integer header_codes# integer seqeof# obj# ch# string str# move (seqeof) to seqeof# move (oChannelAdmin(self)) to obj# get pChannel of obj# to ch# send direct_xput to obj# 1 ("image: "+string(img#)) repeat readln channel ch# str# [~seqeof] begin if header_codes# send writeln_no_headers (replace_header_codes(self,str#)) else send writeln str# end [~seqeof] loop send close_xput to obj# indicate seqeof as seqeof# end_procedure procedure output_image_aux integer img# send output_image_help img# 1 end_procedure procedure output_image integer img# integer check_space_tmp# integer check_space# if num_arguments gt 1 move check_space_tmp# to check_space# else move 0 to check_space# if (iPageBreakNeeded(self,check_space#)) send page_eject.i 0 send output_image_help img# 0 end_procedure procedure output_image_wrap integer img# // Won't work! (BLANKFORM img#) send output_image_help img# 0 !A [] $20A img# indicate copy_122 as [ |122] send output_image img# !A [not copy_122] $1C4 img# !A [not copy_122] $20A img# indicate copy_122 as [ |122] [not copy_122] repeat send output_image img# !A [] $20A img# indicate copy_122 as [ |122] [not copy_122] loop end_procedure procedure write.i string str# integer do_headers# integer header_img# subheader_img# onceonly_img# pagecount# pageend# string page_init# if do_headers# begin get pHeader_image to header_img# get pSubHeader_image to subheader_img# get pOnceOnly_image to onceonly_img# get pPageCount to pagecount# get pPageLength to pageend# if (iPageBreakNeeded(self,1)) send page_eject.i 0 // if we are at the top of a new page print header and subheader: if (pLineCount(self)) eq 0 begin send message.i (pHeader_msg(self)) if header_img# send output_image_aux header_img# send message.i (pSubHeader_msg(self)) if subheader_img# send output_image_aux subheader_img# end if onceonly_img# begin send message.i (pOnceOnly_msg(self)) set pOnceOnly_image to 0 send output_image onceonly_img# end end move (replace_codes(self,str#)) to str# if (iUseSequentialChannel(self)) write channel (pOutputChannel(self)) str# else begin #IFDEF USE$VPE send Write to oVPE# str# #ENDIF end end_procedure procedure write_no_headers string str# send write.i str# 0 end_procedure procedure write string str# send write.i str# 1 end_procedure procedure writeln string str# send write.i str# 1 if (iUseSequentialChannel(self)) writeln channel (pOutputChannel(self)) (if(pDestination(self)=DEST_HTML,"
","")) else begin #IFDEF USE$VPE send WriteLn to oVPE# " " #ELSE #ENDIF end set pLineCount to (pLineCount(self)+1) end_procedure procedure writeln_no_headers string str# send write.i str# 0 writeln channel (pOutputChannel(self)) set pLineCount to (pLineCount(self)+1) end_procedure procedure make_horizontal_line integer destination# get pDestination to Destination# #IFDEF USE$VPE if (destination#=DEST_PRINTER or destination#=DEST_SCREEN) send WriteLine to oVPE# // send writeln to oVPE# " " #ELSE // if (destination#=DEST_PRINTER or destination#=DEST_SCREEN) winprint, draw line #ENDIF else begin if destination# eq DEST_HTML send writeln "

" // Horizontal ruler else send writeln (repeat(" ",pWidth(self))) end end_procedure procedure call_viewer integer self# move self to self# send output.CallViewer (pScreenTmpFile(self)) self# end_procedure procedure Report_Wait_On end_procedure procedure Report_Wait_Off end_procedure procedure Report_Wait_Update string str# end_procedure procedure Report_Wait_Update2 string str# end_procedure function iReport_Cancel returns integer end_function procedure Report_Done send obs "Done" end_procedure end_class // cBasicSequentialOutput object oBasicSequentialOutput is a cBasicSequentialOutput end_object #COMMAND SEQ.DIRECT_OUTPUT #ENDCOMMAND // seq.output [lines] #COMMAND SEQ.OUTPUT R send output_image to seq.object# !1.N !2 #ENDCOMMAND #COMMAND SEQ.OUTPUT_WRAP R . send output_image_wrap to seq.object# !1.N #ENDCOMMAND #COMMAND SEQ.CLOSE_OUTPUT . send close_output to seq.object# #ENDCOMMAND #COMMAND SEQ.WRITE #IF !0=0 SEQ.WRITE "" #ELSE SEQ.WRITE$HELP !