// The Hammer 3.0 Project // Portuguese language strings by Wil van Antwerpen (wil-a@vdf-guidance.com) // Created on 23/08/2017 // // Strings must be provided in OEM. // As my Portuguese is very very poor, every string that I translated is preceded by a commented out version of the english // sentence. PLEASE correct if translated wrong, I might even learn a bit of Portuguese :) // Description=Portuguese (Português)/OEM=850/ANSI=1252 // **************************** // ***** File Main Menu ***** // **************************** //File 0=&Arquivo //Open, Save, Close source file 1=Abrir, Salvar, Sair source arquivo //File 2=Arquivo // *** File pull down //New 3=&Novo //Create a new file within the current workspace 4=Crea um novo documento dentro do espaço de trabalho atual //New file 5=Novo arquivo //Open 6=&Abrir //Open a source file 7=Abre um documento existente. //Open file 8=Abre arquivo // Open PKG //Open PKG File 9=Abrir arquivo PKG //Open a source file from workspace packages folder (if defined) 10=Abre um documento dentro do espaço de trabalho pasta packages (Se foi definido) // //Open PKG file 11=Abrir arquivo PKG // Open DD //Open DD File 12=Abrir arquivo DD //Open DD file 13=Abrir arquivo DD //Open a Data Dictionary source file 14=Abre dicionário de dados código fonte // Open Web File //Open Web File 15=Abrir arquivo Web //Open a Web File 16=Abrir arquivo Web //Open a Web source file (HTML, JS, ASP etc.) 17=Abre arquivo Web código fonte (HTML, JS, ASP etc.) // Open DataFlex //Open DataFlex Package 18=Abrir pacote DataFlex //Opens DataFlex standard package file 19=Abre o arquivo de pacote padrão do DataFlex //Open DataFlex Package 20=Abrir pacote DataFlex // Recent Files 21=Recent Files 22=Recently opened files 23=Open '%1' file. // Workspaces 24=Workspaces 25=Workspace // Select Workspace... 26=Select Workspace... 27=Select workspace 28=Select a different workspace to work in // Working Directory... 29=Working Directory... 30=Set the current working directory 31=Set working directory // Configure Workspace 32=Configure Workspace... 33=Configure Project Workspace 34=Open '%1' workspace // Save 35=&Save 36=Save changes to the current source file 37=Save source file // Save as 38=Save As... 39=Save as file 40=Save current source file with a new name // Save All 41=Save All 42=Save changes within all opened files 43=Save All source files // Close 44=Close 45=Close current opened file 46=Close source file // Close All 47=Close All 48=Close all currently opened files 49=Close All files // Print... 50=Print... 51=Print current source file 52=Print current file // Hammer Options... 53=Hammer Options... 54=Activates The Hammer System Parameters dialog 55=Hammer options // Exit 56=E&xit 57=Exit Application 58=Exit // **************************** // ***** Edit Main Menu ***** // **************************** 59=&Edit 60=Edit text options (Cut, Copy, Paste, ... etc.) 61=Edit // *** Edit pull down // Undo 62=&Undo 63=Undo last action 64=Undo // Redo 65=Redo 66=Redo 67=Redo last action // Cut 68=Cu&t 69=Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 70=Cut // Copy 71=&Copy 72=Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 73=Copy // Paste 74=&Paste 75=Inserts Clipboard contents 76=Paste // Select All 77=Select All 78=Select Code Editor text 79=Select editor text // Select Line 80=Select Line 81=Select the current line of the code 82=Select the Line // Delete Line 83=Delete Line 84=Delete current line in the editor 85=Delete line // GoTo Line 86=&Goto Line... 87=Go to the particular line 88=Go to line // Find 89=&Find... 90=Find text in the current source (including regular expressions) 91=Find text // Find Next 92=Find Next 93=Find next occurance of the text specified 94=Find next // Replace 95=&Replace... 96=Replace the specified text with another text 97=Replace text // Find in Files 98=Find in Files... 99=Search the text in multiple files 100=Find in files // **************************** // ***** Build Main Menu ***** // **************************** 101=&Build 102=Compile, Debug, Run the Project 103=Build // *** Build pull down // Run 104=Run 105=Compile and Run the current project 106=Run project // Compile 107=Compile 108=Compile the current project 109=Compile project // Execute 110=Execute 111=Execute the current project 112=Execute project // Cmd Line Parameters 113=Command Line Parameters 114=Allows to specify the command line for the current project 115=Specify run parameters // Sign Project 116=Sign Project 117=Sign the current DataFlex project 118=Sign the current DataFlex project // Debug Run 119=Debug Run 120=Compile and run the current project with the debugging tool 121=Debug // Pre-compile Windows 122=Pre-Compile Windows.pkg... 123=Pre-compile standard DataFlex Windows.pkg package 124=Pre-Compile Windows.pkg // Pre-Compile DFAllEnt.pkg 125=Pre-Compile DFAllEnt.pkg... 126=Pre-compile standard DataFlex DFAllEnt.pkg package 127=Pre-Compile DFAllEnt.pkg // Pre-Compile AllWebAppClasses.pkg 128=Pre-Compile AllWebAppClasses.pkg... 129=Pre-compile standard DataFlex AllWebAppClasses.pkg package 130=Pre-Compile AllWebAppClasses.pkg // Pre-Compile... 131=Pre-Compile... 132=Pre-compile selected file 133=Pre-Compile selected file // Others 134=&Run 135=&Compile 136=&Execute 137=&Pre-Compile 138=&Run <%1> 139=&Compile <%1> 140=&Execute <%1> 141=&Pre-Compile <%1> // **************************** // ***** Tools Main Menu ***** // **************************** 142=&Tools 143=Tools 144=Tools // *** Tools pull down // Headers 145=File Headers 146=Insert header into the current source file // Headers / Insert 147=Insert Header 148=Insert Header // Global 149=Global Header 150=Insert global header 151=Insert global header into the current source // User 153=Current User 154=Insert current user header 155=Insert current user header into the current source 156=Current User: 157=Insert '%1' header. // Edit Header 158=Edit Header 159=Edit Header // Create WS Header 160=Create Workspace Header 161=Create Workspace Header 162=Create Workspace Header // Edit Global Header 163=Global Header 164=Edit global header 165=Modify global header // Edit Current User Header 166=Current User 167=Edit current user header 168=Modify current user header 169=Current User: 170=Modify '%1' header. // Code Lists 171=Code Lists 172=Code Lists // Classes 173=Classes 174=List Classes 175=Show Classes Code List // Objects 176=Objects 177=List Objects 178=Show Objects Code List // Procedures 179=Procedures 180=List Procedures 181=Show Procedures Code List // Functions 182=Functions 183=List Functions 184=Show Functions Code List // Variables 185=Local Variables 186=List Local Variables 187=Show Local Variables Code List // Structs 188=Structures 189=List Structures 190=Show Structures Code List // Keys 191=Keys 192=List Keys 193=Show Keys Code List // Tags 194=Studio/IDE Tags 195=List Tags 196=Show IDE/Studio Tags Code List // Create Code List 197=Create Code List... 198=Create Code List 199=Create Code List // Macros 200=Macros 201=Editor Macros Management 202=Record and execute the code editor macro // Record Macro 203=Record Macro... 