// Rework to use struct tTHLanguage Use Tools\TH3Workspace.h // // A good part of these declarations come from SciTE // Class cDefaultLanguageDefinitions is a cObject Function KeywordsToSC String sKeyWords Returns String Move (Trim(Replaces(" ", sKeywords, "\n"))) To sKeyWords Move (Trim(Replaces("~", sKeywords, " "))) To sKeyWords // provide an option to have a space in the keyword Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function CreatePascalLanguageDefinition Returns Integer Boolean bProcedural Boolean bCaseSensitive Integer iC String sName String sStringDelimiters String sEscapeChar String sLineTerm String sSingleLineComments String sMultiLineCommentStart String sMultiLineCommentStop String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "Pascal" To sName Move True To bProcedural Move False To bCaseSensitive Move "'" To sStringDelimiters Move "#" To sEscapeChar Move ";" To sLineTerm Move "//" To sSingleLineComments Move "(*\n{" To sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*)\n}" To sMultiLineCommentStop Move "begin record packed~record repeat if class try " To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "end end end until then end end " To sScopeKeywordsClose Move "absolute abstract and array as asm assembler assignfile automated blockwrite break case " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"cdecl chr closefile const constructor delayed deprecated destructor dispid dispinterface ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"div do downto dynamic else except experimental export exports external false far ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"file final finalization finally for forward function goto helper ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"implementation in inherited initialization inline integer ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"interface is label library ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"message mod near nil not object of on operator or out overload override ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"packed pascal platform private procedure program property protected public published ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"raise read reference register reintroduce reset resourcestring rewrite safecall ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"sealed set shl shr static stdcall strict string threadvar to true type unit ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"uint8 uint16 uint32 byte shortint word char ansistring boolean sizeof ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"smallint longword cardinal int64 single currency double extended char widechar ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"ansichar shortstring widestring pointer variant self pchar ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"unsafe uses var varargs virtual while winapi with write xor ") to sKeywords Move "+ - = := < > <= >= <> or and not" To sOperators // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Get KeywordsToSC sOperators to sOperators Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sStringDelimiters Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sLineTerm Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sSingleLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreatePascalLanguageDefinition Function CreateSQLLanguageDefinition Returns Integer Boolean bProcedural Boolean bCaseSensitive Integer iC String sName String sStringDelimiters String sEscapeChar String sLineTerm String sSingleLineComments String sMultiLineCommentStart String sMultiLineCommentStop String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "SQL" To sName Move True To bProcedural Move False To bCaseSensitive Move "'" To sStringDelimiters Move "\" To sEscapeChar Move "" To sLineTerm Move "--" To sSingleLineComments Move "/*" To sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Move "absolute action add admin after aggregate alias all allocate alter and any are array as asc " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"assertion at authorization before begin binary bit blob body boolean both breadth by ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"call cascade cascaded case cast catalog char character check class clob close collate collation column commit ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"completion connect connection constraint constraints constructor continue corresponding create cross cube current ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"current_date current_path current_role current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor cycle ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"data date day deallocate dec decimal declare default deferrable deferred delete depth deref desc describe descriptor ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"destroy destructor deterministic dictionary diagnostics disconnect distinct domain double drop dynamic ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"each else end end-exec equals escape every except exception exec execute exists exit external ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"false fetch first float for foreign found from free full function general get global go goto grant ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"group grouping having host hour identity if ignore immediate in indicator initialize initially ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"inner inout input insert int integer intersect interval into is isolation iterate ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"join key language large last lateral leading left less level like ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"limit local localtime localtimestamp locator map match merge minute modifies modify module month ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"names national natural nchar nclob new next no none not null numeric ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"object of off old on only open operation option or order ordinality out outer output ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"package pad parameter parameters partial path postfix precision prefix preorder prepare preserve primary ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"prior privileges procedure public read reads real recursive ref references referencing relative ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"restrict result return returns revoke right role rollback rollup routine row rows ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"savepoint schema scroll scope search second section select ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"sequence session session_user set sets size smallint some| space ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"specific specifictype sql sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning start ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"state statement static structure system_user ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"table temporary terminate than then time timestamp ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"timezone_hour timezone_minute to trailing transaction translation ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"treat trigger true under union unique unknown ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"unnest update usage user using value values varchar variable varying view ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"when whenever where with without work write ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"year zone") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"") to sKeywords Move "" To sOperators // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Get KeywordsToSC sOperators to sOperators Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sStringDelimiters Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sLineTerm Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sSingleLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateSQLLanguageDefinition Function JavascriptKeywords Returns String String sKeywords Move "abstract boolean break byte case catch char class " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"const continue debugger default delete do double else enum export extends ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"final