// ********************************************************************** // Use Strings.nui // String manipulation for VDF (No User Interface) // // By Sture Andersen // // The file contains a number of global functions for manipulating // strings and converting numbers to strings. The package may be used // with DataFlex 3.2 and Visual DataFlex. This package is domain. // // // Create: Fri 23-05-1997 - Merger of s_utl002, 006. // Update: Tue 25-08-1997 - Fixes by Magnus Bergh // Sun 14-12-1997 - Added the following functions: // ExtractWord ExtractInteger // HowManyWords HowManyIntegers // ExtractItemNeg IsIntegerPresent // Tue 31-03-1998 - Added the following functions: // Text_RemoveTrailingCr Text_CompressSubstCr // Text_RTrim Text_Format.sii // Text_Trim Text_FormattedLine.i // Text_Compress // Fri 06-11-1998 - Added function InsertThousandsSep // Sun 14-02-1999 - Added function Byte_ToHex // Wed 27-04-1999 - Added function CurrentDecimalSeparator // Mon 08-11-1999 - Added procedure Text_SetEditObjectValue and // function Text_EditObjectValue // Mon 22-11-1999 - Function Text_RemoveTrailingCr strengthened // Wed 01-12-1999 - Function StringFieldType added // Wed 12-01-2000 - Functions StringOemToAnsi and StringAnsiToOem // added when compiled using the Windows compiler // Wed 17-05-2000 - Function NumToStr fixed for use with VDF 6.0. // Mon 29-05-2000 - Attempt to fix function Text_EditObjectValue // Fri 21-07-2000 - InsertThousandsSep fixed for use with negative // numbers. // - Functions IntToStrRTS, NumToStrRTS and NumToStrTS // added. // Fri 25-08-2000 - Function NumToStrRzf added // Wed 28-02-2001 - Add function OldHexToByte, renamed existing function // Byte_ToHex to OldByteToHex // Mon 19-03-2001 - Functions StringBeginsWith and StringEndsWith // added // Thu 19-07-2001 - StringIsInteger added // Sat 05-04-2002 - Global strings str.Chr10 and str.Chr1013 added. // Tue 04-06-2002 - Oem to ANSI and vice versa for DF3.2 UNIX/DOS/LINUX // Tue 09-09-2003 - Function StringFieldText added // Tue 18-01-2005 - Function String_NegateSortOrder added // Mon 14-03-2005 - Functions StringHead and StringTail added // Sun 12-11-2006 - Functions renamed: ByteToHex -> vdfq_ByteToHex // HexToByte -> vdfq_HexToByte // StringToHex -> vdfq_StringToHex // HexToString -> vdfq_HexToString // WildCardMatch -> vdfq_WildCardMatch // // // // *********************************************************************** Use VdfBase.pkg // Define FMAC_VERSION and FMAC_REVISION #IF ((FMAC_VERSION*10+FMAC_REVISION)>190) CompilerWarnings Suspend #ENDIF Use Base.nui // Item_Property command, Various macros (FOR_EX...), cArray, cSet and cStack classes // Returns the string of length len# inside which src# is right justified: Function RightShift global string src# integer len# returns string trim src# to src# if (length(src#)) lt len# insert (left(pad("",len#),len#-length(src#))) in src# at 1 function_return (left(src#,len#)) End_Function // Returns the string of length len# inside which src# is centered: Function CenterString global string src# integer len# returns string trim src# to src# if (length(src#)) lt len# insert (left(pad("",len#),len#-length(src#)/2)) in src# at 1 function_return (left(src#,len#)) End_Function // Returns all characters to the right of position pos# (including the character at // posistion pos#) Function RightFromPos global string str# integer pos# returns string function_return (right(str#,length(str#)-pos#+1)) End_Function // Number converting functions: #REPLACE NUMTOSTR_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR_OFF 0 #REPLACE NUMTOSTR_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR_ON 1 integer NumToStringConversionMode# string str.Chr10 1 string str.Chr13 1 string str.Chr1013 2 move (character(13)) to str.Chr13 move (character(10)) to str.Chr10 move (character(10)+character(13)) to str.Chr1013 move NUMTOSTR_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR_OFF to NumToStringConversionMode# procedure set pNumToStringConversionMode global integer value# move value# to NumToStringConversionMode# end_procedure function pNumToStringConversionMode global returns integer function_return NumToStringConversionMode# end_function function InsertThousandsSep global string str# returns string integer pos# tmp# neg# string sep# trim str# to str# move (left(str#,1)="-") to neg# if neg# get StringRightBut str# 1 to