204=Record Macro 205=Record Editor Macro // Play 1 206=Play Macro 1 207=Record Macro 1 208=Play Editor Macro 1 // Play 2 209=Play Macro 2 210=Record Macro 2 211=Play Editor Macro 2 // Play 3 212=Play Macro 3 213=Record Macro 3 214=Play Editor Macro 3 // Play 4 215=Play Macro 4 216=Record Macro 4 217=Play Editor Macro 4 // Play 5 218=Play Macro 5 219=Record Macro 5 220=Play Editor Macro 5 // Play 6 221=Play Macro 6 222=Record Macro 6 223=Play Editor Macro 6 // Play 7 224=Play Macro 7 225=Record Macro 7 226=Play Editor Macro 7 // Play 8 227=Play Macro 8 228=Record Macro 8 229=Play Editor Macro 8 // Play 9 230=Play Macro 9 231=Record Macro 9 232=Play Editor Macro 9 // Play 10 233=Play Macro 10 234=Record Macro 10 235=Play Editor Macro 10 // Delete All Macros 236=Delete All Macros 237=Delete All Macros 238=Delete All Editor Macros // Revision Entry 239=Insert Revision Entry 240=Insert Revision Entry 241=Inserts revision line into the header and source line // Insert Color Value 242=Insert Color Value 243=Insert Color Value 244=Inserts RGB color value into the source // Insert HEX Color Value 245=Insert HEX Color String 246=Insert HEX Color String 247=Inserts HEX color string (#FFFFFF) into the source // Insert Picture 248=Insert Picture Reference 249=Insert Picture Reference 250=Inserts picture file name into the source // 251=Current User: // Custom menu 252=Customize Menu... 253=Customize Menu 254=Customize user defined menu items 255=Run %1. // **************************** // ***** Source Main Menu ***** // **************************** 256=&Source 257=Source Management 258=Source Management // *** Source pull down // Run Studio 259=Run Studio / IDE... 260=Run Studio / IDE 261=Run Studio/IDE specified in the system options // Run Code Merge 262=Run Code Merge Utility... 263=Run Code Merge Utility 264=Run Code Merge Utility specified in the system options // Run Version Control 265=Run Version Control System... 266=Run Version Control System 267=Run VCS/CVS system specified in the system options // Run Code Art 268=Code Art Utility... 269=Code Art Utility 270=Run Code Art Utility specified in the system options // Run Code Spy 271=Code Spy Utility... 272=Code Spy Utility 273=Run Code Spy Utility specified in the system options // Run Code Publishing 274=Code Publishing Utility... 275=Code Publishing Utility 276=Run Code Publishing Utility specified in the system options // Run Dependency Scanner 277=Dependency Scanner 278=Dependency Scanner 279=Run and configure dependency scanner // Start Dependency Scanner 280=Start scan... 281=Start Dependency Scan 282=Start Dependency Scan // Configure Dependency Scanner 283=Configure... 284=Configure Dependency Scanner 285=Configure Dependency Scanner // External Code Publishing Utility 286=Run Code Publishing Utility specified in the system options 287=Code Publishing Utility 288=Code Publishing Utility // Built-in Code Publishing Utility 289=Built-In Code Publishing Tool on current file 290=Code Publishing Tool // **************************** // **** Database Main Menu **** // **************************** 291=&Database 292=Database 293=Database // *** Database pull down // Database Editor 284=Database Editor... 295=Database Editor 296=Run Database Editor, specified in the system options // Database Viewer 297=Database Viewer... 298=Database Viewer 299=Run Database Viewer, specified in the system options // Database Compare 300=Database Compare... 301=Database Compare 302=Run Database Compare Utility, specified in the system options // Database Update 303=Database Update... 304=Database Update 305=Run Database Update Utility, specified in the system options // Report Writer 306=Report Writer... 307=Report Writer 308=Run Report Writer, specified in the system options // **************************** // ***** Window Main Menu ***** // **************************** 309=&Window 310=Window Management 311=The Hammer application window management functions. // *** Window pull down // Display Options 312=Display Options 313=Display Options 314=Display Options // Code Explorer 315=Code Explorer 316=Show/Hide Code Explorer 317=Show/Hide Code Explorer // Output Pane 318=Output Pane 319=Show/Hide Output Pane 320=Show/Hide Output Pane // Tools Pane 321=Tools Pane 322=Show/Hide Tools Pane 323=Show/Hide Tools Pane // Status bar 324=Status Bar 325=Show/Hide Status Bar 326=Show/Hide Status Bar // Synchronize CodeView 327=S&ynchronize CodeView 328=Synchronize CodeView 329=Synchronize CodeView // List of the opened files 330=Make this view (%1) the active window. // **************************** // ***** Help Main Menu ***** // **************************** 331=&Help 332=Access Information for learning and using The Hammer 3.0 application. 333=Help // *** Help pull down // Language 334=Language 335=Select current interface language 336=Select current interface language // Translate 337=Translate... 338=Translates interface items into the selected language 339=Translates interface items into the selected language // Default (English) 340=Default (English) 341=Shows interface items in English 342=Shows interface items in English // List of Languages 343=Shows interface items in %1. // About 344=&About 345=Access Information about this program 346=About // **************************** // ***** Status Bar ***** // **************************** // Output Pane 347=Show/Hide Output Pane // GoTo Pane 348=Goto Line (Ctrl+G) // Ins/Ovr Pane 349=Insert/Override Mode // Caps Pane 350=Capslock Mode // Numpad Pane 351=Numpad Mode // Workspace Pane 352=Current Workspace // Programming Language Pane 353=The Hammer Schema // Find-in-Files Pane 354=Find in Files // Help 355=Help // **************************** // ***** Tool Bars ***** // **************************** // Create New File (Dynamic option) 356=Create New 357=New source file 358=Create new source file // *** File Toolbar 359=File // New File 360=&New 361=Create New File 362=Create a new file within the current workspace // Open File 363=Open 364=Open file 365=Open source file 366=Open '%1' file. // Open PKG 367=PKG 368=Open PKG file 369=Open a source file from workspace packages folder (if defined) // Open DD 370=DD 371=Open DD file 372=Open a Data Dictionary source file // Open HTML 373=HTM 374=Open HTML file 375=Open a HTML source file // Save File 376=Save 377=Save File 378=Saves currently opened source file // Save All 379=Save All 380=Save All 381=Saves all opened files // Print File 382=Print 383=Print 384=Print current source file // *** Edit Toolbar 385=Edit // Cut 386=Cu&t 387=Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 388=Cut // Copy 389=&Copy 390=Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 391=Copy // Paste 392=&Paste 393=Inserts Clipboard contents 394=Paste // Undo 395=&Undo 396=Undo last action 397=Undo // Redo 398=Redo 399=Redo 400=Redo last action // Find 401=&Find... 402=Find text in the current source (including regular expressions) 403=Find text // Replace 404=&Replace... 405=Replace the specified text with another text 406=Replace text // *** Build Toolbar // Title 407=Build // Run 408=Run 409=Run 410=Run current project // Stop 411=Stop 412=Stop 413=Stop current project compilation process // Compile 414=Compile 415=Compile current file 416=Compile current project // Execute 417=Execute 418=Execute 419=Execute current project // Dynamic Items (Component name change) 420=&Run <%1> 421=&Compile <%1> 422=&Execute <%1> // *** Tools Toolbar 423=Panels // Hide/Show Tools 424=Tools 425=Show/Hide Tools Pane 426=Show/Hide Tools Pane // Hide/Show Messages 427=Messages 428=Show/Hide Output Pane 429=Show/Hide Output Pane // **************************** // ***** Interface Panes ***** // **************************** // *** Tools *** 430=Tools // *** Workspace Tab Page 431=Workspace 432=Workspace // Workspace Toolbar 433=Manage Workspace // Add Folder Button 434=Add Folder 435=Add Folder // Remove Folder Button 436=Remove Folder 437=Remove Folder // Collapse Button 438=Collapse 439=Collapse Workspace Tree // Expand Button 440=Expand 441=Expand Workspace Tree // Show Path Button 442=Paths 443=Show File Path // Configure Button 444=Configure 445=Configure Project Workspace // List of the Folders 446=Select Source Directory // Remove Folder Confirmation 447=Confirm you wish remove\n\n%1\n\nfrom the current project? 448=Confirmation // *** Database Tab Page 449=Data 450=Database 451=Sort by Name 452=Columns 453=Indexes 454=Relationships 455=Data Dictionaries 456=[Save Structure] 457=[Delete Structure] 458=File open Error // *** Palette Page 459=Palette 460=Palette // *** Output *** 461=Output // Build Tab 462=Build 463=Build 464=Compiler Error Summary 465=Compiling 466=Compile Finished 467=Pre-Compiling 468=Please select the file // Find-in-Files 469=Searching:'%1' 470=Results:'%1' 471=Searching for 472=%1 occurrence(s) have been found in %2 file(s) of %3 file(s) scanned. 473=Line # // **************************** // *** File Context Menu *** // **************************** // Edit file 474=Edit File 475=Open file in Editor 476=Open file in Editor // Open Folder 477=Open Containing Folder 478=Open Containing Folder 479=Open Containing Folder // Open Windows CMD 480=Open Command Window 481=Open Command Window 482=Open Command Window // Open with Default App 483=Open with Default Application 484=Open with default application 485=Open with default application // New File 486=New File 487=Create new file in Editor 488=Create new file in Editor // Close 489=Close 490=Close current opened file 491=Close source file // Close All 492=Close All 493=Close all currently opened files 494=Close All Files // File Properties 495=File Properties... 496=File Properties 497=File Properties // Close 498=Close <%1> // ********************************* // *** DB Explorer Context Menu *** // ********************************* // Edit Table 499=Edit Table 500=Edit Table 501=Edit Table 502=TheHammer Database Edit Tool not specified // View Table 503=View Table 504=View Table 505=View Table 506=TheHammer Database Viewer Tool not specified // Create New Table 507=Create New Table 508=Create New Table 509=Create New Table 510=TheHammer Database Edit Tool not specified // Open Containing Folder 511=Open Containing Folder 512=Open Containing Folder 513=Open Containing Folder // Open Data Dictionary 514=Open Data Dictionary 515=Open Data Dictionary 516=Open Data Dictionary // Table Properties 517=Table Properties... 518=Table Properties 519=Table Properties // *********************************** // *** Code Explorer Context Menu *** // *********************************** 520=Change Bitmap 521=Change component bitmap 522=Change component bitmap 523=Add Class to Database 524=Add Class to Database 525=Add Class to Database 526=Add Class to Studio/IDE Classlist 527=Add Class to Studio/IDE Classlist 528=Add Class to Studio/IDE Classlist // **************************** // *** Output Context Menu *** // **************************** // Open in Editor 529=Open 530=Open in Editor 531=Open in Editor // Save Messages 532=Save Messages 533=Save Messages 534=Save messages into the file // Copy Messages 535=Copy Messages 536=Copy Messages 537=Copy Messages // Cancel 538=Cancel 539=Cancel Process 540=Cancel Process // Remove Tab 541=Remove Tab 542=Remove Tab 543=Remove current tab // Close Panel 544=Close Panel 545=Close Panel 546=Close Panel // **************************** // *** Editor Context Menu *** // **************************** // Cut 547=Cu&t 548=Cuts the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 549=Cut // Copy 550=&Copy 551=Copies the selection and puts it on the Clipboard 552=Copy // Paste 553=&Paste 554=Inserts Clipboard contents 555=Paste // Find 556=Find... 557=Find 558=Find Text in an Editor Window // Replace 559=Replace... 