//************************************************************************ //*** AKE FileSystem - Binary file operations for VDF5. //************************************************************************ //*** akefs.pkg //*** Version: 2.0 //*** Copyright (c) 2001 NordTeam Gruppen //*** //*** Author......: Allan Kim Eriksen //*** Created.....: 23/08 2001 //*** Last updated: 25/07 2005 //************************************************************************ // Functions and procedures to access binary files. Since Direct_input // is not able to handle binary files under Windows NT I felt forced to // write my own routines using WinAPI. These functions will work under // Windows 95/98/Me and Windows 2000/NT/XP. // Filenumbers are not limited to 10 but only to system resources! So // opening file "test.txt" with filenumber 100 i perfectly legal. // These functions are limited to 2 Gb files! // Added is also windows API calls for file copy, file move ect. // It happens to be that when the dataflex command Erasefile has been // called many times (+200 times) in a row it could kill the users network // connection on a NOVELL network! By using windows API deletefile // it never disconnected. So I now only uses windows API for file // handling. //************************************************************************ // Increase argument size. Be aware that argument_size has to be larger // than the requested amount of bytes read in the buffer for // BytesFromBinaryFile //************************************************************************ //set_argument_size 64000 Use vWin32fh.pkg // for the zerostring function if not on DF19.1 //************************************************************************ // Constants used for the external functions. //************************************************************************ //fsCreatefile #IFDEF GENERIC_READ #ELSE Define GENERIC_READ For |CI$80000000 Define GENERIC_WRITE For |CI$40000000 Define GENERIC_RANDOM For (GENERIC_READ + GENERIC_WRITE) Define CREATE_NEW For |CI$00000001 Define CREATE_ALWAYS For |CI$00000002 Define OPEN_EXISTING For |CI$00000003 Define OPEN_ALWAYS For |CI$00000004 Define TRUNCATE_EXISTING For |CI$00000005 #ENDIF #IFDEF FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL #ELSE Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL For |CI$00000080 #ENDIF #IFDEF FILE_SHARE_READ #ELSE Define FILE_SHARE_READ For |CI$1 Define FILE_SHARE_WRITE For |CI$2 Define FILE_SHARE_RANDOM For (FILE_SHARE_READ + FILE_SHARE_WRITE) #ENDIF //General Define FNULL For |CI$0 //FormatString #IFDEF FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER #ELSE Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER For |CI$0100 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS For |CI$0200 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING For |CI$0400 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE For |CI$0800 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM For |CI$1000 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY For |CI$2000 Define FORMAT_MESSAGE_MAX_WIDTH_MASK For |CI$00FF #ENDIF //SetFilePosition Define FILE_BEGIN For 0 Define FILE_CURRENT For 1 Define FILE_END For 2 // FindFile Define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE For |CI-1 Define INVALID_FILE_SIZE For |CI$FFFFFFFF Define ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES For |CI18 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY For |CI$01 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN For |CI$02 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM For |CI$04 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY For |CI$10 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE For |CI$20 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL For |CI$80 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY For |CI$100 Define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED For |CI$800 // SearchSingleDirectory Enum_List Define DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY For 1 Define DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY Define DIRMODE_FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES End_Enum_List // InformationParam for search result Enum_List Define LIST_FILEATTRIBUTES Define LIST_FILENAME Define LIST_CREATIONDATE Define LIST_CREATIONTIME Define LIST_LASTACCESSDATE Define LIST_LASTACCESSTIME Define LIST_LASTWRITEDATE Define LIST_LASTWRITETIME Define LIST_FILESIZE Define LIST_ALTERNATEFILENAME End_Enum_List //************************************************************************ // Declarations of external functions. // Functions that needs variables for output are made global stings or // integers, and can be found on top of the declaration. //************************************************************************ External_Function fsCreatefile "CreateFileA" kernel32.dll ; Pointer lpFile ; //filename DWord dwDesAccess ; // access mode DWord dwShare ; // share mode Pointer lpSecAtt ; // SD DWord dwCrDisp ; // how to create DWord dwFlags ; // file attributes Handle hTempFile ; // handle to template fil Returns Integer //Returns handle that can be used to access the object Global_Variable Integer fsgiErrorNumber External_Function fsGetLastError "GetLastError" kernel32.dll Returns Integer Global_Variable String fsgsOutputMsg 255 //Messagetext External_Function fsFormatMessage "FormatMessageA" kernel32.dll ; DWord dwFlags ; // source and processing options Pointer lpSrc ; // message source DWord dwMsgId ; // message identifier DWord dwLngId ; // language identifier Pointer lpBuf ; // message buffer DWord nSize ; // maximum size of message buffer Pointer Arg ; // array of message inserts Returns Integer External_Function fsCloseHandle "CloseHandle" kernel32.dll ; Handle hObject ; // handle to