str# get_attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to pos# character pos# to sep# move (pos(sep#,str#)) to pos# ifnot pos# move (length(str#)+1) to pos# get_attribute DF_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR to tmp# character tmp# to sep# while pos# gt 4 move (pos#-3) to pos# insert sep# in str# at pos# loop if neg# move ("-"+str#) to str# function_return str# end_function // Calling the function below will convert the number stored in src# to a // string containing dcp# decimals rounding excess decimals. Parameter dcp# // may be negative. The expression (NumToStr(1789,-3)) will evaluate to "2000". // The functions in this package all respects the value of global attribute // DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR. Function NumToStr global number src# integer dcp# returns string integer pos# number correction# string rval# radix# if dcp# lt 0 function_return (NumToStr(src#*(10^dcp#),0)+left("00000000",-dcp#)) move (0.5/(10^dcp#)) to correction# // move (0.5/(10^dcp#)+src#) to src# // This does not always work with VDF 6.x!!! if src# ge 0 move (correction#+src#) to src# else move (src#-correction#) to src# get_attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to pos# // Overload character pos# to radix# // End overload move src# to rval# ifnot (pos(radix#,rval#)) append rval# radix# append rval# "00000000" move (pos(radix#,rval#)) to pos# if dcp# eq 0 decrement pos# move (left(rval#,pos#+dcp#)) to rval# if NumToStringConversionMode# move (InsertThousandsSep(rval#)) to rval# function_return rval# End_Function // This function is the same as NumToStr except that you have to specify // the length of the target string (len#). The number will be right // justified accordingly. Post-fix `R' means right justify: Function NumToStrR global number src# integer dcp# integer len# returns string function_return (RightShift(NumToStr(src#,dcp#),len#)) End_Function // Function NumToStrTS is the same as NumToStr except that thousand // separators are inserted. (TS=Thousand Separator) Function NumToStrTS global number src# integer dcp# returns string integer Org# string rval# move NumToStringConversionMode# to org# move NUMTOSTR_THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR_ON to NumToStringConversionMode# move (NumToStr(src#,dcp#)) to rval# move org# to NumToStringConversionMode# function_return rval# End_Function Function IntToStrTS global number src# returns string function_return (NumToStrTS(src#,0)) End_Function Function NumToStrRTS global number src# integer dcp# integer len# returns string function_return (RightShift(NumToStrTS(src#,dcp#),len#)) End_Function // This function is the same as NumToStrR except that you do not specify // the number of decimals: Function IntToStrR global number src# integer len# returns string function_return (NumToStrR(src#,0,len#)) // Fixed, Magnus Bergh End_Function // Same as IntToStrR (TS=Thousand Separator) Function IntToStrRTS global number src# integer len# returns string function_return (NumToStrRTS(src#,0,len#)) End_Function // Is the same as IntToStrR, except that leading blanks are substituted // for leading zeros (zf=zero fill): Function IntToStrRzf global number src# integer len# returns string function_return (replaces(" ",NumToStrR(src#,0,len#),"0")) // Fixed, Magnus Bergh End_Function Function NumToStrRzf global number src# integer dcp# integer len# returns string function_return (replaces(" ",NumToStrR(src#,dcp#,len#),"0")) End_Function // Use this to obtain the number of the least significant "non zero // decimal in src#. 0.702 will return 3 while 100 will return -2: Function NumberOfDecs global number src# returns integer integer count# string tmp# radix# if src# eq 0 function_return 0 // Special case move src# to tmp# // This removes superfluous decimals get_attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to count# // Overload character count# to radix# // End overload if radix# in src# function_return (length(tmp#)-pos(radix#,tmp#)) move 0 to count# while (right(tmp#,1)="0") move (left(tmp#,length(tmp#)-1)) to tmp# decrement count# end function_return count# End_Function Function CurrentDecimalSeparator global returns string integer rval# get_attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to rval# function_return (character(rval#)) End_Function Procedure Set CurrentDecimalSeparator global string value# set_attribute