//**************************************************************************** // $Module type: Package // $Module name: cRDCCheckbox.pkg // // $Author : Nils Svedmyr, RDC Tools International. // Copyright (c) 2016 RDC Tools International // E-mail : support@rdctools.com // Web-site : http://www.rdctools.com // // Created : 2016-01-05 @ 19:04 (Military date format - Year-Month-Day) // // The code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License - see the "GNU Lesser General Public License.txt" // in the help folder for more details. // //**************************************************************************** Use Windows.pkg // Used by the "Page" message below to show // a rectangle around ComboForm and Checkbox objects. #IFNDEF WM_CHANGEUISTATE Define WM_CHANGEUISTATE For |CI$0127 Define WM_UPDATEUISTATE For |CI$0128 Define WM_QUERYUISTATE For |CI$0129 Define UIS_SET For 1 Define UIS_CLEAR For 2 Define UIS_INITIALIZE For 3 Define UISF_HIDEFOCUS For |CI$1 Define UISF_HIDEACCEL For |CI$2 Define UISF_ACTIVE For |CI$4 #ENDIF Register_Function private.phoCheckBox Returns Handle Class _CheckBoxTextBox is a TextBox Procedure Mouse_Down integer iWindowNumber integer iPosition Handle hoParent Get private.phoCheckBox to hoParent Forward Send Mouse_Down iWindowNumber iPosition If (hoParent <> 0) Begin Send DoToggle of hoParent End End_Procedure End_Class Register_Procedure OnChangeEvent Register_Procedure Set private.Checked_State Register_Function private.Checked_State Returns Boolean Class _NewCheckBox is a CheckBox Procedure DoToggle Boolean bChecked Get Checked_State to bChecked Set Checked_State to (not(bChecked)) End_Procedure Procedure OnChange Boolean bState Handle hoCheckBox Forward Send OnChange Get private.phoCheckBox to hoCheckBox Get Checked_State to bState Set private.Checked_State to bState If (Desktop <> Self and hoCheckBox <> 0) Begin Send OnChangeEvent End End_Procedure // Fix for a bug when using manifest files & running Vista and above. // The bug being that the focus rectangle doesn't show. Procedure Page Integer iPageObject Handle hWnd Integer iRet iState Forward Send Page iPageObject If (iPageObject) Begin Get Window_Handle to hWnd If (hWnd) Begin Move (SendMessage(hWnd, WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0)) to iRet If (iRet iand UISF_HIDEFOCUS) Begin Move (UIS_CLEAR + (UISF_HIDEFOCUS * 65536)) to iState Move (SendMessage(hWnd, WM_UPDATEUISTATE, iState, 0)) to iRet End End End End_Procedure End_Class // Intermediate class - don't use. Class _cCheckBoxContainer is a Container Register_Object oInfo_tb Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psImage { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psLabel { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psToolTip { Visibility=Private } Property Boolean private.Checked_State { Visibility=Private } Property Boolean private.Auto_Size_State True { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.iHeight { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.iWidth { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.iRowPos { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.iColPos { Visibility=Private } Property Handle private.phoCheckBox { Category=Appearance } Property Boolean pbCreateInfoItem True Set Border_Style to Border_None End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Handle hoCheckBox Integer iRowPos iColPos iSize String sLabel sToolTip Boolean bCreateInfoItem Forward Send End_Construct_Object Get pbCreateInfoItem to bCreateInfoItem Get Create (RefClass(_NewCheckBox)) to hoCheckBox Set private.phoCheckBox to hoCheckBox Set Auto_Size_State of hoCheckBox to (private.Auto_Size_State(Self)) Get private.psLabel to sLabel Set Label of hoCheckBox to sLabel Send Autosize of hoCheckBox sLabel Set Checked_State of hoCheckBox to (private.Checked_State(Self)) Get Size of hoCheckBox to iSize Set Location of hoCheckBox to (private.iRowPos(Self)) (private.iColPos(Self)) Get private.iRowPos to iRowPos Get private.iColPos to iColPos Get private.psToolTip to sToolTip Set Status_Help of hoCheckBox to sToolTip If (bCreateInfoItem = True) Begin Object oInfo_tb is a _CheckBoxTextBox Set Size to 10 10 Set Location to iRowPos (Low(iSize) + iColPos) Set psToolTip to sToolTip Set Bitmap to "ActionAbout.bmp" End_Object End Else Begin Set psToolTip of hoCheckBox to sToolTip End End_Procedure Procedure OnChangeEvent End_Procedure { MethodType=Property Category={Appearance} Procedure Set Size Integer iHeight Integer iWidth Forward Set Size to iHeight iWidth If (iHeight <> 1 and iWidth <> 1) Begin Set private.iHeight to iHeight Set private.iWidth to iWidth End End_Procedure { MethodType=Property Category=Appearance} Procedure Set Location Integer iRowPos Integer iColPos Forward Set Location to iRowPos iColPos If (iRowPos <> 0 and iColPos <> 0) Begin Set private.iRowPos to iRowPos Set private.iColPos to iColPos End End_Procedure { MethodType=Property Category=Appearance } Procedure Set psImage String sImage Set private.psImage to sImage End_Procedure Function psImage Returns String Function_Return (private.psImage(Self)) End_Function // We support both the "Set Label" & "Set psLabel" interface. { MethodType=Property Category=Appearance } Procedure Set psLabel String sLabel Set private.psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure Function psLabel Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Public Category=Appearance} Procedure Set Label String sLabel Set psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure Function Label Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Public Category=Appearance} Procedure Set Checked_State Boolean bState Handle hoCheckBox Set private.Checked_State to bState Get private.phoCheckBox to hoCheckBox If (hoCheckBox <> 0) Begin Set Checked_State of hoCheckBox to bState End End_Procedure Function Checked_State Returns Boolean Function_Return (private.Checked_State(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Private } Procedure Set Auto_Size_State Boolean bState Set private.Auto_Size_State to bState End_Procedure { Visibility=Private } Function Auto_Size_State Returns Boolean Function_Return (private.Auto_Size_State(Self)) End_Function Procedure Set psToolTip String sToolTip Set private.psToolTip to sToolTip End_Procedure Function psToolTip Returns String Function_Return (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Function End_Class { DesignerClass=cDTCheckBox } { HelpTopic=CheckBox } { OverrideProperty=Size DesignTime=True } { OverrideProperty=Location DesignTime=True } { OverrideProperty=Checked_State DesignTime=True } { OverrideProperty=psLabel DesignTime=True } { OverrideProperty=Label DesignTime=True } Class cRDCCheckBox is a _cCheckBoxContainer Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object On_Key kSwitch Send Switch_Next_Area End_Procedure { MethodType=Property } Procedure Set Checked_State Boolean bState Forward Set Checked_State to bState End_Procedure { MethodType=Property InitialValue=False Category=Appearance PropertyType=Boolean } Function Checked_State Returns Boolean Function_Return (private.Checked_State(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Public Category=Appearance} Procedure Set Label String sLabel Set psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure Function Label Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function Procedure Set psToolTip String sToolTip String sStatusHelp Get Status_Help to sStatusHelp If (sStatusHelp = "") Begin Set Status_Help to sToolTip End Forward Set psToolTip to sToolTip End_Procedure End_Class