// Original work by Sean Bamforth, APG. // Adapted to this project by Nils Svedmyr, RDC Tools International // Use Batchdd.pkg Use vWin32fh.pkg Struct tUnusedSourceFiles String sUsedPackageName String sFileName String sPath Integer iRow End_Struct Use SourceCode.inc Use UnusedSourceFiles.dg #IFNDEF ghoFileSystem Global_Variable Integer ghoFileSystem #ENDIF Class cUnusedSourceFiles is a BusinessProcess Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Property String psFileFilter "*.src;*.vw;*.sl;*.dg;*.rv;*.bp;*.pkg;*.wo;*.dd;*.inc" Property String[] pasAllFolders Property Integer piNoOfUnusedSourceFiles 0 Property Boolean pbOK True End_Procedure Function AllSourceFiles String[] asFolders String sFileFilter Returns tUnusedSourceFiles[] String[] asFileFilters String[] asSearch tUnusedSourceFiles[] asAllSource asSource asEmpty Integer iFilterCount iFilterSize iFolderCount iFolderSize iSize iCount iSearchCount iSearchSize iItem String sFolder sFilename tsSearchResult[] SearchResult Move (StrSplitToArray(sFileFilter, ";")) to asFileFilters Move (SizeOfArray(asFolders)) to iFolderSize Decrement iFolderSize Move (SizeOfArray(asFileFilters)) to iFilterSize Decrement iFilterSize For iFolderCount From 0 to iFolderSize For iFilterCount From 0 to iFilterSize Move asFolders[iFolderCount] to sFolder Get vFolderFormat sFolder to sFolder Move (Lowercase(sFolder) + asFileFilters[iFilterCount]) to asSearch[SizeOfArray(asSearch)] Loop Loop Move (SizeOfArray(asSearch)) to iSize Decrement iSize For iCount From 0 to iSize Move asSearch[iCount] to sFolder Get ParseFolderName sFolder to sFolder Get vFolderFormat sFolder to sFolder Move 0 to iItem Move asEmpty to asSource Get FileSearch of ghoFileSystem asSearch[iCount] DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY False to SearchResult Move (SizeOfArray(SearchResult)) to iSearchSize Decrement iSearchSize For iSearchCount from 0 to iSearchSize Move sFolder to asSource[iItem].sPath Move (SearchResult[iSearchCount].sFilename) to asSource[iItem].sFileName Increment iItem Loop Move (AppendArray(asSource, asAllSource)) to asAllSource Loop Function_Return asAllSource End_Function Function isIncludeLine String sInp Returns Boolean Boolean bOK Move False to bOK Move (Lowercase(sInp)) to sInp Get StripComment sInp to sInp Move (Trim(sInp)) to sInp If ((Pos("use ", sInp)) = 1) Begin Move True to bOK End If ((Pos("#include ", sInp)) = 1) Begin Move True to bOK End Function_Return bOK End_Function Function StripComment String sLine Returns String Integer iPos Move (Pos(CS_CommentSymbol, sLine)) to iPos If (iPos > 0) Begin Move (Left(sLine, iPos - 1)) to sLine End Function_Return sLine End_Function // Note: The function adds a ".pkg" to the package name if no extension has been specifieds in the source code. Function ExtractPackageName String sLine Returns String Integer iPos String sFileName Move (Trim(Lowercase(sLine))) to sLine Get StripComment sLine to sLine Move (Pos("#include ", sLine)) to iPos If (iPos = 1) Begin Move (Mid(sLine, CI_EOL, (iPos + 8))) to sLine End Move (Pos("use ", sLine)) to iPos If (iPos = 1) Begin Move (Mid(sLine, CI_EOL, (iPos + 3))) to sLine End Move (Trim(sLine)) to sLine If (not(sLine contains ".")) Begin Move (sLine + ".pkg") to sLine End Move (Pos(CS_DirSeparator, sLine)) to iPos If (iPos <> 0) Begin Get ParseFileName sLine to sLine End Function_Return sLine End_Function Function ReadSourceFile String