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 #ENDIF #ENDCOMMAND #COMMAND SEQ.WRITELN #IF !0=0 SEQ.WRITELN "" #ELSE SEQ.WRITE$HELP !1 !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 send writeln to seq.object# "" #ENDIF #ENDCOMMAND #COMMAND SEQ.WRITE$HELP #IF !0>0 send write to seq.object# !1 SEQ.WRITE$HELP !2 !3 !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9 #ENDIF #ENDCOMMAND // =========================================================================== // ********************* CHARACTER MODE PREVIEW OBJECT ********************* // =========================================================================== Use aps.pkg // Auto Position and Sizing classes for Visual DataFlex 4.0 use file_dlg // OpenDialog class register_abstract_field_type aft_AppLinkPath50 50 ascii_window object WordPadLinkSetup is a aps.ModalPanel label "WordPad kommunikation" object FlDlg is a OpenDialog set NoChangeDir_State to true end_object object cont is a aps.container3D object frm1 is a aps.Form label "WordPadPath:" abstract aft_AppLinkPath50 set p_extra_internal_width to -100 set form_button item 0 to 1 set form_button_value item 0 to "..." procedure form_button_notification integer itm# integer obj# move (FlDlg(self)) to obj# set Dialog_Caption of obj# to "Locate WORDPAD.EXE" Set Filter_String of obj# to ; "Standard (WORDPAD.EXE)|WORDPAD.EXE|EXE files|*.exe|All files|*.*" if (Show_Dialog(obj#)) set value item 0 to (File_Name(obj#)) end_procedure end_object end_object procedure activate ifnot (active_state(self)) send retrieve_values forward send activate end_procedure procedure retrieve_values string str# get_profile_string "APPLICATION_LINKS" "WordPadPath" to str# set value of (frm1(cont(self))) item 0 to str# end_procedure procedure store_values set_profile_string "APPLICATION_LINKS" "WordPadPath" to (value(frm1(cont(self)),0)) send close_panel end_procedure object btn1 is a aps.multi_button on_item "OK" send store_values end_object object btn2 is a aps.multi_button on_item "Cancel" send close_panel end_object send aps_locate_multi_buttons end_object procedure activate_wordpad_setup send popup to (WordPadLinkSetup(self)) end_procedure procedure output.CallViewer global string fn# integer obj# string str# get_profile_string "APPLICATION_LINKS" "WordPadPath" to str# move (str#*fn#) to str# runprogram wait str# end_procedure procedure output.display_file global string fn# integer ch# fin# liPos integer liSearchPrnLine // Find this line (in .PRN file) integer liFileLine // Line number currently being loaded integer liResultLine // desired item found in this line in the file string lsTmpPrnLine // string str# dir# get Seq_New_Channel to ch# direct_input channel ch# fn# if [seqeof] send obs ("File not found ("+fn#+")") else begin get SEQ_ExtractPathFromFileName fn# to dir# if (dir#="") move (SEQ_FindFileAlongDFPath(fn#)) to dir# if (dir#=".") get_current_directory to dir# set pDestination of seq.object# to DEST_SCREEN if (iDirect_Output_Title(seq.object#,fn#+" "+"("+dir#+")")) begin move 0 to fin# move 0 to liFileLine move 0 to liResultLine repeat readln channel ch# str# move (seqeof) to fin# ifnot fin# begin increment liFileLine // *** PRN file search *** if liSearchPrnLine begin // If we're searching for a PRN line ifnot liResultLine begin // If we didn't find it yet if ("0123456789" contains left(str#,1)) begin move (pos(">",str#)) to liPos if (liPos>0 and liPos<8) begin move (left(str#,liPos-1)) to lsTmpPrnLine if (StringIsInteger(lsTmpPrnLine) and integer(lsTmpPrnLine)>=liSearchPrnLine) begin move liFileLine to liResultLine move 0 to liSearchPrnLine end end end end end seq.writeln str# end until fin# seq.close_output end end send Seq_Release_Channel ch# end_procedure procedure output.run_dfindex_all global #IFDEF MSG_run_dfindex_all send run_dfindex_all #ENDIF send output.display_file "dfsort.log" end_procedure