object Returns Integer Global_Variable Integer fsgiBytesRead //Readable value of structure value External_Function fsReadFile "ReadFile" kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // handle to file Pointer lpBuffer ; // data buffer DWord nBytesToRead ; // number of bytes to read Pointer lpBytesRead ; // number of bytes read Pointer lpOverlapped ; // overlapped buffer Returns Integer Global_Variable Integer fsgiBytesWritten //Readable value of strucure value External_Function fsWriteFile "WriteFile" kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // handle to file Pointer lpBuf ; // data buffer DWord nNumBytesWrt ; // number of bytes to write Pointer lpNumBytesWritten ; // number of bytes written Pointer lpOverlapped ; // overlapped buffer Returns Integer External_Function fsGetFileSize "GetFileSize" kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // handle to file Pointer lpFileSizeHigh ; // high-order word of file size Returns Integer // low-order word of file size External_Function fsSetFilePointer "SetFilePointer" kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // handle to file Integer lDistToMove ; // bytes to move pointer Pointer lpDistToMoveHigh ; // bytes to move pointer DWord dwMoveMethod ; // starting point Returns Integer // New position for filepointer External_Function fsSetEndOfFile "SetEndOfFile" kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // handle to the file to have its EOF position moved. Returns Integer // nonzero if success External_Function fsDeleteFile "DeleteFileA" Kernel32.Dll ; Pointer lpFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the file to be deleted. Returns Integer External_Function fsMoveFile "MoveFileA" Kernel32.Dll ; Pointer lpExistingFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that names an existing file or directory. Pointer lpNewFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the new name of a file or directory. Returns Integer // The new name must Not already exist. A new File may be on A different File system Or drive. A new directory must be on the same drive. External_Function fsCopyFile "CopyFileA" Kernel32.Dll ; Pointer lpExistingFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of an existing file. Pointer lpNewFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the name of the new file. Boolean bFailIfExists ; // If bFailIfExists is TRUE and the new file specified by lpNewFileName already exists, the function fails. Returns Integer // If bFailIfExists is FALSE and the new file already exists, the function overwrites the existing file and succeeds. External_Function fsFindFirstFile "FindFirstFileA" Kernel32.Dll ; Pointer lpFileName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies a valid directory or path and file name, which can contain wildcard characters (* and ?). Pointer lpWin32_Find_Data ; // Pointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure that receives information about the found file or subdirectory. Returns Integer External_Function fsFindNextFile "FindNextFileA" Kernel32.Dll ; Handle hFindFile ; // handle returned by a previous call to the FindFirstFile function. Pointer lpWin32_Find_Data ; // Pointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure that receives information about the found file or subdirectory. Returns Integer External_Function fsFindClose "FindClose" Kernel32.dll ; Handle hFindFile ; // File search handle. This handle must have been previously opened by the FindFirstFile function. Returns Integer External_Function fsFileTimeToSystemTime "FileTimeToSystemTime" Kernel32.dll ; Pointer lpFiletime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file time to convert to system date and time format. Pointer lpSystemtime ; // Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure to receive the converted file time. Returns Integer External_Function fsFileTimeToLocalFileTime "FileTimeToLocalFileTime" Kernel32.dll ; Pointer lpFileTime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the UTC-based file time to be converted into a local file time. Pointer lpLocalFileTime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure to receive the converted local file time. This parameter cannot be the same as the lpFileTime parameter. Returns Integer External_Function fsGetDateFormat "GetDateFormatA" Kernel32.dll ; Integer iLocale ; // Specifies the locale for which the date string is to be formatted. DWord dwFlags ; // Specifies various function options. Pointer lpDate ; // Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the date information to be formatted. Pointer lpFormat ; // Pointer to a format picture string that is used to form the date string. The format picture string must be zero terminated. Pointer lpDateStr ; // Pointer to a buffer that receives the formatted date string. Integer icchDate ; // Specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the lpDateStr buffer. Returns Integer External_Function fsGetTimeFormat "GetTimeFormatA" Kernel32.dll ; Integer iLocale ; // Specifies the locale for which the time string is to be formatted. DWord dwFlags ; // Specifies various function options. Pointer lpTime ; // Pointer to a SYSTEMTIME structure that contains the time information to be formatted. Pointer lpFormat ; // Pointer to a format picture to use to form the time string. Pointer lpTimeStr ; // Pointer to a buffer that receives the formatted time string. Integer icchTime ; // Specifies the size, in TCHARs, of the lpTimeStr buffer. Returns Integer External_Function fsGetTempFileName "GetTempFileNameA" kernel32.dll ; Pointer sPathname ; Pointer sPrefixString ; Integer iUnique ; Pointer sTempFileName ; Returns Integer External_Function fsGetTempPath "GetTempPathA" Kernel32.Dll ; Integer nBufferLength ; Pointer lpBuffer ; Returns Integer External_Function