sFilename Returns String[] Integer iCh iFileSize iCount UChar[] usFile String sFileString String[] asFile Get Seq_New_Channel to iCh If (iCh = DF_SEQ_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE) Begin Function_Return asFile End Move 0 to iCount Get vWin32_APIFileSize sFilename to iFileSize Move (ResizeArray(asFile, iFileSize)) to asFile Direct_Input channel iCh ("binary:" + sFilename) While (SeqEof = False) Readln channel iCh asFile[iCount] Increment iCount Loop Close_Input channel iCh Send Seq_Release_Channel iCh Move (ResizeArray(asFile, iCount)) to asFile Function_Return asFile End_Function Function SingleFileUsedPackages String sFullFilename Returns tUnusedSourceFiles[] tUnusedSourceFiles[] asRetVal String[] asFile String sLine sPath sFilename sPackageName sSourceLine Integer iItem iCount iSize Boolean bOK Move 0 to iItem Get ReadSourceFile sFullFilename to asFile Move (SizeOfArray(asFile)) to iSize If (iSize = 0) Begin Function_Return asRetVal End Get ParseFolderName sFullFilename to sPath Get ParseFileName sFullFilename to sFilename Set Title_Text of ghoStatusPanel to ("Scanning for 'Use':" * String(sPath)) Set Message_Text of ghoStatusPanel to ("in file:" * String(sFilename)) Decrement iSize For iCount from 0 to iSize Move asFile[iCount] to sLine Move (Lowercase(sLine)) to sLine Move (Trim(sLine)) to sSourceLine If (sSourceLine <> "") Begin Get isIncludeLine sLine to bOK If (bOK = True) Begin Get ExtractPackageName sLine to sPackageName Move sPackageName to asRetVal[iItem].sUsedPackageName Move sPath to asRetVal[iItem].sPath Move sFilename to asRetVal[iItem].sFileName Move iCount to asRetVal[iItem].iRow Increment iItem End End Loop Set Title_Text of ghoStatusPanel to "" Set Message_Text of ghoStatusPanel to "" Function_Return asRetVal End_Function Function IncludeOrUseFile String sLine Returns String Integer iPos Move (lowercase(sLine)) to sLine Move (Replace("#include ", sLine, "use ")) to sLine Move (Pos("use ",sLine)) to iPos If (iPos = 0) Begin Function_Return "" End Move (Mid(sLine, CI_EOL, (iPos + 4))) to sLine Move (Trim(sLine)) to sLine If ((Pos(".", sLine)) = 0) Begin Append sLine ".pkg" End Function_Return sLine End_Function // Function RemoveStructArrayDuplicates tUnusedSourceFiles[] asUsedSourceFiles Returns tUnusedSourceFiles[] // tUnusedSourceFiles[] asNoDuplicates // Integer iSize iCount iItem // String sUsedPackageName sUsedPackageNameCompare // // Move 0 to iItem // Move (SortArray(asUsedSourceFiles)) to asUsedSourceFiles // Move (SizeOfArray(asUsedSourceFiles)) to iSize // Decrement iSize // For iCount from 0 to iSize // Move asUsedSourceFiles[iCount].sUsedPackageName to sUsedPackageName // Move asNoDuplicates[iItem].sUsedPackageName to sUsedPackageNameCompare // If (Lowercase(sUsedPackageName) <> Lowercase(sUsedPackageNameCompare)) Begin // Move asUsedSourceFiles[iCount].iRow to asNoDuplicates[iItem].iRow // Move asUsedSourceFiles[iCount].sFileName to asNoDuplicates[iItem].sFileName // Move asUsedSourceFiles[iCount].sPath to asNoDuplicates[iItem].sPath // Move sUsedPackageName to asNoDuplicates[iItem].sUsedPackageName // Increment iItem // End // Loop // // Function_Return asNoDuplicates // End_Function // Note: Only uniqely identifed package files are returned in the struct array. // All duplicates have been removed. Function UsedPackageFiles tUnusedSourceFiles[] asSourceAllFiles Returns tUnusedSourceFiles[] tUnusedSourceFiles[] asSingleFile