//**************************************************************************** // $Module type: Package // $Module name: cRDCHeaderGroup.pkg // // $Author : Nils Svedmyr, RDC Tools International. // Copyright (c) 2017 RDC Tools International // E-mail : support@rdctools.com // Web-site : http://www.rdctools.com // // Created : 2017-01-05 @ 19:04 (Military date format - Year-Month-Day) // // The code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License - see the "GNU Lesser General Public License.txt" // in the help folder for more details. // //**************************************************************************** Use Windows.pkg Use cCommandLinkButton.pkg #IFNDEF clBlueGrey Define clBlueGrey for (RGB(64, 84, 93)) Define clBlueGreyLight for (RGB(7, 117, 104)) #ENDIF Class cRDCHeaderGroupImage is a cCommandLinkButton Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Set Size to 18 19 Set Focus_Mode to NonFocusable Set peImageAlign to Button_ImageList_Align_Top Set pbAutoResizeIcons to True End_Procedure Procedure OnClick Broadcast Send Prompt of (Parent(Self)) End_Procedure Procedure Set Bitmap String sBitmapName Forward Set psImage to sBitmapName End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Set pbShield to False Forward Send End_Construct_Object End_Procedure End_Class // Intermediate class - don't use. Class _cRDCHeaderGroup is a Container3d Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psImage { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psLabel End_Procedure { MethodType=Property Category=Appearance } Procedure Set psImage String sImage Set private.psImage to sImage End_Procedure Function psImage Returns String Function_Return (private.psImage(Self)) End_Function { MethodType=Property Category=Label } Procedure Set psLabel String sLabel Set private.psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure Function psLabel Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Private } // Don't display but allow to use old "Label" syntax to set the value of the oInfo_tb object (header text) Procedure Set Label String sLabel Set psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure { Visibility=Private } Function Label Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function End_Class Register_Procedure NavigatePrevious Register_Procedure NavigateNext { DesignerClass=cDTContainer3D } { CompositeClass=cCommandLinkButton } { OverrideProperty=Border_style InitialValue=Border_Normal } { OverrideProperty=Bitmap DesignTime=False } { OverrideProperty=Bitmap_Style DesignTime=False } { OverrideProperty=Transparent_State DesignTime=False } Class cRDCHeaderGroup is a _cRDCHeaderGroup Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Set peAnchors to anTopLeftRight Set pbAcceptDropFiles to True Set Border_Style to Border_Normal { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piColorOrg { Visibility=Private } Property Boolean private.pbIsHeaderGroup True // Don't touch! { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psToolTip "" { Category=Appearance } Property Integer piImageColOffset 4 Property Integer piImageRowOffset 0 { Category=Appearance } Property String psNote "" { Category=Appearance } Property Boolean pbLargeImageSize True { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piLargeImageSize 24 { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piSmallImageSize 16 { Category=Appearance } Property Boolean pbUseHotspotColor False { Category=Appearance } Property Integer piHeaderHotspotColor clAqua { Category=Label } Property String private.psLabel "" { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelColor clBlueGrey { Category=Label } Property Boolean pbLabelFontItalics False { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelLargeFontHeight 12 { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelSmallFontHeight 10 { Category=Label } Property Boolean pbUseLargeFontHeight False { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelFontPointWeight fw_Bold { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelColOffset 28 { Category=Label } Property Integer piLabelRowOffset 4 Set pbAcceptDropFiles to True Send Define_ToolTip_Support_Mixin Set Bitmap to "Default32x32.bmp" // This doesn't work... I wonder if there's a way to "trick" the Studio // to render some text in the header when in design mode? Set Label to "HEADER TEXT" On_Key kLeftArrow Send NavigatePrevious On_Key kUpArrow Send NavigatePrevious On_Key kRightArrow Send NavigateNext On_Key kDownArrow Send NavigateNext On_Key kSwitch Send Switch_Next_Area End_Procedure Import_Class_Protocol ToolTip_Support_Mixin { MethodType=Property Category=Appearance } Procedure Set psImage String sImage Set Bitmap to "" Forward Set psImage to sImage End_Procedure Function psImage Returns String Function_Return (psImage(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Public } Procedure Set Label String sLabel Forward Set psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure { Visibility=Public Category=Appearance } Procedure Set psToolTip String sToolTip Set private.psToolTip to sToolTip End_Procedure Function psToolTip Returns String Function_Return (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Function Procedure End_Construct_Object String sNote Boolean bUseLargeFontHeight bLargeImageSize Integer iFontHeight iImageSize iLabelColOffset Forward Send End_Construct_Object Get piLabelColOffset to iLabelColOffset Get pbUseLargeFontHeight to bUseLargeFontHeight If (bUseLargeFontHeight = True) Begin Get