fsCreateDirectory "CreateDirectoryA" Kernel32.dll ; Pointer lpDirName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the path of the directory to be created. Pointer lpSecAttributes ; // Pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure. Returns Integer External_Function fsRemoveDirectory "RemoveDirectoryA" Kernel32.dll ; Pointer lpDirName ; // Pointer to a null-terminated string that specifies the path of the directory to be removed. Returns Integer External_Function fsGetFileTime "GetFileTime" Kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // Handle for a file from createfile with read access Pointer lpCreationtime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file creation time Pointer lpLastAccesstime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file last access time Pointer lpLastWritetime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file last write time Returns Integer External_Function fsSetFileTime "SetFileTime" Kernel32.dll ; Handle hFile ; // Handle for a file from createfile with write access Pointer lpCreationtime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file creation time Pointer lpLastAccesstime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file last access time Pointer lpLastWritetime ; // Pointer to a FILETIME structure containing the file last write time Returns Integer //************************************************************************ // Structures //************************************************************************ Struct structBytesReadType //Used by ReadFile DWord integer0 End_Struct Struct structBytesWrittenType //Used by WriteFile DWord integer0 End_Struct Struct structWFD // Used by FindFirstFile DWord dwFileAttributes DWord ftCreationLowDateTime DWord ftCreationHighDateTime DWord ftLastAccessLowDateTime DWord ftLastAccessHighDateTime DWord ftLastWriteLowDateTime DWord ftLastWriteHighDateTime DWord nFileSizeHigh DWord nFileSizeLow DWord dares DWord dbres UChar[260] cFileName UChar[14] cAlternateFileName End_Struct Struct structFileTime DWord dwLowDateTime DWord dwHighDateTime End_Struct Struct structSystemTime UShort wYear UShort wMonth UShort wDayOfWeek UShort wDay UShort wHour UShort Minute UShort wSecond UShort wMillieseconds End_Struct //************************************************************************ // Other global variables. //************************************************************************ Global_Variable Integer fsgiFileEOF // True then the end of the binary file had been read - not when $1A (EOF) is met. Global_Variable Integer fsgiError // True if any error has occured during fileoprerations. Global_Variable Boolean fsgbErrorAsVDFError // True if errormessages should be called with dataflex error command. //************************************************************************ // Arrays //************************************************************************ Object aFileHandle Is An Array //Keeps assigned handles for each filenumber. End_Object Object aFileName Is An Array //Keeps assigned filename for each filenumber (in OEM format). End_Object //************************************************************************ // Fetch the error message from the system message table using the // default language. // PRIVATE //************************************************************************ Procedure DoShowError String sAppendErrorText Pointer lpOut Integer iRetChars String sMsg Move (ZeroString(255)) To fsgsOutputMsg Move (AddressOf(fsgsOutputMsg)) To lpOut Move (fsFormatMessage((FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM+FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS), FNULL, fsgiErrorNumber, FNULL, lpOut, 255, FNULL)) To iRetChars Move (Left(fsgsOutputMsg,iRetChars)) To sMsg Move (ToOEM(sMsg)) To sMsg If (num_arguments > 0) Begin Move (Trim(sAppendErrorText)) To sAppendErrorText If (sAppendErrorText <> "") Begin Append sMsg "\n\n" sAppendErrorText End End Send warning_box sMsg End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Fetch the filename from the list of filenames associated with a filenumber. // PRIVATE //************************************************************************ Function FilenameFromArray Integer iFilenumber Returns String Integer iMaxFiles String sFilename Move "" To sFilename Get item_count Of aFilename To iMaxFiles If (iFilenumber < iMaxFiles) Begin Get string_value Of aFilename Item iFilenumber To sFilename End Function_Return sFilename End_Function Function GetFileLastWriteTime String sFileName Returns structFileTime DWord dwAccess DWord dwShared DWord dwCreate Handle hFile Integer iRetval structFileTime ftLastWrite // Append sFilename (Character(0)) (Character(0)) Move (GENERIC_READ iOr GENERIC_WRITE) To dwAccess Move FILE_SHARE_RANDOM To dwShared Move OPEN_EXISTING To dwCreate Move (fsCreatefile(AddressOf(sFilename), dwAccess, dwShared, FNULL, dwCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FNULL)) To hFile If (hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName Function_Return End Else Begin Move 0 To ftLastWrite.dwLowDateTime Move (fsGetFileTime(hFile,FNULL,FNULL,AddressOf(ftLastWrite))) To iRetval If (iRetVal = 0) Begin //Could not close Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName End Move (fsCloseHandle(hFile)) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin //Could not close Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName End End Function_Return ftLastWrite End_Function Procedure SetFileLastWriteTime String sFileName structFileTime ftLastWrite DWord dwAccess DWord dwShared DWord dwCreate Handle hFile Integer iRetval // Append sFilename (Character(0)) (Character(0)) Move (GENERIC_READ iOr GENERIC_WRITE) To dwAccess Move FILE_SHARE_RANDOM To dwShared Move OPEN_EXISTING To dwCreate