//**************************************************************************** // $Module type: Package // $Module name: cRDCSlideButton.pkg // // $Author : Nils Svedmyr, RDC Tools International. // Copyright (c) 2018 RDC Tools International // E-mail : support@rdctools.com // Web-site : http://www.rdctools.com // // Created : 2018-01-04 @ 16:47 (Military date format - Year-Month-Day) // // The code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; // without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the // GNU Lesser General Public License - see the "GNU Lesser General Public License.txt" // in the help folder for more details. // //**************************************************************************** Use Windows.pkg Use cCommandLinkButton.pkg #IFNDEF clBlueGrey Define clBlueGrey for (RGB(64, 84, 93)) Define clBlueGreyLight for (RGB(7, 117, 104)) #ENDIF // Used by the "Page" message below to show // a rectangle around ComboForm and Checkbox objects. #IFNDEF WM_CHANGEUISTATE Define WM_CHANGEUISTATE for |CI$0127 Define WM_UPDATEUISTATE for |CI$0128 Define WM_QUERYUISTATE for |CI$0129 Define UIS_SET for 1 Define UIS_CLEAR for 2 Define UIS_INITIALIZE for 3 Define UISF_HIDEFOCUS for |CI$1 Define UISF_HIDEACCEL for |CI$2 Define UISF_ACTIVE for |CI$4 #ENDIF Class cRDCSlideButtonImage is a cCommandLinkButton Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object { Visibility=Private } Property Handle private.phoParent 0 End_Procedure Procedure Mouse_Up Integer iWindowNumber Integer iPosition Forward Send Mouse_Up iWindowNumber iPosition Send OnChange of (private.phoParent(Self)) Send Activate of (private.phoParent(Self)) End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Forward Send End_Construct_Object End_Procedure End_Class Class cRDCSlideTextbox is a CheckBox Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object Set Auto_Size_State to True End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Forward Send End_Construct_Object End_Procedure Procedure OnChange Delegate Send OnChange End_Procedure Procedure Page Integer iState Integer iStyle iRet Handle hWnd If (iState = 1) Begin Get Form_Style iStyle to iStyle Set Form_Style 0 to (iStyle ior BS_USERBUTTON) Forward Send Page iState Get Window_Handle to hWnd If (hWnd) Begin Move (SendMessage(hWnd, WM_QUERYUISTATE, 0, 0)) to iRet If (iRet iand UISF_HIDEFOCUS) Begin Move (UIS_CLEAR + (UISF_HIDEFOCUS * 65536)) to iState Move (SendMessage(hWnd, WM_UPDATEUISTATE, iState, 0)) to iRet End End End Else Begin Forward Send Page iState End End_Procedure End_Class // Intermediate class - don't use. Class _cRDCSlideButton is a Container3d Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psLabel { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psToolTip Set Border_Style to Border_None End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Forward Send End_Construct_Object End_Procedure // We support both the "Set Label" & "Set psLabel" interface. { MethodType=Property } Procedure Set psLabel String sLabel Set private.psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure Function psLabel Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function { Visibility=Private } Procedure Set Label String sLabel Set psLabel to sLabel End_Procedure { Visibility=Private } Function Label Returns String Function_Return (private.psLabel(Self)) End_Function Procedure Set psToolTip String sToolTip Set private.psToolTip to sToolTip End_Procedure Function psToolTip Returns String Function_Return (private.psToolTip(Self)) End_Function End_Class { DesignerClass=cDTCheckBox } { HelpTopic=CheckBox } { OverrideProperty=Bitmap DesignTime=False } { OverrideProperty=Bitmap_Style DesignTime=False } Class cRDCSlideButton is a _cRDCSlideButton Procedure Construct_Object Forward Send Construct_Object { Visibility=Private } Property Handle private.phoButton 0 { Visibility=Private } Property String private.psImage { Visibility=Private } Property Boolean private.Checked_State False { Visibility=Private } Property Boolean private.Auto_Size_State True { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piButtonHeight 14 { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piButtonWidth 14 { Visibility=Private } Property Integer private.piButtonLocationOffset -5 { Visibility=Public Category="Appearance" } Property String psToggleOnImage "ToggleOn.ico" { Visibility=Public Category="Appearance" } Property String psToggleOffImage "ToggleOff.ico" { Visibility=Public Category="Appearance" } Property Integer piImageSize 16 // Property Boolean pbCreateInfoItem True On_Key kSwitch Send Switch_Next_Area End_Procedure // We support two syntaxes "Checked_State" and "pbChecked" Procedure Set Checked_State Boolean bState Set private.Checked_State to (not(bState)) Send OnChange End_Procedure Procedure Set pbChecked Boolean bState Set private.Checked_State to bState Send OnChange