//AB/ Project New Dialog2 // Project Object Structure // oWizardPanel is a dbWizardPanel // oBitmapBox is a Container3d // odbWizardPage1 is a dbWizardPage // oTextLine is a Textbox // oLine is a LineControl // oBackButton is a Button // oNextButton is a Button // oCloseButton is a Button // Register all objects Register_Object oBackButton Register_Object oBitmapBox Register_Object oCloseButton Register_Object odbWizardPage1 Register_Object oLine Register_Object oNextButton Register_Object oTextLine Register_Object oWizardPanel //AB-StoreTopStart Use Windows.Pkg //AB-StoreTopEnd //AB-StoreStart Send Popup_Modal Of oWizard //AB-StoreEnd //AB-IgnoreStart Use cWizard.Pkg Use DFAllEnt.pkg //AB-IgnoreEnd Object oWizard is a cWizard Set Location to 10 8 Set psHeaderGraphic To "Header.Bmp" Set psLabel To "Wizard label" //AB-DDOStart //AB-DDOEnd Object oWelcomePage is a cWelcomePage Set psWatermark To "Watermark.Bmp" Set psTitle to "The Wizard Adding ..." Set psDescription to "With this wizard you ..." Set psBottomText to "Click on next to continue" //AB-StoreStart //Procedure OnEntering Integer iFrom Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnEntering //Procedure OnPageChange Integer iFrom Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnPageChange //Procedure OnLeaving Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnLeaving //AB-StoreEnd End_Object // oWelcomePage Object oInteriorPage is a cInteriorPage Set psTitle To "Header Title" Set psSubTitle To "Subtitle goes here" //AB-StoreStart //Procedure OnEntering Integer iFrom Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnEntering //Procedure OnPageChange Integer iFrom Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnPageChange //Procedure OnLeaving Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnLeaving //AB-StoreEnd End_Object // oInteriorPage Object oCompletionPage is a cCompletionPage Set psWatermark To "Watermark.Bmp" Set psTitle to "Busy to complete the wizard" Set psDescription to "You have entered all necessary information" Set psBottomText to "Click on finish to submit all choices" //AB-StoreStart //Procedure OnEntering Integer iFrom Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnEntering //Procedure OnPageChange Integer iFrom Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnPageChange //Procedure OnLeaving Integer iTo Integer iDirection //End_Procedure // OnLeaving //AB-StoreEnd End_Object // oCompletionPage //AB-StoreStart //Procedure FinishWizard // Forward Send FinishWizard //End_Procedure // FinishWizard //AB-StoreEnd End_Object // oWizard