Move (fsCreatefile(AddressOf(sFilename), dwAccess, dwShared, FNULL, dwCreate, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FNULL)) To hFile If (hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName Procedure_Return End Else Begin Move (fsSetFileTime(hFile,FNULL,FNULL,AddressOf(ftLastWrite))) To iRetval If (iRetVal = 0) Begin //Could not close Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName End Move (fsCloseHandle(hFile)) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin //Could not close Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError sFileName End End End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Fetch the filename from the list of filenames associated with a filenumber. // This function is used for reporting filenames during an error. // PRIVATE //************************************************************************ Function FileErrorText Integer iFilenumber Returns String String sErrorText Get FilenameFromArray iFilenumber To sErrorText If (sErrorText <> "") Begin Move ("File: "+sErrorText) To sErrorText End Function_Return sErrorText End_Function //************************************************************************ // Shows a warning message to user with OK button and a exclamation icon. //************************************************************************ Procedure warning_box String sWngMsg Integer iVoid Move 1 To fsgiError If (fsgbErrorAsVDFError= False) ; Get Message_Box sWngMsg "AKE FileSystem Error" MB_OK MB_ICONEXCLAMATION To iVoid Else ; Error Dferr_Program sWngMsg End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Opens a binary file. // Both read and write. // If bShared is false or not pharsed the file is opened in exclusive. // If bShared is True the file is opened with both read and write shared mode // If bCreate is True the file is created if it does not exist already. // If bReadOnly is True the file is opened with only read access (and only read shared mode if bShared is also true). //************************************************************************ Procedure DoOpenBinaryFile Integer iFilenumber String sFilename Boolean bShared Boolean bCreate Boolean bReadOnly Integer iReturnValue String sSharedMode sCreateMode sAccessMode Set array_value Of aFileName Item iFilenumber To sFilename Move (ToAnsi(sFilename)) To sFilename Move 0 To fsgiError Move GENERIC_RANDOM To sAccessMode Move FNULL To sSharedMode If (num_arguments > 2) Begin If (bShared = True) ; Move FILE_SHARE_RANDOM To sSharedMode End Move OPEN_EXISTING To sCreateMode If (num_arguments > 3) Begin If (bCreate = True) ; Move OPEN_ALWAYS To sCreateMode End If (num_arguments > 4) Begin If (bReadOnly = True) Begin Move GENERIC_READ To sAccessMode If (bShared = True) ; Move FILE_SHARE_READ To sSharedMode End End //Fill the structure with data Append sFilename (Character(0)) (Character(0)) //Windows 95/98/Me: The hTemplateFile parameter must be NULL. //Call function Move (fsCreatefile(AddressOf(sFilename), sAccessMode, sSharedMode, FNULL, sCreateMode, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, FNULL)) To iReturnValue If (iReturnValue = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) Procedure_Return End Set array_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iReturnValue Move 0 To fsgiFileEOF End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Closing a binary file //************************************************************************ Procedure DoCloseBinaryFile Integer iFilenumber Integer iHandle iRetVal Move 0 To fsgiError Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (fsCloseHandle(iHandle)) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin //Could not close Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End Else ; Set array_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To 0 End End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Reading from a binary file. // Then the function returns an empty string the end of file has been // reached or an error has occured. fsgiFileEOF will then be 1. // the reading process. No errors occures if you try to read past end // of file. // To speed up reading process use a high number of bytes to read in // iNumberOfBytes! No errors occures if you try to read past end // of file. Note that iNumberOfBytes must not exceed the argument size! //************************************************************************ Function BytesFromBinaryFile Global Integer iFilenumber Integer iNumberOfBytes Returns String String sOut Integer iHandle iReturnValue Integer iMaxBuffer String sOutBuffer //Data output from file - Max buffer size structBytesReadType BytesRead //Actual bytes read - Should be integer but getAddress cannot find memoryadress for integers! //Therefore a structure is used and converted to fsgiBytesRead Move 0 To fsgiError Move "" To sOut Get_Argument_Size To iMaxBuffer If (iNumberOfBytes > iMaxBuffer) Begin Send warning_box "Blocksize to read exceeds argument size!" Function_Return "" End Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (ZeroString(iNumberOfBytes)) To sOutBuffer Move 0 To fsgiBytesRead Move (fsReadFile(iHandle, AddressOf(sOutBuffer), iNumberOfBytes, AddressOf(BytesRead), FNULL)) To iReturnValue Move BytesRead.integer0 To fsgiBytesRead Move (Left(sOutBuffer,fsgiBytesRead)) To sOut If (iReturnValue = 0) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End Else Begin If ((fsgiBytesRead = 0) Or (fsgiBytesRead <> iNumberOfBytes)) Begin Move 1 To fsgiFileEOF //send warning_box "Readning past end of file is not possible." End End End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." Function_Return sOut End_Function //************************************************************************ // Writing to a binary file. //************************************************************************ Procedure DoWriteToBinaryFile Integer iFilenumber String sWriteData Integer iHandle iReturnValue iNumberOfBytes structBytesWrittenType BytesWritten //Actual bytes written - Should be integer but getAddress cannot find memoryadress for integers! //Therefore a structure is used and converted to fsgiBytesWritten Move 0 To fsgiError Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (Length(sWriteData)) To iNumberOfBytes Move 0 To fsgiBytesWritten Move (fsWriteFile(iHandle, AddressOf(sWriteData), iNumberOfBytes, AddressOf(BytesWritten), FNULL)) To iReturnValue Move BytesWritten.integer0 To fsgiBytesWritten If (iReturnValue = 0) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End If (fsgiBytesWritten <> iNumberOfBytes) Begin Send Warning_box "Not all data could be written!" End End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Write HEX values to a binary file as bytes. // HEX values in sWriteHEX are first coverted to bytes and then written // to the binary file. //************************************************************************ Procedure DoWriteHexToBinaryFile Integer iFilenumer String sWriteHex String sData sHexRole Integer iLength iCount iHi iLow iByte Move (Length(sWritehex)) to iLength Move "" to sData Move "0123456789ABCDEF" to sHexRole Move (Uppercase(sWriteHex)) to sWriteHex Move 1 to iCount While (iCount < iLength) Move (Pos(Mid(sWriteHex, 1, iCount), sHexRole)) to iHi Increment iCount Move (Pos(Mid(sWriteHex, 1, iCount), sHexRole)) to iLow Increment iCount If (iHi = -1 or iLow = -1) Begin Send Warning_box "Invalid HEX data!" Procedure_Return End Move (((iHi - 1) * 16) + (iLow - 1)) to iByte Move (sData + Character(iByte)) to sData Loop Send DoWriteToBinaryFile iFilenumer sData End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Retrives the file size from a binary file. //************************************************************************ Function BinaryFileSize Global Integer iFilenumber Returns Number Integer iFilesize iHandle Move 0 To fsgiError Move 0 To iFilesize Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (fsGetFileSize(iHandle, FNULL)) To iFileSize If (iFileSize = -1) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." Function_Return iFileSize End_Function //************************************************************************ // Retrives the file position from a binary file. //************************************************************************ Function BinaryFilePosition Global Integer iFilenumber Returns Integer Integer iNewPos iHandle Move 0 To fsgiError Move -1 To iNewPos Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (fsSetFilePointer(iHandle, 0, FNULL, FILE_CURRENT)) To iNewPos If (iNewPos = -1) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." Function_Return iNewPos End_Function //************************************************************************ // Sets the file position from a binary file to a new position. // Access: "Set BinaryFilePosition filenumber fileposition" //************************************************************************ Procedure Set BinaryFilePosition Integer iFilenumber Integer iPosition Returns Integer Integer iNewPos iHandle Move 0 To fsgiError Move -1 To iNewPos Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin Move (fsSetFilePointer(iHandle, iPosition, FNULL, FILE_BEGIN)) To iNewPos If (iNewPos = -1) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End Else ; Move 0 To fsgiFileEOF End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." Procedure_Return iNewPos End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Truncate og extend a binary file to the specified file position // by setting the binary file End Of File position. // If iPosition is -1 the current file position is used as EOF position. //************************************************************************ Procedure Set BinaryEndOfFile Integer iFilenumber Integer iPosition Returns Integer Integer iHandle iReturnVal Move 0 To fsgiError Get integer_value Of (aFileHandle(Self)) Item iFilenumber To iHandle If iHandle Begin If (iPosition > -1) ; Set BinaryFilePosition iFilenumber To iPosition If (fsgiError = 0) Begin Move (fsSetEndOfFile(iHandle)) To iReturnVal If (iReturnVal = 0) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError (FileErrorText(Self, iFilenumber)) End Else ; Move 1 To fsgiFileEOF End End Else ; Send warning_box "File not open." End_Procedure //************************************************************************ // Deletes a file. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function FileDelete Global String sFilename Returns Boolean Integer iRetVal String sFile Boolean bFound Get FileExists sFilename To bFound If (Not(bFound)) ; Function_Return False Move (ToAnsi(sFilename)) To sFilename Move (sFilename+(Character(0))) To sFile Move (fsDeleteFile(AddressOf(sFile))) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin // Could not delete Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError ("Tried to delete file: "+sFilename) End Function_Return (iRetVal > 0) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Moves a file or directory. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function FileMove Global String sExistingFileName String sNewFileName Returns Boolean Integer iRetVal String sFrom sTo Move (ToAnsi(sExistingFileName)) To sExistingFileName Move (ToAnsi(sNewFileName)) To sNewFileName Move (sExistingFileName+(Character(0))) To sFrom Move (sNewFileName+(Character(0))) To sTo Move (fsMoveFile(AddressOf(sFrom), AddressOf(sTo))) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin // Could not move Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError ("Tried to move/rename file: "+sExistingFileName+" to "+sNewFileName) End Function_Return (iRetVal > 0) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Copies a file. Overwriting an existing file by default. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function FileCopy Global String sExistingFileName String sNewFileName Boolean bFailIfExists Returns Boolean Integer iRetVal String sFrom sTo Boolean bDoNotOverwrite Pointer lpFrom lpTo Move (ToAnsi(sExistingFileName)) To sExistingFileName Move (ToAnsi(sNewFileName)) To sNewFileName Move (sExistingFileName+(Character(0))) To sFrom Move (sNewFileName+(Character(0))) To sTo If (Num_Arguments > 2) ; Move bFailIfExists To bDoNotOverwrite Else ; Move False To bDoNotOverwrite Move (fsCopyFile(AddressOf(sFrom), AddressOf(sTo), bDoNotOverwrite)) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin // Could not move Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError ("Tried to copy file: "+sExistingFileName+" to "+sNewFileName) End Function_Return (iRetVal > 0) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Renames a file or directory. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function FileRename Global String sExistingFileName String sNewFileName Returns Boolean Boolean bRetVal Get FileMove sExistingFileName sNewFileName To bRetVal Function_Return bRetVal End_Function //************************************************************************ // Searches for a file // iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY (default) // iMode = DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY // iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES // Returns True if found //************************************************************************ Function FileExists Global String sFilePathMask Integer iFileDirMode Returns Boolean Pointer lpFindData Handle hFindFile Integer iMode iFileAttributes Boolean bOk bFound structWFD FindData Move False To bFound If (num_arguments < 2) ; Move DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY To iMode Else ; Move iFileDirMode To iMode Move (ToAnsi(sFilePathMask)) To sFilePathMask Move 0 To FindData.nFileSizeLow Move (fsFindFirstFile(AddressOf(sFilePathMask), AddressOf(FindData))) To hFindFile If (hFindFile <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Begin Move (fsFindClose(hFindFile)) To bOk Move False To bFound Move FindData.dwFileAttributes To iFileAttributes Case Begin Case (iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY) If (iFileAttributes Iand FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY = 0) ; Move True To bFound Case Break Case (iMode = DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY) If (iFileAttributes Iand FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY) ; Move True To bFound Case Break Case Else Move True To bFound Case Break Case End End Function_Return bFound End_Function //************************************************************************ // Basic directory/file search class. //************************************************************************ Class cDirectory Is An Array Procedure Construct_object Forward Send Construct_object // Properties Property Date pdFileDate 0 // private Property String psFileTime "" // private End_Procedure // Search a directory for the files with normal windows mask-signs // Returns the number of matching files and directories // iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY // iMode = DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY // iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES (default) Function SearchSingleDirectory String sFilePathMask Integer iFileDirMode Returns Integer String sFileFound sData Handle hFindFile hResult Integer iCount iError iMode iFileAttributes iValLo iValHi Boolean bOk bStop Date dDate structWFD FindData EmptyData Send Delete_Data If (num_arguments < 2) ; Move DIRMODE_FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES To iMode Else ; Move iFileDirMode To iMode Move (ToAnsi(sFilePathMask)) To sFilePathMask Move 0 To EmptyData.nFileSizeHigh Move 0 To FindData.nFileSizeLow Move (fsFindFirstFile(AddressOf(sFilePathMask), AddressOf(FindData))) To hFindFile If (hFindFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) Begin // Deactivated errormessage when there are no files found at all. // If needed uncomment these lines. // Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber // If fsgiErrorNumber Send DoShowError Function_Return 0 End Move 0 To fsgiError Move False To bStop While (fsgiError = 0 And bStop = False) Move False To bOk Move FindData.dwFileAttributes To iFileAttributes Case Begin Case (iMode = DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY) If (iFileAttributes Iand FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY = 0) ; Move True To bOk Case Break Case (iMode = DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY) If (iFileAttributes Iand FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECORY) ; Move True To bOk Case Break Case Else Move True To bOk Case Break Case End If (bOk = True) Begin Move (UCharArrayToString(FindData.cFileName)) To sFileFound Move (ToOem(sFileFound)) To sFileFound Move (Replaces(Character(0), sFileFound, "")) To sFileFound Get item_count To iCount Get create (RefClass(array)) To hResult Set array_value Item iCount To hResult Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_FILENAME To sFileFound Move FindData.dwFileAttributes To iValLo Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_FILEATTRIBUTES To iValLo Move FindData.ftCreationLowDateTime To iValLo Move FindData.ftCreationHighDateTime To iValHi Get ConvFileTimeToProp iValLo iValHi To bOk If (bOk = True) Begin Get pdFileDate To dDate Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_CREATIONDATE To dDate Get psFileTime To sData Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_CREATIONTIME To sData End Move