560=Replace 561=Replace Text in an Editor Window // Open File Under Cursor 562=Open File Under Cursor 563=Open File Under Cursor 564=Open File Under Cursor // Go to Definition 565=Go To Definition 566=Go To Definition 567=Go To Definition // Show Whitespace 568=Show Whitespace 569=Show Whitespace 570=Show Whitespace in an Editor Window // Make Uppercase 571=Make Uppercase 572=Make Uppercase 573=Make Uppercase in an Editor Window selection // Make Lowercase 574=Make Lowercase 575=Make Lowercase 576=Make Lowercase in an Editor Window selection // Comment/Uncomment 577=Comment/Uncomment 578=Comment/Uncomment 579=Comment/Uncomment an Editor Window selection // [Scintilla Only] // Scope Blocks 580=Scope Blocks 581=Scope Blocks Management 582=Scope Blocks Management // Show Indentation Guides 583=Show Indentation Guides 584=Show Indentation Guides 585=Show Indentation Guides in an Editor Window // Collapse All Scopes 586=Collapse All Scopes 587=Collapse All Scopes 588=Collapse All Scopes // Expand All Scopes 589=Expand All Scopes 590=Expand All Scopes 591=Expand All Scopes // Mark Scope Block 592=Mark Scope Block 593=Mark Scope Block 594=Mark Scope Block for the current line // [End-Of Scintilla Only] // Bookmarks (Pulldown) 595=Bookmarks 596=Toggle Bookmark 597=Bookmarks management tool // Toggle Bookmark 598=Toggle Bookmark 599=Toggle Bookmark 600=Set or remove current line bookmark // Jump to First Bookmark 601=Jump to First Bookmark 602=Jump to First Bookmark 603=Jump to First Bookmark // Jump to Next Bookmark 604=Jump to Next Bookmark 605=Jump to Next Bookmark 606=Jump to Next Bookmark // Jump to Previous Bookmark 607=Jump to Previous Bookmark 608=Jump to Previous Bookmark 609=Jump to Previous Bookmark // Jump to Last Bookmark 610=Jump to Last Bookmark 611=Jump to Last Bookmark 612=Jump to Last Bookmark // Clear All Bookmarks 613=Clear All Bookmarks 614=Clear All Bookmarks 615=Remove all bookmarks from the current source file // Goto 616=Goto 617=Goto Line 618=Source navigation // Line... 619=Line... 620=Goto Line 621=Go to the line of the code // Indentation 622=Indentation 623=Indentation 624=Indentation // Match Brace 625=Match Brace 626=Match Brace 627=Match Brace // Code Lists (Pulldown) 628=Code Lists 629=Code Lists 630=Code Lists // Classes 631=Classes 632=List Classes 633=Show Classes Code List // Objects 634=Objects 635=List Objects 636=Show Objects Code List // Procedures 637=Procedures 638=List Procedures 639=Show Procedures Code List // Functions 640=Functions 641=List Functions 642=Show Functions Code List // Local Variables 643=Local Variables 644=List Local Variables 645=Show Local Variables Code List // Structures 646=Structures 647=List Structures 648=Show Structures Code List // Keys 649=Keys 650=List Keys 651=Show Keys Code List // Studio/IDE Tags 652=Studio/IDE Tags 653=List Tags 654=Show IDE/Studio Tags Code List // Creator... 655=Creator... 656=Code List Creator 657=Show code list creator took // Window 658=Window 659=Editor Window 660=Editor window management // Synchronize Code View 661=Synchronize Code View 662=Synchronize Code View 663=Synchronize Code View // Switch to Next File 664=Switch to Next File 665=Switch to Next File 666=Switch to Next File // Switch to Previous File 667=Switch to Previous File 668=Switch to Previous File 669=Switch to Previous File // Macro (Pulldown) 670=Macro 671=Editor Macro 672=Editor macros management // Record Macro... 673=Record Macro... 674=Record Macro 675=Record editor macro // Play Macro 1 676=Play Macro 1 677=Play Macro 1 678=Play editor macro 1 // Play Macro 2 679=Play Macro 2 680=Play Macro 2 681=Play editor macro 2 // Play Macro 3 682=Play Macro 3 683=Play Macro 3 684=Play editor macro 3 // Play Macro 4 685=Play Macro 4 686=Play Macro 4 687=Play editor macro 4 // Play Macro 5 688=Play Macro 5 689=Play Macro 5 690=Play editor macro 5 // Play Macro 6 691=Play Macro 6 692=Play Macro 6 693=Play editor macro 6 // Play Macro 7 694=Play Macro 7 695=Play Macro 7 696=Play editor macro 7 // Play Macro 8 697=Play Macro 8 698=Play Macro 8 699=Play editor macro 8 // Play Macro 9 700=Play Macro 9 701=Play Macro 9 702=Play editor macro 9 // Play Macro 10 703=Play Macro 10 704=Play Macro 10 705=Play editor macro 10 // Insert (Pulldown) 706=Insert 707=Insert Special Elements 708=Insert special elements into the code // Insert Header 709=Insert Header 710=Insert Header 711=Insert Header // Insert Revision Entry 712=Insert Revision Entry 713=Insert Revision Entry 714=Insert Revision Entry // Insert Color Value... 715=Insert Color Value... 716=Insert Color Value 717=Insert Color Value // Insert Bitmap Reference... 718=Insert Bitmap Reference... 719=Insert Bitmap Reference 720=Insert Bitmap Reference // Convert 721=Convert 722=Convert Code 723=Convert code tool // On_Item command to Send Add_Item and back 724=On_Item command to Send Add_Item and back 725=Convert On_Item/Add_Item 726=On_Item command to Send Add_Item and back // C Structure to DF Type 727=C Structure to DF Type 728=Convert C Structure 729=Convert C structure into the DataFlex Type syntax // C DLL Call to DF External_Function 730=C DLL Call to DF External_Function 731=Convert C DLL Call 732=Convert C DLL Call into the DataFlex External_Function command // DataFlex Type into the Handler Class 733=DataFlex Type into the Handler Class 734=Convert DataFlex Type 735=Convert DataFlex Type into the Handler Class // Undo 736=Undo 737=Undo 738=Undo last action // Redo 739=Redo 740=Redo 741=Redo last action // Editor Properties... 742=Editor Properties... 743=Editor Properties 744=Editor Properties // **************************** // ***** Dialog ***** // **************************** // Open Multiple Files 745=Open Multiple Files // *** Select Workspace 746=Select Workspace... 747=VDF &Version: 748=Display: // Options 749=Description 750=Key 751=Both // Buttons 752=&Info... 753=&Browse... 754=&Select 755=&Close // Messages 756=Select Workspace - [%1] 757=Select Workspace... 758=Failed to read the data for the Application's workspace 759=Unable to locate the Visual DataFlex Studio to register this workspace. // Open Workspace 760=Select a workspace to register 761=Workspaces files|*.sws;*.ws|Studio Workspace files|*.sws|All files|*.* // *** Workspace Info 762=Workspace Info 763=Workspace Details 764=Name: 765=Description: 766=File Paths: 767=File List: 768=Workspace Paths // Working Directory 769=Select Working Directory // Open / Save File Editor Dialog 770=Open file 771=Save file as // *** Configire The Hammer Workspace Dialog 772=Configure Project Workspace 773=&Apply 774=&Cancel 775=Configure Project Workspace [%1] // * General Page 776=General // Project Group 777=Project // Name (optional) 778=Name (optional) 779=Leave blank for the default name // Schema (optional) 780=Schema (optional) 781=Optional The Hammer Schema // Show file paths 782=Show file paths 783=Show file paths in the files tree // Workspace Group 784=Workspace* 785=Executable|*.exe|All Files|*.* // Studio / IDE 786=Studio / IDE 787=Leave blank for the default option 788=Select the Studio / IDE // Compiler 789=Compiler 790=Leave blank for the default option 791=Select Project Compiler // Database Editor 792=Database Editor 793=Leave blank for the default option 794=Select Database Editor // Database Viewer 795=Database Viewer 796=Leave blank for the default option 797=Select Database Viewer 798=* Leave these options blank to use The Hammer defaults. 