DF_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR to (ascii(value#)) End_Procedure // StripFromLastOccurance takes two strings (src# and val#) as // arguments. src# is scanned backwards for occurrances of substring // val#. If found, the function will return a string equal to src# // truncated at the first character of the right most occurance of substring // val#. // // StripFromLastOccurance("To be or not to be...","be") = "To be or not to " // StripFromLastOccurance("Mary had a little lamb","white") = "" // StripFromLastOccurance("Mary had a little lamb","") = "Mary had a little lamb" // Function StripFromLastOccurance global string src# string val# returns string integer len# search_len# string tmp# length val# to search_len# if search_len# eq 0 function_return src# repeat length src# to len# if len# le search_len# function_return "" move (right(src#,search_len#)) to tmp# if tmp# eq val# function_return (left(src#,len#-search_len#)) move (left(src#,len#-1)) to src# loop End_Function Function GetFromLastOccurance global string src# string val# returns string function_return (replace(StripFromLastOccurance(src#,val#),src#,"")) End_Function // (ExtractWord("item1 item2"," ",0)) = "" // (ExtractWord("item1 item2"," ",1)) = "item1" // (ExtractWord("item1 item2"," ",2)) = "item2" // (ExtractWord("item1 item2"," ",3)) = "" // (ExtractWord(" item1 item2 "," ",x)) = // (ExtractWord("item1 item2"," ",x)) // // source delimiters item number Function ExtractWord global string src# string dlm# integer itm# returns string integer count# pos# in_item# len# string rval# atom# move "" to rval# move 0 to count# move 0 to in_item# move (length(src#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# mid src# to atom# 1 pos# if in_item# begin if atom# in dlm# move 0 to in_item# else if count# eq itm# append rval# atom# end else begin ifnot atom# in dlm# begin increment count# move 1 to in_item# if count# eq itm# move atom# to rval# end end loop function_return rval# End_Function Function ExtractItem global string src# string dlm# integer itm# returns string Function_Return (ExtractWord(src#,dlm#,itm#)) End_Function // source delimiters Function HowManyWords global string src# string dlm# returns integer integer count# pos# in_item# len# string atom# move 0 to count# move 0 to in_item# move (length(src#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# mid src# to atom# 1 pos# if in_item# begin if atom# in dlm# move 0 to in_item# end else begin ifnot atom# in dlm# begin increment count# move 1 to in_item# end end loop function_return count# end_function Function HowManyItems global string src# string dlm# returns integer function_return (HowManyWords(src#,dlm#)) end_function Function ExtractWord2 global string src# string dlm# integer itm# returns string integer count# pos# len# string rval# char# move "" to rval# move 1 to count# move (length(src#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# mid src# to char# 1 pos# if char# in dlm# begin if itm# eq count# function_return rval# increment count# end else if itm# eq count# move (rval#+char#) to rval# loop function_return rval# End_Function // source delimiters Function HowManyWords2 global string src# string dlm# returns integer integer count# pos# len# string char# move 1 to count# move (length(src#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# mid src# to char# 1 pos# if char# in dlm# increment count# loop function_return count# end_function // source legal char item number Function ExtractItemNeg global string src# string lch# integer itm# returns string integer count# pos# in_item# len# string rval# atom# move "" to rval# move 0 to count# move 0 to in_item# move (length(src#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# mid src# to atom# 1 pos# if in_item# begin ifnot atom# in lch# move 0 to in_item# else if count# eq itm# append rval# atom# end else begin if atom# in lch# begin increment count# move 1 to in_item# if count# eq itm# move atom# to rval# end end loop function_return rval# end_function // ExtractInteger("123 456 789",0) = 0 // ExtractInteger("123 456 789",2) = 456 // ExtractInteger("123 456 789",4) = 0 function ExtractInteger global string str# integer itm# returns integer function_return (integer(ExtractItemNeg(str#,"0123456789",itm#))) end_function function HowManyIntegers global string str# returns integer integer rval# pos# len# in_int# move 0 to in_int# //in integer? move 0 