//TH-Header //***************************************************************************************** // Copyright (c) 2014 KURANT Project // All rights reserved. // // $FileName : VDFLQR.VW // $ProjectName : The Hammer 2.0 // $Authors : Wil van Antwerpen, Michael Kurz, Sergey V. Natarov // $Created : 01.25.2014 01:08 // $Type : LGPL // // Contents: VDF Quick Reference // //***************************************************************************************** //TH-RevisionStart //TH-RevisionEnd // Project Object Structure // oQR is a dbView // Vdfcls_DD is a DataDictionary // Asdb_DD is a DataDictionary // TreeView1 is a TreeView // oTreeImageList is a ImageList // dbGrid1 is a dbGrid // dbForm2 is a dbForm // Form1 is a Form // dbContainer3d1 is a dbContainer3d // The_Table is a dbGrid // Register all objects Register_Object Asdb_DD Register_Object dbContainer3d1 Register_Object dbForm2 Register_Object dbGrid1 Register_Object Form1 Register_Object oQR Register_Object oTreeImageList Register_Object The_Table Register_Object TreeView1 Register_Object Vdfcls_DD Function Element_Type Global integer itype returns string If (iTYPE=0) Function_Return "Undefined" If (iTYPE=1) Function_Return "Property" If (iTYPE=2) Function_Return "Procedure" If (iTYPE=3) Function_Return "Function" If (iTYPE=4) Function_Return "Command" If (iTYPE=5) Function_Return "Both" If (iTYPE>5) Function_Return "Unknown" End_Function Use DFTreeVw.pkg Use VDFCLS.DD Use ASDB.DD ACTIVATE_VIEW Activate_oQR FOR oQR Object oQR is a dbView Set Label to "VDF Quick Reference" Set Size to 215 420 Set Location to 1 3 Object Vdfcls_DD is a Vdfcls_DataDictionary End_Object // Vdfcls_DD Object Asdb_DD is a Asdb_DataDictionary Set DDO_Server to (Vdfcls_DD(self)) Set Constrain_File to Vdfcls.File_Number Property integer Class_Code 0 Procedure OnConstrain Number nCode Get Class_Code to nCode If (nCode<>0) Constrain ASDB.VDFCLS eq nCode End_Procedure End_Object // Asdb_DD Set Main_DD to (Vdfcls_DD(self)) Set Server to (Vdfcls_DD(self)) Object TreeView1 is a TreeView Property integer phClassStructure 0 Property integer phCommandsStructure 0 Property integer phDatabaseStructure 0 Object oTreeImageList is an ImageList Set Bitmap_Size To 16 16 Set ImageList_Size To 2 0 Send ImageList_Add 'openfold.bmp' //0 Send ImageList_Add 'closfold.bmp' //1 Send ImageList_Create // create the ImageList End_Object Set ImageListObject To (oTreeImageList(self)) Set Size to 73 253 Set Location to 2 158 //Procedure OnItemChanging Handle hItemNew Handle hItemOld // Integer iItm // Forward Send OnItemChanging hItemNew hItemOld // Get ItemData Item hItemNew To iItm // Set Class_Code of ASDB_DD to iItm // Send Rebuild_Constraints to ASDB_DD // Send Beginning_Of_Data to dbGrid1 //End_Procedure // OnItemChanging //Procedure OnCreateTree // Local integer hRoot hChld iCItm // Get RootItem to hRoot // if (hRoot) Send DoDeleteItem hRoot // Get AddTreeItem "User Reference" 0 0 0 1 To hRoot // Get AddTreeItem "Class Reference" hRoot 0 0 1 To hChld // Set phClassStructure to hChld // Send AddClassChilds hChld // Get AddTreeItem "Commands Reference" hRoot 0 0 1 To hChld // Set phCommandsStructure to hChld // Get AddTreeItem "Database Reference" hRoot 0 0 1 To hChld // Set phDatabaseStructure to hChld // Send AddDBChilds hChld //End_Procedure //Procedure AddClassChilds integer hRoot // Local integer hChild iRec iRecs // Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of VDFCLS.File_Number to iRecs // For iRec from 1 to iRecs // Clear VDFCLS // Move iRec to VDFCLS.RECNUM // Find eq VDFCLS by Recnum // If ((found)and(VDFCLS.BASE="Y")) Begin // Get AddTreeItem (trim(vdfcls.name)) hRoot vdfcls.code 0 1 To hChild // Send AddClassTree hChild vdfcls.parent // End // Loop //End_Procedure //Procedure AddClassTree integer hRoot number nParent // Local integer hChild iRec iRecs // Get_Attribute DF_FILE_RECORDS_USED of VDFCLS.File_Number to iRecs // For iRec from 1 to iRecs // Clear VDFCLS // Move iRec to VDFCLS.RECNUM // Find eq VDFCLS by Recnum // If ((found) and (vdfcls.code eq nParent)) Begin // Get AddTreeItem (trim(vdfcls.name)) hRoot vdfcls.code 0 1 To hChild // Send AddClassTree hChild vdfcls.parent // End // Loop //End_Procedure //Procedure AddDBChilds integer hRoot // Local Integer iFile iCnt hChld // Local String sRootname