asUsedSourceFiles Integer iCount iSize Move (SizeOfArray(asSourceAllFiles)) to iSize Decrement iSize For iCount From 0 to iSize Get SingleFileUsedPackages (asSourceAllFiles[iCount].sPath + String(asSourceAllFiles[iCount].sFileName)) to asSingleFile If (SizeOfArray(asSingleFile) <> 0) Begin Move (AppendArray(asUsedSourceFiles, asSingleFile)) to asUsedSourceFiles End Loop // It doesn't make any time difference if duplicates are removed or not. // Get RemoveStructArrayDuplicates asUsedSourceFiles to asUsedSourceFiles Function_Return asUsedSourceFiles End_Function Function UnusedPackages tUnusedSourceFiles[] asUsedFiles tUnusedSourceFiles[] asAllFiles Returns tUnusedSourceFiles[] Integer iCount iSize iIndex iItem String sFilename sExt tUnusedSourceFiles[] aUnusedSource tUnusedSourceFiles UsedFile Move 0 to iItem Move (SortArray(asUsedFiles)) to asUsedFiles Move (SizeOfArray(asAllFiles)) to iSize Decrement iSize For iCount From 0 to iSize Move asAllFiles[iCount].sFileName to sFilename Move (Lowercase(sFilename)) to sFilename Move sFilename to UsedFile.sUsedPackageName Get ParseFileExtension sFilename to sExt If (sExt <> "src") Begin Move (SearchArray(UsedFile, asUsedFiles)) to iIndex If (iIndex = -1) Begin Move asAllFiles[iCount].sFileName to aUnusedSource[iItem].sFileName Move asAllFiles[iCount].sPath to aUnusedSource[iItem].sPath Increment iItem End End Loop Function_Return aUnusedSource End_Function Procedure OnProcess String sFileFilter sHomePath String[] asAllFolders tUnusedSourceFiles[] asAllSourceFiles asUsedSourceFiles asUsedFiles asUnusedSource Integer iCh iSize iCount Get psFileFilter to sFileFilter Get pasAllFolders to asAllFolders Get AllSourceFiles asAllFolders sFileFilter to asAllSourceFiles Get UsedPackageFiles asAllSourceFiles to asUsedSourceFiles Get UnusedPackages asUsedSourceFiles asAllSourceFiles to asUnusedSource Set piNoOfUnusedSourceFiles to (SizeOfArray(asUnusedSource)) Get Seq_New_Channel to iCh If (iCh = DF_SEQ_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE) Begin Set pbOK to False Send Info_Box "No channel available for writing Unused Source Code" "Error" Procedure_Return End Move (SizeOfArray(asUnusedSource)) to iSize If (iSize <> 0) Begin Decrement iSize Get psHomePath of ghoApplication to sHomePath Get vFolderFormat sHomePath to sHomePath Direct_Output channel iCh (sHomePath + CS_BackupFolder + CS_DirSeparator + CS_UnusedSourceLogFile) For iCount from 0 to iSize Writeln channel iCh (asUnusedSource[iCount].sPath + String(asUnusedSource[iCount].sFileName)) Loop // For testing purposes: // Writeln channel iCh "" // Writeln channel iCh "asUsedFiles" // Move (SizeOfArray(asUsedFiles)) to iSize // Decrement iSize // For iCount from 0 to iSize // Writeln channel iCh asUsedFiles[iCount] // Loop // // Writeln channel iCh "" // Writeln channel iCh "asAllSourceFiles" // Move (SizeOfArray(asAllSourceFiles)) to iSize // Decrement iSize // For iCount from 0 to iSize // Writeln channel iCh asAllSourceFiles[iCount] // Loop // // Writeln channel iCh "" // Writeln channel iCh "asUsedSourceFiles" // Move (SizeOfArray(asUsedSourceFiles)) to iSize // Decrement iSize // For iCount from 0 to iSize // Writeln channel iCh asUsedSourceFiles[iCount] // Loop Close_Output channel iCh Send Seq_Release_Channel iCh End Set pbOK to True Send FillUnusedSourceFilesDialog of (Client_Id(ghoCommandBars)) asUnusedSource End_Procedure End_Class