End_Procedure Function Checked_State Returns Boolean Function_Return (private.Checked_State(Self)) End_Function Function pbChecked Returns Boolean Function_Return (private.Checked_State(Self)) End_Function // This adjustment is so that the Studio layout is the same as when the // program has been compiled and run. Procedure Set Location Integer iRowPos Integer iColPos If (iColPos > 4) Begin Move (iColPos -4) to iColPos End Forward Set Location to iRowPos iColPos End_Procedure // This slight adjustment is needed so the control doesn't // "bump into" an object to the right of it that is located really close. // Procedure Set Size Integer iHeight Integer iWidth // If (iWidth > 5) Begin // Move (iWidth -5) to iWidth // End // // Forward Set Size to iHeight iWidth // End_Procedure Procedure OnChange Handle hoButton Boolean bChecked String sImage Get private.Checked_State to bChecked Set private.Checked_State to (not(bChecked)) Get psCurrentImage to sImage Get private.phoButton to hoButton If (hoButton <> 0) Begin Set psImage of hoButton to sImage If (Desktop <> Self) Begin Send OnChangeEvent End End End_Procedure Function psCurrentImage Returns String Boolean bChecked String sImage Get private.Checked_State to bChecked If (bChecked = True) Begin Get psToggleOnImage to sImage End Else Begin Get psToggleOffImage to sImage End Function_Return sImage End_Function Procedure OnClick Send OnChange End_Procedure Procedure OnChangeEvent End_Procedure Procedure DoToggle Boolean bChecked Get Checked_State to bChecked Set Checked_State to (not(bChecked)) End_Procedure Procedure End_Construct_Object Integer iSize iLoc iHeight iWidth iOffset iTextOffset iIconSize iIconIndex Handle ho hoParent String sImage sLabel Forward Send End_Construct_Object Move Self to hoParent Get Label of hoParent to sLabel Get Text_Extent sLabel to iTextOffset Get Size to iSize Get Location to iLoc Get psCurrentImage to sImage Get private.piButtonHeight to iHeight Get private.piButtonWidth to iWidth Set Size to (Hi(iSize)) (Low(iSize) + iWidth -11) Get private.piButtonLocationOffset to iOffset Get GetCorrectIconIndex to iIconIndex Move (iOffset + iIconIndex -1) to iOffset Get CreateNamed (RefClass(cRDCSlideButtonImage)) "oRDCSlideButtonImage" to ho Set Size of ho to iHeight iWidth Set Location of ho to iOffset 0 Set psToolTip of ho to (private.psToolTip(hoParent)) Set psImage of ho to sImage Set pbAutoResizeIcons of ho to True Set piImageSize of ho to (piImageSize(Self)) Set Focus_Mode of ho to NonFocusable Set private.phoParent of ho to hoParent Set private.phoButton to ho Get CreateNamed (RefClass(cRDCSlideTextbox)) "cRDCSlideTextbox" to ho Set Size of ho to (Hi(iSize)) (Low(iSize) + iWidth) Set Location of ho to 0 iWidth Set Label of ho to sLabel Set psToolTip of ho to (private.psToolTip(Parent(ho))) Get psCurrentImage to sImage Set psImage of ho to sImage Send OnChangeEvent End_Procedure // Returns: DPI setting as an integer. // Normal DPI setting: iDPI=96 is "Normal setting" 100% // iDPI=120 is "Medium setting" 125% // iDPI= 144 is "Large setting" 150% Function GetCurrentDPI Returns Integer Handle hDC Integer iPixelsX Move (GetDC(0)) to hDC Move (GetDeviceCaps(hDC, LOGPIXELSX)) to iPixelsX Move (ReleaseDC(0, hDC)) to hDC Function_Return iPixelsX End_Function Function GetCorrectIconSize Returns Integer Integer iPixelsX iIndex iSize Integer[] iaSizes Move 16 to iaSizes[0] Move 24 to iaSizes[1] Move 32 to iaSizes[2] Move 48 to iaSizes[3] Move 64 to iaSizes[4] Get piImageSize to iSize // the "100%" size Move (SearchArray(iSize,iaSizes)) to iIndex Move (0 max iIndex) to iIndex Get GetCurrentDPI to iPixelsX // Use a Case Statement here. Wherever we jump in we will continue onwards, regardless of whether // we match the remaining Case statements or not. So list our Cases in reverse order, meaning we // will increment iIndex as many times as we need here. Case Begin Case (iPixelsX > 144) Increment iIndex Case (iPixelsX = 144) Increment iIndex Case (iPixelsX = 120) Increment iIndex Case End Move (iIndex min 4) to iIndex Function_Return iaSizes[iIndex] End_Function Function GetCorrectIconIndex Returns Integer Integer iPixelsX iIndex iSize Integer[] iaSizes Move 16 to iaSizes[0] Move 24 to iaSizes[1] Move 32 to iaSizes[2] Move 48 to iaSizes[3] Move 64 to iaSizes[4] Get piImageSize to iSize // the "100%" size Move (SearchArray(iSize,iaSizes)) to iIndex Move (0 max iIndex) to iIndex Get GetCurrentDPI to iPixelsX // Use a Case Statement here. Wherever we jump in we will continue onwards, regardless of whether // we match the remaining Case statements or not. So list our Cases in reverse order, meaning we // will increment iIndex as many times as we need here. Case Begin Case (iPixelsX > 144) Increment iIndex Case (iPixelsX = 144) Increment iIndex Case (iPixelsX = 120) Increment iIndex Case End Move (iIndex min 4) to iIndex Function_Return iIndex End_Function End_Class