799=Browse // * Folders Page 800=Folders 801=Select Source Directory 802=Folder 803=Project Home folder can not be removed. 804=Warning 805=Add (Ins) 806=Remove (Del) 807=* Project Workspace Folder // * Include Page 808=Include 809=Extension 810=Description 811=Confirm You wish to remove all files extensions? 812=Confirmation 813=Confirm You wish to apply %1 defaults? 814=Confirmation 815=Add (Ins) 816=Remove (Del) 817=Remove All 818=Defaults 819=* File extensions to be shown on the Project list // * Exclude Page 820=Exclude 821=Pattern 822=Add (Ins) 823=Remove (Del) 824=* Enter file or folder name to be excluded // * Source (Repository) Page 825=Repository 826=Source File Name 827=Cursor Position 828=Bookmarks 829=Ln 830=Col 831=Remove (Del) 832=Confirm You wish delete pre-saved file information? 833=Confirmation 834=Pre-saved file information (Bookmarks and Cursor position) // * Find-in-Files Page 835=Find-in-Files 836=Options 837=Match Whole Word 838=Match Case 839=Regular Expression 840=Search Subfolders 841=Show All Results 842=Parameters 843=Search Text 844=File Types 845=Folders // Apply Changes Button 846=Confirm You wish apply changes made? 847=Confirmation // *** Editor Goto Line Dialog 848=Go To Line 849=&Line: 850=&OK 851=Cancel // *** Editor Find Dialog 852=Find 853=W&hat: 854=Match &whole word only 855=Match &case 856=Regular &expression 857=Direction 858=&Up 859=&Down 860=&Find 861=&Mark All 862=Cancel // *** Editor Replace Dialog 863=Find & Replace 864=&Find: 865=Re&place with: 866=Match &whole word only 867=Match &case 868=Regular &expression 869=Preser&ve case 870=Replace in 871=&Selection 872=Entire &Buffer 873=Find &Next 874=&Replace 875=Replace &All 876=&Cancel // *** Find-in-Files Dialog 877=Find in Files 878=Fi&nd what: 879=In Files/file &types: 880=In f&older: 881=Whole Workspace 882=Select Directory to search 883=... 884=Match &whole Word only 885=Match c&ase 886=Regular &expression 887=Search &Subfolders 888=Show all &Results 889=&Find 890=No search Text 891=&Cancel // *** Command Line Parameters Dialog 892=Command Line Parameters 893=Ok 894=Cancel // *** Custom Menu Dialog (Tools, Database, ) 895=%1 Custom Menu 896=The Hammer Custom Menu 897=Select a file 898=Executables|*.exe|All Files|*.* 899=Menu Item 900=New 901=Delete 902=Please select menu item first 903=Warning 904=Confirm You wish to delete '%1' menu item? 905=Confirmation 906=Expanded into the dfrun.exe full qualified path (obsolete) 907=Expanded into the DataFlex root directory (C:\VDF) 908=Expanded into the start up directory 909=Current opened file in editor (Path included) 910=Expanded into the Wizard Transfer File 911=Expanded into the Current program (SRC) file 912=Menu Label: 913=Command Line: 914=Browse 915=Select the Utility 916=Apply 917=Item name and command must be specified 918=Warning 919=Save 920=&Close // Please select bitmap file 921=Please Select Bitmap file 922=Bitmaps|*.BMP|Icons|*.ICO|All Files|*.* // *** Add Revision Entry Dialog 923=Enter text for the Revision entry 924=Issue# (optional) 925=F2 Ok // *** Configure dependency scanner Dialog 926=Configure dependency scanner 927=Extentions 928=Folders 929=Ok 930=Cancel 931=Output to 932=Textfile 933=Batchfile 934=Clipboard // *** About The Hammer Dialog 935=About %1 936=Code Parser v%1, build: %2 937=The Hammer 3.0 for DataFlex 938=&Close 939=Authors 940=Support 941=About 942=Authors: 943= 944= 945= // *** Table Properties Dialog 946=Table Properties 947=&Close 948=Table 949=Table 950=Display name 951=Root name 952=System table 953=Attributes 954=Driver 955=Revision 956=Owner 957=Login 958=Type 959=Connection ID 960=Statistics 961=Record length 962=of 963=of 964=Records 965=Columns# 966=Indexes# 967=N/A 968=STANDARD (No Recnum support) // *** The Hammer Parameters Dialog 969=Save 970=Close 971= Status // * Editor Tab Page 972=&1. Editor // Editor Sub Tab Dialog // Files Page 973=Files 974=Recent opened files 975=Number of recently opened files in File menu. 976=Recent opened workspaces 977=Number of recently opened workspaces in File menu. 978=Open Dialog Description 979=Descriptions to be shown in The Hammer Open File Dialog 980=Extension 981=Extensions to be shown in The Hammer Open File Dialog 982=Add (Ins) 983=Remove (Del) 984=Associate File Types 985=All listed filetypes will be assiciated to The Hammer!\nYou need administrator rights to do this.\n\nProceed? 986=Default Language 987=Default language to be used on TheHammer startup 988=Assign Language [F4] 989=Use specific language to open this file 990=to Extension 991=Specify file extension to allocate specific language 992=Add (Ins) 993=Remove (Del) // Code Lists Page 994=Code Lists 995=Show Code List for 996=Class Names 997=Show Codelist if Class Name reason 998=Object Names 999=Show Codelist if Object Name reason 1000=Procedures and Functions 1001=Show Codelist if Procedure/Function Name reason 1002=Key Symbolic Names 1003=Show Codelist if Key Symbolic Name reason 1004=Data File Fields 1005=Show Codelist if Database Field (Column) Name reason 1006=Data File Indexes 1007=Show Codelist if Database File Index reason 1008=Local Variables 1009=Show Codelist if Local Variable Name reason 1010=Structures 1011=Show Codelist if Structure Name reason (Under Review) 1012=Studio/IDE Tags 1013=Show Codelist if Studio/IDE Tag Name reason 1014=Commands 1015=Show Codelist if Language Command Name reason 1016=Types 1017=Show Codelist if Variable Type expected 1018=Attributes 1019=Show Codelist if Get_/Set_Attribute command used // Code Tips 1020=Code Lists and Code Tips 1021=Use Bitmaps (Works slower) 1022=Show Bitmaps within Codelists (may work slower) 1023=Enable Code Tips 1024=Enables or disables CodeTip popup 1025=Code Tip Auto-Popup 1026=Show Codetip automatically on function call 1027=Functions INI File 1028=The Hammer INI file with functions defined for CodeTips 1029=Please Select INI file 1030=INI Files|*.INI|All Files|*.* 1031=Tokens INI File 1032=The Hammer INI file with tokens defined for CodeLists 1033=Please Select INI file 1034=INI Files|*.INI|All Files|*.* // Colorer Page 1035=Colorer 1036=Color Schema 1037=Name 1038=New 1039=Save 1040=Delete 1041=Default Schema can not be deleted 1042=Warning 1043=Confirm You wish delete '%1' color schema? 1044=Confirmation 1045=Default 1046=Confirm You wish apply default colors to the '%1' schema? 