piLabelLargeFontHeight to iFontHeight End Else Begin Get piLabelSmallFontHeight to iFontHeight End Get pbLargeImageSize to bLargeImageSize If (bLargeImageSize = True) Begin Get private.piLargeImageSize to iImageSize End Else Begin Get private.piSmallImageSize to iImageSize Move (iLabelColOffset - 6) to iLabelColOffset End Object oHeaderGroupImage is a cRDCHeaderGroupImage Set piImageSize to iImageSize Set Location to (piImageRowOffset(Self)) (piImageColOffset(Self)) Set psImage to (private.psImage(Self)) Set peImageAlign to Button_ImageList_Align_Center Set psToolTip to (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Object Object oHeaderGroupInfo_tb is a TextBox Set Size to 12 100 Set Location to (piLabelRowOffset(Self)) iLabelColOffset //(piLabelColOffset(Self)) Set FontWeight to (piLabelFontPointWeight(Self)) Set FontItalics to (pbLabelFontItalics(Self)) Set FontPointHeight to iFontHeight Set Label to (private.psLabel(Self)) Set TextColor to (piLabelColor(Self)) Set psToolTip to (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Object Get psNote to sNote If (Trim(sNote) <> "") Begin Object oHeaderGroupNote_tb is a TextBox Set Size to 12 100 Set Location to (piLabelRowOffset(Self) + 9) (iLabelColOffset + 8) //(piLabelColOffset(Self) + 8) Set Label to ("-" * String(sNote)) Set TextColor to (piLabelColor(Self)) Set FontPointHeight to 9 Set psToolTip to (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Object End End_Procedure Function Popup_State Returns Boolean Boolean bIsPopup Get Popup_State of (Parent(Self)) to bIsPopup Function_Return bIsPopup End_Function Procedure OnEnterArea Handle hoFrom Integer iColor Forward Send OnEnterArea hoFrom // ToDo: Not ideal, but works most of the time. // When navigating to i.e a popup we don't want // the coloring to appear. Else there will be 2 // cRDCHeaderGroup's with the highlight color... // Is there a better way? If (hoFrom <> Desktop and hoFrom < Parent(Self)) Begin Procedure_Return End If (pbUseHotspotColor(Self) = True) Begin Get Color to iColor Set private.piColorOrg to iColor Get piHeaderHotspotColor to iColor Set Color to iColor Broadcast Recursive Set Color to iColor End End_Procedure Procedure OnExitArea Handle hoFrom Integer iColor Forward Send OnExitArea hoFrom If (pbUseHotspotColor(Self) = True) Begin Get private.piColorOrg to iColor Set Color to iColor Broadcast Recursive Set Color to iColor End End_Procedure // Public access message to change the group header text color at runtime. Procedure Set Label_Color Integer iColor Set TextColor of (oHeaderGroupInfo_tb(Self)) to iColor End_Procedure Procedure NavigatePrevious Integer iMulti ivoid iLastErr Handle hWnd Boolean bErr Move Err to bErr Move LastErr to iLastErr Send Ignore_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE Get Select_Mode of (Focus(Self)) to iMulti Send Trap_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE If (Err) Begin Move bErr to Err Move iLastErr to LastErr Procedure_Return End Move bErr to Err Move iLastErr to LastErr If (iMulti = Multi_Select) Begin Send Previous End Else Begin Get Form_Window_Handle of (Focus(Self)) to hWnd Move (Sendmessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, Ascii(VK_LEFT), 0)) to iVoid End End_Procedure Procedure NavigateNext Integer iMulti iVoid iLastErr Handle hWnd Boolean bErr Move Err to bErr Move LastErr to iLastErr Send Ignore_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE Get Select_Mode of (Focus(Self)) to iMulti Send Trap_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE If (Err) Begin Move bErr to Err Move iLastErr to LastErr Procedure_Return End Move bErr to Err Move iLastErr to LastErr If (iMulti = Multi_Select) Begin Send Next End Else Begin Get Form_Window_Handle of (Focus(Self)) to hWnd Move (Sendmessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, Ascii(VK_LEFT), 0)) to iVoid End End_Procedure { Visibility=Private } Procedure Enable_Window Integer iState Handle hWnd Get Window_Handle to hWnd If hWnd Begin Move (EnableWindow(hWnd, iState)) to hWnd End End_Procedure { Visibility=Private } Procedure Page_Object Integer iState Handle hWnd Get Window_Handle to hWnd Forward Send Page_Object iState If (hWnd = 0 and iState) Begin Send Shadow_Display End End_Procedure { MethodType=Event Visibility=Private } Procedure Shadow_Display Send Enable_Window (not(Object_Shadow_State(Self))) End_Procedure Function Explicit_Shadow_State Returns Boolean Function_Return (Private.Explicit_Shadow_State(Self)) End_Function // For some reason we need to augment this event to allow // files to be dropped on a cRDCHeaderGroup object; else nothing will // happen. Procedure OnFileDropped String sFilename Boolean bLast Delegate Send OnFileDropped sFilename bLast End_Procedure End_Class // We don't want the broadcast of setting color to set the background // color for forms that are within a cRDCHeaderGroup object. // If the Form is not within a cRDCHeaderGroup the Form class should // behave as it always has. But if you don't like this; just comment // it out. //Procedure Set Color for Form Integer eColor // Boolean bIsHeaderGroup bErr bEnabled_State // Integer iLastErr // // Move Err to bErr // Move LastErr to iLastErr // // Send Ignore_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE // Delegate Get private.pbIsHeaderGroup to bIsHeaderGroup // Send Trap_Error of Error_Object_Id DFERR_BAD_MESSAGE // Move bErr to Err // Move iLastErr to LastErr // If (bIsHeaderGroup = False) Begin // Forward Set Color to eColor // End //End_Procedure