to rval# move (length(str#)) to len# for pos# from 1 to len# if (mid(str#,1,pos#)) in "0123456789" begin ifnot in_int# begin increment rval# move 1 to in_int# end end else if in_int# move 0 to in_int# loop function_return rval# end_function function IsIntegerPresent global string str# integer int# returns integer integer max# itm# if str# eq "" function_return 0 move (HowManyIntegers(str#)) to max# for itm# from 1 to max# if (ExtractInteger(str#,itm#)=int#) function_return 1 loop function_return 0 end_function function AddIntegerToString global string str# integer int# returns string function_return (trim(str#+" "+string(int#))) end_function // This function is used to compose a new string from an existing string. This // is similar to the way Windows 95 generates 8.3 file names. // For example: StringIncrementId("STURE",8) = "STURE ~1" // StringIncrementId("STURE ~1",8) = "STURE ~2" // StringIncrementId("STURE ~2",8) = "STURE ~3" // etc... function StringIncrementId global string id# integer len# returns string string char# if (mid(id#,1,len#-1)) eq "~" begin move (mid(id#,1,len#)) to char# if (ascii(char#)) lt 93 function_return (overstrike(character(ascii(char#)+1),id#,len#)) else function_return "" end function_return (overstrike("~1",id#,len#-1)) end_function function StringUppercaseFirstLetters global string str# returns string integer len# pos# in_word# string rval# char# move (lowercase(str#)) to str# move (length(str#)) to len# move 0 to in_word# for pos# from 1 to len# move (mid(str#,1,pos#)) to char# if char# eq "" move 0 to in_word# else begin ifnot in_word# begin uppercase char# to char# move 1 to in_word# end end move (rval#+char#) to rval# loop function_return rval# end_function function StringLeftBut global string str# integer but# returns string function_return (left(str#,length(str#)-but# max 0)) end_function function StringRightBut global string str# integer but# returns string function_return (right(str#,length(str#)-but# max 0)) end_function //> This function returns 1 if lsString is an integer and 2 if it //> is a number (the function does not handle thousand seps) function StringIsNumber global string lsString integer liDecSep returns integer integer liLen liPos liDecSepFound liRval string lsChar move 1 to liRval move 0 to liDecSepFound move (trim(lsString)) to lsString if (left(lsString,1)="-") move (replace("-",lsString,"")) to lsString move (length(lsString)) to liLen for liPos from 1 to liLen move (mid(lsString,1,liPos)) to lsChar if (ascii(lsChar)) eq liDecSep begin if liDecSepFound function_return 0 move 1 to liDecSepFound end else ifnot ("0123456789" contains lsChar) function_return 0 loop function_return liRval end_function function StringIsInteger global string lsString returns integer integer liPos liLen move (trim(lsString)) to lsString if (left(lsString,1)="-") move (replace("-",lsString,"")) to lsString move (length(lsString)) to liLen for liPos from 1 to liLen ifnot (pos(mid(lsString,1,liPos),"0123456789")) function_return DFFALSE loop function_return DFTRUE end_function function StringFieldType global integer liType returns string if liType eq DF_ASCII function_return "ASCII" if liType eq DF_BCD function_return "Number" if liType eq DF_DATE function_return "Date" if liType eq DF_OVERLAP function_return "Overlap" if liType eq DF_TEXT function_return "Text" if liType eq DF_BINARY function_return "Binary" function_return "Un-defined" end_function function StringFieldLenText global integer liType integer liLen integer liDec returns string if liType eq DF_BCD function_return (NumToStr(liLen+(liDec/10.0),1)) else function_return (string(liLen)) end_function function StringFieldText global integer liType integer liLen integer liDec returns string string lsRval move "# (#)" to lsRval replace "#" in lsRval with (StringFieldType(liType)) replace "#" in lsRval with (StringFieldLenText(liType,liLen,liDec)) function_return lsRval end_function function StringConsistsOf global string src# string tpl# returns integer integer count# len# trim src# to src# move (length(src#)) to len# for count# from 1 to len# ifnot (mid(src#,1,count#)) in tpl# function_return 0 loop function_return 1 end_function function StringBeginsWith global string lsHostString string lsLeadInCharacters returns integer function_return (left(lsHostString,length(lsLeadInCharacters))=lsLeadInCharacters) end_function function StringEndsWith global string