<% Response.ContentType = "text/vnd.wap.wml"%> <% ' Wml-Sample-5.asp ' ' This sample was created by loading the WML template sample. It contains the basics ' of a WML asp file. Most of you WML files will be ASP files, because almost all of your ' wml files will be dynamic (think about it, why would you want static wml pages). You use the ASP ' page to receive the request. You would typically make calls to your WBO object to perform required ' operations (e.g. find row, save data) and to display data (display data from a row, display a report) ' ' Notes on the top two lines. ' 1. When your wml page has an asp extension, you need to specifically tell the page that it is ' a WML page. We do that by setting this content type in the first line. ' 2. The first two lines MUST appear exactly as as formatted. If any spaces appear in the WML page ' before the tag, some phone compilers will generate an error (it's a bug, but it's what ' they do). %> <% ' ' Simple Wap Customer list ' ' Initialize Standard Information Url = Request.ServerVariables("URL") ' URL of self, for Posting to self RowId=request("RowId") ' often passed, Randomize: RID=int(Rnd * 1000) ' needed for Post bug (not our bug!) %>

Enter your card text here <% ' We added this to make this page do something interested. This was inserted ' using the Web Application Integrator (try it). %> <% RowId=oWapcustlist.call("get_RunWapCustList",2,RowId)%>