FindData.ftLastAccessLowDateTime To iValLo Move FindData.ftLastAccessHighDateTime To iValHi Get ConvFileTimeToProp iValLo iValHi To bOk If (bOk = True) Begin Get pdFileDate To dDate Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_LASTACCESSDATE To dDate Get psFileTime To sData Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_LASTACCESSTIME To sData End Move FindData.ftLastWriteLowDateTime To iValLo Move FindData.ftLastWriteHighDateTime To iValHi Get ConvFileTimeToProp iValLo iValHi To bOk If (bOk = True) Begin Get pdFileDate To dDate Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_LASTWRITEDATE To dDate Get psFileTime To sData Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_LASTWRITETIME To sData End Move FindData.nFileSizeLow To iValLo Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_FILESIZE To iValLo Move (UCharArrayToString(FindData.cAlternateFileName)) To sData Move (ToOem(sData)) To sData Move (Replaces(Character(0), sData, "")) To sData Set array_value Of hResult Item LIST_ALTERNATEFILENAME To sData End Move EmptyData To FindData Move (fsFindNextFile(hFindFile, AddressOf(FindData))) To bOk If (bOk = False) Begin Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If (fsgiErrorNumber <> ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) Begin Send DoShowError ("Search path:" + sFilePathMask) End Move True To bStop End Loop Move (fsFindClose(hFindFile)) To bOk Get item_count To iCount Function_Return iCount End_Function // Private Function ConvFileTimeToProp Integer iLow Integer iHigh Returns Boolean String sFileTime sBuff sTime Integer iRet Integer iChars iNoOfChars Date dDate structFileTime FileTime LocalFileTime structSystemTime SystemTime Set pdFileDate To 0 Set psFileTime To "" Move iLow To FileTime.dwLowDateTime Move iHigh To FileTime.dwHighDateTime Move 0 To LocalFileTime.dwLowDateTime Move (fsFileTimeToLocalFileTime(AddressOf(FileTime), AddressOf(LocalFileTime))) To iRet Move 0 To SystemTime.wMillieseconds Move (fsFileTimeToSystemTime(AddressOf(LocalFileTime), AddressOf(SystemTime))) To iRet Move 64 To iChars Move (ZeroString(iChars)) To sBuff Move (fsGetDateFormat(FNULL, 0, AddressOf(SystemTime), FNULL, AddressOf(sBuff), iChars)) To iNoOfchars Move (Left(sBuff, iNoOfchars)) To dDate Set pdFileDate To dDate Move 64 To iChars Move (ZeroString(iChars)) To sBuff Move (fsGetTimeFormat(FNULL, 0, AddressOf(SystemTime), FNULL, AddressOf(sBuff), iChars)) To iNoOfchars Move (Left(sBuff, iNoOfchars)) To sTime Set psFileTime To sTime Function_Return True End_Function // Returns the result of a search at an item position and requested paramter. // iInformationParam can be: // LIST_FILEATTRIBUTES // LIST_FILENAME // LIST_CREATIONDATE // LIST_CREATIONTIME // LIST_LASTACCESSDATE // LIST_LASTACCESSTIME // LIST_LASTWRITEDATE // LIST_LASTWRITETIME // LIST_FILESIZE // LIST_ALTERNATEFILENAME Function SearchResult Integer iItem Integer iInformationParam Returns String Integer iCount Handle hObj String sRetVal Move "" To sRetVal Get item_count To iCount If (iItem < iCount) Begin Get integer_value Item iItem To hObj If (hObj > 0) ; Get string_value Of hObj Item iInformationParam To sRetVal End Function_Return sRetVal End_Function // Argumentet for destroying child object. Procedure Delete_Data Integer iCount iItem iChildren Handle hObj Get child_count To iChildren If (iChildren) Begin Get item_count To iCount For iItem From 0 To (iCount - 1) Get value Item iItem To hObj If (hObj > 0) ; Send Destroy Of hObj Loop End Forward Send Delete_Data End_Procedure End_Class //************************************************************************ // Returns the file size of a file. // Returns -1 if an error occured. //************************************************************************ Function GetFileSize Global String sFile Returns Integer Integer iSize iNumber Handle hDir Move -1 To iSize Get Create (RefClass(cDirectory)) To hDir If (hDir = 0) ; Function_Return iSize Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hDir sFile DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY To iNumber If (iNumber = 1) Begin Get SearchResult Of hDir 0 LIST_FILESIZE To iSize End Send Destroy Of hDir Function_Return iSize End_Function //************************************************************************ // Returns the last write date of a file. // Returns 0 if an error occured. //************************************************************************ Function GetFileDate Global String sFile Returns Date Integer iNumber Handle hDir Date dLastDate Move 0 To dLastDate Get Create (RefClass(cDirectory)) To hDir If (hDir = 0) ; Function_Return dLastDate Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hDir sFile DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY To iNumber If (iNumber = 1) Begin Get SearchResult Of hDir 0 LIST_LASTWRITEDATE To dLastDate End Send Destroy Of hDir Function_Return dLastDate End_Function //************************************************************************ // Get Windows Temp path //************************************************************************ Function GetWinTempPath Global Returns String String sTempPath Integer iRetVal Move (ZeroString(260)) To sTempPath Move (fsGetTempPath(260, AddressOf(sTempPath))) To iRetVal If (iRetVal > 260) Begin Move (ZeroString(iRetval)) To sTempPath Move (fsGetTempPath(iRetVal, AddressOf(sTempPath))) To iRetVal End Function_Return (ToOem(Cstring(sTempPath))) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Generates a temporary file. // Returns full path and filename or blank if no file could be created. // sPathName is the place where the temporary file is generated. If it is // not argumented the TEMP enviroment variable is used. If that is also // available the current directory is used. // You can prefix the first 3 letters of