lsHostString string lsTrailingCharacters returns integer function_return (right(lsHostString,length(lsTrailingCharacters))=lsTrailingCharacters) end_function function StringReverse global string lsValue returns string integer liLen liPos string lsRval lsChar move "" to lsRval move (length(lsValue)) to liLen for_ex liPos from liLen down_to 1 move (lsRval+mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function function StringHead global string lsValue string lsDlm returns string integer liLen liPos move (length(lsValue)) to liLen for liPos from 1 to liLen if (lsDlm contains mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) function_return (left(lsValue,liPos-1)) loop function_return lsValue end_function function StringTail global string lsValue string lsDlm returns string integer liLen liPos move (length(lsValue)) to liLen for liPos from 1 to liLen if (lsDlm contains mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) function_return (right(lsValue,liLen-liPos)) loop function_return "" end_function // If function ConvertChar is not already defined we define it here: #IFDEF get_ConvertChar #ELSE use WinBase.pkg Function ConvertChar Global integer bToAnsi String sString Returns String pointer psString integer iVoid bIsCString Move (ascii(Right(sString,1))=0) to bIsCString If Not bISCString Append sString (character(0)) GetAddress Of sString To psString // ok if bToAnsi Move (OEMToANSI(psString,psString)) To iVoid else Move (ANSItoOEM(psString,psString)) To iVoid Function_Return (if(bIsCString, sString, cstring(sString))) End_Function #ENDIF function StringAnsiToOem global string str# returns string function_return (ConvertChar(0,str#)) end_function function StringOemToAnsi global string str# returns string function_return (ConvertChar(1,str#)) end_function function RemoveDblBlanks global string lsValue returns string integer fin# move 0 to fin# repeat move (replaces(" ",lsValue," ")) to lsValue ifnot " " in lsValue move 1 to fin# until fin# function_return lsValue end_function function vdfq_ByteToHex global integer byte# returns string function_return (mid("0123456789ABCDEF",1,byte#/16+1)+mid("0123456789ABCDEF",1,(byte# iand 15)+1)) end_function function vdfq_HexToByte global string lsHex returns integer function_return (pos(left(lsHex,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1*16+pos(right(lsHex,1),"0123456789ABCDEF")-1) end_function function vdfq_StringToHex global string lsValue returns string integer liLen liPos string lsRval move (length(lsValue)) to liLen move "" to lsRval for liPos from 1 to liLen move (string(lsRval)+string(vdfq_ByteToHex(ascii(mid(lsValue,1,liPos))))) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function function vdfq_HexToString global string lsValue returns string integer liLen liPos string lsRval move (length(lsValue)/2) to liLen move "" to lsRval for liPos from 1 to liLen //move (string(lsRval)+string(vdfq_HexToByte(ascii(mid(lsValue,2,liPos*2-1))))) to lsRval // Fixed by Paolo Bruno Move (String(lsRval)+Character(vdfq_HexToByte(mid(lsValue,2,liPos*2-1)))) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function function Text_RemoveTrailingCr global string lsValue returns string integer fin# string char# char10# char255# char13# move 0 to fin# move (character(10)) to char10# move (character(13)) to char13# move (character(255)) to char255# repeat ifnot (length(lsValue)) function_return "" move (right(lsValue,1)) to char# if (char#=char10# or char#=" " or char#=char13# or char#=char255#) move (left(lsValue,(length(lsValue)-1))) to lsValue else move 1 to fin# until fin# function_return lsValue end_function function Text_RTrim global string lsValue returns string move (rtrim(replaces(character(255),lsValue," "))) to lsValue function_return (Text_RemoveTrailingCr(lsValue)) end_function function Text_Trim global string lsValue returns string move (trim(replaces(character(255),lsValue," "))) to lsValue function_return (Text_RemoveTrailingCr(lsValue)) end_function function Text_Compress global string lsValue returns string move (replaces(character(10),lsValue," ")) to lsValue trim lsValue to lsValue move (RemoveDblBlanks(lsValue)) to lsValue function_return lsValue end_function function Text_CompressSubstCr global string lsValue string new_line# returns string move (replaces(character(13),lsValue,"")) to lsValue function_return (RemoveDblBlanks(trim(replaces(character(10),Text_RemoveTrailingCr(lsValue),new_line#)))) end_function