//***************************************************************************************** // Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Kurz // All rights reserved. // If you want to use this source in your applications conatct: // // $FileName : cIndexListEx.Pkg // $ProjectName : The Hammer // $Author : Michael Kurz // $Created : 22.06.2001 21:28 // // Contents: // New Class "cIndexListEx" which allows to fill an IndexList by Name // FileListPath, DataPath // //***************************************************************************************** Use cIndexList // swiches the filelist, and Opens the file by name. Class cIndexListEx Is a cIndexList // Allows to open a file by name in a given filelist. Procedure mInitObjectEx String sFileList String sDataPath String sFile Integer iNoPrefix String sFileListOld sDataPathOld Get_FileList sFileListOld // Store the old filelist Get_Attribute DF_OPEN_PATH To sDataPathOld Set_Attribute DF_OPEN_PATH to (sDataPath+';'+sDataPathOld) If sFileList Ne "" ; Set_FileList sFileList // Set to the new filelist Send mInitObject (IdentifyFile(sFile)) iNoPrefix Set_FileList sFileListOld // Reset to the old FileList Set_Attribute DF_OPEN_PATH To sDataPathOld End_Procedure End_Class