finally float for function goto if implements import in instanceof ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"int interface long native new package private protected public ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"return short static super switch synchronized this throw throws ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"transient try typeof var void volatile while with ") to sKeywords Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function JavaKeywords Returns String String sKeywords Move "abstract assert boolean break byte case catch char class " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"const continue default do double else enum extends final finally ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"float for goto if implements import instanceof int interface ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"long native new package private protected public return short ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"static strictfp super switch synchronized this throw throws ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"transient try var void volatile while ") to sKeywords Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function GoKeywords Returns String String sKeywords Move "bool byte break case chan complex64 complex128 const continue defer default " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"else for func go goto fallthrough false float32 float64 if ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"import int interface int8 int16 int32 int64 len map nil package ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"range return select string struct switch true type uint uintptr ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 var") to sKeywords Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function CSharpKeywords Returns String String sKeywords Move "abstract as ascending base bool break by byte case catch char checked " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"class const continue decimal default delegate descending do double ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"else enum equals event explicit extern false finally fixed float ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"for foreach from goto group if implicit in int interface internal ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"into is join lock let long namespace new null object on operator ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"orderby out override params private protected public readonly ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"ref return sbyte sealed select short sizeof stackalloc static ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"string struct switch this throw true try typeof uint ulong ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"unchecked unsafe ushort using var virtual void volatile where ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"while ") to sKeywords Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function SwiftKeywords Returns String String sKeywords // declarations Move "class deinit enum extension func import init " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"internal let operator private protocol public ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"static struct subscript typealias var ") to sKeywords // statements Move (sKeywords+"break case continue default do else fallthrough ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"for if in return switch where while ") to sKeywords // expressions Move (sKeywords+"as dynamicType false is nil self Self super ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"true __COLUMN__ __FILE__ __FUNCTION__ __LINE__ ") to sKeywords // contextual Move (sKeywords+"associativity convenience dynamic didSet final get ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"infix inout lazy left mutating none nonmutating ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"optional override postfix precedence prefix ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"Protocol required right set Type unowned ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"weak willSet ") to sKeywords Function_Return sKeywords End_Function Function CreateHtmlLanguageDefinition Returns Integer Boolean bProcedural Boolean bCaseSensitive Boolean bHtml5 Integer iC String sName String sStringDelimiters String sEscapeChar String sLineTerm String sSingleLineComments String sMultiLineCommentStart String sMultiLineCommentStop String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "HTML" To sName Move True To bHtml5 Move True To bProcedural Move False To bCaseSensitive Move "'" To sStringDelimiters Move "" To sEscapeChar Move "" To sLineTerm Move "" To sSingleLineComments Move "" To sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose // javascript keywords as 1st embedded language so add that as keywords Get JavascriptKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sOperators Move "a abbr acronym address applet area b base basefont " To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"bdo big blockquote body br button caption center ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"cite code col colgroup dd del dfn dir div dl dt em ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"fieldset font form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"head hr html i iframe img input ins isindex kbd label ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"legend li link map menu meta noframes noscript ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"object ol optgroup option p param pre q s samp ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"script select small span strike strong style sub sup ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead title tr tt u ul ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"var xml xmlns ") To sTagElements If (bHtml5) Begin Move (sTagElements+"address article aside audio base canvas command details datalist embed ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"figure figcaption footer header hgroup keygen mark menu meter nav output ") To sTagElements Move (sTagElements+"progress ruby rt rp section source time video wbr") To sTagElements End Move "abbr accept-charset accept accesskey action align alink " To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"alt archive axis background bgcolor border ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"cellpadding cellspacing char charoff charset checked cite ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"class classid clear codebase codetype color cols colspan ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"compact content coords data datafld dataformatas ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"datapagesize datasrc datetime declare defer dir disabled ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"enctype event face for frame frameborder headers height ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"href hreflang hspace http-equiv id ismap label lang ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"language leftmargin link longdesc marginwidth marginheight ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"maxlength media method multiple name nohref noresize ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"noshade nowrap object onblur onchange onclick ondblclick ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"onfocus onkeydown onkeypress onkeyup onload onmousedown ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"onmousemove onmouseover onmouseout onmouseup ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"onreset onselect onsubmit onunload ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"profile prompt readonly rel rev rows rowspan rules scheme ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"scope selected shape size span src standby start style ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"summary tabindex target text title topmargin type usemap ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"valign value valuetype version vlink vspace width ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"text password checkbox radio submit reset ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"file hidden image ") To sTagAttributes If (bHtml5) Begin Move (sTagAttributes+"async autocomplete autofocus contenteditable contextmenu ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"draggable form formaction formenctype formmethod ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"formnovalidate formtarget list manifest max min ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"novalidate pattern placeholder required reversed role ") To sTagAttributes Move (sTagAttributes+"sandbox scoped seamless sizes spellcheck srcdoc step ") To sTagAttributes End Move "" To sTagEntities // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Get KeywordsToSC sTagElements to sTagElements Get KeywordsToSC sTagAttributes to sTagAttributes Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sStringDelimiters Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sLineTerm Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sSingleLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateHtmlLanguageDefinition Function CreateCppLanguageDefinition Returns Integer Boolean bProcedural Boolean bCaseSensitive Integer iC String sName String sStringDelimiters String sEscapeChar String sLineTerm String sSingleLineComments String sMultiLineCommentStart String sMultiLineCommentStop String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "C/C++" To sName Move True To bProcedural Move True To bCaseSensitive Move "'" To sStringDelimiters Move "\" To sEscapeChar Move ";" To sLineTerm Move "//" To sSingleLineComments Move "/*" To sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Move "alignas alignof and and_eq asm auto bitand bitor bool break " To sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"case catch char char16_t char32_t class compl const const_cast ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"constexpr continue decltype default delete do double dynamic_cast ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"else enum explicit export extern false float for friend goto if ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"inline int long mutable namespace new noexcept nullptr not not_eq ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"operator or or_eq private protected public register reinterpret_cast ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"return short signed sizeof static static_assert static_cast struct ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"switch template this thread_local throw true try typedef typeid ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"typename union unsigned using virtual void volatile wchar_t ") to sKeywords Move (sKeywords+"while xor xor_eq ") to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to bCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sStringDelimiters Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sLineTerm Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sSingleLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateCppLanguageDefinition Function CreateJavaScriptLanguageDefinition Returns Integer tTHLanguage THLanguage Integer iC String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "Javascript" To THLanguage.sName Move 1 To THLanguage.iProcedural Move 1 To THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Move "'" To THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Move "\" To THLanguage.sEscapeChar Move ";" To THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Move "//" To THLanguage.sLineComments Move "/*" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Get JavascriptKeywords to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateJavaScriptLanguageDefinition Function CreateJavaLanguageDefinition Returns Integer tTHLanguage THLanguage Integer iC String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "Java" To THLanguage.sName Move 0 To THLanguage.iProcedural Move 1 To THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Move "'" To THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Move "\" To THLanguage.sEscapeChar Move ";" To THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Move "//" To THLanguage.sLineComments Move "/*" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Get JavaKeywords to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateJavaLanguageDefinition Function CreateGoLanguageDefinition Returns Integer tTHLanguage THLanguage Integer iC String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "Go" To THLanguage.sName Move 0 To THLanguage.iProcedural Move 1 To THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Move "'" To THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Move "\" To THLanguage.sEscapeChar Move ";" To THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Move "//" To THLanguage.sLineComments Move "/*" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Get GoKeywords to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateGoLanguageDefinition Function CreateCsharpLanguageDefinition Returns Integer tTHLanguage THLanguage Integer iC String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "CSharp" To THLanguage.sName Move 0 To THLanguage.iProcedural Move 1 To THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Move "'" To THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Move "\" To THLanguage.sEscapeChar Move ";" To THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Move "//" To THLanguage.sLineComments Move "/*" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Get CSharpKeywords to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateCSharpLanguageDefinition Function CreateSwiftLanguageDefinition Returns Integer tTHLanguage THLanguage Integer iC String sScopeKeywordsOpen String sScopeKeywordsClose String sKeywords String sOperators String sTagElements String sTagAttributes String sTagEntities Move "Swift" To THLanguage.sName Move 0 To THLanguage.iProcedural Move 1 To THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Move "'" To THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Move "\" To THLanguage.sEscapeChar Move ";" To THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Move "//" To THLanguage.sLineComments Move "/*" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Move "*/" To THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Move "" To sScopeKeywordsOpen Move "" To sScopeKeywordsClose Get SwiftKeywords to sKeywords // change spaces into the expected "\n" sequence //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsOpen to sScopeKeywordsOpen //Get KeywordsToSC sScopeKeywordsClose to sScopeKeywordsClose Get KeywordsToSC sKeywords to sKeywords Move "" To sTagElements Move "" To sTagAttributes Move "" To sTagEntities Get psLanguages.Count of ghoEditorProperties to iC Set psLanguages of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sName Set psLanguages.dwStyle of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iProcedural Set psLanguages.bIsCaseSensitive of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.iCaseSensitive Set psLanguages.szStringDelims of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sStringDelimiter Set psLanguages.chEscape of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sEscapeChar Set psLanguages.chTerminator of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineTerminationChar Set psLanguages.szSingleLineComments of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sLineComments Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStart Set psLanguages.szMultiLineComments2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to THLanguage.sMultiLineCommentStop Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords1 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsOpen Set psLanguages.szScopeKeywords2 of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sScopeKeywordsClose Set psLanguages.szKeywords of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sKeywords Set psLanguages.szOperators of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sOperators Set psLanguages.pszTagElementNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagElements Set psLanguages.pszTagAttributeNames of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagAttributes Set psLanguages.pszTagEntities of ghoEditorProperties item iC to sTagEntities Send RegisterLanguage to ghoEditorProperties iC Send SaveIni to ghoEditorProperties Function_Return iC End_Function // CreateSwiftLanguageDefinition End_Class