class cText_Formatter is an array procedure construct_object integer img# forward send construct_object img# property integer pRmargin 40 property integer pCompress_state 0 property integer pTrim_state 1 // 0=no trim, 1=trim, 2=rtrim property integer pSubst_below_32_state 0 end_procedure procedure add_item.s string lsValue integer char# if (pSubst_below_32_state(self)) begin for char# from 0 to 31 move (replaces(character(char#),lsValue," ")) to lsValue loop end set array_value item (item_count(self)) to lsValue end_procedure function split_word string lsValue integer len# returns string integer pos# string rval# move (pos("-",lsValue)) to pos# if (pos# and pos#<=len#) move (replace("-",lsValue," ")) to rval# else begin move (left(lsValue,len#)) to rval# move (rval#+" "+replace(rval#,lsValue,"")) to rval# end function_return rval# // The space in the return value indicates end_function // where to split the word procedure format.s string lsValue integer Trim_state# done# pRmargin# word_done# pos# max# len# string word# line# lf# left# char# //pre-format: get pTrim_state to Trim_state# if Trim_state# eq 1 move (Text_Trim(lsValue)) to lsValue else if Trim_state# eq 2 move (Text_RTrim(lsValue)) to lsValue if (pCompress_state(self)) move (Text_Compress(lsValue)) to lsValue move (character(10)) to lf# get pRmargin to pRmargin# if pRmargin# gt 1 begin // Otherwise nothing makes sense! move 0 to done# move "" to line# move 1 to pos# move (length(lsValue)) to max# repeat move "" to word# move 0 to word_done# repeat if pos# gt max# move 1 to word_done# else begin mid lsValue to char# 1 pos# if char# eq lf# begin // Line feed if word# eq "" begin move lf# to word# increment pos# end move 1 to word_done# end else begin if char# eq "" begin if word# eq "" increment pos# else move 1 to word_done# end else begin move (word#+char#) to word# increment pos# end end end until word_done# if word# eq "" move 1 to done# // We're done! else begin if word# eq lf# begin // If hard return: send add_item.s line# move "" to line# end else begin // if (length(line#)+length(word#)+1) gt pRmargin# begin // Soft new line if line# ne "" begin send add_item.s line# // Could be that word is longer that pRmargin move "" to line# end if (length(word#)) gt pRmargin# begin // Word IS longer that line! repeat if line# eq "" move (pRmargin#-1) to len# else move (pRmargin#-length(line#)-2) to len# move (split_word(self,word#,len#)) to word# move (ExtractItem(word#," ",1)) to left# move (ExtractItem(word#," ",2)) to word# if word# eq "" move left# to line# else send add_item.s (left#+"-") until word# eq "" end else move word# to line# end else begin if line# ne "" move (line#+" "+word#) to line# // add word to line else move word# to line# end end end until done# if line# ne "" send add_item.s line# end end_procedure end_class // cText_Formatter desktop_section object oText_Formatter is a cText_Formatter set pSubst_below_32_state to DFTRUE end_object end_desktop_section procedure Text_Format_Reset global send delete_data to (oText_Formatter(self)) end_procedure function Text_Format_LineCount global returns integer function_return (item_count(oText_Formatter(self))) end_function function Text_Format.sii global string lsValue integer liWidth integer lbReset returns integer integer lhObj if lbReset send Text_Format_Reset move (oText_Formatter(self)) to lhObj set pRmargin of lhObj to liWidth send format.s to lhObj lsValue function_return (item_count(lhObj)) end_function function Text_FormattedLine.i global integer liLine returns string function_return (string_value(oText_Formatter(self),liLine)) end_function function Text_FormattedText global returns string integer liItem liMax liObj string lsRval move "" to lsRval move (oText_Formatter(self)) to liObj get item_count of liObj to liMax get Text_Format_LineCount to liMax decrement liMax for liItem from 0 to liMax move (lsRval+value(liObj,liItem)) to lsRval if liItem ne liMax move (lsRval+character(10)) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function string gs$CollateString 255 // Here's the string object oCollateStringBuilder is an Array procedure MakeCollateString integer liCharacter liMax liItem string lsRval for liCharacter from 32 to 255 set value item (liCharacter-32) to (character(liCharacter)) loop send sort_items DESCENDING // We need them backwards get item_count to liMax