1047=Confirmation // Color Schema Group 1048=Color 1049=Background 1050=Bold 1051=Italics 1052=Underline 1053=Font 1054=Face 1055=Pre-processor/Macro 1056=Metatags, Keywords, Strings 1057=Meta tag 1058=Hello 1059=World! 1060=Numbers & Braces 1061=Typing string 1062=Typing new string // Colorer Constants 1063=Window 1064=Left Margin 1065=Bookmarks 1066=Text 1067=Numbers 1068=Keywords 1069=Operators 1070=Scope Keywords 1071=Comments 1072=String 1073=Tag Text 1074=Tag Entities 1075=Tag Element Names 1076=Tag Attributes 1077=Line Numbers 1078=Horz Divider Lines 1079=Vert Divider Lines 1080=Highlighted Line 1081=String Typing 1082=Brace Highlight 1083=Unmatched Brace 1084=Meta Tags 1085=Selection 1086=Pre-processor (Macro) 1087= 1088= 1089= 1090= // [Scintilla Only] // Keyboard Page 1091=Keyboard 1092=Command 1093=Current Shortcut 1094=New Key Assignment 1095=Type your key assignment in this field 1096=Type your key assignment in this field 1097=New Shortcut 1098=Assign 1099=Remove // [End-Of Scintilla Only] // Shortcut Description Constants 1100=Makes the current word uppercase 1101=Swaps the current and previous words 1102=Extends the selection forward to the start of the next word 1103=Moves forward to the start of the next word 1104=Moves forward to the end of the next word 1105=Extends the selection forward to the end of the next word 1106=Makes the current word lowercase 1107=Extends the selection backward to the start of the previous word 1108=Moves backward to the start of the previous word 1109=Moves backward to the end of the previous word 1110=Extends the selection backward to the end of the previous word 1111=Deletes a word to the left 1112=Deletes a word to the right 1113=Makes the first character uppercase 1114=Moves to the top of the text window 1115=Scrolls the file contents up one line 1116=Scrolls the line to the top of the window 1117=Scrolls the line to the center of the window 1118=Scrolls the line to the bottom of the window 1119=Scrolls the window to the right 1120=Scrolls the window to the left 1121=Scrolls the file contents down one line 1122=Moves to the right edge of the text window 1123=Moves to the left edge of the text window 1124=Moves to the bottom of the text window 1125=Makes the selection all uppercase 1126=Replaces tabs with spaces in the selection 1127=Indents the selected text left one stop 1128=Undo's the last action, ignoring movement commands 1129=Undo the last action 1130=Replaces spaces with tabs in the selection 1131=Moves to the beginning of the next sentence 1132=Moves to the beginning of the previous sentence 1133=Deletes the remainder of the sentence 1134=Swaps the anchor and the cursor in a selection 1135=Selects the current paragraph 1136=Selects lines of text 1137=Selects the entire document 1138=Redoes the last action, ignoring movement commands 1139=Redoes the previously undone action 1140=Inserts the clipboard contents at the insertion point 1141=Moves to the beginning of the previous paragraph 1142=Moves to the beginning of the next paragraph 1143=Extends the selection up one page 1144=Moves the cursor up one page 1145=Extends the selection down one page 1146=Moves the cursor down one page 1147=Makes the selection all lowercase 1148=Extends the selection up one line 1149=Moves the cursor up one line 1150=Swaps current and previous lines 1151=Moves to the start of the current line 1152=Opens a new line below the cursor 1153=Opens a new line above the cursor 1154=Extends the selection to the end of the current line 1155=Moves the cursor to the end of the current line 1156=Extends the selection down one line 1157=Moves the cursor down one line 1158=Deletes to the beginning of the current line 1159=Deletes to the end of the current line 1160=Deletes the selected line 1161=Deletes the selected line and places the text on the clipboard 1162=Indents to the position of the next text on the previous line 1163=Indents to the selected text right one stop 1164=Extends the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line 1165=Moves to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line 1166=Finds the matching brace 1167=Moves to the end of the indentation 1168=Moves to a user-specified line 1169=Displays the Find & Replace dialog box 1170=Replaces the first occurrence of the find text after the current position with the replace text 1171=Replaces the find text with the replace text in the entire buffer 1172=Replaces the find text with the replace text in the selection 1173=Finds the previous occurrence of the selected word 1174=Finds the previous occurrence of the specified text 1175=Finds the next occurrence of the selected word 1176=Finds the next occurrence of the specified text 1177=Finds the specified text and sets a bookmark at the specified locations 1178=Finds the specified text 1179=Sets the text to search for in subsequent find commands 1180=Sets the text to substitute for the find text in subsequent find & replace commands 1181=Toggles intelligent case preservation when replacing text 1182=Toggles whole word searching on and off 1183=Toggles case sensitive searching on and off 1184=Moves to the end of the current line, bottom of the text window, or end of the file 1185=Shows or hides whitespace indicators 1186=Toggles between inserting and replacing text 1187=Sets the repeat count for the next command 1188=Extends the selection to the beginning of the file 1189=Moves to the beginning of the file 1190=Extends the selection to the end of the file 1191=Moves to the end of the file 1192=Deletes the spaces and the tabs around the cursor 1193=Delete the blank lines adjacent to the cursor 1194=Deletes the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor 1195=Deletes the selection 1196=Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard 1197=Cuts the selection and puts it on the clipboard 1198=Copies the selection to the clipboard 1199=Swap characters around the insertion point 1200=Extends the selection one character to the right 1201=Moves the cursor one character to the right 1202=Extends the selection one character to the left 1203=Moves the cursor one character to the left 1204=Toggles a bookmark for the current line on and off 1205=Moves to the line containing the previous bookmark 1206=Moves to the line containing the next bookmark 1207=Clears all bookmarks in the window 1208=Moves to the first line containing a bookmark 1209=Moves to the last line containing a bookmark 1210=Appends the next cut text to end of clipboard 1211=Inserts a character at the current location 1212=Inserts a new-line character at the current location 