sName // Moveint 0 To iFile // Repeat // Get_Attribute Df_File_Next_Used of iFile To iFile // If (iFile>0) Begin // Get_Attribute Df_File_Root_Name of iFile To sRootname // Get_Attribute DF_FILE_DISPLAY_NAME of iFile to sName // Get AddTreeItem (sRootname+" ("+sName+")") hRoot iFile 0 1 to hChld // Send AddDBFields hChld iFile // End // Until iFile Eq 0 //End_Procedure //Procedure AddDBFields integer hRoot integer iFile // local integer hChld iFld iFlds // local string sFld // If (iFile) Begin // Send Delete_Data // Open iFile // Get_Attribute DF_FILE_NUMBER_FIELDS of iFile to iFlds // For iFld From 0 To iFlds // Get_Attribute DF_FIELD_NAME Of iFile iFld to sFld // Get AddTreeItem sFld hRoot iFld 0 1 to hChld // Loop // // Close iFile // End //End_Procedure End_Object // TreeView1 Object dbGrid1 is a dbGrid Set Select_Mode to No_Select Set Scroll_Bar_Visible_State to FALSE Set Highlight_Row_state to TRUE Set Allow_bottom_add_state to False Set Allow_insert_add_state to False Set Allow_top_add_state to False Set Main_File to Asdb.File_Number Set Server to (Asdb_DD(self)) Set Ordering to 3 Set Size to 82 254 Set Location to 79 157 Set CurrentRowColor to clNavy Set CurrentRowTextColor to clWhite Set CurrentCellColor to clNavy Set CurrentCellTextColor to clWhite Set Wrap_State to TRUE Begin_Row Entry_Item (Element_Type(Asdb.Type)) Entry_Item Asdb.Name Entry_Item Asdb.Pclassname End_Row Set Form_Width item 0 to 45 Set Header_Label item 0 to "Type" Set Form_Width item 1 to 107 Set Header_Label item 1 to "Name" Set Form_Width item 2 to 104 Set Header_Label item 2 to "Inheritance" Procedure Entry_Display Integer iFile Integer iType integer iCnt Get Item_Count to iCnt If (iCnt) Begin Get Base_Item to iCnt Set Item_Shadow_State item (iCnt) to false If (ASDB.TYPE=1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt) to clNavy If (ASDB.TYPE>1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt) to clGreen If (ASDB.TYPE=1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt+1) to clNavy If (ASDB.TYPE>1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt+1) to clGreen If (ASDB.TYPE=1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt+2) to clNavy If (ASDB.TYPE>1) Set ItemTextColor item (iCnt+2) to clGreen Set Entry_State item (iCnt) to false Set Entry_State item (iCnt+1) to false Set Entry_State item (iCnt+2) to false End Forward Send Entry_Display iFile iType End_Procedure // Entry_Display End_Object // dbGrid1 Object dbForm2 is a dbForm Set Enabled_State to False Set Label to "Primary code:" Set Size to 13 206 Set Location to 164 205 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right End_Object // dbForm2 Object Form1 is a Form Set Enabled_State to False Set Label to "Get code:" Set Size to 13 206 Set Location to 182 205 Set Label_Col_Offset to 2 Set Label_Justification_Mode to jMode_Right End_Object // Form1 Object dbContainer3d1 is a dbContainer3d Set Border_Style to Border_ClientEdge Set Size to 194 150 Set Location to 2 4 Set Color to clWhite Object The_Table is a dbGrid Set allow_insert_add_state to FALSE Set allow_top_add_state to FALSE Set allow_bottom_add_state to FALSE Set GridLine_Mode to GRID_VISIBLE_NONE Set Border_Style to Border_None Set Header_Visible_State to False Set Main_File to Vdfcls.File_Number Set Ordering to 1 Set Size to 191 143 Set Location to 1 2 Set Color to clWhite Set CurrentRowColor to clNavy Set CurrentRowTextColor to clWhite Set CurrentCellColor to clNavy Set CurrentCellTextColor to clWhite Set Wrap_State to TRUE Begin_Row Entry_Item ("") Entry_Item Vdfcls.Name End_Row Set Form_Width item 0 to 12 Set Header_Label item 0 to "" Set Form_Width item 1 to 121 Set Header_Label item 1 to "Name" Procedure Request_Delete Send Stop_Box "You can't delete records here." End_Procedure Procedure Entry_Display Integer iFile Integer iType integer iClr iItem // Send Change_Row_Color Get Base_Item to iItem // first item of the current row Set Entry_State item iItem to False Set Entry_State item (iItem+1) to False If (VDFCLS.BITMAP<>"") Set Form_Bitmap item iItem to (Trim(VDFCLS.BITMAP)) Forward Send Entry_Display iFile iType End_Procedure // Entry_Display Procedure Adjust_Row_Height Set Form_Height item 0 to 11 End_Procedure Send Adjust_Row_Height End_Object // The_Table End_Object // dbContainer3d1 End_Object // oQR