decrement liMax move "" to lsRval for liItem from 0 to liMax move (lsRval+value(self,liItem)) to lsRval loop move (repeat(" ",31)+lsRval) to gs$CollateString send delete_data end_procedure send MakeCollateString end_object function String_NegateSortOrder global string lsValue returns string integer liPos liLen string lsRval lsChar move (length(lsValue)) to liLen move "" to lsRval for liPos from 1 to liLen move (mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) to lsChar move (lsRval+mid(gs$CollateString,1,ascii(lsChar))) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function // The same function (StringEncrypt) is used to encrypt and decrypt a string: // // ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ // ³ ³ // ³ StringEncrypt(string,code) ³ // ³ ³ stringEncrypt(encrypted_string,code) ³ // ³ ³ ³ ³ // ³   ³ // ³ -- -- ³ // ³ ³ // ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ // // The code used to encrypt a string may be any integer value and must // be the same when decrypting // function iEncryptXor.iii global integer liX integer liY integer liBitCount returns integer integer liRval liBit liXbit liYbit liBitExp move 0 to liRval for liBit from 0 to (liBitCount-1) move (2^liBit) to liBitExp move ((liX/liBitExp)-(((liX/liBitExp)/2)*2)) to liXbit move ((liY/liBitExp)-(((liY/liBitExp)/2)*2)) to liYbit if liXbit ne liYbit move (liRval+liBitExp) to liRval loop function_return liRval end_function function StringEncrypt global string lsInput integer liCode integer liLen returns string integer liPos string lsRval move "" to lsRval for liPos from 1 to liLen move (lsRval+character(iEncryptXor.iii(ascii(mid(pad(lsInput,liLen),1,liPos)),((liCode+(liPos*7)) iand 31),8))) to lsRval loop function_return lsRval end_function // The function returns the number of items that the value was split into. Negative if parsing error // // lsValue is the string to split // lsSeparatorChar is the separating character // lbDiscardDblSeps determines whether succeeding separating characters are to be considered as one // lbProtectQuotes determines if items in quotes should be function StringSplitToArrayObj global string lsValue string lsSeparatorChar integer lbDiscardDblSeps integer lbProtectQuotes integer lhTargetArray returns integer integer liLen // Length of the string we are parsing integer liItem // Pointer to the next available index in the target array (lhTargetArray) integer liStartItem // Number of items originally in the target array integer liPos // The current position in the string (lsValue) we are parsing string lsChar // The character currently being examined by the loop string lsItem // The value of the next item as it is being built string lsQuoteChar // If " or ', we are currently in a quoted section of the string string lsQuotes // Quotation characters: "' move "" to lsQuoteChar get item_count of lhTargetArray to liStartItem // If the array is not empty, we just add to its current content. move liStartItem to liItem move (length(lsValue)) to liLen move "" to lsItem move ("'"+'"') to lsQuotes move 1 to liPos while (liPos<=liLen) move (mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) to lsChar increment liPos if (lsQuoteChar<>"") begin if (lsChar=lsQuoteChar) begin move "" to lsQuoteChar if (liPos<=liLen) begin // Next item MUST be a separating character or end of string move (mid(lsValue,1,liPos)) to lsChar if (lsChar<>lsSeparatorChar) function_return (0-liPos) // Error: Illegal character after quoted string end // else it's the end of the string and we're therefore OK end else begin move (lsItem+lsChar) to lsItem end end else begin // We're not in a quote if (lsChar=lsSeparatorChar) begin set value of lhTargetArray item liItem to lsItem increment liItem move "" to lsItem if lbDiscardDblSeps begin // succeeding separating characters are to be considered as one, we advance the position accordingly while (liPos0 and lsQuotes contains lsChar) begin if (lsItem="") begin move lsChar to lsQuoteChar end else function_return (0-liPos+1) // Error: Illegal position of quotation character end else move (lsItem+lsChar) to lsItem end end if (lsItem<>"") begin set value of lhTargetArray item liItem to lsItem increment liItem end if (lsQuoteChar<>"") function_return (0-liPos) // Error: Quoted string not terminated function_return (liItem-liStartItem) // Return number of items added to the target array end_function // StringSplitToArrayObj