1213=Begins/ends keystroke macro recording 1214=Plays keystroke macro 1 1215=Plays keystroke macro 2 1216=Plays keystroke macro 3 1217=Plays keystroke macro 4 1218=Plays keystroke macro 5 1219=Plays keystroke macro 6 1220=Plays keystroke macro 7 1221=Plays keystroke macro 8 1222=Plays keystroke macro 9 1223=Plays keystroke macro 10 1224=Displays the properties dialog 1225=Starts an undo transaction 1226=Ends an undo transaction 1227= 1228=Toggles regular expression searching on and off 1229=Empties the selection 1230=Turns on regular expression searching 1231=Turns off regular expression searching 1232=Turns on whole word searching 1233=Turns off whole word searching 1234=Turns on case preservation when replacing text 1235=Turns off case preservation when replacing text 1236=Turns on case sensitive searching 1237=Turns off case sensitive searching 1238=Turns on white space display 1239=Turns off white space display 1240=Turns on overtype mode 1241=Turns off overtype mode 1242=Activates the code list control 1243=Activates the code tip control 1244= 1245= 1246= 1247= 1248= 1249= 1250= 1251= 1252= 1253= 1254= 1255= 1256= 1257= 1258= 1259= 1260= 1261= 1262= 1263= 1264= 1265= 1266= 1267= 1268= 1269= 1270= // Window Page 1271=Window 1272=Appearance // Window Page / Appearance 1273=Use Skins 1274=File Tabs Location 1275=File Tabs Location 1276=Top 1277=Bottom 1278=File Tabs Appearance 1279=File Tabs Appearance 1280=File Tabs Color 1281=File Tabs Color // Window Page / Options 1282=Options 1283=Show Line Numbers 1284=Show Line Numbers 1285=Show Scope Blocks Margin 1286=Show Scope Blocks Margin 1287=Auto Indent 1288=Auto Indent 1289=Show Indentation Guides 1290=Show Indentation Guides 1291=Show Matching Braces 1292=Show Matching Braces 1293=Convert Tabs to Spaces (Size: 1294=Convert Tabs to Spaces 1295=Number of spaces to replace TAB character 1296=Highlight whole line on selection 1297=Highlight whole line on selection 1298=Adjust text case of typed keywords 1299=Adjust text case of typed keywords // Build Page 1300=&2. Build 1301=General 1302=Use Workspaces 1303=Use Workspaces 1304=Display Compiler Messages 1305=Display Compiler Messages 1306=You have to restart the Program to activate/deactivate this Option! 1307=Information 1308=Display/Hide Compiler Messages automatically 1309=Display/Hide Compiler Messages automatically 1310=Build 1311=Compiler Command 1312=Command line to be used to start compiler 1313=Select Project Compiler 1314=Compile Options 1315=Compiler options on startup 1316=Pre-compile Options 1317=Pre-compile options for headers compilation 1318=Show Error Message Pane 1319=Will show Errors list in the TH Message Area (if case) 1320=Debugger Command 1321=Command line to be used to start debugger (if applicable) 1322=Select Project Debugger 1323=Compile Options 1324=Compile Options 1325=Re-compile Before Debugging 1326=Re-compile Before Debugging 1327=Always Start with Debugger 1328=Always Start with Debugger 1329=External compiler only 1330=If enabled, The Hammer will not try to use intergrated compiler for DataFlex 1331=Compilers 1332=Execute 1333=Runtime Command 1334=Runtime engine for the older DataFlex applications 1335=Select Runtime Engine 1336=Sign DataFlex Project 1337=Requires project EXE name path and SWS file path as parameters 1338=Select Project Sign Application 1339=Browse // Source Page 1340=&3. Source 1341=Studio / IDE 1342=Command Line 1343=Please specify Code Art Utility full qualified path 1344=Select the Studio / IDE 1345=Code Art Utility 1346=Command Line 1347=Please specify Code Art Utility full qualified path 1348=Select the Code Art Utility 1349=Code Spy Utility 1350=Command Line 1351=Please specify Code Spy Utility full qualified path 1352=Select the Code Spy Utility 1353=Code Merge Utility 1354=Command Line 1355=Please specify Code Merge Utility full qualified path 1356=Select the Code Merge Utility 1357=Version Control System 1358=Command Line 1359=Please specify Version Control System full qualified path 1360=Select the Version Control System 1361=Code Publishing Tool 1362=Command Line 1363=Please specify Code Publishing Utility full qualified path 1364=Select the Code Publishing Utility 1365=Browse // Database Page 1366=&4. Database 1367=Select a file 1368=Executables|*.exe|All Files|*.* 1369=Database Editor 1370=Command Line 1371=Please specify Database Editor full qualified path (You may use @VDFROOT@ macro) 1372=Select the Database Editor Utility 1373=Database Viewer 1374=Command Line 1375=Please specify Database Viewer full qualified path (You may use @VDFROOT@ macro) 1376=Select the Database Viewer Utility 1377=Database Compare Utility 1378=Command Line 1379=Please specify Database Compare Utility full qualified path 1380=Select the Database Compare Utility 1381=Database Update Utility 1382=Command Line 1383=Please specify Database Update Utility full qualified path 1384=Select the Database Update Utility 1385=Report Writer 1386=Command Line 1387=Please specify Report Writer full qualified path 1388=Select the Report Writer 1389=Browse // Utilities Page 1390=&5. Utilities 1391=Code Art (Built-in Utility) 1392=Insert comments followed by the end of the current scope 1393=Insert comments followed by the end of the current scope 1394=Insert Date/Time stamp at the top of the formatted source 1395=Insert Date/Time stamp at the top of the formatted source 1396=Insert CodeArt warnings into the formatted source 1397=Insert CodeArt warnings into the formatted source 1398=Code Publishing (HTML Built-in Utility) 1399=Select a file 1400=Hyper Text Markup|*.html;*.htm|Template|*.tpl|All Files|*.* 1401=Header File 1402=Select HTML Header file to be included (......) 1403=Select the Header File 1404=Footer File 1405=Select HTML Footer file to be included (...) 1406=Select the Footer File 1407=Character Translation 1408=Character Translation 1409=Character to Translate 1410=Character to Translate 1411=Value 1412=Value 1413=Translate to 1414=Translate to 1415=Assign 1416=Remove 1417=Browse // Language Page 1418=&6. Language 1419=Editor Language 1420=Name 1421=Name 1422=Load from IDE/Studio 1423=Load language definition from Studio/IDE 1424=Save 1425=Saves current language definition 1426=New 1427=Creates new language definition 1428=Delete 1429=Deletes selected language definition 1430=Confirm You wish delete '%1' language definition? 