the filename with sPrefix. //************************************************************************ Function GetTempFileName String sPathName String sPrefix Returns String String spPathName spPrefix spTempFileName sRetVal Integer iOk Move (Trim(sPathName)) To sPathName If (sPathName = "") Begin Get GetWinTempPath To sPathName If (sPathName = "") ; Move "." To sPathName End Move (ZeroString(128)) To spPathName Move (ZeroString(10)) To spPrefix Move (ZeroString(128)) To spTempFilename Move (ToANSI(sPathName)) To spPathName Move (ToANSI(sPrefix)) To spPrefix Move (fsGetTempFileName(AddressOf(spPathname), AddressOf(spPrefix), 0, AddressOf(spTempFilename))) To iOk If (iOK <> 0) Begin Move (Replaces(Character(0), spTempFilename, "")) To sRetVal Move (ToOEM(sRetVal)) To sRetVal End Function_Return sRetVal End_Function //************************************************************************ // As GetTempFileName but returns the filename without the path. //************************************************************************ Function GetTempFileNameNoPath String sPathName String sPrefix Returns String String sFile Get GetTempFileName sPathName sPrefix To sFile If (sFile = "") ; Function_Return "" Get ExtractFileName sFile To sFile Function_Return sFile End_Function //************************************************************************ // Creates a new directory. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function CreateDirectory Global String sDirname Returns Boolean Integer iRetVal String sFile Boolean bFound Get FileExists sDirname DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY To bFound If (bFound) ; Function_Return False Move (toAnsi(sDirname)) To sDirname Move (sDirname+(Character(0))) To sFile Move (fsCreateDirectory(AddressOf(sFile), FNULL)) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin // Could not create Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError ("Tried to create directory: "+sDirname) End Function_Return (iRetVal > 0) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Deletes an existing empty directory. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function RemoveDirectory Global String sDirname Returns Boolean Integer iRetVal String sFile Boolean bFound Get FileExists sDirname DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY To bFound If (Not(bFound)) ; Function_Return False Move (toAnsi(sDirname)) To sDirname Move (sDirname+(Character(0))) To sFile Move (fsRemoveDirectory(AddressOf(sFile))) To iRetVal If (iRetVal = 0) Begin // Could not delete Move (fsGetLastError()) To fsgiErrorNumber If fsgiErrorNumber ; Send DoShowError ("Tried to remove directory: "+sDirname) End Function_Return (iRetVal > 0) End_Function //************************************************************************ // Deletes an existing directory with all its children. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function RecursiveRemoveDirectory Global String sDirname Returns Boolean Boolean bOk bStop Integer iCnt iMax String sFile sLine Handle hoDir Move 0 To iCnt Move True To bStop Get Create (RefClass(cDirectory)) To hoDir Move (sDirname+"\*.*") To sFile Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hoDir sFile DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY To iMax Decrement iMax For iCnt From 0 To iMax Get Searchresult Of hoDir Item iCnt LIST_FILENAME To sLine If (sLine <> "." And sLine <> "..") Begin Move False To bStop Get RecursiveRemoveDirectory (sDirname + "\" + sLine) To bOk If (Not(bOk)) Begin Send destroy Of hoDir Function_Return False End End Loop Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hoDir sFile DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY To iMax Decrement iMax For iCnt From 0 To iMax Get Searchresult Of hoDir Item iCnt LIST_FILENAME To sLine Get FileDelete (sDirname + "\" + sLine) To bOk If (Not(bOk)) Begin Send destroy Of hoDir Function_Return End Loop Send destroy Of hoDir Get RemoveDirectory sDirname To bOk Function_Return bOk End_Function //************************************************************************ // Copies an existing directory with all its children. // Overwriting exising files by default. // Returns True if succeeds. //************************************************************************ Function RecursiveCopyDirectory Global String sSourceDirname String sDestinationDirname Boolean bFailIfExists Returns Boolean Boolean bOk bStop bDoNotOverwrite bFound Integer iCnt iMax String sFile sLine Handle hoDir Move 0 To iCnt Move True To bStop If (Num_Arguments > 2) ; Move bFailIfExists To bDoNotOverwrite Else ; Move False To bDoNotOverwrite Get FileExists sDestinationDirname DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY To bFound If (Not(bFound)) Begin Get CreateDirectory sDestinationDirname To bOk If (Not(bOk)) Begin Send destroy Of hoDir Function_Return False End End Get Create (RefClass(cDirectory)) To hoDir Move (sSourceDirname+"\*.*") To sFile Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hoDir sFile DIRMODE_DIRECTORIES_ONLY To iMax Decrement iMax For iCnt From 0 To iMax Get Searchresult Of hoDir Item iCnt LIST_FILENAME To sLine If (sLine <> "." And sLine <> "..") Begin Move False To bStop Get RecursiveCopyDirectory (sSourceDirname + "\" + sLine) (sDestinationDirname + "\" + sLine) bDoNotOverwrite To bOk If (Not(bOk)) Begin Send destroy Of hoDir Function_Return False End End Loop Get SearchSingleDirectory Of hoDir sFile DIRMODE_FILES_ONLY To iMax Decrement iMax For iCnt From 0 To iMax Get Searchresult Of hoDir Item iCnt LIST_FILENAME To sLine Get FileCopy (sSourceDirname + "\" + sLine) (sDestinationDirname + "\" + sLine) bDoNotOverwrite To bOk If (Not(bOk)) Begin Send destroy Of hoDir Function_Return End Loop Send destroy Of hoDir Move True To bOk Function_Return bOk End_Function