1431=Confirmation // General Sub Page 1432=General 1433=Procedural 1434=Procedural 1435=Case Sensitive 1436=Case Sensitive 1437=String Delimiter 1438=String Delimiter 1439=Escape Character 1440=Escape Character 1441=Line Termination 1442=Line Termination // Comments 1443=Comments 1444=Single Line 1445=Single Line 1446=Multi Line Start 1447=Multi Line Start 1448=Multi Line End 1449=Multi Line End // Procedural Sub Page 1450=Procedural 1451=Scope Start 1452=Scope keyword start 1453=Scope End 1454=Scope keyword stop 1455=Scope 'Start' and 'Stop' keywords must be specified! 1456=Add (Ins) 1457=Adds new row to the scopes grid 1458=Remove (Del) 1459=Removes current row from the scopes grid 1460=Keyword 1461=List of the language keywords 1462=Add (Ins) 1463=Adds new row to the keywords grid 1464=Remove (Del) 1465=Removes current row from the keywords grid 1466=Operator 1467=List of the language operators 1468=Add (Ins) 1469=Adds new row to the operators grid 1470=Remove (Del) 1471=Removes current row from the operators grid 1472=Clear Grids 1473=Clears language definition (all grids above) 1474=Problem // SGML Sub Page 1475=SGML 1476=Tag Name 1477=List of available tag names 1478=Add (Ins) 1479=Adds new row to the tag names grid 1480=Remove (Del) 1481=Removes current row from the tag names grid 1482=Tag Entity 1483=List of available tag entities 1484=Add (Ins) 1485=Adds new row to the tag entities grid 1486=Remove (Del) 1487=Removes current row from the tag entities grid 1488=Tag Attribute 1489=List of available tag attributes 1490=Add (Ins) 1491=Adds new row to the tag attributes grid 1492=Remove (Del) 1493=Removes current row from the tag attirbutes grid 1494=Confirm You wish to load %1 definition from the IDE/Studio\n(%2)? 1495=Confirmation 1496=Do You wish to save %1 setup? 1497=Confirmation // Extra THParameters components/selectors // *** Language List 1498=Languages 1499=Ok 1500=Cancel // *** Create New Schema 1501=Create New Color Schema 1502=Schema name: 1503=&OK 1504=&Cancel 1505=Do you wish to create a new color schema? 1506=Confirmation // *** Compiler List 1507=Available Built-In Compilers 1508=(Created) 1509=Cancel // *** Create New Language 1510=Create New Language 1511=Language name: 1512=&OK 1513=&Cancel 1514=Do you wish to create a new language definition? 1515=Confirmation // AssignShortCutToCmd 1516=Already assigned to '%1'\nYou have to remove it there first. 1517=Problem // Tha Hammer Actions 1518=Can not create workspace specific header file!\nHeader.Tpl not found. 1519=Problem 1520=Unable to invoke the properties dialog, you will have to open a document first. 1521=Problem 1522=Do you want to save all changes before compiling 1523=Confirmation 1524=Choose a file to convert 1525=Cannot create user specific header file.\nHeader.Tpl not found. 1526=Problem 1527=Cannot create user specific header file.\nHeader.Tpl not found. 1528=Problem 1529=Error Occured During Processing 1530=CodeArt Completed Successfully! 1531=Error Occured During Processing 1532=%1\nOpen this file in the browser? 1533=CodePub Completed Successfully 1534=Ln %1, Col %2 // CodeArt 1535=Processed on %1 @ %2 by TheHammer CodeArt Utility 1536=ON LINE: %1, Command [%2] not defined in Editor options. 1537=ERROR: No Source File Specified 1538=ERROR: CodeArt Can't Load Current Language Keywords! 1539=Processing line %1... 1540="\n\n%1 warnings found during file processing! File may be converted improperly: \n\n 1541=...\n\nSee Converted file for details. All errors marked as '%1' 1542=ERROR: Scope count mismatch!\n\n 1543=Converted file is // CodeArt:Error Marker must correspond with 1537, 1538 and 1542 strings 1544=ERROR: // CodePub 1545=Published using 1546=ERROR: No Source File Specified 1547=ERROR: CodePub Can't Load Current Language Keywords! 1548=Processing line 1549=\n\n%1 warnings found during file processing.\nFile may be converted improperly: \n\n 1550=ERROR: Scope count mismatch.\n\n 1551=Published file is // cEditorEdit.pkg 1552=Insert your Properties here 1553=Finish object construction 1554=OpenFileUnderCursor: There is no word under the cursor. 1555=OpenFileUnderCursor: File '%1' not found. 1556=*** WARNING: A '%1' is missing in the marked Line! *** 1557=File '%1' was changed by another application.\n\n 1558=You have made changes to this file as well.\n\n 1559=Do you want to load the external changes?\n 1560=Pressing YES will discard any changes you made to this file.\n 1561=No free channels available to insert the header 1562=Problem 1563=Unable to locate Header.tpl 1564=InsertRevision: Revisionend marker not found! 1565=Please Select Bitmap file 1566=Bitmaps|*.BMP|Icons|*.ICO|All Files|*.* 1567=%1 language Definition was not found.\nDo you want to load a default definition file? 1568=Definition not found 1569=Default Language '%1' definition not found 1570=Problem // *** Register New Class Dialog 1571=Register New Class 1572=Bitmaps|*.bmp|All Files|*.* 1573=Select Bitmap for the Class 1574=New Class Name 1575=Superclass 1576=Bitmap 1577=&OK 1578=&Cancel 1579=Changes saved\nYou have to close and reopen the file to see icons change. 1580=Information // cEditorElmentsView.pkg 1581=The class could not be located. 1582=Information 1583=The chosen element is not a class. 1584=Information 1585=Class already registered! 1586=Can't open the file 1587=Close Explorer 1588=Toggle VDF Controls palette. 1589=Code Explorer allows you to see\nthe component structure. Within this tool\nyou can drag'n'drop items into the Code\nEditor Window. If Object selected, you'll\nget a full object path. In case of the Class,\nyou will get an Object derived from the\nselected class. // cTheHammerActions.pkg (Add-on) 1590=In order to create a Transfer file you have to have a .src file open. 1591=Information // cEditorProperties.pkg 1592=The Hammer tried to set the following folder as your current directory.\n\nFolder: '%1'\n\nThis folder does not appear to exist on your system.\n\nChanging current directory to '%2' instead. 1593=Information // cEditorElmentsView.pkg (Code Explorer Add-on) 1594=Code 1595=Files // cDatabaseTreeView.pkg (extra) 1596=Table 1597=Column 1598=is not in the filelist, but was attempted to open as parent for Table // Window Page options (extra) 1599=Close output pane on Escape 1600=Close output pane on Escape 1601=Trim EOL on save 1602=Trim EOL on save 1603=Save automatically on compile 1604=Save automatically on compile 1605=Folder %1 does not exist. 1606=Find Next: No more occurrences have been found. 1607=Find Previous: No more occurrences have been found. // LoginConnectionDialog 1700=Login Credentials 1701=Connection Id 1702=Login ID: 1703=Password: 1704=Use Windows Authentication 1705=Store Password 1706=&OK 1707=&Cancel 1708=Connnection Id: %1